Raging Blue

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Authors: Renee Daniel Flagler

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Raging Blue




Renee Daniel Flagler


Raging Blue


Blue Holiday has decided to call foul and leave her destructive marriage. But her cheating husband, Jaylin, decides he needs her money to survive and insists on a rematch. Usually, Blue would be game, but after discovering the depths of his depravity, she drops him from her roster of eligibles. Unaccustomed to rejection, especially from his wife, Jaylin decides to take what he feels is rightfully his. Problem is, he forgot a woman in love will put up with a lot. But a woman enraged, she’ll let you think you’re winning, just before she snatches it all.
Raging Blue
a contemporary romance by author, Renee Daniel Flagler.



"Raging Blue" by Renee Daniel Flagler is a gripping fast paced tale
Renee Daniel Flagler brings these characters and their stories together like a veteran story teller that she is.  "Raging Blue" is the real
Basketball Wives
Alicia Evans, President of Sugar & Spice Book Club



Raging Blue

Copyright July 2012, Flagler, Renee Daniel

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in form without prior written permission from
Renee Daniel Flagler or Sitting Bull Publications, LLC


Printed in the United States of America

Published by Sitting Bull Publications, LLC


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


Chapter 1



He slapped her so hard that her sight blurred for a minute. After a few moments, Blue Holiday focused on her husband’s towering frame as it loomed over her. Jaylin Mack’s rich, dark complexion appeared even darker. His French-cuffed shirt was half buttoned and sloped lazily off his shoulders. His slacks hung low around his slim waist, and his belt was only partially looped.

“See what you made me do!” he screamed, applying pressure to his temples with the fingers of both hands.

Shocked into silence, Blue stood still, absorbing the verbal assault. Tears had
yet to find their way down her cheek. In the five years they’d been married, Jay had never put his hands on her. However, she’d grown accustomed to his crassness, initially intrigued by what she'd perceived as confidence.

The slap still sent a pulsing sensation across her cheek. The tears finally appeared, welling up in her eyes. Her unresponsiveness fell away in clumps. She stared at his moving lips and began to hear him clearly. His words carried as much sting as the slap.

“See what you made me do,” he repeated. The liquor made his tongue lazy, causing each word to slide into the next.

Blue looked into his wild eyes and blinked. Tears trickled down her cheeks, making dark circles wherever they landed on her champagne-colored cocktail dress. She swatted them away. Her eyes were fixed on Jay. He was obviously hopped up on something more potent than scotch.

Blue’s eyes darted around the living room of their lavish penthouse, taking in the massive floor-to-ceiling windows that framed the dazzling Manhattan skyline. A pair of handsome floor vases sprouting dried flora caused Blue to pause, but they were too heavy to pick up. Her sight then rested on his set of prized golf clubs. Blue took slow steps in the direction of the irons as Jay continued rambling.

“Don’t walk away from me. You’re supposed to be my wife! A woman! Act. Like. One!” he yelled as Blue continued to walk towards the clubs. “I saw you whispering to that man,” he said, his voice growing louder. “I saw him kiss you!”

Blue shook her head. Jay’s words lashed at her back. She swatted at them in her mind and imagined the cold steel of the golf club in her hands—as protection. With a few short steps, Jay was right behind her just as she reached for a club. He grabbed at her, pulling her from the pit of her thoughts.

Get off of me!” Blue jerked away from him. Her voice returned, rising to a shaky screech. “Don’t. Touch. Me.” Her eyes narrowed to slits. “Don’t ever touch me again.”

Jay stared at her, seeming to sober up for just a moment. Blue stared back for a beat before turning to walk away.

“Don’t walk away from me,” he said, reaching for her again.

“I said don’t touch me! I can’t believe you put your hands on me!” she screamed. Her heart felt like it was filled with air. She gasped before her voice came back full force. “I’ve put up with enough from you. But this…,” Blue pointed at the spot on her face that still tingled from the slap, “…I won’t put up with.”

His jealousy was toxic and intensified under the influence of cocaine. No matter how much he denied using it, Blue could always tell when he’d been sniffing. Glassy eyes, dilated pupils and runny nose confirmed words that never passed his lips. Despite his infidelities, it was apparent he couldn’t cope with the idea of Blue being with another man. It sickened her how he always accused her, yet she was never unfaithful. She'd sensed his lies but didn’t have proof to act on any of them. So, she held what little she gleaned for herself.

“You embarrassed me in front of the people I work with and your teammates. I saw
you with that woman on the balcony before you disappeared. And you have the nerve to accuse me?”

“I don’t give a damn about those people. No man should be that close to you! This is your fault,” he huffed. “Nobody touches my woman!” he screamed, stabbing the air with his finger.

