Reality Hero (28 page)

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Authors: Ashlynn Monroe

BOOK: Reality Hero
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Caspian went running up the hill in the direction the terrified man had pointed out. Ella followed. She saw Caspian had stopped, and she was next to him a moment later. Ella sucked in as she tried to catch her breath. She wished she’d just turned to vapor instead of actually running, but right now her emotions were so chaotic she feared she couldn’t control her powers.

Ian and Zane looked at each other with pure hatred in their eyes. The powerful men were too busy facing each other for battle to notice the stranger rushing at them. Ian raised his arm to attack Zane.

Dina lay on the ground next to them. She wasn’t moving. Ella fought her impulse to hurry to her sister’s side. She didn’t want to put Dina in any more danger than she was already in.

Ian let go of his electricity ball, but Zane poofed away just in time. The ball hit a tree, causing it to splinter. Wood chunks flew into the lake. Women stood in the water tied to the dock. They all screamed at the same time as water splashed. Wood chunks floated in the water and rained around the hostages as they huddled together. Ian made an angry sound.

As Ian raised his arm to release another ball, Caspian held out his arms with his hands pointed at Ian, palm side up. Ella’s new ability seemed to enhance her perception of people. It was as if she could see auras around them. The moment Hazel Eyes began to do his thing, she saw him surrounded with a blinding, white-hot aura. She had to turn her face away. When she looked up again, Ian was laying on the ground of the sandy lakefront. His body twisted awkwardly.
Good, the bastard is dead. Thank God.

Several of his zombies lay sprawled on the ground, no longer animated. One of them had lost its glasses. The show contestants screamed when they saw the empty eye sockets staring sightlessly at them. Both of Ian’s pets stretched limply on the ground, unmoving. Ella didn’t like them, but she hoped they’d survived. One of them was covered with bruises and various scratches and bites. That girl roused first and her head moved to the right and left quickly as she gazed about with confusion. When she saw Ian, her expression morphed into rage. Darkness filled her face with startling suddenness. Her damaged features twisted, and she was scowling. At first, Ella thought Spandex Chick was angry that her man had been defeated, but then the woman rushed over and begin kicking Ian. Her eyes flashed. She screamed. The sound was a pathetic primal howl. Caspian rushed down the hill and grabbed the girl, holding her back.

“That bastard deserves this. He’s a monster. He’s the devil. Let me go,” she cried out until her voice broke.

The spandex covered girl sobbed. Caspian held her, but looked up at Ella helplessly. His expression woke her from her shocked immobilization. Dina.

She ran down the hill. Zane already had her sister in his arms. When she stumbled to him, he gave her a grim look.

“She’s alive,” he muttered, but his frown told her he was worried.

“What happened?”

“Ian zapped her.”

Ella noticed Dina’s shoulder and gasped. When she’d been on her back the damage to her shoulder hadn’t been all that visible. The burns were bad—second or third degree. Ella winced.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a young man untying the six women. They all swarmed around him. He received kisses and hugs, all the while smiling as if he were the hero.

Ella returned her focus to Zane. “Get her help.”

He nodded and then he was gone.

She turned to Caspian. He was helping the other spandex minion stand. Both women looked frightened, and a bit confused.

“Hey, is the maniac dead?” Ella asked him nonchalantly. She was all twisted up inside over the man. He’d saved the lives of people she loved, but she didn’t really trust him. There was darkness inside of him. He still didn’t accept his power—or hers.

“He’s alive, but I think when he wakes up he’ll wish he were dead.” Caspian took a step back. He looked ill and stumbled backward, falling dazed into the sand.

Ella rushed forward and knelt at his side. She might not trust him, but today he was her ally. “What’s wrong? How can I help you?”

“I’ve never had to do anything like that before. It was indescribable. I took his abilities, all of them.”

“What the hell do you mean?”

“I didn’t keep his power. I wish to God I knew how to do it to myself.” He scowled at her. “I dispersed it. Look up,” he muttered weakly.

Above their heads, little streaks of lighting passed horizontally in the sky. It was beautiful—surreal. Purple and blue light snaked across gray clouds. A pinkish hue tinted everything in a way that made Ella wish she had a camera. It was a sight unlike any she’d ever seen before.

