Radiance (14 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Gay, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Radiance
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Chapter Fifteen


Unaware of falling asleep, Brie blinked in confusion when she woke up and stared into Elijah’s eyes. 

“I waited until you were awake.  I have to leave.”  She nodded.  “When I return, I’ll thank you properly.” 

Remembering a conversation with Hudson in her sunny kitchen eons before, she smiled.  “I’m not keeping score.” 

“I am.”  He kissed her until she was breathless and stroked his hand over her body.  “Are you alright?” 

She raked her fingers through his hair and nodded. 

“I’ll be back, Brie.” 

“Be safe.  I love you.” 

He kissed her again.  Then he was gone. 

As the door clicked into place, she rolled to her back and stared at the ceiling.  On the bedside table, she grabbed her cell phone and dialed the only person who might understand her turmoil. 

“Darling.  I was
about to pop down and invite you for brunch.”  The soft click of Natalia’s heels as she walked through the first floor of the penthouse made Brie smile.

“Fucking excellent.  Give me ten minutes to dress and I’ll leave the door unlocked.” 

Brie walked out of her bedroom in leggings, a long sweater, and flat boots.  She pulled her hair into a semi-neat bun at the back of her head. 

Natalia was dressed to perfection in a caramel business suit and matching heels.  Hair and makeup flawless as usual.  She stood in the studio looking at one of Brie’s paintings.

She could see her friend’s curiosity about it and cut her off at the pass.  “More on the painting later.”  Brie grabbed her cane and headed for the door.  “Let’s go.  I need twelve hours of advice and I
you don’t have that long.” 

“Did something happen?”  Natalia paused in the doorway and examined Brie’s face for a long moment.  “Ahh…the

“My brain is scrambled.  Help.” 

“Come, darling.  I’ll help put your mind to rights.  How well I remember the mental anarchy.  Discovering the
isn’t half as shocking as discovering the man who can

Wrapping her arm through Brie’s free one, they walked to the elevator and Brie frowned when she saw Leonard waiting inside the doors of the lobby.  Henry stood beside him. 

“Hey there, Leonard.  What…?” 

“A temporary precaution to put Hudson at ease,” Natalia explained cheerfully.

At the restaurant, Leonard parked the car and appeared beside their table. 

“Okay, what’s going on?”  To the driver, she said, “Sit down and eat with us.  I’m about to freak out.” 

“Sorry, Brie.” 

“Don’t apologize.  You’re awesome and I love seeing you.  Join us and somebody tell me what’s going on before I rattle apart.” 

Lowering into a chair, Brie noted that he chose one that enabled him to see the entire restaurant. 

Natalia told her, “There were some…repercussions from the situation last month.” 

When she offered nothing else, Brie crossed her arms on the table.  “I know I panicked.  I know I’m considered fragile and everything.  Natalia,

“Photos were taken of us.” 


“As Elijah and Harper escorted us back to the building.  We looked like a foursome and the implication is that we’re two couples.  They surfaced this morning.” 

Sitting back, Brie let her eyes track around the room.  Her suspicions about several men were confirmed when she recognized the member of Elijah’s security force who’d ridden with them in the elevator. 

“How many people are guarding us?” 

“Possibly a dozen.  Between Hudson and Harper…they share a lot of manpower.”  Natalia shrugged.  “It’s a safeguard.” 

“I’m sorry you got mixed up in it.”  Brie reached out and grabbed her hand.  “Why come out? 

The blonde leaned over the table and turned her hand over to grip her back.  “Darling, listen to me.  This isn’t the first time I’ve been under lockdown.  I’ve been photographed with Hudson thousands of times over the years.  Leonard and I once spent six hours playing rummy in the limo when we were unable to leave a parking garage.” 

“Nothing can

“Ssh.  It’s alright.  Nothing will.  We
hide.  It makes us seem more valuable.  Leonard is very good at his job as are the other men who work with him and Elijah.  I’m going to be fine and so are you.”  Her eyes held Brie’s.  “Take a deep breath and trust them.  You know you can.” 

