Raine: The Lords of Satyr (21 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Amber

Tags: #Erotic fiction, #Italy, #Erotica, #Historical fiction, #Fiction

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“Jordan!” The distracting call came again. But her dreamlover’s voice obscured it.

Take me into your body. I can give you the child you want. Tonight. And once I’ve had you, my brothers will give you children as well. You’ll bear three as you were meant to. You’ll finally know your true heritage, that of goddess.

The hypnotic voice made the impossible seem possible, made her want…

“Three children. Yes. Yes, I want your child, my darling, and those of your brothers as well. I’ll love them, love you. All of you.”

She reached beneath her skirts and took his slick reptilian cock in one hand. She shifted her hips, finding its tip with her slit.

“Jordan!” Raine called, frantic with pain and fear.

But she was caught in Morpheus’s hypnotic web and no longer heard Raine’s tortured summons, or any sounds of EarthWorld. The dream was her only reality now.

She shimmied her shoulders and her bodice slid to catch at her elbows, baring her breasts to the moonlight. She gazed down at her lover.

Now, my sweet. Take me. Fuck me.

“Yes.” Tensing her thighs, she sank until the ebony snake pricked her. It was cold, smooth. She sank farther and the glossy tip of unyielding marble speared deeper. Gradually, oh so gradually, its dark hurting length filled her.

Ahhh! Yes, that’s it. So good.

When the bulbous tip finally jabbed her womb she gasped and threw back her head.

No, don’t close your eyes. Look into mine.

Jordan managed to raise her heavy eyelids and do as he asked.

That’s right. Now move on me. Grease my pole, like a good little cunt.

Bracing her hands on his shoulders, Jordan rose and sank on him over and over in a sensuous dance as old as time.

Once he’s had enough of you, come to me,
Nick’s voice rasped at her ear.
My rod will stretch your well-buttered bun to its limits.

And then to me,
said Lyon’s voice.
Once I fuck where my brothers have had you, the circle will close and the gate will open.

You’ll spawn a dynasty,
three fiendish voices whispered in unison.


You’ll be a mother to gods.

“A mother.”

Nearly delirious now, she worked herself over her sinister lover, arching, thrusting. Euphoria swelled in her, rising ever higher, pulling her toward fulfillment…


The gauzy sweep of Jordan’s nightgown shrouded her genitals. But from her gasp, Raine knew the exact moment Morpheus’s cock first punctured her. As she slid lower, he knew it would be slipping ever deeper inside her. Taking possession.

No! She was his! The possibility that he might lose her to another frightened him more than anything in his life ever had.

If Jordan achieved orgasm under the stroke of her dreamlover’s cock, Morpheus could rightly consider it an invitation to bear his offspring. Such an invitation would be deemed valid in ElseWorld. Raine’s claim to her would lessen and that of his rival would grow. Morpheus would try to take her through the gate. To make her his. Forever.

Unless Raine stopped him. He stumbled toward her, hunched like an animal, his teeth bared with an agony not yet passed.

Above him, Jordan checked and Raine saw her chest expanding and contracting with her breath as she fought the pleasure–pain of full impalement. She’d taken all of Morpheus’s stone pole inside her now.

Flattening her hands on the supine statue’s belly, she leaned her weight forward and pushed her hips up using her knees for leverage. Her hips began to buck, working steadily on him. She was moaning now, murmuring love words in the Fey language.

He’d reached the base of the statue. Vines grew up the sides of it, thick and forbidding. They fought Raine, scratching his forearms, his hands, ribs, cheek.

Jordan’s breasts rose and fell with each passionate slide of her hips.

Raine climbed higher, nearer. Almost—

She was making sharp, staccato moaning sounds now. She threw her head back, and her throat was a long, smooth column. A subdued shriek left her and she stilled, teetering on the razor edge of orgasm.

In seconds, she could be lost to him forever.

“Jordan!” he shouted.


aine’s hand came around Jordan’s waist, lifting her off Morpheus’s ebony horn. But the pull of her dream was strong, and she fought him, anxious to return to her former position. Her movements were as calm and mechanical as though she were in a trance.

Fear clutched him, finding an outlet in anger. He pulled her back against him. “Did that bastard Morpheus make you come?” He shook her. “Did he?”

Jordan’s head lolled on his shoulder, rolling side to side. She moaned, cursing him in the language of the Fey.

This was his fault. She’d said she’d been having dreams. He should’ve considered that something like this could happen. How long had Morpheus been working on her?

“Let go of her mind, you bastard!” he shouted at the statue. But only a smirking silence answered him.

If he couldn’t break the dreamspell her erstwhile lover had woven, she might never wake from it. Morpheus would gladly take her mind and leave her body to die, just to spite him. Raine would give her over to him at the gates of ElseWorld before he’d allow that to happen. Yet if Morpheus achieved such a victory as taking a Satyr’s woman from him, his prestige would skyrocket among his peers.

But he was getting ahead of himself. All hinged on whether Morpheus had brought her to release. It was impossible to know for certain. But even if he had, if Raine brought her to release as well and gave her his childseed, it might prove strong enough to overcome whatever hold the dark god had garnered over her.

