Quest for Honour (22 page)

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Authors: Sam Barone

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Historical

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map room . . . very interesting. Yes, that would require quite an expansion, if you wished to work with such a large model. With the single entry you want, and to carry the weight of men using it . . . I think it would need special supports, extra beams, a completely new design.”

“Then I’m speaking to the right person, Noble Corio,” Trella said. The two sat alone in the workroom. She had requested a private meeting with Akkad’s master builder to discuss a new addition to the house. “Who else can we turn to when Akkad needs something new and difficult?”

Corio hunched his chair closer to the table, and picked up the slim stick of chalk bound with a rag. A square section of slate, framed with wood and a rope attached to the top, served as his drawing board. An apprentice usually carried the slate around his neck, always ready should his master need his services, but this morning the apprentice waited in the courtyard below, while Trella alone met Akkad’s master builder.

“No need to flatter me, Trella. Let me sketch something while we speak.”

Trella leaned forward, always interested in learning something new. Corio’s nimble fingers belied the silver hair that covered his head. He applied chalk to the slate, and with deft strokes he soon had a rough outline to show.

“We’ll need to build it as a separate structure, almost like a second story with nothing underneath,” Corio said, talking as much to himself as to Trella. “The roof over the rest of the house won’t hold the weight, and
the walls weren’t built for it either. So . . . if we sink five or six beams into the ground on either side, we can bridge the house with planks, and use those to support the floor. The walls and roof will need to be wood, no mud bricks, because of the weight. Mmmn. You’re sure you want it up here, right off the workroom? Easier and cheaper to build an addition to the house on the ground.”


Corio lifted his eyes at the response, the single word offered without any explanation. “It would be more secure up here,” he said, after collecting his thoughts for a few moments. “What you ask can be done, though I don’t think anyone has ever built such a structure before. You’ll need a good supply of various types of lumber, most of which will have to come from the north.”

The land around Akkad boasted plenty of trees, but not the dense and strong wood needed to bear large amounts of weight. All those had to be brought downriver from the forests at the base of the steppes.

“Please use whatever materials you think best, Corio.”

“All those beams will make it expensive. Are you sure? . . . I mean, will you have –?”

“The Map Room will be a great help in preparing for the coming war. We’ll use part of Eridu’s ransom to pay for it. And I’m hopeful that soon a new source of gold will be found. So, spend whatever you need. But the work must begin immediately, and be completed as soon as possible.”

“Mmmn.” Corio continued his sketching in silence for a few moments. “One door, you say, and only a few small windows to provide fresh air. That should make construction a bit easier.”

“No one must be able to hear what is said, or catch a glimpse of what lies inside, Corio. That is most important.”

He pushed the slate across the table. “Support beams on both sides, sunk deep into the ground. I can brace them against the house and each other, for additional strength. When we’re finished, we’ll need to conceal everything with some false walls, to hide the supports. Otherwise your house will be the ugliest in Akkad, and I’m sure you don’t want that. It might be interesting to slant the roof, to allow the rain to run off, and prevent anyone from hiding on top of the structure. That will require more wood, of course. Mmmn.”

Corio understood the need for privacy, always one of the most valuable of commodities for anyone living within Akkad. With so many
people and the occasional farm animal jammed together in small rooms only a few paces across, the luxury of speaking without worry of being overheard was both rare and expensive.

“Use whatever you need, Corio,” Trella went on. “Already Eskkar and his commanders have begun the planning, and this work room is not big enough to hold all those who will be needed.”

“I can order the lumber today,” Corio said. “It will take a few weeks to get exactly what I require. Meanwhile, I can divert a few logs from the wall’s construction, at least enough to get started.”

Trella nodded. “That would be desirable, I think. But that is the next matter that I want to discuss. Work on Akkad’s outer walls must be speeded up. And you must revisit the design. If Eskkar and his men are fighting in the south, your walls may be all that keeps Akkad’s enemies out of the city.”

Corio arched an eyebrow. “It’s almost too late to do anything with the design of the walls. We’ve been working on them for nearly three years.”

The new walls called for heights of almost twenty paces on either side of the main gate. Facing east, Akkad’s primary entrance still remained the most likely approach for any enemy force. The wall there had already been completed, including towers every fifty paces that projected out, allowing archers to shoot down at enemies massing at the foot of the walls. On the remaining three sides, the height of the walls would reach fifteen paces. With a ten-foot ditch ringing the city, the high walls would be unassailable.

“Perhaps nothing significant can be done,” Trella said, “but I want you to think about how we would defend these walls with fewer soldiers and archers. The ditch might be dug deeper. If an attack is imminent, we’ll have hundreds more craftsmen and farmers crowding the city, and I think we’ll need to make use of them to help defend the walls.”

“We’ve changed the plans for these walls at least ten times before we began construction,” Corio said, shaking his head in frustration. “Now you want to add further changes. It must end sometime, Trella.”

“If it were easy, Corio . . .”

He laughed. “I know, then you wouldn’t be asking me. Still, we always assumed we would have hundreds of fighting men to defend us.”

“Two years ago, that was true. Now we worry not about barbarians, but about thousands of Sumerians massing outside the walls. Men with
thick shields, with ladders by the hundreds and capable of building ramps as well. Men with skills almost as good as your own, all thinking about ways to force their way into Akkad.”

“Back to the flattery.” He sighed. “Oh, well, I’ll see what I can come up with. Perhaps I’ll have one or two of my sons try to devise ways to break in.”

Trella had been about to suggest that same thought, but it was always better if Corio arrived at the right conclusions on his own. “An excellent idea, master builder. And I’m sure Bantor could provide one or two senior commanders to work with them. That way, you would have the benefit of their experience. You could even offer a gold coin or two for whoever comes up with the most dangerous idea.”