“Only you, right?” Blue snapped, and walked away. She stopped mid-step and turned back to him. “Maybe I should have just disappeared with him like you did with that woman tonight,” she added, flicking her wrist.

Jay’s eyes filled with surprise and then rage. His breathing became ragged. “What woman?”

Blue refused to buy into the beliefs and acceptance of the other basketball wives. She could care less if all athletes cheated or not. She had her own life to live, and chasing down his infidelities wasn’t in her plan. She’d deal with a problem if it arose, but she wasn’t going to seek it out just to do nothing about it like the others.

“I should have done it!” she taunted while watching Jay’s eyes grow a shade darker. “But that’s not what you’re really concerned about. Is it, Jay?” she
asked and sauntered back in his direction. Jay’s jaw clenched.

“You knew he wasn’t flirting?” she asked, calming her tone.

Jay’s jaw twitched again and his hands folded into fists.

“You know what he said to me, don’t you?”

Now it was Jay’s turn to be speechless.

“Why did I have to find out from someone else that you were cut from the team?” Blue screamed. “They warned you over and over again. You claimed the coach was out to get you, but it’s time for you to take a look in the mirror and realize this world does not revolve around you. I’m done!” she said, then waved him off with a hard downward fling of her arm.

Jay finally broke his silence. “I’ll kill his ass!” He stomped the floorboards beneath him. “That was none of his business. Those bastards are the problem, not me. And what do you mean you’re done?”

Blue threw her hands up. Jay was playing the victim again, just like his mother had always taught him.

“No, you’re the problem.” Blue pulled off her five-carat princess-cut engagement ring and matching wedding band, then threw them at him. “I’m finished with you,” she said before walking away.

Jay grabbed her by the arm.

“Get off of me!”

“I’m still the man of this house!”

“You’re no man!” she yelled. “You’re a…”

Before she could complete her sentence, Jay grabbed her head with his large hand, swallowing the side of it the same way he cupped the basketball on the court. He pushed her with so much force, she went crashing to the floor along with the expensive golf clubs. While trying to shake off the sense of disorientation, Blue attempted to scramble to her feet. She reached for a golf club, but couldn’t grab hold. Jay ripped across the room like lightning, tossed the club, and grabbed her arms.

a man,” he said in staccato, pinning her against the floor.

Blue searched the emptiness of his eyes for mercy, and then summoned every bit of energy she could muster and drew him back to reality with a swift kick between his legs

Jay released her and grabbed his groin as he howled.

She scuttled out of his reach. This time, she made it to her feet, leapt over Jay, who was curled in a fetal position, and ran towards the door. Jay reached out and caught her by the leg, and she fell. The side of Blue’s head met the floor with force.

Jay cursed, still declaring his manliness. As the room grew blurry, he let her know he was indeed a man.
His ranting grew distant, until everything subsided and fell mute.

Chapter 2



Lisa smiled at him with a dreaminess that Gavin Gray could appreciate from a woman of her caliber. She wasn’t caught up by the possible connections she could garner through his association with star athletes. That smile was all for him. Unlike other women, her eyeballs didn’t slowly morph into sparkling dollar signs as he explained his job to her. Lisa listened intently as he shared a recent encounter with a green, starry-eyed college basketball player.

“This kid was so excited he couldn’t even sit still during the meeting,” Gavin said, driving his fist into the opposite palm. “And his dad…” He paused and took a sip of wine. “That man is a hell of a negotiator. I really want to close this deal. His game is amazing, and he’s so humble.” Gavin stressed his point by pressing his finger against the table, appreciative of the kid’s humility. “I’d love to sign him. I would personally mentor him. Try to keep him from getting a big head and ruining his character.”

“I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you,” Lisa said, and curled the corners of her lips into a delicate smile.

He liked it so much that he purposely tried to be charming just to
coax her grin to the surface. Even when they spoke over the phone, he could tell when her smile escorted her speech, making her voice flutter just a little.

“Keep me posted. When you close the deal, we should celebrate.”

Gavin could have sworn he spotted a slight glimmer in her eyes when she said ‘celebrate.’ He found himself wondering exactly what she had in mind. Chuckling inwardly, he reeled his thoughts back to less provocative notions.

Lisa didn’t have a soft and frilly persona, but her petite yet curvy frame, full pouty lips, and large brown doe eyes defied her no-nonsense demeanor. The contrast intrigued Gavin.

“Are you finished working on these?” the young waitress asked. She carried a pleasant voice that seemed to fluctuate with every other word, like she was trying hard to be polite.

“We’re all done. Thank you,” Gavin replied, answering for both. “I’ll take the check now.”

“Sure. I’ll be right back, sir,” the waitress said, then bounced off towards the exposed kitchen of the famed soul food gem of East Harlem.

