Pyramid Quest (49 page)

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Authors: Robert M. Schoch

Tags: #History, #Ancient Civilizations, #Egypt, #World, #Religious, #New Age; Mythology & Occult, #Literature & Fiction, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Fairy Tales, #Religion & Spirituality, #Occult, #Spirituality

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From both studying the Great Pyramid and from working with small pyramids and pyramid-shaped materials in his lab, Parr has suggested that “mass particles” (which have inertia but are not subject to normal quantum laws: see DeSalvo, 2003, p. 155) can potentially be trapped by pyramid shapes. As these mass particles are trapped, Parr believes an energy field bubble forms around the pyramid that shields the pyramid and mass particles inside of it. Parr experimentally induces this phenomenon by rotating small pyramids through an alternating magnetic field in the laboratory. As the energy field bubble builds up around the pyramid, according to Parr (see DeSalvo, 2003, pp. 153-165), objects inside the pyramid are shielded from external fields, including the gravitational field, and therefore become weightless. Furthermore, Parr believes that as the bubble around the pyramid closes completely, the pyramid (and any contents) leave the normal space-time continuum of three dimensions plus time that we are used to in everyday life, and the pyramid enters what he terms hyperspace. Speculatively, once the pyramid is in hyperspace, it may be able to travel through ordinary matter and through time, as we know it, perhaps allowing so-called time travel backward and forward.
Parr suggests that the field bubbles around pyramids are sensitive to external astronomical events, such as the sun’s 11-year sunspot cycle and when the earth, the sun, and the constellation of Orion are lined up. He believes that at such times of sun-earth-Orion alignment, there is a conduit of neutrinos moving from the sun past and through the earth, and into space in the direction of Orion. These moving neutrino particles seem to cause small spinning pyramids to break away from the rotating arm they are attached to and presumably fly toward the direction of Orion. All of this type of research is of course extremely controversial and calls out for independent verification by other researchers. Another physicist, Dan Davidson, has repeated many of Parr’s experiments and says that he has gotten similar results (see DeSalvo, 2003, pp. 161, 289-304).
Miller, Sloan, and Wilson (2001, p. 35) suggest that the Great Pyramid was a plutonium mill. In their words:
We propose here that the Great Pyramid was a nuclear fission production mill, and that it was a technical and financial success. It did not create energy but packaged energy within artificially created isotopes of plutonium. . . . The approach is to drop preconceptions about religion and culture, and look upon the Great Pyramid as a business investment.
In other words, they impose a certain twenty-first-century business/capitalistic mentality and set of assumptions on this ancient structure. Furthermore, since there was no known need for plutonium on Earth in ancient times, Miller, Sloan, and Wilson (2001, p. 41) suggest that the most likely destination for the plutonium was Mars.
Christopher Dunn (1998) has developed an elaborate hypothesis that the Great Pyramid was a power plant that generated electricity through an elaborate system of resonators ultimately tuned to the frequency of Earth, electrons moving from one level to another within the hydrogen atom, and so forth. Even more speculatively, Dunn suggests that the ancient Egyptians had power tools that they used for machining stone and other materials.
Farrell (2001, 2003, and see discussion hereafter) also believes that the Great Pyramid was used as a means to generate enormous amounts of power. However, as he points out (2003, pp. 52-53), “the Great Pyramid would, on the basis of an analysis in terms of standard contemporary physics, and barring unknown fields and forces, be capable of only a few milliamps of power output, hardly enough to light a small light bulb.” Clearly, the implication is that if the Great Pyramid was a generator of power, it did not use simply physics, fields, and forces as we know them today.
