Raw Silk (6 page)

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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Menage

BOOK: Raw Silk
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Lacey never felt a moment’s unease with Camille’s two men throughout dinner. But she did feel deeply envious. Both men were completely munchable. Danny, in particular, with that wicked gleam that never left his eyes, stirred her juices to an almost-irresistible froth.

“Penny for your thoughts.”

Lacey jumped as Danny walked up beside her and leaned his hip on the deck rail. Moonlight filtered through the trees in their backyard, and the night sounds made the evening feel intimate—made for lovers. Which meant it was time for her to shove off.

“I’m thinking I better go.”

Danny’s eyebrows rose. “Is it something we did?”

“No, but well, it’s a Saturday night, and guys like to do what guys do on a Saturday night.”

“And what’s that?” he said in his sexy drawl.

Lacey gave him a reproving glare. “Have hot sex.”

His mouth slid into sly grin. “So, why are you leaving?”

Lacey’s stomach fell to her toes. “You’re not hitting on me, are you?”

His eyes roamed her body. “Would you mind if I were?”

She gasped. “Yeah, my best friend’s sitting right over there. And she’s thinking you and Jake are going to get it on with her tonight.”

“Don’t get so hot. We will.”

“Don’t you have any shame? Camille doesn’t have a clue what a slut you are. She thinks you’re into her.”

Danny shook his head, confusion in his expression. “Wait a second. I thought Camille brought you…to share.”


“Jake and I are best friends. And we’re sharing. She brought her best friend…”

Lacey began to shake. “You think she meant for us to make this a foursome?”

Danny blew out a deep breath. “It’s what’s been in my mind all night,” he said softly, sounding disappointed.

She held up her hand. “That’s it. I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that and leave now.” She shoved away from the rail.

“Wait,” Danny said, touching her arm. “Don’t go. I’m sorry I offended you.”

“What’s going on?” Camille walked up beside them and Lacey looked away. Should she say something? Camille was her best friend; shouldn’t she let her know what a weasel the guy was?

Danny cleared his throat. “She’s upset because I misread the situation and the signals.”

“What do you mean?” Camille said, confusion clouding her eyes.

“He thought you brought me to fill out a foursome,” Lacey whispered furiously.

Camille looked from Lacey to Danny, her lips tightened, and then she burst out laughing.

Lacey stomped her foot. “I’m serious!”

“I know. I know,” Camille said, bending and holding her sides.

“Hey, what’d I miss?” Jake asked, strolling over with two beers clutched in his hands.

Camille pointed helplessly toward Lacey and Danny.

Lacey rolled her eyes. “She thinks it’s fucking hilarious that one of her boyfriends wants to add another partner.”

Jake’s eyebrows shot up and his gaze swiveled to Danny. “That right, buddy?”

Danny lifted his hands. “I made a mistake. I’m sorry.”

Jake’s lips pressed together then he looked down at Camille, who was mopping her eyes. “Camille, what do you think?”

Lacey’s belly tightened at the way Jake instantly left the decision to Camille. God, to have a man so focused on her pleasure…

Camille stopped laughing and straightened quickly. Her eyes rounded, her gaze passing from Jake to Danny then landing on Lacey.

Lacey winced inwardly, not wanting to say how much the idea was catching fire for her, because she loved Camille and would never sabotage her happiness.

“Lacey, sweetie?” Camille said softly. “What do you want?”

Lacey bit her lip. She let it go and lifted her chin. “I don’t want to intrude or spoil something special for you.”

“But what do you want, really?”

“Um…what you have?” she whispered.

Camille smiled and stepped close enough to wrap her arms around her and give her a big hug. “And I want you to experience it too,” she whispered. “But be sure. These guys don’t do anything the easy way.” She dropped her arms and stepped back then glanced at Jake. “Am I reading this wrong? Do you guys want this?”

Jake’s face darkened. “I want you happy.”

Danny raked a hand through his short-cropped hair. “This is my fault, and I’ll be the first to admit it, but your best friend is hot, Camille.”

