Quest (43 page)

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Authors: Shannah Jay

BOOK: Quest
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I've had no time to learn your fancy ways of talkin', but I have my pride. Hashites don't lie.' He gave Herra an awkward bow. 'Not that I meant any disrespect, lady.' He hesitated, then said in a rush, 'I served you well tonight. You said so yourself. I went into that place with you and stuck by you, didn't I? So I've earned the right to say my piece, haven't I?'

'I wish more people would speak to me as honestly as you do, my friend. I think I've been cloistered for too long behind the walls of the temple.'

Benjan's gaze was that of a pet seeking to understand its master's wishes, but puzzled by the complexity of the orders. 'So am I to come with you, then?'

'Oh yes, my friend. If that's what you truly wish to do, it wil please me greatly. The only condition is that you continue to speak honestly to me.'

He looked at her sideways from under heavy brows, not sure whether she meant this. 'People like you don't usually want poorfolk like me to say things straight out to 'em.'

'I've been shut up inside a temple for most of my life. I had,' Herra smiled reminiscently, 'a very brief period out in the world, but even then I was most lovingly protected. And after a few years, it was necessary to return to the Sisterhood. I
you to speak honestly to me now, Benjan, so that I will understand what ordinary people are thinking.'

He shrugged. 'That's all right with me, lady. Makes it easier, if you mean that.' He smiled at her, though his smile only briefly lifted the serious expression that sat upon his heavy features as if chiselled there. 'So long as I can get a few pokes in at them murderin' devils an' have a bit of fun now an' then, I shan't complain.'

Davred looked at him curiously. Benjan was a new type to him as well as to Herra. 'Is that all you seek in life?'

'What else is there for a man like me?'

'We're seeking wisdom. That's the purpose of our Quest, to find out how to make a better world for everyone.'

Benjan laughed openly. 'Who am I to look for wisdom? What's this wisdom of yours, anyway? I'd not know it if it stared me in the face. Though I try to do right by folks. That I do try. No, I'll leave the wisdom and the thinking to you an' the Sisters, an' I'll serve you with my body.' He went to stand squarely before Herra. 'I'll make my promise now, if you please.'

'It's a small ritual,' Aharri explained. 'They have certain customs in the Shambles. If a Hashite is promised to you, then he or she will guard you faithfully, even unto death.'

Herra stood quietly in front of Benjan, a tiny figure of immense dignity. She smiled slightly as the large man took her
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hand, raised it briefly to his forehead and said simply. 'I make you my promise. I will be your man.'

Something seemed to be expected from her. She concentrated and words came to her. 'I accept your promise. It's more binding than silver, more precious than gold.'

He raised her hand again. 'I am your man now, lady. To the death, if necessary.'

Aharri leaned towards Davred to whisper, 'That makes it the most binding oath possible, on both sides. How did she know that response?'

Davred shrugged.

Herra was stil clasping the large hand in both hers. 'I welcome you to our group, Benjan the Hashite.'

He released her hand and nodded as if satisfied, then his face settled into its former stolid expression and he stood back to await orders from his new mistress.



As the small party made its way across the city all three moons were shining in the sky and there was more light than any of them would have wished. Benjan was again holding Carryn, seeming scarcely to notice the extra weight of the slender body lying against his chest. She was breathing with the long, slow rhythms of slumberbane. He could see how her lashes curved on her cheeks, just as his sister's had. He hoped Delly had died quickly and painlessly. He hoped she hadn't suffered as this child had. He vowed to himself that if he could help Carryn survive, he would.

Those of the Serpent were still searching desperately for the desecrators of the shrine. Several times they had to wait in the shadows for one of Benner's patrols to pass by. Twice Herra deflected guards who would have blundered into them. A curfew had been imposed on the city following the riots, a measure greatly resented by the populace, Aharri told them. The few people they saw breaking curfew betrayed only panic at the sight of their group, and made haste to get out of sight and hearing.

