Rebellion (4 page)

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Authors: Sabine Priestley

BOOK: Rebellion
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Nini extended a hand. “Don’t mind him, honey. He doesn’t filter much of what comes out of his mouth.”

“No problem.” Ria shook the offered hand and stifled a grimace. The only thing worse than a knuckle-busting handshake was one like Nini’s wet noodle. They all took their seats and a waiter swooped in to take drink orders.

“So,” Leon said. “Laric tells me the entire Cavacent clan has moved from Sandaria to Earth.”

“Yes, we’ve been there since the emperor’s fall,” Ria said.

“Ha.” Leon leaned back in his chair. “That old Rucon sure pulled a turn there. No one’s going to get the carnium away from the Cavacents now. Still, leaving your home planet like that. I hope it’s worth it.”

Ria wasn’t sure how to read Leon. “Politics on Sandaria weren’t favorable to the Cavacents, or many others, for that matter.”

“That’s because he wouldn’t play the game.” Leon leaned forward and tapped the table in front of Ria. “Man’s got to play the game if he wants to win.”

Ria figured they hadn’t exactly lost but kept her mouth shut on that count. “When the emperor was dethroned, it presented a good opportunity for the Cavacents to establish a base away from all the old politics.” The fact that the new president on Sandaria wanted Rucon dead didn’t help either. Sandaria had gone from being the center of an empire to just another planet. Granted one that had housed the Portal Masters for hundreds of years, but still just a planet.

Leon leaned even closer and looked Ria, then Dani, in the eye. His voice dropped to a conspiratorial tone. “Rumors have it Rucon somehow took a group of fracking Portal Masters with him. That true?”

Ria wasn’t picking up any animosity from the man, but she didn’t like his line of questioning. “I’m afraid you’d have to ask Rucon about that.”

“Ha.” Leon took another large drink and set the glass down. “I might just do that.”

“All right Father, we agreed, remember?” Laric asked. “Be nice, and no politics.”

It occurred to Ria that Leon wasn’t entirely happy about the fall of the empire.

Leon glanced over Ria’s shoulder, and his jovial mood snapped into military precision. “If you’ll excuse me a moment.” He stood and quickly walked to the edge of the patio and down a flight of stairs to the market below.

A young teen stood talking to one of the booth vendors.

Leon grabbed his arm and swung him around.

“Oh, dear,” Nini said. “I’m sorry girls. He just can’t seem to stop working.”

“What’s wrong?” Ria asked.

“Must be a Curzan,” Laric said.

Below, the boy looked terrified. Leon held him tight as he spoke. A short while later, three security officers arrived. They cuffed the teen and led him away.

Leon returned to the table looking quite pleased.

“Trouble?” Ria asked, curious what just happened.

“Just an out-of-line Curzan. They’re getting out of control. It’s time we put them back in their place.”

Nini reached out and patted his hand.

He looked really tense for such a minor altercation. The rest of lunch was uneventful. Leon said his goodbyes, wishing them luck with their shopping. Nini left for home, telling them to come and go as they pleased.

Ria leaned back in her chair, comfortably full. “That was excellent. Thank you.”

“That stew was amazing,” Dani agreed.

Laric finished off the wine bottle between their glasses. “I’m glad you liked it. This is one of our favorite restaurants.”

“Tell me about the Curzans,” Ria said. “Your father seemed really upset.”

“Yeah, that boy didn’t appear to be doing anything wrong,” Dani said.

Laric let out a breath. “Curzans have no legal status on Mitah. They are property, and unless they’re running an errand for their masters, they shouldn’t be going around on their own.”

“Wow. Why are they slaves?”

“The Salvator family was awarded the planetary rulership of Mitah because the native Curzans were about to destroy it. You know how it works.”

“Wait,” Dani said. “Is that what Rucon is on Earth? A planetary ruler?”

“No.” Ria shook her head. “Rucon has a protectorship, not a rulership. That could change if Earth starts destroying itself.”

“Huh. Learn something new every day,” Dani said.

“Your father really doesn’t like Curzans, does he?” Ria asked.

Laric placed his elbows on the table. “No, he doesn’t. You’ll have to forgive him.” Laric traced his finger on the table. “I had a younger sister. He loved her, doted on her. She died because she was exposed to a Curzan virus. A virus brought to her school by a family who pretended to be Mitan. So, yes. He hates them with a passion.”