Farrell (2001, 2003), following up on the work of Dunn (1998) and others asserting that the Great Pyramid was a source of power, believes that this power was not used for good but for evil (my terms). Farrell considers the Great Pyramid to be part of a very ancient gigantic military weapon system that was actually used. To do justice to his theory, it is best to quote Farrell (2003, p. 51) directly:
I have posited a scenario in which, its many difficulties notwithstanding, there was a paleoancient Very High Civilization possessed of a highly unified physics, a corresponding “unified technology,” and a capability for mass destruction greatly exceeding our own. In this scenario, the Great Pyramid was a weapon of mass destruction, and the focal point of a war fought with nuclear weapons, a war fought at least in part either to destroy it or render it permanently non-operational. . . . It is
that this scenario may have been even more gruesome, that the Very High Civilization may have been interplanetary in nature, and that “the Great Weapon” may have been used to create system-wide planetary destruction on Mars and the Moon, and perhaps elsewhere. (italics in the original)
Discussing Farrell’s hypothesis, DeSalvo (2003, p. 106) says that the ancients apparently had knowledge of “zero point energy” (see McTaggart, 2002) and learned to put it to practical and destructive use.
That the Great Pyramid may have something to do with water moving through its passages and chambers dates back to at least the nineteenth century, when it was suggested that it might have severed as a “Filtering Reservoir.” “A Swedish philosopher gave it as his opinion that pyramids were simply contrivances for purifying the water of the muddy Nile, which would pass through their passages” (Bonwick, 1877, p. 111). More recently, several authors and researchers have championed the theory that the Great Pyramid was a huge water pump used to move Nile water from lower elevations to higher elevations, both as a means of construction (blocks of stone could be moved on barges or by means of attached floats through locks, brought to the worksite, and put into place) and for the distribution of water for agricultural and related purposes. Edward J. Kunkel conducted research along these lines from the middle 1930s through the late 1970s, and his research is currently being championed by Steven Myers and the Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation (Kunkel, n.d; see discussions of Kunkel’s work in Valentine, 1975 [who misspells his name “Kunkle”], and Noone, 1997; see DeSalvo, 2003, pp. 367-368, for information on Steven Myers and Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation). Recently, John Cadman has continued the research of Kunkel regarding the possibility that the Great Pyramid served as a giant water pump (see Cadman, 2003, pp. 339-350).
Somewhat related to water pump theories is the hypothesis of Yoshiki Su’e (1999) that the passages and certain chambers of the Great Pyramid were partially filled with water to form some kind of huge instrument that acted somewhat like a giant pendulum and could measure the rotational speed and various vibrations of the Earth.
Benavides (1974, p. 157) says boldly: “The Great Pyramid is a good example if evidence is needed to support the theory of extraterrestrial visitors in the past.” Similar sentiments, or discussions of extraterrestrials and ancient Egypt, can be found in Brennan (2001), Bramley (1993), von Däniken (1969, 1996), Farrell (2001, 2003), Hoagland (2001), Herschel (2003), and Temple (1998). Zecharia Sitchin (cited and discussed in Farrell, 2003, p. 281; see Sitchin, 1985) has viewed the Great Pyramid as a “beacon” for interplanetary travelers. Miller, Sloan, and Wilson (2001) suggest that plutonium packaged at the Great Pyramid was transported off the planet, most likely to Mars. Mehler (2001; see also DeSalvo, 2003, pp. 181, 235, 329) has suggested that the ancient dynastic Egyptians were preceded by a “Khemetian” or “Khemitian” civilization that had connections with both Atlantis and “star people.” Herschel (2003) suggests that pyramids around the world, including the Great Pyramid, represent stars. The pyramids’ arrangements on Earth are star maps of the heavens, possibly pointing toward the extraterrestrial origin of the “gods” of ancient religions. Furthermore, according to Herschel (2003), humankind’s ancestors may have originated from the colonization of our planet by extraterrestrial beings.
