Queen of Hearts: (Family Stone #6 Shelley) (Family Stone Romantic Suspense) (16 page)

BOOK: Queen of Hearts: (Family Stone #6 Shelley) (Family Stone Romantic Suspense)
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“Go ahead. I’ll be right back.” He needed to dispose of the condom. Fortunately there were private bathrooms connected to the pool room. He would only be gone for a second.

Shelley finished rinsing off. She thought about waiting for Ric and standing under the water with him. But now that he wasn’t right with her, doubts and insecurities came rushing back in. No need to highlight her body.

Besides, she was hoping she could convince him that they’d be safe in their hotel room if he stopped this overprotective need to guard her every second.

The cops should pick up Kandi soon. Right?

She pulled her running gear back on, then turned as she heard the door open, ready to greet him with a wide smile. She was going to have fun convincing Ric to do that again.

“Well, isn’t this special?”

Shelley’s heart thudded in her throat.

Shit. Kandi stood in the doorway. The gun in her hand was huge. Kandi didn’t look so good. Her hair was disheveled and her tight jeans looked like they could use a washing. She still had on the heavy makeup from last night including the false eyelashes but her mouth was bare of lipstick and her eyes were wild.

Shelley could only be thankful that Ric was in the bathroom. Her heart beat erratically. She knew she needed to keep Kandi distracted. She didn’t want Kandi suspicious of the fact that Shelley was in the spa by herself. She knew if she stalled long enough that she and Ric could overpower Kandi. Ric wouldn’t let her down.

“What are you doing here, Kandi?”

That was the million dollar question. What did Kandi want? Because no matter how Shelley sliced it, she couldn’t figure it out. She didn’t really believe that Kandi wanted a relationship with Connor. She definitely wanted Shelley gone. But why?

“I want what I deserve.” Kandi spat, “I’ve spent the last twenty-seven years slaving away, working my ass off, while you reaped the benefits of the Stone life of luxury.”

“By life of luxury, you mean, wading through vomit when all four kids had the stomach flu? By going to parent teacher conferences alone and trying to figure out how to help the kids with their homework, making lunches, refereeing arguments? By living through their first broken hearts? The first time they came home drunk? The endless nights of worry of through their deployments?”

“Whatever.” Kandi waved her hand, blithely dismissing Shelley’s years of parenting. “I don’t care about all that stuff.”

Shelley was channeling ‘be alert’ vibes hard, hoping that Ric figured out something bad was going on.

The door to the bathroom opened. The squeak was barely, noticeable but Ric stopped cold when he saw Kandi and her gun. Kandi had her back to the bathroom door so hopefully she hadn’t noticed him.

Shelley relaxed. Ric was here. After years of taking care of herself, she knew Ric wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Shelley’s job now was to keep Kandi distracted.

“I have a question. Why didn’t you get an abortion?” She really wanted to know. “Don’t get me wrong, Connor is a wonderful man and I’m really proud of him and I’m thrilled you didn’t make that choice. But I’m guessing Jackson Sr. gave you money just like he did me.”

“It’s a sin.” For an infinitesimal moment, Kandi looked lost. “I couldn’t do that.”

Huh, hadn’t seen that one coming.

“But I couldn’t raise a baby.” Kandi stomped her foot. “Don’t you see?”

“I see a selfish woman, who never thought beyond her own needs,” Shelley sneered. Ric was almost at Kandi’s back.

“Fuck you! You stole my life!” Kandi shouted. “I should be living in that house. And flying around in that private jet.”

Ric hadn’t taken his gaze off Kandi as he carefully eased closer. But he lifted his brow so Shelley answered, “It’s not really mine. But yes, the family has a private jet.”

She just needed to distract Kandi for another minute and Ric would be close enough to disarm her.

Shelley said fiercely, “I will do anything for my kids.”

“Connor isn’t yours, he’s mine.” Like a kid playing tug of war with a toy, Kandi seemed stuck on claiming Connor.

“So what is it that you want Kandi?” Shelley asked softly.

“All you had to do was leave,” Kandi said. “Why wouldn’t you just go? I could have taken your place and everything would be perfect.”

The woman had clearly lost her freaking mind. “What’s the plan now?”

