Ravished by a Highlander (26 page)

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Authors: Paula Quinn

Tags: #FIC027050

BOOK: Ravished by a Highlander
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ob wasn’t in bed when Davina opened her eyes the next morning, but Maggie MacGregor was. She sat at the edge of the mattress,
her bright blue eyes riveted on her groggy subject with a mixture of dread and intense interest.

Davina bolted upright, grasping for the blanket to cover herself. She felt her cheeks go up in flames as Maggie’s gaze flicked
over her bare shoulders.

“I… I…” Oh, dear God, what could she say? Sickeningly, she remembered what Maggie had called Caitlin MacKinnon. A trollop.
Davina was worse than that. She was a lusty, wanton wench who fell into a man’s bed the day he brought her home. She wanted
to weep—or pull the blanket over her head and pray Maggie would be gone when she peeked out again. What was she doing here,
and why wasn’t she saying anything?

“Where is Rob?” Davina finally managed, dragging the blanket up to her chin.

Maggie stared at her a moment longer before she sighed and shook her head as if she was having trouble of her own getting
the words to come out of her mouth. “He rode to Portree a few hours ago to fetch a priest.”

Relief flooded through Davina. Then he truly was going to wed her. She hadn’t really doubted it. So far, Rob had kept his
word on everything he’d told her, but she’d been afraid to hope that this was all real. That he was real. By tonight she would
belong to a clan. She would have a husband, a sister, brothers, cousins, uncles, and… aunts.

“I know what you must be thinking of me,” she said softly, looking away from Maggie’s penetrating eyes. “But I vow to you
that Rob is the first…” Her voice trailed off. Betrothed or not, she was still too ashamed to speak of her maidenhood aloud.

Maggie made a little sound, like a dull blade had just scraped across her heart. She pushed herself off the bed and began
to pace in front of it.

“It does not matter what I think. Robert made that clear before he left.” She met Davina’s shameful gaze and sighed again.
“I do not think poorly of ye. Robert is not careless with his affection as Tristan is. I know there is deep emotion involved
here, and
is what distresses me.”

“Why?” Davina asked on a whispered plea.

Maggie cast her an incredulous look. “Because ye are the king’s daughter! Have ye fergotten that, gel?”

In truth, she had. For once.

“And if bedding and wedding ye were not bad enough,” Maggie continued, pacing faster, “he thinks to deceive the king about
yer identity. He is going to tell him that ye are a novice named Elaine, and that ye claimed to be the king’s daughter because
ye thought Robert was the Princess Royal’s enemy and ye had hoped to give her time to escape. But of course, she didn’t.”

Davina quirked her brow at her, confused, but Maggie barely took notice enough to clarify further. “Och, but my brother is
going to skin him alive, if yer father does not do so first.”

Davina sat still on the bed as her world crumbled around her. Maggie was right. She couldn’t wed Rob without it costing him
his life if her father ever came here. Oh, how could they have been so foolish, so reckless? Even last eve she knew in her
heart that she could never escape who she was. But crushed against his strong heart, she could pretend…. Tears streamed down
her face and she swiped them away, not wanting Maggie to see her weakness. But still they came, until finally she covered
her face with her blanket and wept.

“There now, sweeting.” Maggie hurried to her and pulled her into her arms. “There’s no need fer that.”

“I must leave here before it’s too late,” Davina cried. “Will can bring me to—”

“Will knows Robbie’s heart and will never go against it. Nae, ye cannot go.”

“But I must. I won’t let Rob die for me. I didn’t want him to bring me here, but he would not be swayed.”

“Aye, that is my Robert, as stubborn as his father.”

“And then when I saw Camlochlin and met all of you, I was happy he hadn’t listened. Oh, Maggie, what am I to do? I love him.”

“I know, child, I know,” Maggie soothed, wiping Davina’s eyes, and her own, as well. “Mayhap, all is not lost. King Charles
gave Claire to a Highlander, after all.”

“His cousin,” Davina pointed out, wiping her nose. “I am the king’s daughter.”