Nodding, Brie took a sip of her orange juice.  Natalia squeezed her hand firmly.  “We’re going to eat, pick up coffee, and return to the apartment.  You’ll feel more comfortable talking there.” 

An hour later, after behaving as if they were in no rush, Brie breathed a sigh of relief when Natalia was back in the lobby. 

In the elevator to the penthouse, she hugged her friend tightly.  “Nothing can
happen to you.  It would

Leaning back, she stared at the lovely features of her best friend’s woman.  “Regular checkups.”  Patting Leonard’s suited chest, she added, “Plenty of iron.” 

The driver laughed. 

Arm around her waist, Natalia led her into the apartment and sat with her on the sofa.  “No more stress today or talk of negative things.  Let’s talk about something fun.  Spill it.”

Blushing several times, Brie described her morning with Elijah. 

Snickering, the blonde said, “I
you those skills would come in handy.” 

“They really did.”  She twisted her fingers in her lap.  “You knew Harper’s looks distracted me, made me assume he was like Hudson.” 

“Yes.  His personality adds to the confusion since he’s similarly abrupt.  I had every confidence Elijah would choose the right time to show you who he was but your intense attraction to him from the start made me wonder at your blind spot.” 

Considering, Brie nodded.  “The way Harper looks and behaves was so familiar.”  She grinned.  “You know I enjoy a little bit of
in a man.” 

Natalia laughed warmly.  “As much of a puzzle as you originally were for Hudson, I believe he was the same for you.  Once you figured him out, you gave as good as you got and that made him
you.  Protectiveness is in his DNA but he doesn’t give respect lightly.” 

“I’m damn proud of that, I’ll have you know.  I’d put that shit on my resume if I still worried about keeping one.” 

“I can’t wait to tell him.” 

Brie was quiet as something niggled at the back of her mind.  Talking aloud, she mumbled, “Elijah is clearly dominant.  Two dominant males can share a submissive.  An arrangement with someone like me would make sense but…”

She stared at the black marble floor, thinking it through.  “They’ve had a
relationship for more than twenty years and haven’t committed to women in any capacity, so…how did that work?” 

Frowning, Brie traced the threads, replayed conversations, and when the answer came to her, her eyes felt as big as saucers. 

Natalia reclined on the couch with her arm across the back, her legs crossed.  She looked utterly relaxed as their eyes met.  “I
watching you discover fascinating new information.” 

.”  Rubbing her palms over her thighs, Brie laughed nervously.  “I
saw that coming.” 

* * *

At thirty-thousand feet, Elijah watched the clouds pass.  His mind was focused on his morning with Brie and his regret that he hadn’t left her fulfilled. 

When he received the update that the team had seen her safely from and back to the building, he exhaled. 

“You stayed with her again,” Harper said sharply.

Turning his head, Elijah met pewter eyes that had captivated him since he was eighteen.  He knew the man’s moods, likes, and dislikes better than any other person on earth. 

In the forty years they’d known each other, Elijah had witnessed him in states of fear, pain, happiness, sadness, grief, fury, and passion. 

Harper’s continued refusal to see what Brie offered them separately and together was a source of intense sorrow. 

A storm brewed and for a man who saw the world in black and white, Elijah struggled to feed both sides of who he was while remaining true to old promises and new ones. 

“Have you figured out a way to fuck her yet?” 

Sitting forward, he rested his elbows on his knees.  “Why, Harper?  I don’t understand your changing moods.”  He shook his head.  “One day you’re bantering with her and seem relaxed for the first time in ten years.  The next, you make snide remarks as if those moments never happened.” 

Slapping the financial paper into the seat beside him, he ground out, “We
them and they

“Winters would have castrated us both.  You
she would be more from the start.  You sought his fucking approval
and received it.  You told me to pave the way and I did so.  It is
and what
you want
that changes by the fucking day.” 