“Gods, I’m sorry Laric,” Ria said.

“It was a long time ago, but he’ll never forget or forgive. He and my mother couldn’t get past it. They divorced shortly after. When he met Nini, and she gave him twins, he seemed to get better, but the anger is never far from the surface.”

“Are the twins at home?” Ria asked.

“No. Boarding school. You’ll meet them when you return for the ball.”

“What about that boy?” Dani asked. “He’s just a kid. What’s going to happen to him?”

Laric didn’t answer. Just shrugged and shook his head.

* * * *

Later that night, Ria stood in front of the mirror in Jara’s guest room.

Dani was kicked back on the bed, flipping through local magazines on her com. “You look fantastic.”

“Thanks.” She had to agree. The ankle-length black pants, strappy sandals, and a cream-colored silk shirt all combined to highlight her red hair. “Sorry for abandoning you like this. Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Of course not. Go and have fun. You deserve it. I’ve got a nice long call planned with Ian.”

Ria rolled her eyes. “Well I certainly don’t need to be around for that.”

An hour later, she stood in the open-air market and marveled at the lights. The energy and excitement here was palpable, not to mention the butterflies cavorting in her stomach. There was no sign of Ty yet, so she wandered about the market. Crews of men and women decorated for the ball. They laughed and joked as they worked. The ball was enormous, and it took time to put it all together. Beautiful luminescent spheres of blue, green, and purple floated fifteen feet in the air, casting a dreamy glow over the stalls and people milling about.

A vendor caught her eye and waved a handful of flowing, glowing material in her direction. “Pretty lady, I have scarves for you.” He rifled through the scarves. “A red one here to match your hair. Come, pretty lady. I make a deal for you. Fifteen credits. Only for you.”

“It’s worth two, if that.” Ty’s voice sent a warm breath down her neck, igniting her insides.

She spun around and found him smiling at her. He wasn’t much taller than her, and she couldn’t help but imagine how their bodies would fit together. It had been too long since she’d been with a man. And she wanted this one.

“Is that all? Surely it’s worth more than two credits.” She walked over to the vendor and took the scarf he offered. She’d been told how the silk came alive in the dark and the sheer fabric was stunning. “My friend here says it’s not worth more than two credits.”

“Bah. I’d wager your friend there doesn’t have four mouths to feed at home.”

Ty laughed beside her. He whispered in her ear. “He’s got a point. Offer him five and no more. Wait.” He reached out and pulled a shimmering green scarf from the pile. “The color of your eyes.”

Ria pulled out her com. “I’ll pay you ten.”

Both men made exasperated noises, which made her laugh.

“It’s robbery, but for you, pretty lady, okay.” He held his com out and Ria sent over the credits.

She draped the scarf over her shoulders and turned to Ty. “What do you think?”

A beat of silence before he replied, “Ravishing.”

He held out his arm, and she looped her hand around it. He wore a long-sleeved button-up shirt, which hid the muscles that had been on such delicious display earlier in the day. She tightened her grip on his bicep and felt the impressive bulge underneath the fabric. He led her away from the center of the market and down a narrower cobblestone alley. Like the market, it was closed to vehicles. Light from shop fronts and cafes reflected off the smooth stones. Music and laughter surrounded them, and the colored orbs that hovered overhead gave the night a festive feel.

Ty flexed his arm to get her attention. “Where are you from again?”

She nearly said Sandaria, but caught herself. She wasn’t from there anymore. “Earth.”

“Haven’t heard of it.”

“There’s really no reason why you would. It’s a little blue planet not much larger than this one.”

He motioned to the side and held the door open to a small restaurant. She stepped through and inhaled deeply. It smelled amazing and reminded her of the villa’s kitchen when Gina was cooking. Candlelit tables dotted the small cozy space.

A plump woman wiped her hands on her apron and hurried over. “Ty! So good of you to come. I saved the table by the window for you and your friend.” The woman got them situated. Before leaving them, she leaned over and said loud enough to be overheard, “She’s a lovely one.” She winked at Ria and returned to the kitchen.