Camille grinned. “She’s been my friend forever and we’ve shared a lot of hard times as well as good.” Her gaze settled on Lacey. “If you think this is taking the friendship thing too far, that it will affect our partnership in any way…”

Lacey swallowed hard. “I love you like a sister. There’s nothing that will change that.”

Camille’s lips twitched. “Even seeing me naked and begging?”

Lacey felt her pussy clench. “God, is that how it is with them?”

Camille waggled her eyebrows. “Oh yeah.”

Lacey could barely contain the squeal working its way up her throat. “Then I’m in.” She cleared her throat and looked around. The two guys were eating her up with their gazes. “Okay, this is a little awkward.”

Danny reached over and slipped an arm around her waist and dragged her close to his side. “This isn’t a race. We aren’t going to jump you right this second. And we won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”

She ducked her head, embarrassed to be the object of everyone’s stares. “Bet you say that to all the girls.”

“He said it to me,” Camille said cheerfully.

“No, he didn’t. That was me,” Jake said, dragging Camille close.

Lacey’s lips twitched. “So, they share women and lines?”

Danny’s hand bit into her waist and he gave her a little shake. “It’s not a line. It’s a promise.”

Lacey groaned, too overwhelmed with excitement to hide it.

Danny bent and kissed the corner of her mouth. His eyes glittered in the darkness. She liked the slightly predatory gleam. Liked the clean smell of him—soap and male musk—no tangy aftershave like most of the men she’d dated.

She angled her face and brushed his lips with hers, tentatively.

Danny smiled, and Lacey’s lips stretched. “Can’t kiss you properly if you’re gonna laugh.”

“Can’t help it. This is completely crazy.”

“Tell me about it. And such a huge turn-on. Two smart, pretty women…”

“Two buff firemen…” She sighed. Just snuggling against his hard chest made her knees weak.

“Again, not a race,” he whispered, “but I’m dying here.”

Lacey’s breath caught. This was really going to happen. “I need to visit the little girls’ room.”

“We don’t have one of those, but the toilet’s through that door.”

She wrinkled her nose at him and grabbed Camille’s hand, pulling her friend from Jake’s embrace. “We’ll only be a minute.”

Camille laughed softly, trailing behind her. When Lacey shut the door, she rounded on Camille. “Tell me the truth. Are you okay with this?”

Camille smiled. “Completely.”

Lacey bit her lip. “Think they have condoms?”

“They probably emptied the aisles of every drugstore in the area. Do you need to pee?”

“Actually, yes.” Lacey slipped her shorts down and sat. “This is just like high school. Us hiding in the bathroom, gossiping about our dates.”

“Asking each other if we’re really gonna do it, I remember. You were braver.”

“Look who’s turned into the piranha!” She stood and flushed then stepped aside as Camille slid onto the seat. “Anything I should know?”

“Trust them. And don’t be afraid to let them know what you like—not that they will give it to you right away.”

“They like to torture you?”

“They like to be in charge,” Camille said, her voice deepening to a purr.

“Really. How much? Tie me up, kind?”

“Not sure about that,” Camille said flushing. “It was more subtle the last time. They made me want to obey.”


She quickly washed her hands then glanced into the mirror. “I prayed to Jesus. A lot.”

They shared smiles. Lacey bared her teeth. “No pepper stuck between my teeth,” she said, turning to Camille.

Camille laughed. “Never change, Lacey. You’re smile is beautiful. We better go or the guys will get suspicious.”

“They know we’re talking about them. Think they’re talking about us?”

“Probably making plans, staking claims.”

“Can I say that Jake kinda scares me?”

“He does me too. He’s a little rougher around the edges than Danny.”

“Danny’s completely hot.”

“It’s okay if something happens for you two. I think Jake and I are getting really close.” Camille glanced into the mirror and patted her hair. She met Camille’s gaze. “Want to surprise them?”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s show them what a ‘Hot Silk’ girl’s all about.”

Lacey laughed and reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head.

Camille stripped off her shirt and shorts and turned to gaze at her backside in the mirror. “Not too much like a sumo wrestler?”

“Not even, sweetheart.” Lacey said. “Their hearts are gonna stop.”