“You will
be mine.” 

Tiredly, Elijah nodded.  “And you’ll always be a spoiled child that I must placate in whatever way you see fit if I’m to have any peace.”  Raking his hand through his hair, he stood up and stepped into the aisle. 

Harper grabbed his hand.  “

“I tire of your inconsistency.  Your childish tantrums bore me.  I’d rather let her go, lose her myself, than try to protect her from your spiteful attempts to wound her.” 

“She’ll end up making you hate me.” 

Bending, Elijah gripped the hair at the base of his neck.  “Your misplaced jealousy, Harper.  Your cruelty.  Your inability to compromise even knowing how good she’d be for
as much as me.  It’s
who’ll accomplish what you fear.” 

He let go and stepped back.  “All she wants to do is
you.  You fight the best thing to ever happen to us, selfishly dooming me as well as yourself to decades more of the same tedious bullshit with the same tedious women who
nothing and
as much as they can grab with both hands.” 

In the bathroom, Elijah stared at his reflection as he gripped the sides of the sink. 

Closing his eyes, he struggled to lower the rage, the frustration, the sadness that churned inside him. 

He replayed his morning with Brie in his mind and felt everything settle, everything fall into place.  It was the memory of Brie begging him to
hold her harder
that calmed him. 

Aloud, he whispered, “I need good vibes.  I need you.” 

Elijah straightened and put his shoulders back. 

Harper would
fighting the only woman who could bring them the life they never thought to have.  He’d stop disrespecting the potential for every gentle thing they’d always talked of being out of their reach. 

This bullshit had gone on long enough. 

Returning to his seat, Elijah spoke calmly but firmly.  He outlined the reality of
wants and needs for a change and Harper listened, shocked and combative. 

In the end, his best friend, his lover, would

Elijah had
been stronger. 

Chapter Sixteen


First Week of April 2015

The final night of the weeklong celebration for Riya and Tawny’s birthdays had kicked everyone’s asses. 

The year before, no one celebrated.  They’d been too worried about Brie’s condition, waiting to see if she’d pull through from the hit-and-run that almost killed her. 

It was important to her that they celebrated
to make up for it.  Before the festivities began, Brie went to her follow up appointment with the team of specialists Hudson hired to monitor her rehabilitation progress. 

They took her off half her medications and reported that the healing of her skull was far better than expected.  The worst of the broken bones were knitting strongly and they determined she’d regain full mobility of the affected joints over time. 

The best news was that she was on track to meet
release date of June rather than the September date she’d originally received when her doctors sent her home from the hospital. 

Cleared for alcohol consumption within reason, Brie was allowed to party like a big girl again. 

The last evening, their entire group of awesome women were able to gather at the same place, at the same time. 

They promptly tore some shit up. 

Tawny and Brie were the only ones in any condition to meet for drinks the following night at

When they walked in, Natalia kissed them lightly and issued a small glare.  “I feel like shit but I’m
, damn it.” 

“You look so
despite your condition,” Brie assured her.

“Don’t placate me.  I’m too old for this shit.  It wasn’t until I was awakened to
sunlight this morning that I realized I was the fucking
of our little gathering last night.  Hudson laughed at me.” 

Tawny elbowed Brie. “Then there was screaming of a whole different kind, I bet.” 

Deadpan, Natalia stated, “True.  The absolute
cure for a hangover, girls.”  She waved her hand at them.  “Go away now.  You’re both too chipper and adorable.”

Stepping closer, Brie placed her fingertips along the sides of Natalia’s neck and massaged the muscles leading to her skull.  In thirty seconds, the blonde looked as if she was melting. 

“You need a massage and a soak.  I’ll text Hudson.” 

“I adore you, darling.”  Natalia kissed her lightly and held her gaze.  “You have the
hands. Thank you.”

Brie winked.  “I adore you, too.” 

