Rebel Heat (26 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Friberg

BOOK: Rebel Heat
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“This is torture,” she whispered, trapped between his skillful finger and the demanding hardness of his cock.

“Hardly.” He nipped her neck then slid her up along his body so his fingers could reach farther between her thighs. “You’re going to come around my fingers.” He pushed his two middle fingers into her core and rubbed her mound against the heel of his hand. “Then you’re going to stand up and straddle my face so I can lick your sweet pussy.”

His words had the desired effect. She moaned as her hips rocked, sliding her body along his fingers and grinding her clit against his hand. He shifted his arm to just below her breasts, allowing him greater control over her movements. She rode his fingers with single-minded purpose as her head tossed against his shoulder.

“Now.” He increased the pressure of his hand. “Come for me now.”

Her inner muscles gripped his fingers as release throbbed through her body. He prolonged the spasms with the motion of his hand while he drank in her pleasure.

When the shudders finally stopped, she sat up and reached between his legs.

“No you don’t.” He caught her wrist and moved her hand back to his shoulder. “I’m not finished with you yet.” He slid down along the lounger until his head was just out of the water. Then he urged her up and around. “Put your knees on my shoulders and brace yourself against the edge of the tub.”

“I’ll break my neck or drown you—or both,” she cried.

“I’ll help you.” He pulled her closer and then closer still, guiding her up along the length of his body. Soon she was more or less kneeling on his chest and only her calves remained in the water. “Almost there.” He caught the backs of her knees and pulled her legs apart.

She gasped then laughed as he stubbornly urged her onward. “Can’t we just…” She was laughing too hard to complete the question.

Maneuvering one knee onto his shoulder and then placing the other, he soon had her straddling his face. She braced herself against the wall rather than the edge of the tub, but he finally had her where he wanted her.

His scent was still distinct on her flesh, but her taste was clean and evocative. He traced her slit until she began to rock against his mouth, then he became more demanding. His lips gently sucked and his tongue explored every crease and crevice.

You’re so sweet. I never tire of your taste.

She responded with a surge of affection, but was unable to form specific words.

Thrilled by her obvious arousal, he focused in on her clit, rolling the sensitive nub between his lips and flicking it with his tongue. She jerked and moaned with each caress and he knew she wouldn’t last much longer.

He’d meant to make her come again before he took her, but his need was simply too great. Moving with nanite-augmented speed, he slid out from under her, spun toward her then surged into her rippling passage from behind.

She cried out as the sudden fullness pushed her over the edge and her knees slid down to rest on the seat of the lounger. He adjusted the angles of their bodies, bending her forward and pulling her hips up. She grasped the rim of the tub and braced for his next thrust.

“There is nothing better than feeling you come around my cock.”

She tightened her inner muscles and matched his next stroke. “Except for when you come too.”

Unable to argue with that, he grasped her hip with one hand and her shoulder with the other, keeping his thrusts deep and strong. His primal nature was fully roused, yet his earlier release gave him more control than he’d thought possible.

He showered her with affection as he passionately claimed her body. Their spirits meshed as their bodies melded, creating a joining more intimate than most humans would ever know.

“You are my
,” he whispered into her ear. “My chosen mate. I will protect you with my last breath and dedicate my life to making you happy.”

“I love you too.” He hadn’t expected the words, but they thrilled him to the marrow of his bones. And better yet, she wasn’t finished. “I want to spend each day at your side and each night in your bed. I want to grow old with you. Share my entire life with you.”

He was so consumed with emotion that he had to see her face. Momentarily separating their bodies, he spun her around then lifted her to the rim of the tub above the bench. He knelt on the bench and she wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing her back into her waiting heat.

They moaned in unison, their mouths finding each other as their bodies resumed passion’s dance. He steadied her hips as he thrust between her thighs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with incendiary hunger.

Her urgency made him more demanding, made him wild. He caught the back of one of her knees and raised her leg up and out, allowing him to reach even deeper into her body. The angle finally aligned his cock with the sweet spot deep inside her body. She tore her mouth from his and cried out sharply, her inner muscles clenching rhythmically.