At last, they both stood in their sexy underwear. Their bras weren’t their signature “shelf”, but the colors, cut and peekaboo quality of the fabrics gave both women a boost of confidence.

Lacey locked gazes with Camille’s in the mirror. “Do the guys even know about Silk?”

Her friend grimaced. “They know we own a women’s clothing store. We haven’t exactly had time to get into specifics. Hell, we don’t even know each others’ last names.”

“Honey, that’s got to change. The deeper you get, the harder it’s going to be to explain why you didn’t tell them. What are you afraid of?”

“I don’t know,” Camille said slowly. “Maybe I’m afraid they won’t like that we make more money. Or worse that they’ll it like too much.”

“And delaying the inevitable is gonna make it easier to tell the difference?”

“I know, you’re right, Lacey. And I do intend to tell them, but not tonight.”

Lacey smiled and bared her teeth again for one last check. “Tonight’s all about glorious, decedent sex. Gotcha!”

Camille took a deep breath. “Ready?” At Lacey’s nod, she opened the door.

Chapter Six

Danny paced the living room rug while Jake sat in a deep leather chair, nursing his beer. “What the hell’s takin’ them so long?”

Jake shrugged. “Must be a woman thing. Ever notice how they can’t pee alone?”

“They’re probably talking about us. Wonder what Camille’s saying?”

“Gettin’ nervous?” Jake asked, pulling on his beer. “Don’t know how you can make a worse impression than you did on the deck.”

“Fuck. My hands are sweating.” Danny wiped them down the sides of his jeans.

“You really like Lacey.”

Danny caught the speculation gleaming in Jake’s eyes. “About as much as you like Camille, I suppose,” he drawled.

Jake nodded his head. “Just so you know who I intend to end up with.”

Danny smiled. “Callin’ dibs, again?”

“Yeah, I am.”

Danny nodded slowly. “I’m down with that.”

The bathroom door creaked open and Danny turned.

His heart thudded to a halt at the sight of both women striding out, wearing nothing but sexy little scraps of silk and shy smiles. Camille’s miniscule bra and panties were a mouthwatering, deep rose satin, Lacey’s a hard-on-making black lace.

He couldn’t calm his heartbeats as his gaze jumped from one to the other.

“You ladies comfortable?” Jake drawled.

“Not a bit,” Lacey said, her voice sounding strained. She spread her hands and turned side to side. “Do you mind?”

“Hell no,” Danny breathed, stepping toward Lacey.

She held up her hand. “I don’t fuck guys whose last names I don’t know.”

Camille snorted, but Danny couldn’t pull his gaze from Lacey.

“Mine’s Parker,” he bit out. “Jake’s is Lassiter. You?”

“Parish,” she said in a breathy rush. “Camille’s is Rutherford.”

“Anything else you want to know?” He tentatively touched her arm, sliding up a fingertip to her bra strap.

“Not a race, remember?” she whispered, turning her head to sweep her own gaze over his body.

He slid up behind her. “Nervous?” he whispered into her ear.

She nodded her head.

He breathed in the scent of apples—her shampoo? And slowly slid his arms around her waist, nearly groaning aloud at the feel of her soft skin beneath his hot palms.

Her breath hitched, but she didn’t move away.

He pulled and she melted against his chest.

“This is nice,” she said softly.

He resisted the urge to rub his burgeoning cock against the sweet curve of her ass—barely. “I can be nice.”

“Not all the time, I hope.”

He smiled against her hair. “I promise I won’t smother you in nice.”

Danny’s glance flicked to Camille, who watched them. Her smile was sliding up. “Just soothing her nerves,” he said.

Camille arched a pale brow. “Is that what you’re doing?” Her gaze flicked to Lacey. “Is he succeeding?”

Lacey’s body jerked against his as she chuckled. “Not exactly. Parts of me are melting, parts shivering.”

“Do I get to guess which parts are melting?” he murmured.

“I’d rather you find out another way.”

Danny turned her in his arms and tightened them around her. Her breasts flattened against his chest and her head fell back.

Her mouth opened and it was all the invitation he needed. He swooped down and kissed her.

