QuarterLifeFling (3 page)

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Authors: Clare Murray

BOOK: QuarterLifeFling
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“Yeah, and
own a Beamer, design software and
shell out the bucks for a health retreat. I think we’re pretty evenly matched
in our out-of-the-box approach to life.”

“I wasn’t making fun of you,” I said quickly. “I’m just
surprised. And I know how it feels to constantly be told how well you’re doing,
how you’ve got such a good head on your shoulders and all that.”

“Makes you want to do something really crazy, doesn’t it?”

Whoa, he
me. I’d wanted to do something wild for
ages, but setting foot off the straight-and-narrow wasn’t all that easy no
matter how I yearned to let loose. First it had been grades and parental
approval, now it was all about making a good impression at the job. When did it

“I can’t even think what crazy thing I can get away with,” I

“Moonlight motorcycle ride?” Jude flashed me a quick grin,
hazel eyes dancing. “Naked?”

“That might be good for a start.” I smiled back, knowing
full well he was joking. “But I don’t think I’m old enough to rent a

“I have a Harley.”

I sat up. “No fucking way. You have a Harley and you were
all jealous of my car?
jealous of

“No need for jealousy.” He sat up too, stretching his arms
over his head. “You can ride it any time you like. You wanna go tonight?”

“Hell yes.” The words came straight from my heart, and it
was worth a lot to see his face light up. “Um, I don’t know about naked

“We can play it by ear.” He grinned and stood up. “I’d
better get back to work, babe. I’ll see you tonight.”

* * * * *

Dinner couldn’t be over fast enough. I sat at a table near
the window with the other “young people” the receptionist had so kindly rounded
up. The girl sitting next to me was a trust-fund baby pre-detoxing before a
stint in a harsher rehab facility down in Southern California. The brunette
across the table had recently experienced a family death and was taking some
time off college to recover some emotional equilibrium.

Fortunately, food arrived before we had to make much
conversation. The meal was just a little bit too skimpy for my liking—chicken
in some sort of tangy-sweet sauce, a handful of skinny fries, way too much
salad with cucumbers. I ate, listening to conversations flow around me. The
blonde trust-fund baby complained up a storm about the accommodations.

Halfway through her diatribe, the brunette—her name was
Zara—rolled me a helpless look, and we both had to hide our grins behind our
forks. When the blonde got up halfway through the meal to use the bathroom,
Zara shook her head.

“Finally, a break. I didn’t think the cabins were so bad.
There’s a rainforest shower and a Jacuzzi.”

“Yeah, seems fine to me. Especially since a cleaner comes
during breakfast.” I ate the last bite of chicken, keeping my eyes peeled for
the trust-fund baby’s return. “You know, I don’t think she’s doing much detox
if she’s spending that long in the bathroom.”

Zara giggled, mimicking the blonde’s accent. “Like, it’s
so it’s totally okay. Anyhow, forget her. What’s your cabin number?”

“Seven. You?

“I’m in Two. Hey, you’re near that new pond that’s slated to
go in. Have you seen the landscaping guys? Dreamy.”

I took a quick gulp of water.
Seen them? I’ve had sex
with one of them!
“Uh, yeah. Cute guys.”

“Especially that one dude. I think his name is Salvador—I
overheard his friend talking to him.” Zara sighed, and I sat back in relief.
Not that I had any right to be jealous over what was effectively going to be a
four-night stand, but I couldn’t help my sudden possessive feelings. He was all
for those four nights, dammit.

“Why don’t you go and talk to him?” I suggested.

“Me? Talk to him? I don’t know…” Zara shut her mouth as the
blonde returned, and we smirked at each other as the other girl began talking a
mile a minute again.

Dessert consisted of melon slices. It was over mercifully
quickly. I walked Zara out before someone could rope me into guided meditation
or something. I’d try that some other time… I didn’t want to keep Jude waiting.

If he

I tried to ignore the sudden niggle of doubt.

“How long are you here for?” Zara asked.

“I’m scheduled to leave on Friday. I was supposed to come
here with my best friend, but she got sick at the last minute. What about you?”