Within an hour they were approaching the entrance to the secret tunnels. Here Herra took over and cast a few moments of oblivion over all her companions save Davred. Under it, the others stumbled along like automatons, obeying her instructions as to when to turn or stop. She didn’t lift the oblivion until they were deep in the tunnels.

Aharri whistled in surprise. 'Merryan never spoke of these.'

'The tunnels have always been a closely-guarded secret.'

'A wise precaution. You're right to keep people in ignorance of your hidden ways. I’d have found it hard to resist taking advantage of so spacious a shelter for some of my less respectable goods, if I’d known of them.'

By the flickering light of the candle they’d brought with them, Herra led the group towards the emergency chamber.

'As soon as I give the word, follow me inside the cave,' she ordered. 'The entrance won't stay open for long.'

Jonner gasped aloud as the wall shimmered, but Benjan nodded in satisfaction, proud to be protected by Herra's magic. The stronger the powers of the group, the greater the chances of them overcoming their enemies.

Then they were inside the chamber and the wall was forming again behind them.

Katia ran forward and threw herself into Davred's arms, totally ignoring protocol and earning a glare from Cheral.

As always, the world seemed to shift into a truer focus when the two of them were together. 'I missed you,' she said softly in his ear.

'And I you.'

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Cheral started to fuss over Herra, exclaiming over her dirt-streaked face and begging her to go and wash herself in the pool. 'If only we had some way of heating the food!' she mourned. 'There's nothing like a nice bowl of soup for soothing the spirit.'

Benjan stepped forward into the light and Cheral saw the burden he was carrying. She was at his side in an instant.

'Who's this? How is she hurt?' She gasped as she uncovered Carryn's back. 'Brother of life!' Then her practical nature took over. 'Lay her down over here, on my pallet. Gently! Gently! Whatever happened to the poor child?'

'Those of the Serpent captured her and used her in the shrine,' Benjan explained, seeing that no one else was paying much attention to him and this old dame.

'A young child like that!' While Herra was arranging the final details with Aharri, and Davred was engaged in a low-voiced conversation with Katia, Cheral deftly began to strip the bloodstained rags from the girl's back. By the time Aharri came to say farewell to his daughter, the Novice Mistress was gently bathing the torn flesh.

'Easier to do a healing on clean wounds,' she told him. 'You won't recognise her by tomorrow, Aharri Bel-Ashkaron.'

Eyes brimming, he bent to kiss his daughter, laid a hand very briefly on her head in benison, then stood up. 'I thank you for your care, Sister,' he said formally.

'We who serve the God also serve his people.' But Cheral's response was automatic, her attention all for her patient.

'Fiana, get me some more clean water, will you?' She barely noticed Herra deactivate the wal and take Aharri outside again.

Davred introduced Benjan and Jonner to the others, and by the time Herra returned, food had been found, beds made up for them and, most important of al , Carryn's back was ready for healing.

Cheral transferred her attention to Herra. 'I must say you don't look too exhausted, for all that you've been gone so long,' she admitted grudgingly. 'They must have looked after you properly. Now, when do you wish to heal this poor child's back, Elder Sister? Or shall you leave that to Katia? She's not bad at healing now, you know, and it would give you a chance to rest. You must be exhausted.'

'I'm not.'

Cheral looked sceptical.

'The healing will not exhaust me, Cheral.' Herra looked round the cave and clapped her hands for attention.

Everyone turned to look at her.

Using the formal mode of speech and chanting the words, Herra said, 'Rejoice with me, my Sisters, for I have attained Enhancement.'

Three gasps, then her Sisters began to murmur suitable responses.

Jonner plucked at Davred's tunic. 'What's all that mean?'

It was Herra who answered him. 'It means, my friend, that I am nearing the end of my life, but that the God has blessed me by increasing my powers. We call it attaining Enhancement.'

'You mean - you won't get weaker as you grow older, like everyone else?'

'No. Some of us get stronger towards the end. It's a very joyful thing, but not common.'

'How's that possible?' demanded Benjan, whose experience of life had taught him that things only got worse the older you became. He’d always dreaded the day when his great strength would begin to fail. 'Is it your magic?'