As they walked into the main room, Tawny said, “I have this cramp right
”  She pointed to her ass.  “Can you massage it for me?” 

Laughing, they chatted until they collapsed on a comfortable sofa to partake in their favorite pastime of people watching. 

The redhead handed Brie tequila, grinned, and clinked their glasses.  “So fucking glad to have my drinking buddy back.  You talk to the twins?” 

Brie nodded.  “Isaiah and Ezra are relieved that the girls recover quickly.  Poor Teddy is
in bed.  Kiefer isn’t sure he’ll ever release her to our care and keeping again.” 

“Totally saw that one coming.  I talked to Marci earlier.  Her men sent her to an all-day spa to detox from the booze.  They personally cleared her schedule to make it happen.  She was in heaven.”  Tawny shrugged.  “Told you…princesses.” 

“You could be a princess if you wanted to but you’d likely slice people up with your tiara.”

“Truth.”  She paused.  “You know, you
be Hudson and Natalia’s princess.  They adore you even though they don’t have all that ooey-gooey love you like.  If you wanted, they’d take you right under their…bodies.”

Laughing until she was accidentally crying, Brie shook her head.  “Love that isn’t reciprocated equally eventually hurts.  I love them too much to love them that much.”  She sighed heavily.  “I only have one life and I want to make it count.”

“Brie, I’m sorry.” 

“I’m willing to love hard.  Is it
to want that back?” 

“It isn’t wrong.  No one deserves it more.” 

She looked at her hands.  “Everyone always says I’m
, like it’s a good thing.  It’s really hard to be different, Tawny.” 

“I thought…fuck.  Things aren’t going well?” 

“I won’t get to keep them.  No matter how this has been presented as a package deal, it isn’t.”  She closed her eyes.  “Eventually, when Harper has what he wants, he’ll be
with me and will disconnect from everything I represent.  I know he resents me in regards to Elijah.  I’m prepared for it but it’s going to hurt real bad.” 

Leaning forward, Tawny took her hand.  “You ever need me, I’m there, Brie.  If you need to recoup, come to my place.” 

She nodded.  “Thanks.  I didn’t mean to get emotional.” 

“Reality is pretty fucked up.  It intrudes when we least expect it.  Best to deal and get it out.” 

Tilting her head, she added, “Take
you can from this experience, bitch.  Soak up the love, the sex, and the crazy.  However, if shit goes down, save

* * *

When Tawny’s driver pulled to the curb in front of the building, he helped her out with a smile.  “Have a lovely evening, Miss Hernandez.” 

“Thank you, Bobby.” 

Tawny got out of the car tense when three men stepped from the shadows to escort Brie in.  Glancing around, she noticed a car idling behind them. 

The redhead put her hand on her hip.  “Boys, you should identify yourselves or you’re going to get
up.”  Inclining their heads, Tawny kissed her cheek.  “Call me if you need me.” 

Then she returned to the car and drove away.

Gesturing to the lobby, one of the men murmured, “Ma’am.” 

Inside, Brie stopped at the front desk and removed a heavy linen envelope from the bag she carried with her everywhere. 

“Donald, can you please make sure Elijah gets this wh-whenever he comes in?  Leave a note for Carlo?” 

The nightshift concierge nodded.  “Of course.  Your progress is wonderful to watch, Brie.  You barely need the cane.” 

She glanced at the hated thing and gave him a smile.  “I can’t wait to be rid of it for good.  Have a great night.” 

In the elevator, the three men stood at her sides and in front of her.  Brie didn’t even know who they worked for. 

“If this were a movie, you could be the bad guys and I’d be the dumbass who had no clue.”  She pitched her voice high.  “Come on in, make my murder look like a suicide, and I’ll fall seductively over the balcony.” 

The men tried not to laugh and failed utterly. 

As the doors opened on her floor, Elijah stared at the men with a frown.  All of them went to immediate attention. 

