Quinn's Quest: Legacy, Book 4 (20 page)

BOOK: Quinn's Quest: Legacy, Book 4
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Bethany nodded and he pressed her head back down to his chest, wanting to regain the feeling of closeness. She went with a sigh and snuggled against him.

“Craig was a great help even though he was only a kid. He went on the Internet and hacked into paranormal bounty hunter websites getting all kinds of information.”

“He does have a way with computers.”

Quinn chuckled at the wry understatement. “He certainly does.” He stared at the ceiling, trying to order his thoughts. “I’d barely made my first change when Chris was kidnapped. I was angry and wild with grief. I mean, she was stronger than most humans, had keener senses and was street smart. I couldn’t understand how this could have happened to her.”

“It happens more easily than you think.” He heard the pain in her voice and wanted to kick his own ass for reminding her of her kidnapping. But it was essential he tell her everything. He’d already proven what a bastard he was by mating her without telling her everything she needed to know about him.

“I’m sorry,” he offered, the words totally inadequate. “I know this is hard for you.”

Bethany shivered and he held her closer, pulling the edge of the comforter more snugly over her shoulders. He knew she needed a hot shower to ease the aches she was going to have from all the vigorous sex they’d had. She also needed time to assimilate everything that had happened between them. But he knew if he didn’t tell her about himself now he might never find the courage to do so again.

“The only thing I could think of was that maybe the bounty hunters had taken her. I had no idea how they knew what she was. But we knew who they were. I figured maybe one of them was keeping tabs on us all those years, watching to see if we were human or half-breeds.”

“Makes sense.”

He nodded. The sky was lightening outside the window and dawn was close at hand. With it came obligations and responsibilities. He wanted it to remain night forever so he could stay here with Bethany in his arms.

“With the help of Craig’s research and computer skills, I was able to infiltrate the bounty hunters. It took a long time, months.”

Bethany tensed but he didn’t stop. He had to get all of this out now. “I worked with several groups of them, trying to find any scrap of information about a female half-breed.” He took a deep breath and forged ahead. “I killed several pureblooded werewolves, the kind that kill any half-breed they find. They don’t want the bloodlines diluted and think of us as mongrel dogs to be put down.”

Anger welled up inside him. “I don’t regret it.” And he didn’t, even though it had stained his soul. “I knew they’d kill Chris if they came across her. It gave me one less thing to worry about.”

“What about other werewolves?”

He tried to ignore how rigid Bethany was in his arms. He held her tight, not wanting her to run from him until he was done, knowing he’d release her if she fought him.

“I helped this pack when they were being targeted by the bounty hunters. I didn’t want any innocents hurt.” He could still remember turning his weapon on one of the men he’d worked with for months in order to save Isaiah’s life. It had been a calculated gamble on his part. He’d always walked the razor’s edge between doing what he knew was right and not getting caught by the bounty hunters. They’d have killed him in a split second if they’d known what he was.

“That’s why they’re helping you now?”

He shrugged. “I’m not sure. I think they’d have helped us anyway. They’re good folks.”

He needed her to understand what his life had been like. “I was with the bounty hunters for more than a year. I had almost no contact with Craig. I killed people, Bethany. Purist werewolves and bounty hunters. And I’m not sorry. I’d do it again in a heartbeat if I thought it would help me find Chris. The only thing I regret is wasting all that time not knowing it was neither of those groups that had taken her.”

He scrubbed his hand over his face. “Christ. Who would have thought it would be some crazy human scientist and a fanatical werewolf who had her? I can’t stop looking. Won’t stop. Not until I find Chris and bring her home.”

It was done. He’d told her everything. Now she knew all the blood that was on his hands.

“I should have told you this before we mated. I’m sorry for that.” They were the hardest words he’d ever uttered, but he said them. For her. “I’ll let you go when this is all done. I won’t hold you. You’ll be able to build a life of your own.”

Away from all the violence and bloodshed that had consumed his life. He didn’t say the words aloud. Didn’t have to. She would have been better off with one of the other males. At least they’d never lived a lie, not like he had.