“I’m leaving next week. My mom wanted me to take some time
off, chill out a bit.” She hesitated. “My sister died a couple months ago.”

“I’m really sorry to hear that.” We stopped walking now that
we were some ways away from the main complex. The only sounds were the faint
rustlings of wildlife as they settled in for the night.

“I guess I’m still taking it pretty hard. I broke up with my
boyfriend two weeks ago, so that was a double whammy. Anyhow, I don’t want to
burden you with all my troubles.” Zara forced a laugh.

“It’s no burden.” I felt bad for ever considering my life
hard. By comparison, it was just boring. “I can find out more about Salvador if
you want.”

Zara shot me a surprised look. “Really? How?”

“I’m, uh…hooking up with his boss tonight.” That felt weird
to say. I was such a goody-two-shoes that I was blushing, not that anyone could
tell in this darkness. But that was part of the beauty of all this—removed from
everything familiar, I was free to become a different person. At least temporarily.

“Oh, no kidding? I’d better let you go, then. Tell me all
about it tomorrow morning!”

Zara waved cheerily, disappearing toward her cabin and
leaving me free to make my way back to my own place—and Jude. I walked slowly
but steadily, enjoying the freedom, peace…and hot anticipation.

* * * * *

Jude lit the last of the candles and stood back to survey
his handiwork. He had rushed to get the cabin ready for Alanna’s return and was
still sweaty from the day’s work. He planned to take a quick shower while she
enjoyed the chocolate he’d brought back for her.

He hadn’t meant to get involved so deep and fast. But he
didn’t regret it one bit. This was the kind of relationship that was supposed
to progress quickly—it would either be over by the end of the week, or…or
they’d actually have to make it work somehow. Which was a little bit crazy, but
also surprisingly exciting.

Restless, he walked outside to wait on the porch. With
summer winding down, the Central Valley nights were still balmy and he was
looking forward to a leisurely motorcycle ride with Alanna. He waited, growing
more and more impatient until he heard the crunch of footsteps in the distance.

Moonlight limned her form, shining bright as she continued
toward him. He couldn’t wait to see her gorgeous dark-brown eyes. She might be
a little bit shy and self-conscious, but he hoped to get to know her a
better tonight.

“Hey. I’m glad to find you here.” Alanna stepped onto the
porch and he immediately opened his arms, drawing her into an embrace.

“I’m kind of dusty from digging up a flowerbed,” Jude said.
“You mind if I use your shower real quick?”

“Go ahead—
.” She’d peered through the door and seen
the candles. “Did you light those? They’re beautiful.”

“Yep. You were right about the whole no electricity thing.”
He grinned as she flashed him a suspicious look. “Just kidding, babe. I thought
it would be a cool surprise. I got you some chocolate too.”

“Awesome. The dessert tonight was melon.” She made a face.
“And I had to listen to some girl complaining about everything.”

“Takes all kinds to make the world go ’round,” Jude
commented. “I like melons, though.” He reached down, tracing one finger across
the underside of one of her breasts. She shivered, pressing closer to him, and
he couldn’t resist a smile. He was already hard—had been from the moment he saw
her—and at this rate he needed to get his jeans off and get into the shower
before things went too far.

“Come on, let’s go inside. Your chocolate’s on the pillow.
I’ll be right back.”

Her gaze stayed on him until he disappeared into the
bathroom. He was quick about the shower—although the temptation to linger under
the hot jets was strong, the lure of the woman outside was stronger. He
slathered gel down his body and into his hair, sudsing up before rinsing.

Halfway through, he realized she was watching him while
leaning against the doorframe, an indistinct shape through the foggy shower
partition. He finished rinsing, turned the water off and got out, accepting the
towel she handed him.

“You that eager to go, babe?” He toweled his hair
vigorously, letting his body drip dry onto the mat.


“Our motorcycle ride.”

She squeaked. “You were serious about that?”

“Hell yes. We have to hike out a ways first, to the staff
parking lot. You game?” He wanted her in bed, but if he played his cards right,
he could have the best of both worlds.

Her eyes lit up as she nodded, and he tossed the towel
aside, relieved at her willingness. He had always wanted to go on a moonlight
ride with a pretty girl. Even though she was a virtual stranger, doing this
just felt right for some reason.