“Nae.” Maggie cupped her face and smiled at her, concealing well the misgivings that plagued her heart. “Ye are Elaine, a
young novice who deceived my nephew out of love fer the king’s daughter. I will make certain that everyone at Camlochlin remembers
it well.”

Davina shook her head. “It will not work.”

“It will if I say it will. Remember, I am the Devil MacGregor’s sister and I can be just as fearsome as he.”

Through her tears, Davina couldn’t help smiling at the tiny woman in front of her. “I don’t doubt that.”

“Ye would do well not to. Besides, Robert’s scheme could be successful. According to him, no one knows what ye look like.
Even if the king does find ye, he cannot prove ye are his child, and will never set a possible commoner on the throne.” Maggie
patted her hand. “So ye see, ye’ve nothing to fret over. Now dry yer tears. Ye have already won part of the battle. I like
ye, lass. God willing, I believe ye can make Robert verra happy. But ye best brace yerself. Being the wife of a MacGregor
is no easy task, as Kate will surely attest when ye meet her.”

“Tell me about her,” Davina said, needing something to take her mind off the perilous position she had put Rob in. “I’ve heard
much about Rob’s father, but only a little about Kate.”

Maggie’s face went soft, proving that Rob’s mother held a special place in her heart. “She loved my brother at a time when
’twas a crime, punishable by death, to do so. Ye will have an ally in her.”

God help her, Davina thought, as the possibility of a life here sank in once again. How would she ever measure up to the women
of Camlochlin? She had to decide what to do once and for all and stick to it, no matter what the outcome.

Her decision came easily when the door burst open and Rob plunged inside the room. Windblown and slightly out of breath, as
if he’d raced the entire way home to be with her again, he ravished her soul and vanquished her fears. Unbidden memories of
his naked body invaded her thoughts and she felt her cheeks grow hot. Lord, he was handsome, hard and lean, and so very… big.

She almost laughed out loud when he scowled at Maggie and she scowled right back.

“What are ye doin’ in here?” he demanded, clearly worried about what his aunt might have said to Davina. “I told ye this morn
what I decided. I willna’ change—”

“What are
doing in here?” Maggie countered just as menacingly.

“’Tis my room.”

“Good, then ye’re familiar with the way out.”

When he stubbornly stood his ground, Maggie rose off the bed wagging her finger at him. “Ye’re not wed yet, and until ye are,
ye’ll not be seeing any more of her! Now out with ye so I can help her dress.”

Rob looked over her head at Davina clinging to his blanket. Everything he wanted to tell her was there in his eyes, his tender
expression. She smiled at him, feeling the same way, and he fumbled for the door. “The priest is here.”

“Dragged him from his bed, did ye?” Maggie teased, laying a hand on his back to help him out. Before her nephew had a chance
to answer, she closed the door in his face.

“He loves you very much,” Davina told her when they were alone again.

“Aye, and ye, as well.” Maggie grinned at her, then lifted her nose to the air and sniffed. “Is it just me, or does he smell
like flowers?”

*   *   *

The castle was abuzz with activity by the time Davina descended the stairs with Maggie a few hours later. People bustling
this way and that, set to chores that hurried them on their way. Women smiled when they passed her and the men looked her
over approvingly while they hefted baskets of various foodstuffs to and from the kitchen.

There was to be a celebration at Camlochlin today. Her wedding. Davina breathed deeply, but her hands still shook. She was
going to do it. She was going to defy the king, deny her kingdom, and risk the consequences. She had no other choice. She
would wither and vanish without Rob in her life. For the first time in her life she prayed that if her father ever set foot
in Camlochlin he would not know her. Her days of pining over him, of yearning for a normal life, were over. Everything she
had ever wanted, and more, were about to be hers.

She smiled at Alice across the hall and lifted a self-conscious hand to her pinned-up hair.

“Do I look acceptable?” she asked Maggie, trying to quell the thunder of her heart.

“Ye look more ravishin’ than the Cuillins in winter.”

Davina turned and gave Will her happiest smile. She missed him and his playful flirtations that made Rob brood and growl.