“Just when I thought I would be able to enjoy some leisure,” Corio said, “now you give me new challenges.”

“Unless you wish me to seek the help of some of the new builders in Akkad,” Trella said with a smile.

“From flattery to threats. Oh, well, I should stop complaining. Better to have too much work than too little.”

“We’re going to need your skills more than ever, Corio.” Trella’s voice turned serious. “And we’ll need your ideas on how to best attack the southern cities. Which is one reason why we need the Map Room. Do you have someone who can construct the models?”

“As soon as you told me what you wanted, I thought of my second eldest daughter. She refuses to learn to cook and sew properly, and prefers to spend time with her brothers and the other apprentices in the wood room, building models and sketching designs. She has a fine hand for detail work. Besides annoying her brothers, she embarrasses them with her skills. And none of them will eat anything she cooks.”

Trella’s eyes showed her interest. She’d always found it easier and better to work with women than men. Girls could concentrate more on the task at hand, follow instructions, and remain calm under pressure. And they didn’t have to be constantly competing with the other boys.

“You never told me your daughter had such an interest. What’s her name?” Trella knew the girl’s name, of course, but preferred Corio to offer it.

“Ismenne. I only wish she were a more dutiful child.”

Dutiful children tended to be of little use to Trella.

“Ah, yes, I remember her now. How many seasons does she have?”

“Almost twelve. Soon she’ll be married off and someone else’s problem.”

“If you think she can keep secret her work in the Map Room, perhaps I can make use of her. May I speak with her about this?” Trella saw that her offer had caught Corio by surprise. Like so many other men, he probably had underestimated his daughter’s value. Until now.

He took only a moment to grasp the implication of her words. “Of course, Lady Trella. Perhaps I should have paid more attention to her myself.” He sighed again. “Now she’ll come under your spell, and I’ll have lost her forever.”

“I promise I’ll return her an even more dutiful and loving daughter, who will give thanks to her father for permitting her this chance to help both her father and Akkad.”

“Let me speak to her mother first,” Corio said. “But I’m sure she’ll agree. I’ll bring Ismenne here tomorrow. I should have some sketches ready by then.”

Trella knew the girl’s mother would consent. With the queen of Akkad showing interest in her problem daughter, Ismenne, she would have much greater opportunities for finding a good husband. Everyone would benefit from such an arrangement.

“Then again we will all be in your debt, Corio. You and your daughter may do much to defend Akkad from its enemies.”


f Orodes’s early return surprised Trella, nothing in her countenance showed it. She sat beside Eskkar in the workroom, facing Tooraj and Orodes across the table. Both men still carried the dust and grime of a long and hasty journey. They had come straight to the Compound, despite the fact that the supper hour would soon be upon the household. Already the sounds of a large gathering floated up from the floor below.

“Well, what did you find?” Eskkar’s voice sounded hard. He had little patience for those who failed to obey orders. “Why did you return so soon, Tooraj?”

“He came because I ordered him, Lord Eskkar,” Orodes answered, cutting in before the soldier could reply. “In half a day, I learned more than enough to return to Akkad. I’ve made a list of what I will require to begin mining, and I brought samples with me.” He reached down and hefted a good-sized sack onto his lap. “You’ll want to check these samples with my father, or perhaps another goldsmith you trust, but I’m sure of what they contain.”

“And that is . . . ?” Lady Trella’s voice sounded gentle compared to her husband’s.

“Gold, of course. At first it will be mostly loose nuggets lying about, or just under the top layer of dirt. We’ll also find more pockets in the stream and nearby. We’ll need to pick the valley clean of the surface gold first, otherwise the workers will steal it all. Once we’ve emptied the stream and the stream’s pockets, we can get started digging into the earth for the real ores.”

“What else did you find, then?”

“Almost all of the noble metals are present. There’s plenty of copper and tin, as well as quantities of lead, antimony, iron and arsenic. But I think we’ll find the real strength of the mine is this.”

Orodes removed a jagged nugget from the sack and placed it on the table between them.

Eskkar reached out his hand, picked it up, and held it to the light. “That’s silver, isn’t it?”

“Yes, Lord. The rocks and ground at this place are full of native silver.”

“What kind of silver?”

The fact that the king of Akkad didn’t know what that meant startled Orodes, but Trella caught his eye, and he knew that she understood. He softened his words so as not to offend.

“Native silver is a rare form of the metal, Lord. This nugget is almost . . . it’s very pure silver, with only a few impurities, which could easily be removed. But any silversmith could work with this nugget as it is. Most silver, as I’m sure you know, is obtained from smelting lead and copper ores. Silver is one of the residues left behind from the smelting process. But the ores I found at the site are heavy with silver. More silver than gold.”

Eskkar handed the nugget to Trella. “And you say there is a good quantity of silver at this place?”

Orodes glanced at Trella, who had spared only a brief look at the nugget. “My Lord, I believe that this site holds large quantities of copper, lead, tin, silver, and gold. And iron, of course, but that’s of no value to us. Someday we may learn how to make use of it, since it’s so common.”

Eskkar’s frown returned, and Orodes decided now wasn’t the time to speak about iron.

“But silver seems to be the most plentiful. The gold nuggets resting on the stream bed are of high quality as well.” Orodes reached into his pouch, extracted an irregular clump of gold, and set it on the table.

Eskkar examined the nugget. He’d learned much about gold in his wanderings, but it had taken the siege of Akkad and Trella’s guidance to explain the mystery of gold to him. Many villagers believed the golden metal to be the most valuable of all possessions. Its rich and warm color satisfied some deep-seated longing in men. They worshipped it in secret, clutching it close to their bodies before burying it deep in the earth.

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