“I have to kill you,” Kandi replied calmly.

“That doesn’t really work for me,” Shelley said in her most haughty Queen of the Manor voice.


Shelley let her gaze slip to Ric. That was a mistake. Kandi stepped back and whirled, weapon up and steady in her hands.

Shit. Ric was close enough that he could lunge and overpower this crazy woman, but based on the confidence with which she held the weapon, she’d be able to get several shots off. At this range the damage would be considerable.

Now he remembered what had been bothering him. It had been Kandi’s voice outside the door yesterday at the spa. But when they’d reviewed the security tapes, she hadn’t been in the lobby area. Which meant that she had access to another way in to the spa. Which meant she had a contact within the hotel. Dammit.

Missing that detail had lead right to this moment.

Wasn’t this irony? He’d spent almost twenty-five years in the Navy and never been shot. He’d gotten dinged up plenty of other ways. Knives, shrapnel, burns, but he’d never taken a bullet.

That’s why he’d been nicknamed Bulletproof. Now, retired from active duty and in the private sector, he was going to get shot by a gun-toting, crazy ass exotic dancer with a grudge against the Queen of the Junior League.

He laughed. The Universe had a wicked sense of humor.

“I am not funny,” Kandi screeched.

“No. But you’re going to ruin my perfect record.” As he stood there, the light shone down around him from above. In that moment, he realized that to protect Shelley he’d lay down his life. He didn’t care if he got shot.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Kandi cried.

Ric held perfectly still, trying hard to project an air of calm. He didn’t want to do anything to rattle her.

He was going to have to move soon but he wanted more information before he got shot. “How did you get in here?” Ric asked.

“There’s an employee entrance. You just have to know the security code on the door.” She laughed. “Easy, peasy. I used to date a security guard here.”

“You’re smarter than you look,” he injected every bit of admiration he could manage into his voice.

“Believe it or not,” Kandi said proudly. “Connor didn’t just get his smarts from his father.”

As long as she kept the weapon trained on him he’d keep her talking. But he saw the resolution in her gaze and knew their time was up.

“Which means, I’ve got to wrap this up.” She straightened her shoulders and aimed the weapon.

Ric bunched his thighs and launched himself at her. The report of the weapon was deafening in the tiled room. Shelley screamed as Ric slammed into Kandi. He shoved her arms above her head, and the gun went off again. The bullet ricocheted around the room as he took her down, slamming her body to the tile floor. Her head thunked hard and her body slumped.

Then the pain hit. Blood obscured his vision and painted everything red.

Fuck. That hurt. His last thought was he needed a new nickname.


It was over.

Kandi was in custody.

Ric had a nice, bright white bandage on his scalp and a new scar. But Shelley was safe. Not a scratch on her.

His suite was bursting with food and people. Platters of cheese and crackers, veggies and dip, and bottles of wine and beer sat on the wet bar. Shelley, Jack, Bliss, Jessica, Colin, Connor, Ava, Shane Washington, and Keisha Johnson were all jammed inside his room. Riley and Di were on their way in from the airport.

Everyone had a beverage while they munched on the snacks.

After two days of being trapped in this room and wanting nothing but to get out, Ric wished everyone would leave so he could be alone.

The adrenaline let down was kicking his ass hard.

Especially because he didn’t want to be alone. He wanted to be alone
with Shelley

But somehow he didn’t think her family would be on board with that. She was across the room on the sofa. Ric was resting on the bed, propped against the pillows. The furthest distance away from her as possible and about a million people between them. It wasn’t his doing, so he figured it must be hers.

Jack was jabbering away about charges and evidence but suddenly Ric could feel the weight of her stare. On him. He met her gaze, held the intense connection and let everything he was feeling show.

He wanted all these people gone. Now.

Shelley shot up from the sofa. “Okay, everyone. Time to let Ric rest. Clear out.”

Relief pushed hard.

It took another half an hour before the room was empty. The guys squeezed his hand and offered, ‘I owe you’s. The girls gave him hugs and thanks.

“If you’re up for it. I could use your help on that other project I have going on.” Jack shot a furtive look at Bliss but she was busy hugging Shelley.

“Happy to help.” It was clear Jack still hadn’t talked to his bride-to-be. “Let me know what I can do.”