By now, Raine’s need to fornicate was almost a living thing. It tortured him, ratcheting his anger higher. Near the statues’ heads, there was a flattened rim where vases of poppies rested. Jordan still wrestled with him, knocking one of them to the ground in her efforts to return to Morpheus.

“If it’s cock you want, I’ve plenty for you,” he told her. Bending her forward over her dreamlover’s muscular chest he shoved her gown high to reveal the ripe peach of her rump.

Imprisoned in stone, Morpheus could only watch.

“Yes, I’m going to fuck her, you bastard,” he snarled. “She’s mine. She’ll reach her pleasure with me dozens of times before dawn.”

The statue gazed at him with smug, knowing eyes.
Take her. But remember that tonight I had her first,
he seemed to say.

Jordan reared up, fighting him. Morpheus and his brothers still polluted her mind. He would have to find the words to lure her back to him.

“Jordan, it’s me. Raine.”

He planted a widespread hand at the small of her back to anchor her. She bowed up under him, but he pushed her legs wide and pinned them with his knees. His twin cocks found her nether openings.

At his touch, she paused in her struggles, uncertain.

“Jordan, it’s Raine,” he told her again. He prodded inward, ignoring the fact that another lover was responsible for the slickness he’d found in her female slit.

“I’m coming into you now, Jordan. Can you feel me? My crowns are inside you now. You’re so small and tight. Gods!”

He pulled her up to lean against him and murmured into her hair as he pushed both pricks into her. “I’m going deeper now. Do you feel me?”

As the pleasure of spearing her swamped him, he concentrated on trying to keep his own mind from being taken by the Calling. On trying to pull her away from her dreams and back to the living.

“It’s me who’s fucking you. Do you hear me?” His thatch met her rear as his cocks slid home. “Feel me? I’m inside you now, as deep as it’s possible to be.”

She didn’t reply.

He withdrew. And penetrated. Withdrew and penetrated. The dusting of hair on his powerful haunches rasped her inner thighs as he retreated, only to return for another taste of her. And another, and another.

One hand held her waist and his other cupped her breast as he fucked with harsh shallow lunges. Then he drove fathoms deep.

“My cockslit is touching your womb,” he whispered passionately. “Do you feel it?”

She mumbled something garbled—a mixture of English and ElseWorld tongue.

Raine felt the inevitable reaction to being inside her begin to swell within him. “I’m going to give you my childseed,” he told her. “Try to relax and welcome it. Do you hear me, Jordan? This is important.”


He fucked her hard then, rutting with desperate pummeling strokes. Concentrating, he summoned from his innermost core the most potent childseed possible. It welled like a mythical force within him, wrenching his balls tight and high.

“Umm,” she murmured, beginning to tilt her hips in time with his rhythm.

“Bacchus, it’s good.” He gripped her now as if Elseworld raiders were threatening and he must stake his claim.

His cockslits gapped, readying. His throat worked and a rough shout escaped him as his hot shafts wrenched, hard, in unison. Abruptly the dam broke and they convulsed. His man-cock fountained its gift into the void that was her yearning womb. For the first time in his life, he gave his childseed to a woman, planting it deep. An unexpectedly sweet, pure joy washed over him at the sharing of this most sacred, fertile semen. With her.

The heaving cavern of his chest sheltered her as he gave of it, again and again and again. In the aftermath of his taking, he sensed his seed taking root in her, and he hugged her tight to him. He’d done his best with her and prayed it would prove to be enough.

The cream in the divide of her buttocks slicked his pelvic cock as it retreated inside him, well satisfied for the night. Her nipples had engorged as he mated her, he noticed, pulsing with a light of pale rose. Something they hadn’t done with Morpheus. He took heart from that. But she remained distant, her mind still stuck in another place. Did she even know who had been mating her just now?

He took her phallus in his hand, finding it stiff and eager. Perhaps he could reach her another way—by stirring her anger. “You want to be a man?” he taunted. “Then by hell you can fuck like one.”

Lifting her over his shoulder, he climbed from the statue and headed for that place on the estate where his powers would be strongest. Minutes later, he slipped through a natural arch formed by three trees of the Faerie triad and entered the gaping maw of a cave.

Once inside, Raine lost no time. Focusing on a spot of nothingness he watched a sudden shimmer of amber-colored light appear there as if by magic. As he set Jordan on her feet, the light enlarged, solidified, and took female shape.

With fluid grace, the glistening female assisted him in leading Jordan toward the large stone altar in the center of the cave. Just beyond this lay the gate that joined EarthWorld to ElseWorld. Tendrils of magic curled from it, forever dividing the two worlds.

The Shimmerskin sat on the altar and pushed itself backward. Knees high and feet braced wide along the edge, it reclined backward, resting its weight on its forearms and bent elbows. It was beautiful, submissive, and ready to perform the task for which Raine had brought it here.

He drew Jordan to stand between its legs and angled her jaw toward the amber female. “Look at her.”

Jordan stared with unseeing eyes as emotionless as those of the iridescent creature before her.

“She awaits you,” he whispered. “Go ahead. Mount her.”