Lacey’s ragged breaths seeped into his mouth, and Danny eased his kiss, taking his time to explore. He licked the soft lower lip, and then dragged it between his teeth. When he drew back his head, he let it go. Her eyelids drooped, she moaned, and Danny slammed down to devour her mouth. To hell with slow.

“Think they’ll make it to a bed?” Camille’s whisper was overloud.

“Maybe we should hose them down first,” Jake growled.

“If I weren’t so curious about how this will work, I’d say let’s leave them alone.”

Jake chuckled. “Come on, Romeo.”

Danny lifted his head. Lacey’s mouth was blurred with his kisses, but from the corner of his eye, he saw Camille looking over her shoulder, a finger crooked to tell him to follow them to Jake’s bedroom.

His already-tight body hardened to stone. “Guess we better follow. You ready?”

Lacey blushed and shook her head. “How can anyone be ready for this?”

Danny dropped his arms and snagged her hand, walking backward down the hall and pulling her along. Once inside the bedroom, he closed the door behind them.

Camille and Jake were already turning on the bedside lamps and the small lamp atop the dresser.

Danny turned off the overhead light and liked the way the yellow light warmed everyone’s skin. Enough to see, but not enough to alarm the girls.

Jake came up to Camille and forced her backward toward the bed.

Camille laughed when Jake placed his hand in the center of her chest and shoved her to the mattress. Her legs folded over the edge and parted. Jake knelt between her legs and ran his hands over her smooth belly, dropping kisses as he headed south.

Danny turned to catch Lacey’s expression as she watched Jake licking Camille through the satin clothing her sex. Her eyes gleamed; her cheeks bore two bright spots of color. Her mouth opened around rasping breaths.

“Want to join them?”

Her glance jerked his way and she nodded.

Danny took her to the opposite side of the bed and sat her on the edge. He hovered over her while she braced on her elbows. He kissed her lips and trailed them down her cheek, gobbled along her jaw until she laughed, then slicked his tongue along her neck to the tops of her breasts, which were plumped above the edge of her lacy bra.

His tongue delved into her cleavage and she cupped her breasts and peeled the cups down, exposing puffy pink nipples.

“Do you ache?” he whispered, staring at the smooth, cushiony areolas.

“Mmm—hmm,” she said as he stroked his tongue over one hardening peak and caressed the other with his palm.

He lay over her, his feet still on the ground, forcing her to her back, then slowly trailed kisses down her belly, heading straight to the steamy juncture of her thighs.

Lacey’s head turned toward Camille and they shared lazy smiles. Camille lifted a hand and Lacey twined her fingers with hers then turned her attention back to him.

Jake stared at the women’s hands, and then lifted a darkening gaze to Danny.

Danny smiled, knowing exactly what wicked fantasy his buddy wanted to see enacted. But first, he had to see to driving up Lacey’s excitement, making her so hot she forgot her inhibitions.

He licked her through her panties, following the indention down the center of the wet satin, poking his tongue into the fabric and using it to stroke the center of Lacey’s folds.

Her hand smoothed down her belly and pushed at the top of her panties.

“Want them off?”


Danny grabbed one slender band and ripped it then did the same to the other side.

Lacey’s eyes widened, but she let her head fall back. She widened her legs, offering herself to him.

But he reached up, needing another visual, and unhooked her bra so the cups parted and all of her pale plush breasts were revealed.

Danny struggled with himself, trying to make up his mind where he wanted to feast first, but the spicy aroma teasing his nose was the deal breaker.

He thumbed apart her folds and dove in, groaning at the scent and flavor of her tart musk. He tongued the edges of her inner folds then lapped deeper, taking the taste of her liquid excitement into his mouth, letting it ratchet up his own arousal until his erection throbbed hard against the front of his jeans. He lifted his head. “Let me get rid of my clothes. Be right back.”

Her hands cupped her breasts, her eyes lighting with interest as he straightened and drew his t-shirt over his head. And then she sat up and reached for the waistband of his jeans. He let her wrestle with the button and skim down his zipper, but when her hands slid around his hips to push them down, he growled and grabbed her wrists, pushing her to her back again and coming down on top of her.

He stretched her hands above her head and pushed them against the mattress. “No touching, not yet.”