“Later, NLBP.”


“No Longer Bulletproof.”

Ric smothered a laugh. Especially since Shelley was glaring at Jack. Jack gave Ric a chin lift then headed out the door.

Connor was last. “You ever need
, you ask.”

Ric nodded, then groaned. The bullet had seared across his scalp. He’d been damn lucky. Since he’d refused the pain pills, it still hurt like hell.

Jess said, “You coming mom?”

“I’m good.” Shelley crossed her arms over her chest. She was back in the yoga pants and top.

“But where are you going to….” Jess trailed off. “Ohhh.”

“I’ll see you later,” Shelley said firmly.

Thank God. Ric hadn’t been sure that she’d been planning to stay. Finally they were the only two left in the room.

“I thought they’d never leave.” Although her words were confident, Ric could see the nervousness beneath her surface.

Shelley hesitated then crawled on the bed to settle next to him.

Ric pulled her closer. With her breasts cushioned against his chest, he burrowed his fingers through her hair and cupped her head in his palm.

He kissed her. Poured every bit of love and longing and want boiling inside him into the caress.

Shelley broke away gently. “What?”

Of course, she wouldn’t settle for nonverbal communication. Luckily, after a life in the Navy, he was used to having to spell things out in triplicate. “I’m crazy about you.”

She blushed.

It wasn’t just a little pink in her cheeks either. The heat traveled over her torso, shot up her neck, and flooded her cheeks. He’d surprised her. Again.

“I’m too old to fall into, and fall for, insta-love.” Shelley tried to deny their attraction.

So she thought it was okay to ask for sex, but not to demand love?

“No, you’re old enough to know when you see something you want. Make the decision and then go for it.” Ric countered. “You’ve seen enough shit in your life to recognize the real thing.”

“It’s too fast.”

“Bullshit.” Ric was not going to let her get away. “It’s not fast enough.”

Dammit, his body had recognized hers when she was sitting on that barstool two nights ago.

“I don’t need anyone,” Shelley said. “I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time.”

He couldn’t help it. His heart simply fell. What had he thought he could offer her? Nothing. She already had more money than she knew what to do with. A rewarding career with the farm. Her family, her kids.

“I know.” But inside, he knew he had what she needed. He just had to convince her.

“But just because I can take care of myself doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be nice to have someone else looking out for me,” Shelley said softly. “I knew you’d rescue me.”

That belief in him was just one of the many things he loved about her.

“I want to be the one who makes sure you get the peace you deserve. To look out for you because you’re too busy looking out for everyone else. To make you happy. To love you.”

Shit, he’d done it. He’d actually used the L word.

“I…would like that.” She dropped her forehead to his shoulder. “What if we’re wrong?”

“Then we’ll work on it.” Ric had never felt more committed in his life. “But we aren’t wrong.”

She threaded the fingers of her right hand through his.

He couldn’t believe he was having this conversation. “I didn’t come here looking for this.”

She snorted. “Me either.”

“I know you didn’t. You never think of yourself first.” Ric rubbed his palm of his left hand along the furrow in her spine.

life flash before
eyes changed my perspective.” Shelley shivered. She shifted so that she was sitting on his lap and wrapped her arms tightly around his shoulders. They were twined together, comfortable and erotic, as if they’d been in this position a million times.

“We fit,” she said softly.

“Like we were made for each other.” Ric smiled. “Take a gamble on me.”

Shelley said softly, “Okay.”

“I, uh, don’t have a lot of experience with relationships.”

“Me, either.”

He wanted to give her romance. He wanted to give her passion. He wanted to give her all the silly, impractical loving gestures that she’d missed out on before. He wanted to do things he’d never even considered. He wanted to fulfill every single fantasy she had and ones she hadn’t even thought of yet.

As she lay on top of him, thinking about those fantasies, his cock began to harden.

“Really?” She laughed.

“What can I say? I told you I’m crazy about you.”

Shelley’s heart filled with joy. He was crazy about her. It was there in every look, in every gesture. His erection nudged at her butt. No way. She couldn’t believe he was getting turned on now. “You have a concussion. The doctor said no physical exertion.”

“I look at obstacles as opportunities.”

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