Did she even hear him? Raine ushered her closer to the Shimmerskin. Reaching across her belly, he took her tumescent cock in his big hand. He dragged the tip through the Shimmerskin’s moist folds, back and forth, back and forth.

Jordan’s head lolled against his shoulder, as though it had suddenly grown too heavy to support. Her lids drifted closed.

He pushed her head forward with a shift of his shoulder. “Open your eyes.”

Her eyes opened to slits. The Shimmerskin smiled at her, showing even, white teeth. Sitting higher, it reached for her phallus. Taking over Raine’s movements, it sluiced Jordan’s plum along its own glowing slit.

“Fuck me,” the creature whispered to her, soft as a sigh.


Desire shot through Jordan, stiffening her prick to the point of pain. The cobwebs began to fall away, but the return to wakefulness was frightening and difficult.

She shuddered. “Raine?”

“Thank Bacchus,” she thought she heard him murmur. A masculine hand brushed her hair aside and Raine’s lips kissed the angle of her neck. “I’m here,” he told her.

She reached toward the glistening female’s hand where it rested on her cock. Its fingers turned to link with hers.

“Come inside me. I’m wet. Ready for you,” the Shimmerskin urged.

“I’m not sure…” Jordan mumbled, still teetering from dream toward reality.

“Your cock is sure. It wants her.” From behind, Raine slid a hand between her legs and shoved a thick finger into her. “Your quim is sure. It wants me. But you can’t have me until you take her.”

He took her hand and fisted it around the root of her phallus, then guided her tip farther inside the creature’s slit. The Shimmerskin groaned and lay back, tilting its hips. Its cunt sucked delicately at her.

“Fuck her and I’ll fuck you,” Raine’s dark velvet voice promised.

Jordan’s shaft bobbed its enthusiasm for the proposed venture. Still struggling toward full awareness, she watched her crown spread the Shimmerskin’s pussy lips as though watching someone else’s disembodied rod doing the deed.

Her hands reached out to grip the womanly thighs that diverged around her own. They were warm, soft. Between them, its slit was a wet, welcoming cave. Blood rushed to fill her cock, and it hardened to new dimensions.

“Fuck me,” the Shimmerskin urged.

Jordan shifted her weight, pressed forward…and slid into heaven.

Her soft bush met the smooth, hairless pubic bone of the body before her. A pair of glowing eyes smiled into hers.

With a will of their own, Jordan’s hips began to move. She withdrew, shoved, withdrew, shoved, controlling the pace of their copulation. The Shimmerskin arched with each thrust and its channel took her in long, slow gulps that were like fiery licks.

A hand pressed at Jordan’s back and she leaned down, breast to breast with the creature. It reached up and threaded fingers in her hair, pulling her closer. It kissed her and she kissed it back.

From behind her, she felt a huge cock push into her feminine channel. Raine.

She moaned against the lips locked with hers.

The trio moved together, awkwardly at first until they found a more rhythmic dance. Each time Raine bucked into Jordan from behind she was forced deeper into the Shimmerskin. When he pulled away, she mimicked his movement and retreated from the Shimmerskin’s passage.

Kisses, caresses, and groans entangled until male and female were indistinguishable. Together, they fornicated, hurtling toward release. From the walls of the sacred cave, fauns, nymphs, and faeries sculpted in high relief by artists who were long dead gazed down on the scene with lusty approval.

In abrupt unison, Jordan’s cock and vagina seized. For long seconds she hung on the edge, hardly able to bear the fullness of her emotions, the fullness of her feminine channel and the tightness of the channel squeezing her cock. At last, she gave an inarticulate cry and convulsed in hard ecstatic pulses. Starbursts exploded in the darkness of her mind, a near-blindness wrought by pleasure as she came as both man and woman in the same moment.

Her coming drew Raine’s, and he gripped her hips hard as his cock surged and spilled. As each spurt of his seed pumped into her, so hers pumped into the female under her, over and over until neither had anything left to give.

Gasping, Jordan slumped forward and for brief seconds lay against the Shimmerskin. Its pale eyes smiled into hers. Then it faded into the ether from which it had come, and her breast lay upon the smooth stone of the altar.

Jordan blinked, fully aware now. “Raine?”

“Yes, I’m here, my love.” The endearment slipped out so easily he didn’t notice it.

His lips touched her nape, hot and moist, and she sighed. Still lodged inside her, he pulled her to stand back against him and crossed his hands over hers on her belly. From this night, she would grow his child. He knew it as certainly as he knew he had once promised himself such a thing would never come to pass.

Tonight his hand had been forced. He hadn’t even been able to wait nine months so the early birth wouldn’t look strange to Humans. He’d thought Nick remiss in impregnating Jane after only five months of marriage. Yet here he’d given Jordan a child before he’d even wed her.

In the way of the Satyr children, his and Jordan’s issue would come into this World one month from now during the next Calling. Which meant it would be necessary to take her again next Moonful to facilitate that.

It was done. He was a father, something he’d sworn never to be. Or was the child in her belly that of Morpheus? Time would tell.

But either way, he would never let her or her child go.

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