Even knowing she’d just come, he couldn’t stop. He filled her again and again, hitting her G-spot at the apex of each stroke. She came again, head thrown back and eyes tightly closed. She surrendered completely, nearly limp in his arms as he drove them to one final peak.

With her leg still draped over his arm, he grabbed her ass and thrust his entire length deep into her body. He crushed her to his chest and reclaimed her mouth as their bodies pulsed as one. Pleasure and emotion rolled across their link, completing them as nothing else could.

For a long time they just clung to each other, unable to speak, barely remembering to breathe. Then his lips moved against hers, the kiss slow and tender.

“No matter what happens tomorrow, know that—”

She cut off his words with her mouth and saturated his mind with affection. “Nothing can keep us apart. Nothing. We’ll face this together and then live our lives as we were meant to live,

He wanted it just as much as she did, but he was a realist. The Ontarians would want their pound of flesh, as would the humans. They had one last battle to fight before they could claim their future. At least, as she said, they would fight the battle together.


Chapter Thirteen

City of Tears

Three weeks later

Morgan sat in the observer gallery of the meeting hall in which the tribunal would soon convene. As Nazerel had predicted, they’d been ripped from each other’s arms moments after arriving on Ontariese. Even Varrik had seemed embarrassed by the aggressive actions, but Lor had overseen their arrival personally and he had no intention of losing his prisoner yet again.

The hall was long and narrow with a dramatically arched ceiling supported by exposed timbers. The beams had been intricately carved and highly polished, which seemed odd for a room that hosted military meetings. In fact many of the buildings within the City of Tears seemed needlessly ornate. When Morgan asked Echo about the contradiction, she explained that the City of Tears had once been a leisure colony. Then the Great Conflict made military instillations more important than high-end vacation destinations, so the facility had been repurposed.

“You doing okay?”

Morgan looked up as Echo slipped into the chair beside her. They had the observation gallery to themselves though the main floor was filled to capacity. Only military personnel were allowed on the main floor, which was why she was sitting in the balcony.

“Never better,” she grumbled.

“Never mind the dark circles under your eyes and the worry lines etched into your brow?” She placed her arm around Morgan and gave her a squeeze. “This will all be over soon.”

Every molecule Morgan possessed hoped that Echo was right. The past three weeks had been the longest and most miserable of her life. She’d endured endless hours of questioning, not just by Elias, but by Lor dar Joon. Nazerel had informed Lor that he didn’t require representation, but he would only state his case for the entire tribunal. Exasperated by the brushoff, Lor had focused on her, but she’d been just as frustrating as Nazerel. She calmly answered each of his questions. He just didn’t like her answers.

Elias had been a bit more understanding, however, he was still convinced that Nazerel had influenced or compelled her into loving him. It had all be tiresome and predictable.

Silence rolled across the assembly as the members of the tribunal entered from a door to one side of the dais on which they would sit. Each person who addressed them would stand at the podium facing the platform while they could see the speaker as well as the audience. They obviously understood the advantage of power positions.

Most tribunals were officiated by a three-member panel. Only those cases involving a possible death sentence required the full five members. This morning’s panel would be made up of Lor, Elias and Overlord Lyrik. Morgan had heard many things about Overlord Lyrik but this was the first time she had seen him. He was younger than she’d imagined, and infinitely more attractive. Overlord had brought to mind a bushy beard, grizzled hair and battle-scared face. Lyrik’s hair was long, but golden blonde and he’d pulled the strands back into a thick braid. He also had a beard, yet it was closely clipped and accented his strong jawline. His exact eye color was lost to the distance separating them, but they were light, likely blue or green.

Lyrik sat in the middle, his chair slightly larger than the other two. Lor sat on his right and Elias on Lyrik’s left. Lor wore the traditional gray robs of an Ontarian Mystic. Elias had donned a business suit and the overlord wore a forest-green tunic with an intricate gold design. His black pants had been tucked into shiny black boots and a wide belt accented his lean waist. He looked like a Viking jarl about to preside over the yearly “thing”.

