(Rainshadow, #2) Deception Cove (5 page)

Read (Rainshadow, #2) Deception Cove Online

Authors: Jayne Castle

Tags: #Fantasy Romance Paranormal Romance, #Futuristic, #Romance

BOOK: (Rainshadow, #2) Deception Cove
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He watched her closely. “Did you?”

“No.” She held up one hand, palm out. “And before you ask, no I can’t prove it.”

“Do you know who did steal it?”

“Uh-huh.” She studied him over the rim of the glass. “Fulton Whitcomb.”

“Your husband.”

“Dead husband. And it was just a Marriage of Convenience so it doesn’t really count. Death results in an automatic dissolution of the marriage. The surviving spouse does not inherit any property. She has no legal or financial obligations pertaining to her husband’s estate. It’s like the marriage never happened.”

“Unless there are children from the union,” Drake said softly.

Children changed everything. The birth of a child into an MC automatically converted what was otherwise a dressed-up romantic affair into a full-blown Covenant Marriage. Dissolving a Covenant Marriage was a legal, financial, and social nightmare. His brother, Harry, had discovered that the hard way.

“Yes, well, there were no children,” Alice said coolly.

“Because both of you kept current with your vaccinations?”

“I certainly kept mine up-to-date. Not that it mattered.”

Drake heard a tiny mental
warning him that this was important. “Why didn’t the shots matter?”

“Because getting pregnant would have been biologically impossible under the circumstances.” Alice drank the last of her wine and set the glass back on the table. “Fulton and I never had sex.”

Maud came out of the kitchen carrying two plates. She set the pizza down on the bar. Houdini waved ecstatically and chortled.

Maud chuckled and carried the platter of eggs, toast, and potatoes to the booth where Alice and Drake sat. Alice looked at the repast as though it were a diamond necklace.

“Thanks, Maud,” she said. “This is just what I need.”

Maud went back to her work behind the counter. Drake folded his arms on the table and watched Alice dive into the eggs. It occurred to him that she was hungry because she had used up a lot of energy that evening with the magic act and then defending herself in the alley. She was probably exhausted.

She swallowed a bite of eggs and began munching on a slice of toast. She paused mid-munch, glaring at him.

“What?” she said around a mouthful of toast.

“Nothing,” he said. “I know you’re hungry. I’ve been there. Go ahead. You can tell me your side of the story when you’ve finished. I’ll tell you mine while you eat.”

She nodded and went back to her eggs.

“Here’s where things stand on Rainshadow,” Drake said. “The treasure, which consisted of three dangerous Old World crystals of unknown properties, was stolen sometime during the past eighteen months. Recently one of the crystals was recovered deep inside the Preserve on the island.”

Alice ate some of the potatoes. “Just one?”

“The other two crystals are still missing. We believe they are also on Rainshadow.”


“My family.”

Alice frowned. “Well, that’s weird. I wonder why someone took them back to Rainshadow after going to the trouble of killing Fulton and stealing the stones.”

“Is that what happened?”


“Not to get too personal, but why would you enter into an MC with Whitcomb if you didn’t intend to sleep with him?”

Alice raised her brows. “Because I was an idiot.”

“I’m guessing there was another reason.”

“Nope, I’m pretty sure that was the actual reason. I told myself that I was falling in love with him. He was so charming, so much fun. I thought that eventually I would want to sleep with him. I explained that I was attracted to him but that the relationship was moving too quickly. I said I needed some time to be sure of my feelings for him and his for me. Believe it or not, he claimed he wanted a full Covenant Marriage.”

“Fulton asked you to enter into a CM?”

Alice grimaced. “Hard to believe, isn’t it? You know, I think it was his insistence on a CM that made me uneasy. It all seemed a little too good to be true. A fairy tale in which the handsome, charming, wealthy prince whisks the little clerk from the museum gift shop off her feet and asks her to marry him.”

“You don’t believe in fairy-tale endings?”

Alice shrugged again. “I grew up in an orphanage, remember? You learn a lot about real life in an orphanage. Deep down, I sensed that there was something wrong with the perfect picture that Fulton painted. Regardless, I admit I had a few hopes and dreams. But I wouldn’t go for the CM. I did, however, let him push me into an MC.”