The thought of her being with another male was like a dagger in his heart. It made him want to kill whatever male touched her.

Further proof that he wasn’t good enough for her.

Bethany stirred in his arms. He didn’t want to hear what she had to say, but there was no going back.

“Quinn,” she began.

A loud pounding came on the door, startling them both. He jerked his head toward the noise. Craig. Quinn could smell his brother’s fear and excitement. He jumped out of bed and strode to the door, ignoring the fact he was naked.

He yanked open the door. Craig’s eyes widened as they took in his nude state, but he averted his eyes so he wasn’t looking in the room. “Damek just called. He has a lead but dawn is too close. We’re leaving in five minutes.”

“I’ll be ready.” He shut the door and reached for his jeans.

Bethany jumped out of bed and raced for the bathroom, grabbing her clothing as she went. “Don’t leave without me.”

He stared at the closed door. Everything was different between them now. He’d gotten a reprieve, but it wouldn’t last. They’d have to talk when they came back home. No, not home. This wasn’t home for either of them. He couldn’t forget that. He was only here for as long as he knew his sister was in Chicago. If they moved her, he was gone.

And maybe the time for talking was done. Maybe it was better this way. He knew he needed to set Bethany free. He wasn’t worthy of her love, had already let down the other woman in his life, his twin sister. It was time to distance himself from Bethany, set her free to have the kind of life she deserved.

His chest ached as his heart slowly broke. Strange, he hadn’t thought he’d had much left to break, thought Chrissten’s kidnapping had numbed that vital organ permanently. Obviously, he’d been wrong. He swiped at the moisture gathering in his eyes and took a deep, calming breath. Fuck, this was no time to fall apart.

This was his chance to man up and do what was right. Bethany deserved the best life had to offer and he loved her enough to set her free. Maybe his sacrifice would help clear the stain from his soul. Even though he knew it was the right thing to do it was killing him to even consider letting Bethany go.

He shoved aside all his problems for now to focus on Chris. Hope began to build inside him. Maybe this was the time he found her. He sat on the edge of the bed and laced on his sneakers.

The bathroom door flew open and Bethany hurried out. She was dressed and both her face and hair was damp. She didn’t look at him, keeping her face averted.

He wanted to go to her and take her into his arms and reassure her that everything would be all right. Instead, he made the conscious decision to leave the silent wall between them. It would be easier on both of them in the long run.

His wolf howled in protest.

He ignored the beast, grabbed his shirt and yanked it on as he left the room. “Come on. We don’t want to keep the others waiting.”

Chapter Eleven

Bethany felt sweaty and sticky even though she’d had a quick wash. What she needed was a long, hot shower and time to digest everything that had happened in the past few hours.

She ached for Quinn. For everything he’d been through. For all the tough decisions he’d had to make. He’d killed people—bounty hunters and other werewolves. She was still trying to wrap her mind around that.

She found herself thrust into a new world where all the rules had changed. It was tough to reconcile. Only a month ago she would have considered him a killer, a criminal. His actions would be enough for any human court of law to convict and sentence him to a lengthy jail term. But she wasn’t human, and in the reality she now inhabited he was a hero. The sacrifices he’d made in order to find his sister, to help save other half-breed werewolves were mind-blowing. His inner strength and sense of honor was stronger than steel and sharper than any blade.

What she did know for sure was she loved Quinn. For better or worse. And she had the feeling it was going to get much worse. It might never get any better.

She was continuously getting mixed signals from him. Did he want to be mated to her? Was he trying to be noble, thinking she wouldn’t want him because of the hard choices he’d made in his life? Or had he mated with her because he thought he owed her because she’d given him the best lead he’d gotten in the search for his sister. She already knew he had a deep sense of honor. She didn’t want to be an obligation, nothing more than a burden to him.

Her thoughts were whirling and there was no time to sort them out. The city flew by as the pack drove in an SUV and a van toward the address Damek had sent them.