“I chose the silver gown.” Maggie stepped back and surveyed her work with pride curling her lips. “It complements her coloring
nicely. Look there, she has silver in her hair.”

Will raised his gaze to the soft curls tumbling around her face and smiled. “Aye, I’ve noticed.”

Davina blushed and looked around, expecting to see Rob behind her looking like he could crack Will in two with his bare hands.

“You taunt him,” she accused with humor lifting her voice.

“I enjoy watchin’ him lose his head. It reminds me that he’s just a man, like the rest of us.”

Yes, Davina thought—not finding Rob in the crowd—that could be difficult to remember. “Is he in the church?”

“He’ll be there when the time comes.”

Davina nodded. That was the one thing she was certain of.

“He’s…” Will’s eyes reflected the glimmer of her gown when he spotted a buxom girl hurrying toward the Great Hall. “… preparin’
some things.”

“He’s a wolf,” Davina smiled, shaking her head after him when he took off in pursuit of the poor girl.

“He’s a tame pup compared to Tristan,” Maggie huffed, then took her hand and pulled her down the hall. They were stopped by
a lovely woman with a mane of golden curls and deep blue eyes. Her smile was warm, as was her hand when she clasped Davina’s.

“So, this is Elaine, the lass who won Robert’s staunch heart! I am Aileen, Graham and Jamie’s sister.”

“Saints, help us, he brought the MacLeods.” Maggie looked heavenward and slapped her hip.

“Of course he did,” Aileen said, still smiling at Da—vina. “We are practically kin.”

Davina saw the slight resemblance to Jamie and shared a word with her until Maggie interrupted them.

“Where is Jamie?”

“He is with Faither Matheson in the cellars, prayin’ over someone, I think. I heard Brodie talkin’ aboot Last Rites.”

The color drained from Davina’s face. Dear God, she’d forgotten about Edward! Was he locked in the cellars? Was he going to
die on her wedding day? He had betrayed her trust and broken her heart, but she didn’t want him to die for it.

“Maggie, I must find Rob!”

“We’ll find him, sweeting. Don’t ye worry about it.”

“No!” Davina clutched her arm. “I mean now. This moment. Before it’s too late!”

“Before what’s too late?” Maggie grimaced and tugged her arm free of Davina’s taloned grasp. “What’s come over ye, gel?”

“There he is now.”

Davina followed Aileen’s finger and took off toward her future husband. They met halfway across the hall and Rob’s breath
seemed to catch in his throat as he reached for her hands.

“I didna’ think ye could ever be more bonnie than the day I took ye from St. Christopher’s, but I was wrong.”

“Rob, where is Edward?”

The warmth in his eyes vanished along with his smile. “Dinna’ concern yerself with him any longer, Davina. I’ve taken care
of it.”

“By killing him?”

“He isna’ dead yet, but ’tis what he deserves.” He raised his voice an octave, then ground his jaw. “We will discuss it later.”

“We will discuss it now!” She pulled her hands away from his and narrowly escaped him when he reached for her again. He was
scowling in full force now. “Release him,” she said nonetheless.

“Are ye mad? D’ye think I am?”

“Please, Rob.”


“I beg you, please.”

She saw his resolve falter behind his dark expression. But just as quickly he snatched it back. “Davina, ye canna’ ask this
of me. He will leave Camlochlin and go directly to yer faither.”

“He won’t. I know he won’t. He did what he did a long time ago. Much has changed since then.”

“Aye, he loves ye,” Rob growled at her.

“Yes, he does, and that is why he will not betray me again. Spare him, please. I cannot bear the thought of him dying because
of me. So many have already.”

“I canna’—”

She stepped into his arms and reached for his face, cutting off his refusal. “I have asked you for nothing until now. Grant
me this, Rob. I cannot stand before God with a merciless man.”

He stared into her eyes while her heart beat furiously against him, until she thought he would deny her.

“Verra well,” he said finally and caught her in the crook of his arm when she flung her arms around his neck and thanked him
profusely with kiss after kiss.

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