“Even though you weren’t ready to sleep with him.”

Alice frowned. “You’re really fixated on that aspect of the thing, aren’t you?”

“Just curious,” he lied. He was fixated, damn it.

“Fulton said he wanted some kind of commitment between us while I got to know him better. I’m pretty sure he figured that he’d talk me into bed fairly quickly. He was probably right. After all, he had dazzled me with a gift that no one else had ever given me.”

“An expensive piece of jewelry? A car?”

She smiled wistfully. “None of the above. Fulton Whitcomb gave me something far more precious—a piece of my family history.”

Drake experienced the sharp, edgy whisper of understanding. “He was the one who told you that you were Nick North’s descendant.”

“Yes. He was really into the antiquities market. He said he had a line on Nick North’s diary. He promised to find it for me—” Alice broke off abruptly, as if she was not sure how much more she ought to say. “Along with a couple of other interesting North family documents,” she finished a little too smoothly. “My turn to ask some questions. How did you find me?”

“You could call it a form of reverse engineering. There is a lot of information about Nick North in the Sebastian family archives. I worked downstream from the past to the present, piecing together the evidence. You were at a disadvantage because you were trying to work upstream toward your past but you had no solid starting point.”

Alice nodded. “Yes, that’s how Fulton figured it out. He traced Nick North’s ancestry and eventually got to me. I had no clue that what he really wanted were the crystals. It was a setup from the start. By the time I figured it out, it was too late.”

Drake nodded. “In addition to the diary, Whitcomb had North’s psi-code map, didn’t he?”


“He had a map that would lead him to the crystals, but there was one really big catch. A psi-code map can only be deciphered by someone from the same bloodline as the person who created it—specifically someone with a similar kind of talent. That was another advantage that Whitcomb and I both had when we set out to find you, by the way. We knew we were looking for a North descendant who possessed his brand of talent—light-talent. That limited the search pool because, as you said earlier, there aren’t a lot of strong light-talents around.”

“There you have it,” Alice said. “The reason I agreed to an MC with Fulton Whitcomb. I was an idiot.”

He winced. “Been there, done that.”

Alice looked at him, startled. “You were an idiot in the romance department?”

“Oh, yeah. Someday maybe I’ll tell you the whole story. But right now we need to stick to your tale.”

“There’s not much more to tell. I was thrilled when I realized I could read my great-grandfather’s psi-code map. It gave me such a strong connection to my family history. I can’t explain it, but somehow it made me feel less alone in the world.”

“I understand.”

“I got even more excited when Fulton suggested that we go straight to Rainshadow and search for the North treasure.”

Drake smiled faintly. “In my family we refer to it as the Sebastian treasure.”

“Yes, well, at the time all I had was a treasure map created by my great-grandfather. As far as I was concerned, it was the North treasure.”

“What happened on Rainshadow?”

“We went to the island and immediately started treasure-hunting. It didn’t take long to find the cave where the strongbox was hidden. It was just inside the psi-fence.”

“You were able to go through the fence into the Preserve?”

“Yes. Fulton and I both got through it fairly easily.”

“You were both talents,” Drake said. “That explains why you could get past the paranormal forces of the fence. It’s a wonder you both didn’t get lost, though.”

“We had the map and we were careful to maintain visual contact with a landmark outside the fence at all times so we weren’t in danger of getting disoriented.”

“You found the strongbox that contained the three crystals. What happened next?”

“I got a bad feeling when I realized that Fulton was way too excited about the crystals. I mean, they were just three murky-looking stones. But he acted like we’d found a box of rare, hot amber. Then I saw the document inside the strongbox. It made it clear that the crystals were the property of the Rainshadow Preserve Foundation. In other words, they belonged to the Sebastian family. And suddenly I understood that Fulton had used me.”

“What did you say?”

“I told him that I was going to contact the Sebastian family to find out more about my history and my rights to the treasure. Fulton was furious. Then he showed me another document, one he had concealed from me. It was signed by both my great-grandfather and yours. It guaranteed that any North descendant would receive half of all profits made on anything of value that was ever discovered inside the Preserve.”