'Why don't you let other people learn it, then? Most of us could do with a bit of that - what do you call it? -


Cheral breathed deeply at this impertinence, and waited in vain for the Elder Sister to reprimand Benjan.

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Herra only smiled gently. 'We're still learning about it ourselves, my friend. It's one of the newer Gifts.'

'Most folk'd be willing to take a gamble, given the chance.'

'It takes a long time. Our "magic", as others call it, is a rigorous training in difficult Disciplines. It takes many years to learn it.'

'It takes a long time to learn any skill, lady. How long do you think it took me to become a good swordsman, or to learn to throw a knife? Are these Disciplines of yours just for women, or can men learn them too?'

Herra looked at him thoughtfully. 'Men haven't usually been trained in our Disciplines, but they can sometimes acquire the skills. Lord Davred here is one who is learning them successfully, and Aharri exhibits a few Gifts.' She looked at Benjan. 'Would you like to try to learn them too, my friend?'

Cheral's mouth fell open in surprise.

Benjan ignored the old dame. 'Is that possible for someone like me? I've no schooling, except in using weapons. I've never even had time to learn to read. Too busy earnin' my bread.'

'I don't know whether it's possible, but we could try to teach you.'

'Well - I wouldn't mind tryin'. Why not? What've I got to lose?'

Cheral spluttered with outrage.

'Why should he not try, Cheral?' Herra asked, her displeasure evident in her voice.

'But - Elder Sister - he's a man! We're a Sisterhood.'

'The Lord Davred is also a man.'

'He was
! That's different.'

Herra stood stock still for a moment, then spoke in a wondering tone. 'Then I
Benjan now. Times are changing, Cheral. We must change with them, or our Sisterhood will die. No, do not argue! The God is speaking through me, showing me how I must start to make the changes.'

'The God?' whispered Cheral.

'Yes.' Herra raised her voice,
'The God speaks!'
One by one the others fell to their knees, and the Sisters realised that Herra was making another major prophecy as her voice began to echo from the cave walls.

'The God has whispered in my ear:

It is time to change this world.

The God has offered us salvation,

With a new turn in the path,

Which shall lead us to distant horizons.

The God has granted me Enhancement,

A strong staff for our Quest.

The God has brought us Brothers once more.

The balance is shifting

And they shall henceforth share our Quest.

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We shall change, my friends, we shall change,

change in our bonding,

change in our questing.

We shall become kindred, the Kindred of the God.

Rejoice, my Sisters! My Brothers, rejoice!

For our God will surely bless,

will always bless,

The Quest of His Kindred.’

Herra began to move around the circle in a ritual, half-dance step, and it seemed as if temple chimes accompanied her movements. She wove in and out of the kneeling figures, caressing the shoulder of each one lightly as she passed.

Last of al she came to Benjan.

'Little Brother, I salute you, in the name of our God, in the name of our Quest, for you are now to tread a new path.

Little Brother, dance with me, in honour of our Elder Brother, the God.'

She pulled him to his feet and led him around the outside of the circle. Bewildered by the strangeness of the ceremony, and uncertain of his part in it, Benjan stumbled after her, gathering pace until his steps began to match hers.

Suddenly, they were dancing together in perfect harmony. She was grace and lightness; he was strength and counterbalance. The steps changed, took on a new pattern, but Benjan didn’t falter once.

The watchers were held spellbound, and even on Cheral's plump face there was wonder, for this is a new turn in the path, a man
as Brother of the God, a man joining the temple dance.

* * *

Up on the satellite, time was passing slowly for Soo. It seemed as if something was hovering near, about to happen, but for the moment all she and Mak could do was wait. Observing Davred and what was happening to him fascinated her. Less and less did she feel inclined to join in the social life of the satellite.

Robler wondered whether he should allow Soo to spend so much time watching Davred, and for a time he had tried to keep her busy on other tasks, but in the end he decided that it kept Soo out of other mischief, and after all, someone must keep watch. Besides, he could always find her in the com-room, if he felt like it.

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