The evening flew by. Ty was funny and kept her laughing. They flirted and became increasingly intimate as the night wore on. Finally, with the bill paid, they stood to leave. He placed his hand at the small of her back, sending her stomach into a flutter, and led her outside. They stopped under the light of the moons and faced each other. He took her hand in his and traced circles in her palm. Her breath quickened as the touch sent swirls of pleasure up her arm and resonated with her psi.

“I like you, Red.” His voice was low and husky.

“I like you, too.” Liked the way he called her Red.

“Stay with me tonight.” He paused before adding. “Just so we’re clear, I can’t commit to anything right now, but I’d love for you to stay with me tonight.”

Ria smiled. She couldn’t have asked for a more perfect arrangement. She was hot, wet, and ready for this man. All she wanted was to rip his clothes off and press her body against his. “Right now it’s not commitment I’m looking for.”

His smile was melt-worthy. He lifted the corner of her scarf and brushed it against her cheek. “It really does match your eyes.” Grasping her hand in his, he then led the way down the cobblestoned alley. In the few short blocks to his apartment, they didn’t speak a word, but the glances they shared spoke volumes. He led her up a flight of wooden stairs and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Last chance to change your mind. Once you step through that door, there’s no going back.” He wore a sexy, evil grin.

She was wound so tight in anticipation, leaving wasn’t an option. She slipped her arms around his neck and lost herself in those lips of his.

Ty opened the door to his flat with his psi, and they tumbled inside. His tongue ignited her passion to a frenzy. Shoes, shirts, and pants scattered as they raced to undress. He beat her by a fraction of a second and stood with hands on hips, waiting for her.

Hopping on one foot, she yanked her pants off and caught her breath as she took him in. She stood upright and twirled her finger, motioning for him to turn around.

He obliged with a crooked grin.

He had a wicked curve at the small of his back and a tight ass. Muscled thighs framed his erection, which pulsed with his desire for her.

“Your turn.”

She turned slowly. She and the other EPs trained everyday, and she was proud of her figure.

He closed the distance between them and placed his hands on her hips, thumbs brushing over her abdomen. “You’re amazing.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and resumed their kiss. Their bodies fit together perfectly, just as she’d imagined. With each kiss, her thoughts subsided and pleasure reigned. Heart pounding, he led her into his bedroom. He flipped the covers back with his psi and they fell into the soft mattress. Every inch of him was hard as she wrapped her hand around his erection.

He moaned and bit down on her shoulder as she pumped up and down. His hands roamed her body, finally descending to her thighs.

She opened her legs wider, desperate for his touch.

His fingers circled around her mound.

Begging with her body, she lifted her hips.

“Is this what you want?” He flicked her clit.

She growled. “I need you in me.”

His fingers circled wider, spreading her wetness.

Each touch sent insane pulses of pleasure coursing through her, and a cry escaped her lips as he plunged his fingers deep inside. His mouth claimed hers, and his tongue matched the rhythm of his fingers.

It was fucking erotic and intense. She bucked her hips and pumped him faster. The thickness of his cock registered in her pleasure-fogged brain, and she was done waiting. She needed him now.

In one fluid motion, she pushed him backward, straddled his body, and sank onto him. He matched her intake of breath as their psi pulsed with pleasure that exploded over and through them.

Sparks of light flashed in his gray eyes as she slid on and off him. He grabbed her hips and slammed her onto him with more force. They moved faster, in and out. Each plunge brought her closer to the release she desperately needed.

She placed her hands on either side of his shoulders. Covered in a fine sheen of perspiration, her breasts swung with their increasing rhythm. The tightening started deep within. “Yes.” She closed her eyes and arched her back as he pounded into her. And pushed her over the razor's edge.

She clenched the sheets and called out as the orgasm exploded. Once, twice, three more plunges, and Ty moaned out his own release. The pleasure didn’t stop. It rolled on and on and echoed around their psi. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes.

He stared back at her. Neither of them moved or said a word. There were no words. Ria didn’t know what that was, but it wasn’t what she expected. It was pure ecstasy, and it was crazy.

Without leaving her body, Ty rolled her over and propped himself up on his elbows as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He tightened his abs and plunged deeper inside her, already hardening again. Their tryst had taken on a serious note, the pleasure still rippling through their psi.

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