Raines, Elizabeth - Covert [Wicked Missions 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Raines, Elizabeth - Covert [Wicked Missions 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“So,” Eruda finally said, “we’ll start here and see what happens. Know this, Alayna…if you let us down, there will be repercussions. Not only for you, but for your mates.”

“Deadly repercussions,” Luka added.

Ah, finally the threat to her men—the thing that was supposed to keep her in line. “I won’t let you down. I can do this. I
to do this. I can’t let Tanner go wait for refugee rations anymore. It was…humiliating.”

Her boss gave her a curt nod.

As the three conspirators each gave her a bow or a shake of their hands, Alayna again faced the director of Resources Administration. Priam surprised her by reaching out to tap her stun-stick. “Such an unusual weapon,” he said before pulling back his gloved hand. “To see a Fraiquan wield one, a surprise is.” On that strangely worded comment, they left.

* * * *

The transport arrived not long after the second sun set. Once she knew which dock would be used, Alayna quickly rigged the cameras covering that area to record several minutes of footage from the night before in a repeating time loop. The official C.C. log would show no activity on Dock 5 that shift.

Luka was supervising the loading of the boxes of the fragile tubes of betrathlomine. He played the part of the smuggler well, and she wondered for a moment if he was truly Fraiquan or if he’d been genetically engineered the way she, Tanner, and Will had been. No one had ever said they were the only ones to complete the experimental process.

As the truck drivers secured their loads, Luka brought a small satchel to the guard station. As he handed it to her, she caught the worry in his dark eyes.

“A pleasure doing business with you,” she said in Hungarian, hoping he had the same translation chip programmed with the covert language.

He relaxed, giving her a wan smile. “Stay safe,” he replied in the ancient tongue. On those words, he whistled to the drivers, crawled into one of the trucks, and left Alayna staring at them moving quickly away until she finally faced an empty loading dock.

When her replacement showed up an hour later, Alayna gave him a briefing, grabbed her satchel, and headed for home. She hadn’t even made it three blocks when her thoughts finally settled enough for her to focus on what had bothered her most in the whole dirty transaction.

Priam Sisson

Sure, he was a drug smuggler. Worse, he was an elected official who’d literally sold his soul for the unis he could make trading patrile. But those weren’t what disturbed Alayna.

It was his hands.

Those enormous hands.

What is he hiding beneath those gloves?

Then she remembered his words, the way he’d reversed them in same way she’d heard somewhere before.

Skidding to a stop, she almost screamed in denial. How naïve she’d been, assuming the science she was now a part of was reserved for good! The glove and the strangely-worded comment about the stun-stick gave the secret away. How had no one else noticed, especially people who worked with him daily? The revelation hit her as if someone had snatched her stun-stick and zapped her with it. Although she wasn’t entirely sure, her intuition was screaming. Prima might be hiding a sixth finger—something they evidently couldn’t eliminate entirely when they’d genetically engineered him to be a Fraiquan.

Priam Sisson could be a Dracorian.

Chapter 7

“A what? You think he’s a
” Will was having a hard time not blowing up and knocking a hole in the paper-thin wall of their crappy apartment. The notion of a Dracorian infiltrating his slimy way into the Fraiquan government made his skin crawl. Sure, he, Tanner, and Alayna had been genetically engineered to be Fraiquan, but surely no other society had achieved that lofty level of science. The implications were staggering, especially in the hands of such a vicious culture.

The species was, as a whole, despicable. Greedy. Brutal. Destructive. Their cruelty against the Fraiquan people during their occupation was well documented, and although all the treaties called for peaceful coexistence, no fewer than three Dracorian attempts to overthrow the current Fraiquan government had been uncovered. The lust of the Dracorians for the abundant natural resources on Fraiqua would probably never be quenched, nor would the long-standing prejudice that Fraiquans were inferior be easily ended.

Was this revelation going to increase that count to four?

He was probably jumping to conclusions—this Dracorian bastard could want nothing more sinister than to destroy the Fraiquans by getting them hooked on patrile and then fleecing them of every last uni-credit to support their habit. “We’ve gotta figure this out.”

“No shit? I figured we’d just ignore him,” Alayna said. She was clearly exhausted when she flopped down on the mattress with her weapon belt still around her curvy hips. “Sorry, sweetheart.” She gave him a crooked smile. “Didn’t mean to be flip to you.”

“No offense taken.” Will leaned in to unbuckle her belt. “Sit up. Let me get this stuff off you so you can get some sleep.”

“Who said I’m ready for sleep?” The husky tone of her voice made him smile. “I need you two to make me forget this god-awful day.”

Lifting her hips, she let him take away her weapons. As he set the belt aside, his eyes fixed on the stun-stick. He’d been hit by one back in his Academy days. The instructors figured every potential agent needed to know what to expect from various implements of incapacitation so they would be able to plan how to respond should it happen in the field. He’d learned that stun-sticks hurt like bloody hell, knocked the victim paralyzed, but allowed him to remain conscious. From the stories he’d heard about the occupation of Fraiqua, the Dracorians had used stun-sticks to get their victims at their mercy before inflicting all sorts of atrocities—from lopping off limbs to plucking out eyeballs to burning their prey alive. The only crime they weren’t accused of was rape because of an oddity of the Dracorian males. They could only mate with Dracorian females and only during certain times of the year. But had they possessed the ability to physically attack the Fraiquans that horrible way, Will had no doubt they would have.