Quinn was sitting beside her but he might as well be on the other side of the world he was so distant and cold, a cold and merciless predator ready to hunt. Craig tapped his fingers against his legs and stared out the window. She wanted to scream to release the maelstrom of emotions swirling inside her. Instead, she twined her fingers together until her knuckles went white.

Isaiah drove the SUV with Meredith beside him. He said nothing but Bethany could feel the waves of anger and power rolling off him, filling the small space until every muscle in her body was twitching. The rest of the pack followed behind them in the van.

The vehicles sped through the relatively quiet city streets. Dawn was barely upon them, which made traffic lighter. The “L” rumbled on its tracks, taking early morning commuters to work. The buildings soon changed, going from prosperous to slightly rundown to downright derelict. Like every major city, Chicago had its vibrant areas and those that time had forgotten.

Beside her, Quinn practically vibrated with barely suppressed energy. His entire focus was on reaching their destination. Bethany wanted to touch him, to put her hand on his back and offer her silent support, but she didn’t feel as though she had the right. It didn’t matter that they were mated now—a fact that hadn’t been lost on any of the single males when she and Quinn had joined the others downstairs in the bar.

It was mortifying to remember Michael sniffing the air and glaring at Quinn before giving him a nod of reluctant acceptance. Benjamin and Kevin had both growled at Quinn. Isaiah had raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Meredith had offered a reassuring smile. They could smell him all over her. He’d marked her as his.

It was downright primitive and, if she was being honest with herself, a bit of a turn on too. She was so confused.

But she had to put her own embarrassment and needs behind her. Chrissten was out there and needed their help. Quinn didn’t need his attention divided at a time like this. Who knew what they were going to be up against?

“Almost there.” Isaiah slowed the SUV and pulled in next to an abandoned building. He shut off the vehicle and turned to face them all. “It’s in the next block. I didn’t want to park too close in case they’ve got a lookout or some kind of security system. Damek didn’t say anything about one, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.”

Quinn opened the door and stepped out into the early morning. The brisk air wrapped around them and she took a deep breath to try to settle herself. This was it. If luck was on their side they’d soon have Chrissten back.

And then what will I do

The question shamed her. She shouldn’t be thinking about herself right now. This was about her friend. Quinn’s sister. “What’s the plan?” She was determined to be included.

The dark van pulled up behind them and the rest of the family climbed out. Isaiah nodded at them as they all came to circle around him. It was strange to feel like a part of such a united group, like she had a place with them.

“Teague and Craig will stay here with Neema and Bethany in case the bastards slip away from us.” Isaiah glanced around the buildings. “Plus, I don’t think the vehicles will still be here when we return if we don’t set a guard on them.”

Isaiah might be right, but it still burned Bethany not to be included. She knew he was leaving her and Neema behind because they weren’t as strong as the others. Teague was the obvious choice of male to stay with them because he would protect his mate with his life. Craig was being left behind because he was human and no match for whatever they’d come up against.

“Stay in human form when you’re outside,” Isaiah instructed. “The last thing we need is for one of us to end up on the front page of the newspaper or posted on the Internet while we’re in our wolf form.” They all nodded, understanding how that could adversely affect their lives. Everyone seemed to have a cell phone with a camera these days. Secrecy was paramount for their survival.

“Let’s go.” Quinn started down the street without a backward glance. Bethany’s chest ached at how easily she was forgotten by him. She didn’t expect him to kiss her in front of everyone, but a smile or a light squeeze of her hand wouldn’t have killed him.

They’d just mated. And even though she’d known going in it probably wasn’t for forever, she still felt raw.

A male hand brushed over her hair. Startled, she turned to find Michael behind her. “If he doesn’t treat you right…” He let his words trail off, the rest of his offer unspoken.

Bethany didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing.

Quinn chose that moment to whirl around. He glared at Michael and bared his teeth. When he looked at her she could see the accusation of betrayal written there. She squared her shoulders and glared back at him. She hadn’t done anything wrong and refused to feel guilty for simply listening to Michael.

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