“Let me get dressed, then we’re out of here.”

* * * * *

The slight disappointment at not immediately falling into
bed with Jude was tempered by my excitement at seeing his Harley. As I
approached the bike, he handed me a helmet with a no-nonsense look. I wrestled
the thing over my head and the world became muffled. A few moments of fumbling
and I’d flipped the visor up. That was better.

Apart from two cars, the staff parking lot was empty. The
nearest cabin was a ten-minute walk away, so we were pretty isolated out here.
I supposed that was for the better—the stupid Terms and Conditions I’d
apparently agreed to probably banned me from leaving the premises.

Jude, dressed in a clean pair of jeans and a leather jacket,
gestured for me to sit in front. I frowned, taking a step back. Did he want me
to drive?

Trust me
, he mouthed.

Closing my eyes briefly, I took a deep breath and straddled
the motorcycle. This had to be one of the craziest things I’d ever done. When
Jude swung on behind me and undid my fly with nimble fingers, I amended that
thought. This was
single craziest deed I’d ever participated in.

Then his hand slid inside my underwear and I clenched in
renewed desire. I was already wet for him after watching him shower, and his
touch was almost enough to tip me over the edge. When he started the engine, my
cry of pleasure was lost in the roar of the motorcycle.

And the seat underneath me was vibrating. Holy fuck. I
squirmed, tilting my hips to give his hand greater access. He motored forward
just enough to get us down the road a little way, and the increased vibration
had me panting inside my helmet, desperately wanting more.

Then he stopped the bike, and I cried out again as his
fingers slipped inside me, starting a steady rhythm that was going to undo me
any second now. His other hand swept up my shirt, and I let my helmeted head
drift back against his shoulder so that I was staring at the sky.

You gotta just let go, babe
. His advice resonated in
my mind.

The moon fragmented into countless silver shards as I came
for the second time in my life, my cries muffled inside the helmet, lost in the
engine’s throb. Aftershocks rocked me, but Jude held me close even though his
erection nudged at the small of my back.

When I reached for him, though, he slid off the bike with a
mischievous grin.
Let’s ride
, his lips said, and I scootched back to
give him the front. My jeans were still undone, but it was warm enough, and
nobody was around to notice. I locked my arms around Jude’s waist as we took
off down the dirt road.

Puffs of dust marked our wake as we cruised. I rested my
cheek against Jude’s leather-covered back, still trying to catch my breath. My
legs were still a little wobbly and I was glad the Harley’s seat was so

Trust me
, Jude had said. I was glad I’d consented to
this wild ride. Suddenly this didn’t seem like a quarter-life slump any longer.
Wind rushed past as we picked up speed, turning onto the paved two-lane road
that had led me to Daydream—and Jude—in the first place.

Jude seemed to know exactly where to go, taking us on a
scenic ride past scattered farmhouses and fields. Eventually we wound through a
stretch of forest that seemed magical in the cooling night air. We encountered
nobody else but a car driving in the opposite direction.

I relaxed into the ride as I realized Jude was being really
careful not to jar me at all. He took curves slowly, gradually, teaching me to
lean into them like he did. I was desperate to remember every moment of this
ride, to imprint the memory upon my soul. This was the kind of thing I’d look
back on as an old woman.

I sighed a little in disappointment as we turned back toward
Daydream. We slowed to a crawl when we hit the dirt road, as if Jude too wanted
to prolong the moment. An idea blossomed, and before I could chicken out I
acted on it.

At this speed, it was easy to unzip his fly, and his dick
immediately jutted into my hand, poking through the hole in his boxers. He’d
been hard all this time? The Harley slowed almost to a standstill, chugging
along as I pumped him with one hand. Maybe I was crazy, but this was the
sexiest thing I’d ever done, and Jude wasn’t complaining—or if he was, I
couldn’t hear him through the helmet.

I could sense how close he was. He stilled briefly, then
thrust one last time, jetting hot semen across my fingers. He was steering
one-handed now, guiding the Harley into its parking place and cutting the
engine. The night seemed very still without the noise of its engine.

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