Ramagos, Tonya - Strictly Accountable [Stud Service 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Ramagos, Tonya - Strictly Accountable [Stud Service 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, that’s amazing.”

She barely heard him over the drumming of her own pulse.

“Do it again.”

Before his words could register, he turned her in his arms and lifted her off her feet. Her quivering legs wound around his waist more out of reflex than thought. His hands splayed her bottom, cupping her cheeks and holding her steady. Then he kissed her, his mouth taking hers with a domination that bruised even as it aroused. His tongue plunged between her lips as, between her legs, his cock drove into her channel in a single thrust that drew a strangled scream from her throat.

Intense, red-hot pleasure swamped her as her inner muscles made room for his thick shaft. He filled her, igniting a firestorm that spread through her soul. Practical thought fled in a maelstrom of passion and heady lust. Only when he wrenched his mouth from hers, his grip tightening on her ass cheeks as she felt him begin to pull out, did she snag hold of some semblance of rational thought, just enough to utter a protest.

“No, don’t stop.” She wriggled in his embrace, locking her ankles behind his back.

“Holy shit, Sabrina. You’ve got to let me pull out, darlin’.”

“To hell I do.” No way would she let him stop this now. Dying ranked a high possibility if he didn’t finish what he started.

“Sabrina.” He said her name again as if doing so might make her listen to reason. The only reason she knew in that moment belonged to the orgasm dangling on the precipice. “I’m not wearing a condom.”

Sabrina shook her head wildly and bucked her hips, trying to find even a modicum of the friction he started but now denied her. “Can’t let go. Can’t stop,” she panted.
I can’t think either
. She knew if she did she would likely go scurrying for the mountains. She never did anything so wild in her life. No way could she go back now. “Harder, Brody. Take me harder.”

“Christ almighty,” he growled through gritted teeth. He stared at her, the position he held her putting them almost at perfect eye level. “I’m not taking the blame for this when the heat settles.”

“No, but you’re going to take the blame for it now if you don’t finish what you started.” Sabrina flattened her hands on his shoulders, dug in her nails and watched a lightning bolt of pure male supremacy flash in the dark depths of his eyes.

“You asked for it, princess.” His grip on her ass tightened, fingertips pinching into flesh as he pistoned his cock inside her channel and reached a depth he hadn’t moments before.

Sabrina’s head fell back on her shoulders as fireworks of bliss exploded in her very being. The water sloshed around them as he fucked her. He took her with a primitive, forceful, mind-altering invasion of his cock into her sodden cunt that revealed things within her she hadn’t known were there. Wicked, wanton feelings erupted in her bloodstream, ideas forming in her mind that breached all practical realms.

“I’m not going to last, Sabrina. You feel too good. Too hot. Too tight. Do it again for me. Let me feel your body milk my cock as you come.”

His words, the crudeness coupled with the rough way he claimed her, sent her over the edge a second time. She screamed with the power of the orgasm that tore from her body. She lifted her head, only to freeze in the act of lowering it once more as she locked gazes with him. The unreadable pits his eyes became stole her breath. She fell under some sort of spell as she stared at him, as her own orgasm continued to rack her body, as she felt the vicious jets of semen spew into her when he finally lost control.

Seconds turned to minutes as they stayed that way, locked together, drenched from both the pond and their own sweat, entranced in the reckless moment they just shared. Spent and dizzy with a confused rightness to her world, Sabrina let her forehead fall to rest on his chest. She felt his head turn, closed her eyes on the tender brush of his lips to her temple. When he spoke, an icy chill made her shiver to her toes.

“You want to tell me what that was all about?”

Chapter Five

Sabrina dug down deep, groping for some kind of internal shield, something she could use to guard herself as she lifted her head and met Brody’s hard stare. She didn’t regret what they just did. She wouldn’t allow herself to feel ashamed or embarrassed. She felt a cavernous desire to do it again. She knew instantly that she put more than her body on the line by getting this close to him. That awareness sparked her temper and gave her the strength to hide the emotions swamping her now.

“I thought it was sex.” She answered him flippantly, adding a little wicked curve to her lips as she said, “Great sex.”

“It was that, darlin’,” he drawled. He still held her, hands secure on her bottom, cock going soft in her channel. “Not very safe sex either.”

Sabrina blew a breath up her face. “I’m clean, Brody. If it makes you feel better, there’s no reason to worry about STDs or anything.”

“I wasn’t worried. I’m surprised you weren’t, though.” His jaw tightened as he chewed over his next words. “You’re a sensible woman. Words like reckless and spontaneous don’t come to mind when I think about you.”

You think about me?
She stopped the question cold. She didn’t need him seeing too much, especially when she didn’t even know what he might see if she opened herself up for him to look. “I’m not usually reckless or spontaneous. My instincts are usually pretty good, though, and I try to follow them whenever possible.”

Brody nodded slowly, his gaze on her never wavering, never softening. “Did those instincts tell you that you’re not going to get pregnant, too, or are you on the pill?”

Sabrina swallowed. She considered lying for all of a half a second, but she couldn’t do it. What would be the point? She shook her head. “I stopped taking the pill years ago. My doctor tried me on all the different contraceptives, and each one produced some sort of side effect that didn’t set well with my system. Condoms proved the best alternative.”