He stood again and toed off his running shoes and pushed his jeans down his legs. When he stepped out of them and straightened, he found her staring at his cock, which was thickening by the second.

Her breasts shivered with her quickening breaths and Danny grinned. “You’ll get your turn.”

Then he knelt between her thighs and ran his hands down her calves. Coming up, he hooked her thighs and drew them high enough that both her pussy and her little asshole were exposed. “Hold your knees, sweetheart.”

“Sweet Jesus! You don’t let a girl get a chance to get comfortable with the idea, do you?”

“You want me movin’ slow?”

“Hell no.”

“That’s my girl.” He stroked one finger into her wet pussy to moisten the tip then traced a line downward to circle her back entrance. He thrust inside, and her muscles tightened around him, cinching him tight. “Gotta have me some of that. Later.”

With the fingers of both hands, he got busy fucking in and out of both holes while he skimmed his lips over the top of her folds and worked her little clit until it swelled hard enough to push from under its hood. “There you are,” he breathed.

His tongue swirled over it, lavishing it with broad strokes while he pumped inside her. First one finger in her pussy then two.

He latched his lips around her clit and suckled, listening to her breaths catch and little kittenish moans squeeze from her throat. Her body trembled, shivering all the way down to the cradle he lovingly plundered, and he thrust a third finger into her pussy and slipped a second digit into her ass.

Her legs rose, widening, her toes pointing outward in a lithe gymnast’s stretch that opened her sex a little more.

He murmured his approval against her flesh. Then he let go of her clit and flicked it with his tongue in quick firm brushes that had her bottom dancing on the edge of the bed.

“Come for me,” he whispered. “Do it now.” He pulled her clit between his lips and sucked hard.

Lacey’s body stiffened for a long second, and then she rocked, her moans coming one after the other. Her pussy and ass milked his fingers.

He rubbed his lips over her clit to soothe her as she came down off the peak, and he pulled his fingers from her ass then her pussy and licked her up and down before sitting back on his haunches and staring at her.

Lacey’s auburn ruff was soaked with her arousal. Her sex and ass reddened. More liquid spilled from her pussy as she pulled her legs to hug them closer to her chest.

Danny kissed the backs of her thighs and stood, reached for the wipes Jake had in the hutch beneath the bedside stand and cleaned his fingers then rubbed them over her to clean her.

When he was finished, he tugged down her legs and lay over her, feet still on the floor. He pushed her hair back from her face, licked at the perspiration beading at her temples, then slid his mouth over hers and drove his tongue deep.

Her legs surrounded him, hugging him close while her hands clutched his shoulders.

When he ended the kiss, he leaned back and smiled. “You’re lovely, you know that, right?”

Her lips slid into a lopsided smile. “From every angle?”

He felt a smoldering fire light inside his belly and forced himself to tamp down the lust threatening to make him end it now.

Glancing up, he caught Jake’s gaze as he lifted his face from between Camille’s legs. “Think we’ve earned a present?”

Jake’s mouth stretched into a wicked grin and he looked down at Camille and gave her a slow wink. “Think you two ladies would do something special for us? I promise we’ll make it worth your while.”

Camille took a deep ragged breath and tilted back her head to meet Danny’s gaze. Hers narrowed. “Just what do you two nasty boys have in mind?”

Danny blew out a breath between his pursed lips then laughed. “Every guy has this fantasy—two sexy women together on the same bed, gettin’ a little busy with each other. Would you?” His gaze dropped to Lacey, whose eyes widened.

The women turned their faces toward each other. Camille bit the corner of her mouth.

Lacey shrugged. “What do you think? We’ve already come this far.”

let go of her lip. 93
f11If ynu think we can still manafe to look each other in the eyes€

Lacey turned to Danny and pushed against his shoulders until she had room enough to scramble to her knees.

Jake lent Camille a hand and helped her up until she too knelt in the center of the bed, facing Lacey.

The guys moved to the end of the bed, out of the way, but ready to assist in any way the women wanted.

Camille swallowed hard, darted a glance toward Danny and Jake then turned back to Lacey. She gripped the tops of Lacey’s hips.

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