Queen of the Conqueror: The Life of Matilda, Wife of William I (53 page)

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Abrahams, pp. 198–99, 255–56.
Jumièges incorrectly states that Adela bore four sons and one daughter; GND, II, p. 263. Orderic Vitalis also lists four sons (William, Theobald, Stephen, and Henry): OV, III, p. 117. Another account states that she had six sons (William, Theobald, Odo, Stephen, Philip, and Henry) and five daughters (Lucia, Agnes, Eléanore, Alix, and Lithuise). Her biographer, Kimberly LoPrete, claims she had between six and eight children, and she names Theobald, Odo, Stephen, Henry, and Agnes. Carmi Parsons and Wheeler, p. 317.
GRA, I, p. 505.
OV, V, p. 325.
Ibid., VI, p. 43.
GND, II, p. 263; OV, V, p. 325.
Abrahams, pp. 198–99, 255–56.
GND, II, p. 277.
Stafford, “Women and the Norman Conquest,” pp. 226–27.


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