The hatred between the races went back so far that no one was sure exactly where it began. The histories of both planets were filled with stories of Dracorian aggression against the spiritual Fraiquans. Sometimes the Fraiquans held their own, and other times they ended up subjugated, as they had in the last war. Only tenacity and dedication allowed them to overthrow that Dracorian occupation, but their self-rule was still fragile at best, which explained why the Dracorians might be trying to stir things up again.

“What are we gonna do about this guy?” Tanner asked.

His arms were folded over his bare chest as he leaned his shoulder against the wall. He and Will had just been waking up when Alayna got back from her shift. Tanner was the sexiest man Will had ever known, even when he was blue. The outline of Tanner’s erect cock and the sight of Alayna stretched out on the bed made Will’s dick spring to life.

Neither slept well without her. In fact, almost everything between him and Tanner seemed to need her as a bridge. Although Will had awakened with a cock stiff as an iron rod, he hadn’t even reached for Tanner this time. He wanted him—the same way he wanted Alayna. He’d made love to Tanner once before when their wife had been at work, but the encounter, while physically satisfying, had left them both feeling a bit cheated in the emotional connection. She was the glue that held this “marriage” together, and none of them knew what would happen to their family when this mission ended.

Right now, Will wanted that connection, needing to feel the three of them come together in a way that seemed almost…holy.

“I think you should feel
tomorrow, Will. You know, take the day off to get over whatever’s got you ailing.” Alayna gave that pronouncement as she winked at him and started unbuttoning her shirt, making more blood surge to his cock. “Maybe the next couple of days.”

“You want me to follow him.” Since her legs were dangling over the side of the mattress, he put himself between her thighs, spreading them farther apart, and reached for her pants, popping open the button and dragging her zipper down.

Tanner pushed away from the wall and came to the bed. Crawling up on the mattress, he brushed her hands away so he could take over the chore of removing her uniform shirt. Since she was always the forceful one, he loved having an opportunity to express his desire for her. One of those ways was by undressing her. Hell, it was foreplay.

“Yeah, I think you should. Tanner?”

“Yeah, love?”

“I want you to see what you can find in the books. I need information on any money getting into this guy’s hands, over and under the table.”

“Anything the wife wants,” he said. Then Tanner made her lean up so he could take off her shirt. Popping the front clasp on her bra, he grinned before dropping to take one of her dusky blue nipples deep into his mouth.

Alayna arched into him, lacing her fingers through his long hair and moaning. Her eyes caught Will’s as he eased her pants and then her panties down her legs. The last thing he did was peel off her dark-gray socks. Quickly dropping the boxers he’d slept in, he decided to reward her for all her hard work. Settling his hands against her knees, he spread her legs wide.

Damn, he loved seeing Tanner sucking her tits. Will separated her folds with his fingers, easing one inside her, smiling as she writhed in pleasure. “God, you’re already wet.”

“State the obvious,” Alayna said before Tanner shut her up with a kiss.

Will pulled his fingers back, forcing his tongue up her slick opening and savoring her unique taste. She squeezed his head with her thighs. With a muffled laugh, he forced those slender thighs farther apart and went right back to trying to drive her out of her mind.

Alayna knew she’d never tire of her men.
When Will sucked her clitoris, she gasped and almost bucked right off the bed. Tanner gripped her shoulders to hold her down as he covered his mouth with hers, sweeping his tongue past her lips to stroke hers, capturing her contented sigh.

No matter how awful things got at work, no matter what hardships they endured because of this mission, her men could make her body sing and force her to forget the stress and strain that weighed so heavily on her shoulders. Every time they touched her, she wanted to shout out her love for them, and somewhere in her heart, she knew it didn’t matter if they were Fraiquan or human.

These men were her mates.

She wouldn’t tell them that, though. She wouldn’t burden them with the knowledge of her love, making them feel forced into staying with her after they were restored to humanity. No, that bridge was in the far distance, and she wouldn’t worry about crossing it until she faced it. For now, she’d drown in the passion they all shared.

“I can’t wait, Alayna,” Will said, rising to settle between her thighs. He grabbed his cock and stroked her cunt. “I need you.”

“Tanner,” she said, “you’re going to fuck Will while he fucks me.”

Both men grinned. “Gladly,” Tanner replied.

The mattress shifted as he crawled off. Grabbing a bottle of lube, he squeezed some on his palm and smeared it on his dick while he moved to stand directly behind Will.

Will bent forward as he plunged deep inside Alayna. She squeezed her eyes shut and moaned in pleasure. Forcing her eyes open so she could watch the men, she laced her fingers through Will’s long hair when he bent forward, pressing his chest against her breasts.

Tanner loomed behind him, rubbing his hand over Will’s back. His eyes caught Alayna’s, the passion there burning all the way to her soul. She could tell the moment he entered Will’s body because his eyes widened and a groan escaped his lips at the same time Will grabbed her shoulders and hung on for dear life.

The three began to move, Tanner pushing into Will as he pushed forward, deep into her pussy. She lifted her knees, trying to take every inch of his cock inside her as her muscles coiled in anticipation. The cadence sped up, making her men pant for breath just as she was.

And then everything inside her uncoiled, pleasure racing through her as her inner muscles clenched against Will’s cock. The heat of his semen bathing her womb made aftershocks rock her body at the same time Tanner groaned, held on to Will’s hips, and slammed into his ass one more time.

At that moment, Alayna knew that this was all she could ever want from life. Both of their faces were filled with happiness, and she felt more sated and at peace then she ever had before. And in that moment, she realized that her life would end if she ever lost them.

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