“They can protect me and still be
, Elijah.  I like when people laugh.  It lessens the awkwardness of anyone thinking I’m worth offing in some ghastly, front-page manner.” 

Stepping between them, she glanced back and smiled.  “Thanks, guys.  Be safe.” 

Leading the way to her apartment, she held the door for a man she hadn’t seen or heard from in more than two weeks. 

“I’ll make coffee.” 


She pressed her hand to her heart.  “It’s been a weird night.  I’m sorry.  Give me a second to get my balance.” 

In her kitchen, she conducted mindless tasks and fought tears she didn’t want to cry. 

“You’re moving so much better.” 

“I had my appointment last week.  I’m doing great.  Should be on track for June like I hoped.  I shaved three months off their initial estimate.  I’m proud of that.” 

A warm hand slid along her upper chest and pulled her against him.  She stared at the skyline across the room. 

“Riya and Tawny had their birthdays.  Yesterday we celebrated with like forty security guys covering the bar we went to.  I’m off a shit ton of meds so I can drink again.”


“I worry about Natalia.  She told me about the photos the day you left.  I was glad to be brought up to speed at the same time I found out my best friend’s soulmate could be kidnapped or shot in the head because she joined me for coffee.” 


“I think that’s about it.  What’s happening with you?” 

“I’m new at this part.  The only person I’m accustomed to truly communicating with is always with me.  I’m sorry.”  Turning her, he held her face in his hands. 

She’d ached to see the beautiful green of his eyes.

“I missed you.  I talked to Winters but I should’ve talked to you.  Your progress is incredible and I’m so proud of you.  You’ve worked hard.” 

He stroked the pads of his thumbs over her brows.  “You’re handing everything better than anyone else would.” 

“I won’t bother you.  I know you’re busy.”  She reached up to hold his wrists and silently cursed the tears in her voice.  “If you could let me know you’re alive once a week, that would go a long way to helping me not freak out.” 

“Fuck.  I’ll get you a secure cell.” 

“I don’t care if it’s a smoke signal just…let me know you’re breathing so I don’t assume the worst and lose my mind.  I need to know you’re
, Elijah.” 

“I’ll do better.” 

He bent his head to kiss her.  It was so easy to fall into his kiss and forget what planet she was on.  It didn’t matter.

Whatever planet he was on, that was where she wanted to be.

* * *

Elijah watched Brie sleep.  She had his hand tucked between her breasts as she laid on her stomach. 

He’d held her, hugged her, for a long time after she told him everything he’d missed in her life over the two weeks he hadn’t thought to pick up a phone. 

He knew every move she made throughout the day if she left her apartment.  He forgot she didn’t have the same resources to know he was okay. 

Other than Harper, no one else had ever been concerned whether or not Elijah’s heart was beating at the end of the day. 

Seconds after he laid down beside her, she slipped into deep slumber she clearly hadn’t been getting.  There was a small pout on her lips and her curly black hair flowed over her pillow and down her back. 

Sighing softly in her sleep, she scooted closer to him and sealed her naked body along his side.  For a moment, her eyes fluttered open.  “I love you, love you, ‘Lijah.” 

Wrapping his arms around Brie, he allowed himself to stop the world for a few hours and just
with her.

* * *

Elijah let her sleep when the sun came up and went down to the lobby to brief his team in the conference room there. 

Carlo smiled as he stepped off the elevator.  “Good morning, Mr. Eklund.  Brie left something at the desk for you last night.” 

Taking the envelope, he broke the seal and a key dropped into his palm.  She’d included a note. 

Elijah, use this whenever you’re around.  I don’t want to miss your knock.  I listen for it.  I miss you.  Brie

In the conference room, he briefed his team, left instructions to contact him by text with any updates, and informed them he was taking the day off. 

Then Elijah returned to the apartment of a beautiful sleeping woman, using the key she left him to get inside. 

He had promises to keep.

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