A melodious chime called the meeting to order and then Nazerel was brought into the hall. Morgan scooted to the edge of her chair, half afraid he’d arrive in chains. He was flanked by armed guards, but to her relief, his hands and legs were unencumbered. He was well groomed and dressed in a suit not unlike the one Elias wore. His head turned sharply to one side then the other. Was he looking for her? Their gazes locked and she blew him a kiss. He smiled and then she spotted the suppression collar around his neck.
. No wonder they hadn’t bothered with restraints.

Dread swept through her as she thought of all he must have suffered during the past three weeks. Confinement, humiliation, endless hours of tedium. It was unlikely he’d been harmed physically. Ontarians preferred head games. She hadn’t been a prisoner and Echo had done her best to be good company. Still, Morgan missed Nazerel so badly, her heart literally ached.

“It’s my understanding that you’ll be representing yourself during these proceedings,” Lyrik began. Nazerel stood at the podium, so his back was to Morgan. “Is this correct?”

“It is.” Nazerel’s voice was calm and strong. He squared his stance and clasped his hands behind his back. Without their link or being able to see his expression, it was hard to tell if he was being respectful or defiant.

She knew he was well-prepared and confident of the outcome, but Morgan missed the insight and instant communication provided by their link. She wanted to know what was going on below the surface and be able to calm him if he grew too angry or encourage him if things looked particularly grim. Mostly, she just wanted to remind him that he wasn’t alone. Their link had only been active for a few days, so why did she miss it so badly?

Echo reached over and grabbed her hand. Their immediate connection had deepened over the past few weeks. Despite Varrik’s misgivings, Echo was proving to be a real and trusted friend.

“Why have you refused representation?” Lyrik wanted to know.

“I have official documents verifying the facts in this case. I will also have live testimony to further substantiate my claims. Unless there are specific procedures of which I am unaware, I believe I’m capable of presenting this evidence for your consideration.”

“Aden Kantar is the prosecutor on this case.” Lyrik motioned toward the first row directly behind the podium and the prosecutor stood. He was of medium height and build with short brown hair.

Morgan couldn’t see much more than the back of his head, so she turned to Echo. “Who is he? Why was he chosen for this case?”

“He’s been around for years and he’s highly respected. This is a military tribunal, so Overlord Lyrik would have appointed the prosecutor.”

“Do you know Kantar personally?”

Echo shook her head. “Just by reputation.”

“Mr. Kantar will detail the offenses of which you are accused,” Lyrik told Nazerel. “Then he’ll present the evidence upon which the charges were compiled. Once he’s finished, you will be allowed to present your defense.”

“I understand,” Nazerel assured him.

“We reserve the right to request clarification on any information presented and to cross-examine your witnesses. Do you understand that as well?”

“I do.”

“Then let’s begin.” Lyrik motioned to Kantar and the prosecutor moved up to the podium as the guards seated Nazerel in the defendant’s box which was offset on the right.

“Nazerel, First son of South, you are accused of desertion, illegally teleporting to the world commonly known as Earth, entering into a treasonous alliance with Princess Sevrin Keire of Rodymia, and assisting in the kidnapping of human females for the purpose of genetic experimentation resulting in death.”

“Do you understand these charges?” Lyrik asked.

“I do.”

The overlord accepted the acknowledgement with a nod and then motioned to Elias. “The US government is bringing charges against you as well. You will be transported to Earth for those proceedings as soon as this tribunal has concluded.”

“Even if I’m acquitted?”

Lyrik tensed at the challenge in Nazerel’s tone. “If you are acquitted, Elias has been authorized to determine which, if any of their charges still apply.”

“Thank you for the clarification.” Even though his tone was meek, Morgan didn’t believe the subservience. And, if Lyrik’s hostile expression was any indication, neither did the overlord.

“Mr. Kantar will now present the evidence collected by the Mystic Militia supporting the charges.”

Morgan leaned over and asked, “Is it Nazerel’s responsibility to prove the charges are wrong or does the prosecutor have to prove that he’s guilty?”

“Burdon of proof lies with the prosecution, just like in America,” Echo whispered in return. “Our version of an arraignment, however, is more purposeful and efficient.”

“In what way?”