“Can it hurt us?” she whispered.

“No. It’s already breaking apart, and the intensity is lessening.”

She threw her arms around him. She hadn’t meant to, but the joy and relief just burst out. He pushed her away. His beautiful eyes made contact with hers and they just stared at each other mutely. He reached up, as if he were going to touch her face. She wet her lips. Ella wanted to kiss him.

“We’re even now.”

His words threw cold water on her gratitude. He looked away from her.

Zane returned, and to her surprise Dina was with him. To her relief, she saw that her sister was awake. Ella stood and went over to them.

“Ian has no more power. Caspian removed it,” Ella said, not really believing the words could be real. It was a miracle.

“Who is he? How did you know he could do it?” Zane glanced nervously at Caspian. Ella understood. If he’d done that to Ian, he could do it to all of them. Dina clung to Zane. Her eyes were wide.

“He’s…don’t freak, he’s the one they used to keep me in the lab.

Zane’s expression twisted into a scowl. “Fuck.”

“Where did he go?” Dina whispered.

Ella turned around. Caspian was gone.

She closed her eyes and turned to mist. She let her body travel up into the air. She’d find him. She needed to thank him.

* * * *

Her sister was gone. Dina looked at Zane and noticed a tick in his jaw. She understood. She’d like to kick the ass of the man who’d caused her sister harm too. Movement caught her eye and she turned her head. Dina saw one of the cameramen coming out of the bushes and getting shots of Mateo and the women. During the entire drama the camera had rolled. She realized she could save her career.

“Please play along with me. I love you, but right now I totally need you to play the single hero looking for love part.”

“What are we going to do with Ian?” he grumbled.

“Give him to the police. You can tie him up with the same rope he used to hold those women hostage.”

Zane set her on her feet. She watched him wade out and grab the rope that was floating on the surface of the water and then he went back to where Ian lay. Zane tied him up tightly. She hoped the bastard would wake up stiff and sore.

Dina grabbed the cameraman and whispered into his ear. Then she went over to the dock where Mateo was still enjoying his harem. The women were still kissing him and hugging him. He looked damn happy.

Dina cleared her throat and they all turned toward her. “Ladies, you’ve had some time to get to know the hero. You’ve also had some time to get to know an average guy. It is your turn to vote. Remember, if you’re the girlfriend of a superhero, you’ll probably be in a hostage situation like this on a regular basis.”

Her words elicited terror in all six pairs of eyes. It was working. She’d still have a job, and she’d get the guy too.

“Ladies, please take a minute to decide which man will stay at Love Lake, and which man will be leaving today.” Dina really hoped Mateo would be the one staying.

They spoke quietly in a group, and Dina took Mateo by the arm and directed him to stand next to Zane. Both men looked nervous, but for very different reasons. Tension filled the lakefront, and the camera zoomed into the anxious faces of the men, and then the animated whispering of the women. Amber became the official spokeswoman for the group as Regina gave her a nudge toward Dina.

“We talked about it, and it was unanimous. We want Mateo. Sorry Mind Man, but it’s just way too scary to be your girlfriend. Evil bad guys suck, and we honestly really like Mateo. He doesn’t have to keep secrets from us.” She went over to Zane and gave him a consolation kiss on the cheek. He pretended to look devastated.

Dina decided it was time to bring the production to a wrap, especially as all the cabins and RVs had been blown to smithereens.

“Mateo, the women have made their choice. Now it’s your turn. Which of these lucky ladies will be able to tell the world that she is your girlfriend?”

It was the women’s turn to look nervous. Mateo began telling the ones that he was not picking how much he liked them, but that they were just not right for him. Each devastated woman got her share of face time as she walked over and kissed Mateo goodbye. Finally, it was down to two of the women, Purity and Amber. Tension was high, and the losers and the remaining staff waited expectantly for his answer.

“Purity, this was a very hard choice for me. I wish I could pick you both, but unfortunately, I can’t. I have to ask you to leave, because I want a girlfriend that’s lived a little less sheltered life. Amber, you’re the woman I want to call my girlfriend.”

