Raw Power: An Urban Fantasy Novel (Demon-Hearted Book 1) (28 page)

BOOK: Raw Power: An Urban Fantasy Novel (Demon-Hearted Book 1)
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Crossing his arms, Joe returned his lighter to his pocket. “Job's over, Lucy. What're you doing here?”

Ouch. Dude had had me over for dinner the other night. Now he was giving me a dirty look, waiting for me to fuck off.

“I wanted to apologize, Joe. For everything I said and did back there.” I gulped. Apologizing isn't my strong suit. Usually, if I give someone as much shit as I gave Joe back at the church, I never speak to them again, consider them dead to me. Trying to make up for the comments I'd made to him about his mom was going to be rough, to say the least. But I'd be damned if I wasn't at least going to try.

“Lucy,” he said after a sigh. He looked up into the sky, leaning against the screen door. “You don't need to come around here and--”

“But I do,” I interjected. “I said some awful shit, and I need to own up to it. I want you to know that it was the demon talking, and not me. But I'm still responsible. If I'd controlled it better, then maybe I wouldn't have attacked the three of you and said such things.” I ran my tongue against my molars and kicked at the pavement with the tip of my sneaker. “And, uh... I'm sorry about your mom, too. I had no idea, man.”

“Look,” replied Joe, shaking his head, “don't be sorry about that. That ain't no one's fault.” He stood silently for a time, then shrugged a little. “And anyhow, Mona's working on a little something for her. It's technically against the rules, you know, for craft users to meddle with human folk, but she's whipping up some tincture that might patch her up, so don't sweat it.” He cracked a grin. “You can buy me a beer sometime. Or several.”

“Hell, yeah,” I replied. “That's no problem.”

“Cool,” said Joe, opening the screen door. “So, is that all you came by for? To apologize for running your mouth?”

My cheeks went red. “Well, that, and to apologize for almost killing you, too.”

He chuckled. “It happens.” Pointing at the house, Joe continued. “Wanna come in for a beer? I'm sore as hell. Was thinking I might order a pizza and watch a movie.”

I climbed the porch. “Fuck yeah, man. My treat.”


Joe and I went on to become fast friends. Over the next few weeks, the two of us hung out together and hit up bars and movies. Along the way, he taught me a little more about the world of magic, and about pyromancy.

He wasn't the only one.

Though things with the Veiled Order were mostly quiet, Kubo had called on me a few times for meetings, wherein he'd taught me some basics. He explained to me how it was that magic worked, gave me a basic rundown on magical seals and how, certain designs and incantations can channel free-flowing energy from the world of the Beyond into our own.

For instance, that circle I kept seeing everywhere? The one that Amundsen wears around his neck, and which had been on top of that box of demon cremains? Turns out it's a pretty versatile seal, the
Seal of Seven Waters
. Depending on the sigils that are inscribed into it, it can take on several different uses, from creating a spell-powering antenna like Kubo had done back at the church, to making things explode.

Most of this went over my head, but he assured me it'd make more sense in time. He even said he'd teach me a thing or two, some basic spells, down the line.

I saw nothing more of Isabella in the weeks after we'd dashed the coven's plot. Apparently she'd gone off to live with her mother, though Kubo was pretty tight-lipped when it came to discussing her. She was a weirdo, an enigma, and something told me she'd stay that way.

Except for a brief visit to congratulate me on the work I'd done, I didn't see much of Mr. Amundsen, either. He'd come by and dropped off my payment, along with a letter from my loan company, saying that the balances had been paid in full.

Man, when I cracked open that envelope, the relief I felt almost made the whole ordeal worth it. I was debt-free, and I'd only had to take a demon into my body and hunt a coven of dangerous witches.

Maybe sticking to a dead-end desk job would have been the better route, in the long-run.

With the large payment I'd received for the job, I paid up all of my bills and still had a good deal extra to sustain me until the next assignment came.

And, believe me, it was only a matter of time before the next job came down the pipeline.


On the day before the new moon rose, Kubo gave me a call to let me know he'd be picking me up. I was to spend the night in the Veiled Order's containment room, a cement bunker inscribed with powerful seals that would weaken my demonic powers and keep me from busting out to wreak havoc on the city. It wasn't exactly my idea of an exciting night, but after losing myself to Gadreel at the church, I was in no hurry to let him have his way.

I climbed into Kubo's SUV without protest when he pulled up, bringing along only a new change of clothes and my phone. We drove to HQ and I was led down into the cellar to a room I'd never visited before. It was the size of a gymnasium, and was constructed completely of concrete. Intricate magic circles whose exact powers I couldn't guess were etched directly into the stone, and there was scarcely a surface in the unfurnished room that didn't feature some bit of spell craft. Even the manacles that would leash me to the room's center were done up in flowing, foreign-looking symbols.

Kubo ushered me inside, and from the moment I crossed into the first magic circle, I felt a strange sensation come over me. It was a numbness, not unlike the haze that'd come over me after surgery. There was no anesthetic in my system, however; it was the room acting upon the demon inside of me. I felt my limbs growing sluggish, felt my head grow fuzzy. And, deep within me, like a dog approaching a glowing hearth, I felt something lay down for sleep. Gadreel had been subdued, at least temporarily, by the power of these seals.

Kubo chained me up and took my belongings, setting them down on the ground near the door. “When the moon rises, Gadreel will take notice,” he said. “Don't be fooled by his weakness right now. He will take you over completely and won't give in till sunrise. Unless unbound and escorted from this room by someone else, you won't be able to leave it till morning. I'll be by then to unlock you.” Making sure the manacles were firmly locked, he added, “And when I do, we'll be discussing the next job. Something's just come down from the higher-ups, a new assignment. I know you'll be looking forward to it.”

I shook my head. “If it's anything like the last one, I have my doubts. Who knows... maybe I'll sit this one out, man.”

Kubo chuckled, turning down the lights and standing by the door. “No, this job may very well end up more dangerous than the last one. Get some rest while you can. We'll be needing your help.”

More dangerous than hunting Agatha?

Call me crazy, but deep down I liked the sound of that.

As Kubo prepared to leave the room, I called out to him. “One last thing, chief. Can you do me a favor? It's going to get pretty damn dull sitting around in this room till morning. Am I allowed to listen to music?”

The chief paused. “I guess so.”

I motioned over to my phone on the ground with my chin. “Hand me my phone real quick?”

Kubo walked it over, and I wasted no time in scrolling through my collection of music. Selecting
Raw Power
, I put the album on repeat and handed it back to him just as the first, explosive chords of “Search and Destroy” rang out. “Thanks,” I said.

Kubo set the phone down on the ground and walked out, locking the thick, concrete door and leaving me sealed within.

It was going to be a long night.

Standing at the room's center, marveling at the enormous carvings all around me, I tapped my foot to the song and started singing along.

Deep within me, something stirred and took notice.


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Raw Power
. Want to read the next book in the
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