“The judge who presides over the pre-trial hearing is already familiar with the evidence. So if the accused pleads guilty, they’re immediately sentenced. Only those out to prove their innocence move on to the actual trial. Tribunals are a bit more streamlined, but by being here Nazerel is declaring that he is not guilty of these crimes.”

Morgan looked at Echo in thoughtful silence for a moment. “Do you share your mother’s fascination with the law?” High Queen Charlotte had just finished law school on Earth when she met her life mate and learned that she wasn’t even human.

“I do.” Echo listened to the presentation for a few moments then elaborated, “It’s not just Ontarian’s system of justice with me. I’ve studied the judicial systems on hundreds of planets and I find…” A security drone paused as it swept the perimeter of the room. Echo motioned toward the hovering device. “That’s a warning. If we don’t hush up, we’ll be escorted from the room.”

“Seriously?” Morgan glared at the inanimate librarian and fought back the urge to flip it off.

“I’ll bore you with my conclusions later.”

Morgan sank back in her seat and rubbed the bridge of her nose as the prosecutor began to explain each of the charges against Nazerel. She’d been involved, either directly or indirectly, in most of the events so he didn’t say anything she didn’t already know.

Kantar’s approach was factual, clear—and agonizingly detailed. It took twenty-six days for Kantar to present all the facts. He used visual aids and called sixteen witnesses, all of whom testified via vidcom. Morgan felt like she was watching an excruciating reality television show rather than attending an actual trial. Charts, video clips and computer simulations helped move the case along and still Morgan felt as if Nazerel’s turn would never arrive.

“That is all the information I have, sir,” Kantar concluded late afternoon on the twenty-sixth day. He’d remained grim and focused through each and every day of the laborious presentation.

“Thank you, Mr. Kantar.” The prosecutor took his seat then Lyrik turned to Nazerel. “You declined to cross-examine any of the prosecution’s witnesses. Once I’ve moved on you will lose that opportunity. Are you sure you have no questions for any of these people?”

“There is no reason to prolong this, sir,” Nazerel said. “They stated the facts as they saw them. I’m simply privy to information of which none of those people were aware.”

“All right. Let the record state that the prosecution has completed their case and the defense will begin tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow morning?” Morgan leaned back into her chair with a groan. Would this dreadful thing never end?

“Sir, my presentation will take less than an hour,” Nazerel informed the overlord. “Would it be possible to continue?”

“Less than an hour?” Lyrik looked as if couldn’t decide whether to laugh or berate the upstart defendant. He thought for a moment then said, “You have until five thirty, then I adjourn whether you’re finished or not. Begin.”

Nazerel stood, straightened his jacket, then moved up to the podium. His ever-present guards shadowed him step for step. Morgan knew what came next. She’d seen the documents and understood how they interacted with the events already described, in painful detail. The only real question was would what Nazerel was about to reveal justify his involvement or would the panel still consider him a criminal?

Using a small, hand-held trigger, Nazerel activated the holo-projector, suspending an image directly in front of the panel. The projector also created a mirror image for the audience to see. “This is my certificate of citizenship from the Rodyte Empire. Please note the date, which is many years before any of the other events took place.”

Murmurs rippled through the crowd, but Morgan wasn’t sure if they were surprised or angry. She’d expected the crowd to thin as the days wore on. Who were all of these men anyway? Law buffs like Echo or did they all know females who’d been captured by the Shadow Assassins. They didn’t seem hostile enough for that, so there was another possibility. Were these the men Nazerel was so determined to offer a better life?

“How did a Rodyte citizen become a Shadow Assassin?” Elias’ angry voice drew her attention back to the platform. The question was technically out of order. Only the prosecutor and the overlord were allowed to question the defendant directly. Still, Nazerel explained.

“Actually, it was the other way around. I was born in the Shadow Maze, but my uncle insisted on registering my citizenship. It was always his hope that I would leave the Shadow Assassins. Unfortunately, he died before my father, so my uncle’s hope was never realized.”

“This will run more smoothly if we save our questions until he has completed his presentation,” Lyrik reminded.

“I’m sorry,” Elias said, though he still looked suspicious.

“Continue.” Lyrik prompted Nazerel with a smooth hand gesture.

“For you to fully understand what happened on Earth, I need to take you back a bit farther.”

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