“Condoms work fine,” Brody agreed. “Funny thing about them is they don’t do a bit of good when they aren’t used.”

“We got carried away.” Sabrina angled her head and studied his handsome face. He didn’t look angry. He didn’t sound it either. It shocked her that he was actually discussing rather than flying off the handle or tossing blame. “Surely that wasn’t the first time you’ve ever let your hormones get in the way of common sense. I’m guessing this right here would be another good example.” She skimmed a finger over his tattoo. “Well, I doubt hormones had anything to do with it. Testosterone is probably more like it.”

He glanced down at the tattoo on his upper shoulder and nodded once. “Yeah, testosterone about sums it up. Friday night poker game with the ranch hands when I was seventeen. Someone got the bright idea it’d be cool to brand me. Later, when it healed, I had it tattooed over. Trust me, it looks better now. As for letting hormones get in the way of rational thought, I’ve done that plenty. The sex we just had, however, wasn’t one of those times.”

Sabrina opened her mouth, but closed it again when she realized he had her there. “No, I guess it wasn’t.” She shrugged. “So I’m guilty as charged. I’ve never done anything like that in my life.”

“I reckoned as much.”

“But I’m finding it hard to regret it.” She wiggled her hips, grinding her pelvis to his, and bit back a giggle at the flicker of desire that moved through his expression.

He tightened his grip on her bottom and stilled her movements. “I don’t want you to regret it. Hell, I really want to do it again, especially when you move this sexy ass of yours like you just did.”

Sabrina let the giggle loose. “It’s good to know I’m not the only one finding it difficult to concentrate on conversation in this position.”

“Oh, I’m talking just fine.”

Sabrina frowned. Of all the times for a man to decide he wanted to have a serious conversation. She tried to grind her hips again, but only managed to move a fraction of an inch. “Stop holding me so tight and we’ll get you ready to go again.”

He loosened his grip and shocked her by lowering her to stand on her own feet in front of him. “Not until you tell me what’s really going on. You’re a successful, single, beautiful woman with goals and dreams and all that jazz. I raised three sisters just like you. I know the signs. I also know women like you don’t throw caution to the wind like you just did and act so nonchalant about it when it’s over. You’re not worried about getting pregnant, and there’s a reason. I want to know why.”

Sabrina looked up at him and knew she had to tell him the truth. “Tenacity is definitely one of your strong suits. Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Yeah, among other things.”

She laughed a quick burst of air. “I bet.” She breathed deep and let it spill. “My parents are on us girls to make grandchildren. It’s nothing new. They’ve been after us for years to settle down and start families.”

“Getting pregnant in a pond out of wedlock with a guy you barely know isn’t settling down and starting a family.”

Sabrina narrowed her eyes at him even as she bent her knees, sinking her upper body beneath the surface of the water enough to cover her breasts. Having them exposed left her feeling vulnerable right now. She certainly didn’t need that when facing off with Brody Holt. She needed strength and her own tenacity instead.

“It isn’t necessary to start being an asshole, Brody.”

“I’m just pointing out facts, Sabrina.”

“Facts I am well aware of already, thank you very much.” She stepped back, suddenly needing distance between them, and fast.

“Finish it.” He didn’t move, didn’t stiffen, and didn’t change his easy standing demeanor in any way. His expression stayed hard, though, and his tone left no room for argument or avoidance. It infuriated her beyond belief.

She wanted out of the pond. She wanted her clothes. She wanted to zip back to the last moment when the orgasm he’d given her stole her sanity, to the moment when he’d lost control inside her, and stay there for the rest of the day.

“There’s nothing to finish.” She started to straighten and step around him, but he seemed to sense her intentions. He shifted to his right, one brow slowly lifting as if to dare her to move. She seethed inwardly but didn’t press her luck. “The whole family thing is apparently not as important to my parents as the grandchildren. They want them no matter how they are conceived.”

Brody folded his arms over his broad chest. She knew it shouldn’t, but somehow the position made him look larger than life and twice as sexy. “Even if it’s out of wedlock with a guy you barely know.”

“I thought you weren’t being an asshole.”

“And ‘round and ‘round we go,” he muttered, averting his gaze for the first time since he started the conversation. He looked away, nodded slow, glanced at the sky, then finally leveled his attention on her once more. “You would get pregnant just to satisfy your parents?”

“Not just.” She wanted it, too. Fantasies of feeling life moving inside her, of hearing it cry and, later, of being called mommy, kept her up more nights than wet dreams about any random studded hunk. Of course, it hadn’t been just any random studded hunk occupying her dreams the last few nights.

“You’re saying you want children, yet you don’t have any.”

“Remember those tight comments you were making not so long ago? That tends to happen when a woman doesn’t have sex in over a year. It also creates a hell of a problem when it comes to conceiving a child considering it seems to require more than a simple want to make that happen.”

“I still don’t get it. I’m a simple man, Sabrina. I need simple answers.”

Simple, my ass

“Are you telling me that’s where I fit in today?”

“It wasn’t like I planned to hop in this pond and screw you blind so we could make a baby when I got here.” His lips twitched, and she gritted her teeth. “If you so much as crack a smile right now I’ll deck you. I might be a girl, but I can hit like a man.”

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