The woman squealed happily. Then Purity did something unscripted and totally unexpected. Each of the other women had taken their defeat gracefully. They’d left the dock with a sweet kiss for the man who’d just dumped them on camera.

She did it a bit differently, pushing Mateo into the water before stomping away from the cameras and the other women, crying. Mateo sputtered water and Amber hurried over to try to help her man. Dina felt physically and emotionally exhausted, but satisfied. She’d managed to salvage the production. She’d find out after editing whatever was left of the footage if she’d saved her job. Ervin would be surprised with the battle footage. It might really increase the ratings.

* * * *

Ella wanted to cry. Caspian was gone. She reached out to him with her mind. Nothing. He was shutting her out. She could feel it like a door slamming in her face. He’d come through for her. Yes, he’d owed her, but she’d hoped he’d wanted more than a clear conscience. She’d felt a connection to him.

She tried to reach him again. “
I know you’re out there. Don’t be an asshole. Well, thanks for saving us. You’re a coward. We can help you. You aren’t a freak, not really. If you want to accept yourself, you know where to find me.

Nothing. She didn’t know why his rejection hurt, but it did.

I’m not a hero,
” he thought into her head.

She felt her heart beat faster. “
I’m not asking you to be one. Why did you leave?

I don’t want to join your merry band of crime fighters.

No one asked you to.
” There was a pause. “
You still there, Cas?

I just need you to know that you aren’t safe. I won’t help them, but they still want you. Those men won’t stop until they have you again. None of you are safe.

She held her breath. He was still working with the government. Caspian was the enemy. She shouldn’t have hoped for anything else, but she had.

Why are you still working with them? You’ll be the one they cut up next.

They need me.

You’re in as much danger as I am. They won’t cure you. I can’t believe you still trust them.

I trust no one. If I could get rid of my mutation, I would. I’m not giving up on a cure.

You aren’t diseased. There’s nothing to be cured.

He didn’t reply.

Ella bit her lip. She wanted to reach him, but she could feel his stubbornness. “
I’m not giving up on you. When you’re ready you know where to find me.

Goodbye, Ella.

He sounded so final. She should be glad he wasn’t sticking around, but she wasn’t. She felt something for him.

I hope you find happiness. Thank you for stopping Ian.
” She felt the connection end. He hadn’t told her anything she didn’t know. The bastards that created Rain wouldn’t stop until they’d killed Ella—and everyone she loved.

* * * *

Dina sighed. It had been a long afternoon. Her phone was fried, but Vinny let her borrow his, and she’d been on it for hours. She’d arranged for the studio to send a bus to pick them up and a crew to clean up the mess and assess the damage. They owed the campground some serious money. She doubted the owners had evil villain insurance.

When the bus arrived, she gave the destruction a final glance. Her crew had protected the footage that she hadn’t sent to the studio. As bad as it had all been, it could’ve been worse. Good had triumphed over evil, and she’d probably keep her job. Ian wouldn’t be terrorizing anyone ever again, and she’d found her way back to the people she loved. Yep, things could’ve been a lot worse.


Chapter 22


Dina’s little apartment had never looked so good to her. She’d left her purse and phone at her sister’s house, along with her luggage, but she was too tired to drive across town to pick them up. Anything important could wait until tomorrow as far as she was concerned. Picking out her favorite warm, fuzzy pajamas and a few of her fluffy towels that smelled comfortingly of her fabric softener, she went into the bathroom and stripped off her filthy clothing.

It felt wonderful to just let the cool air touch her naked and battered body. Turning on the shower, she let it get hot before stepping under the spray. It was heaven. Dina washed away all the filth of the past few days. If only it’d be so easy to rid herself of the trauma and drama. Her forehead pressed against the cool wall. She let the water pelt her shoulders. Her eyes were closed and she breathed in the steamy air. Her body ached, and so did her heart. She was worried about Bridget and her sister. She’d seen how hurt Ella was after the man who’d held her captive fled. The bastards who’d hurt her were still out there, lurking and waiting to strike again.

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