LaBelle’s was one of Gavin’s favorite restaurants for a variety of reasons, including its Southern-Caribbean fusion cuisine, quiet dining, and cozy atmosphere. His frequent visits and hefty tips garnered him special treatment and the occasional complimentary cocktail. The eatery provided the perfect setting for his second date with Lisa. He didn’t share this place with many of the women he dated because he dined there so often. The last thing he wanted was to run into an ex while trying to enjoy a solo meal or the company of another woman.

“So what’s next?” Lisa asked, with her eyes on Gavin while sipping the last of her drink.

“Whatever you want to do,” he said with a smile as he mentally swatted the mischievous thoughts racing through his mind. “Tonight is your night.”

She smiled also. “Wow! I must be a lucky girl! But, I can’t stay out too late. I’ve got to get up early tomorrow, and it’s going to be a long day.”

“What’s on the agenda?” Gavin inquired. He was intrigued about her photography career because she seemed so passionate. Many of the
women who ran in the athletic circles only seemed to have a passion for the athlete’s money.

“I have a magazine shoot in Central Park at first light, and then I’m shooting a black-tie benefit tomorrow night,” Lisa said.

“Expecting anyone interesting?” Gavin asked as he took the bill from the returning waitress, smiled, and thanked her.

“It’ll be mostly supermodels, designers, and possibly a few local politicians. People you probably wouldn’t know. However, I did hear Lady Gaga is supposed to make an appearance at the benefit. Apparently, she’s a huge supporter of the organization.”

“That sounds cool. When are you going to take some pictures of me?” Gavin teased, his voice lowered by a husky quality.

Lisa flashed a demure smile. “We’ll have to see about that. Can I expect you to behave?”

“Now that depends,” he responded, staring directly into her eyes.

“On what?”
She asked, meeting his gaze without wavering.

Gavin threw his head back and laughed. If he said the words that came to mind, Lisa would probably slap him. He’d save that discussion for a date further down the line.

“Ready to go?” he asked, signing the check while avoiding her question. Like a true gentleman, he stood and gently helped her out of her seat. “How about we take a walk?” he suggested, not wanting the night to end. “I promise I won’t keep you out too late.”

“I think I can manage that.”

Gavin suspected she wanted the date to last longer, just like him. Holding hands, they walked to his SUV. He drove a few miles before pulling into the garage near his home alongside Central Park. The evening was alive with bikers, joggers, the whiz of passing taxis, and couples walking hand-in-hand in the park. They walked and chatted until they reached the entrance near the carriages.

“Have you ever been on a carriage ride?” Gavin asked, nodding toward the buggies.

“Actually, no! Can you believe that? I’ve been in New York all my life, and I’ve never been on a carriage ride.”

Gavin smiled. He was happy he could be her first—in that way. He led her in the direction of the horses, paid for a ride, and helped
her into the carriage. Her smile reappeared, and Gavin wished he could rewind the last few moments just to see it again. He hadn’t fallen for her completely, but he was happy with what he’d experienced thus far.

Lisa rested her head on his shoulder as the horse trotted around the park. Afterwards, they
had a few more cocktails at a hotel bar overlooking the park. Gavin saw Lisa home, arriving later than they had planned.




Gavin walked in and dropped his keys on the console next to his apartment’s elevator entry. He sang and stepped in tune as he moseyed through his Zen-inspired penthouse toward the bedroom in the back. As he passed the double glass doors leading to the rooftop deck, he checked out his reflection, winked, and smiled. His second date with Lisa had gone well, which was refreshing after his long dry spell of dateless nights.

Gavin discarded the suit he’d worn to dinner
, slipped into a pair of comfortable cotton lounge pants, and walked barefoot onto the patio. A sated smile lifted the corner of his lips as he dialed Lisa’s number. Happy she answered right away, his smile spread wider.

“You made it home safely,” she said, her raspy voice reminding him of old blues songs.

“I did. Are you in bed yet?”

“Yes. I’m exhausted. I had a wonderful time—again! Thanks

Once again, Gavin could hear the smile in her tone.

“Shall we do it again sometime?” Gavin asked coolly.

“I’d love to. How about we make plans at a more reasonable hour. I’m much more coherent when I’m not sleepy.”

She smiled. He could tell.

“Call you tomorrow?”

“Sounds like a plan. Goodnight.” It sounded like she sang the last word.

“Sleep well,”

Gavin hit the end button and sat in the darkness, taking in the stars. He felt like sleeping outside but thought better of it. He didn’t want to wake up to hot bird droppings on his head.

Gavin knew what he wanted in a girlfriend, and Lisa was close to that.
The standard he compared everyone against was his best friend’s wife, Blue. She represented everything he desired, but she was off limits. However, Lisa had potential and was the closest he’d ever come to what he truly longed for.


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