“Son of a ghost,” Drake said very softly. “Fulton planned to seduce you into a full Covenant Marriage so that afterward he would be able to claim half of whatever came out of the Preserve.”

“Yep.” Alice ate the last of her breakfast and put down the fork. “Between you and me, I got the distinct impression that I wasn’t expected to live long after Fulton finally got me into a CM. In fact, I have reason to think that he intended to force the issue by getting me pregnant.”

“But you said you got the shots.”

Alice smiled grimly. “I learned later that Fulton had gotten a prescription for the antidote. He intended to sneak it into my food after he had seduced me. After a baby was born, the MC would automatically convert to a CM. I think both the baby and I would have suffered a fatal accident.

“And after you conveniently died, he would inherit whatever there was of value inside the Preserve.” Drake stopped, mentally fitting the pieces of the puzzle together. “That implies that he thought there was something very important inside the fence, something worth marrying and murdering you for. Did he think the crystals were of such great value?”

“Not exactly,” Alice said. “He called the crystals the Keys. He said they would unlock the real treasure inside the Preserve.”

“Did he say anything else?”

“Not much because about that time I told him that I intended to get a divorce. He reacted by trying to kill me. I pulled my invisibility trick and escaped from the cave. I was running for my life. I blundered through some kind of dark energy field and became thoroughly disoriented. It took me a couple of days to find my way back out of the Preserve. When I returned to Resonance City, the news of Fulton’s death was the headline story in the media and I discovered that I was the chief suspect.”

“What about the crystals?”

Alice shook her head. “I have no idea what happened to them. I assumed that Fulton got out of the Preserve with them and that he was killed by a partner in crime who didn’t like the way things had gone down on Rainshadow. After all, Fulton had really screwed up by failing to sucker me into a CM. What makes you think the crystals are on the island?”

“Because Rainshadow is getting dangerously hot.”

She raised her brows. “I assume you’re talking about heat in the paranormal sense?”

“Right. The crystals are mostly a mystery, but one thing we do know about them is that under certain circumstances they resonate with the natural paranormal forces of the planet. That effect is enhanced in hot zones like Rainshadow. We’re certain the two missing crystals are on the island and that they are overheating the place.”

“Define overheating,” Alice said.

“They are having a dangerously destabilizing effect on the local geothermal and atmospheric forces. The ocean currents and tides were always strong and treacherous in the area, but now they’ve become bizarre and unpredictable. The last time I was able to get through to my brother, Harry, was three days ago. He said the weather is following an equally unstable pattern. A heavy fog that seems to be infused with a lot of paranormal energy has been rolling in over the town every night. He said the island had just lost power and that he was organizing an evacuation. The problem is that a lot of folks on the island won’t leave.”

“You haven’t talked to Harry in the past three days?”

“Communications are down. I can’t get through on the phone or computer. No one is sure what’s happening in the Preserve, but Harry said there is growing concern that the unstable forces may be affecting plant and animal life as well as the weather.”

“And all because of those two crystals,” Alice said. “Damn. I knew they were going to be trouble.”

“You’re sure you don’t know where they are?”

“I’m positive. Trust me, if I had two really powerful crystals like that I would be trying to sell them to some outfit like Sebastian, Inc.”

He smiled. “And we would pay any price you asked.”

She sighed. “Well, I don’t have them to sell or give to you. What happens now?”

“We need to find the two missing crystals.”

“Be my guest. I’m not stopping you.”

“I’m going to need your help and I’m willing to pay for it.”

She went still again. “How much?”

“Name your price.”

“That offer is never a good sign. It means you’re desperate.”

“I am desperate.”

She looked skeptical. “I can’t see you as desperate, but it’s obvious those crystals are important to you. What I don’t understand is how you think I can help you locate them.”

“I’m not sure, either. But from what I can tell, you’re the last person who saw them before they disappeared.”

“No,” Alice said. “Whoever killed Fulton Whitcomb is the last person who saw those crystals.”

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