There is one general school of “pyramidologists” who view the passages and chambers within the Great Pyramid as a chronological representation of both the past and a prophecy of the future. This school of thought originated when the Scottish ship-builder Robert Menzies wrote to C. Piazzi Smyth in 1865 (as he was on site at the Great Pyramid, studying it firsthand; see Seiss, undated, 14th edition, p. 129; Smyth, 1880, p. 461; Tompkins, 1971, p. 93; interestingly, Smyth did not mention or adopt Menzies’s theories in his 1867
Life and Work at the Great Pyramid,
although beginning with the 1874 edition of
Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid
he did) and was adopted and expanded upon by Smyth and others (for example, Capt, [1971], 1986; Casey, 1883; Davidson, 1925, 1934; Davidson and Aldersmith, 1924 and n.d.; Edgar, 1924; Edgar and Edgar, 1910, 1923, 1988; Ferris, 1939; Fish, 1880, first and second editions; Ford, 1882; Foster, 1979/1988; Gardener, 1944, 1948; Garnier, 1905; Gray, 1953; Haberman, 1935; Knight, 1933; Landone, 1940; Lemesurier, 1977, 1999; D. H. Lewis, 1980; H. S. Lewis, 1936; Marks, [1879?]; McCarty, 1907; Nicklin, 1961; Riffert, 1952; Russell, 1915; Rutherford, 1970-1986; Seiss, 1877; Smith, 1934; Smyth, 1874, 1877, 1880, 1890; Stewart, 1935; Toth, 1988; Webber and Hutchings, 1985; Zajac, 1989; Roselis von Sass used this concept in part in her novel
The Great Pyramid Reveals Its Secret
Here it is appropriate to quote Smyth (1880, pp. 461-462) concerning Menzies’s original suggestion, which set the stage for all subsequent studies along these lines.
From the north beginning of the Grand Gallery floor, said Robert Menzies (who was called to his rest in the end of 1877), there, in southward procession [traveling up the Grand Gallery], begin the years of the Saviour’s [i.e., the Christian Jesus] earthly life, expressed at the rate of a Pyramid inch to a year. Three and thirty inch-years, therefore, or thereabout, bring us right over against the mouth of the well, the type of His death, and His glorious resurrection too; while the long, lofty Grand Gallery shows the dominating rule in the world of the blessed religion which He established thereby; over-spanned above by the 36 stones of His months of ministry on earth, and defined by the floor-length in inches, as to its exact period to be. The Bible fully studied, shows that He intended that first Dispensation to last only for a time; a time, too, which may terminate very much sooner than most men expect, and shown by the southern wall
(italics in the original)
Smyth (1880, pp. 462-465) further says:
The first ascending passage, moreover, he [Robert Menzies] explained, as representing the Mosaic Dispensation. I measured it, and found it to be, from the north beginning of the Grand Gallery, the assumed natal year of Christ, to its junction with the roof of the entrance-passage northward and below, or to some period in the life of Moses, 1,483 Pyramid inches: and when produced across that passage, so as to touch its floor, 1,542 inches.
But the chief line of human history with Robert Menzies was the floor of the entrance-passage. Beginning at its upper and northern end, it starts at the rate of a Pyramid inch to a year, from the Dispersion of mankind, or from the period when men declined any longer to live the patriarchal life of Divine instruction, and insisted on going off upon their own inventions . . . until it ends, at a distance from the top of the passage equal probably to 4,404 Pyramid inches, in the symbol of the bottomless pit; a chamber deep in the rock, well finished as to its ceiling and the top of its walls, but without any attempt at a floor.
One escape, indeed, there was in that long and mournful history of human decline; but for the chosen few only, when the Exodus took place in the first ascending passage, which leads on into the Grand Gallery: showing Hebraism ending in it original prophetic destination—Christianity. . . .
But it was not Hebrews alone, descended from those under Moses, who were to be saved by Christ; for besides the special Hebrew passage,—another, though far less conspicuous mode of escape from the descent into the bottomless subterranean pit, was also eventually provided, to prevent
immortal soul being necessarily lost. For, before reaching the dismal abyss, there is a possible entrance, though it may be by a strait and narrow way, to the one and only gate of salvation through the death of Christ—viz. the peculiar, deep but dry, well representing His descent into Hades.
This Hades locality is not the bottomless pit of idolaters and the wicked, lying at the lowest point to which the entrance-passage subterraneously descends, but a natural grotto, rather than artificial chamber, in the course of the well’s further progress to the other place. It is in fact the Paradise of the dead, which is stated to be within the earth; and where they wait in unconscious condition, either the rapturous awakening to meet their Lord in the air, before His visible return to all men as Millennial King; or, the final trump of the day of Judgment and the great white throne.
Meanwhile here at the Pyramid, the stone which once covered that well’s upper mouth is blown outwards into the Grand Gallery with excessive force (and was once so thrown out, and is now annihilated), carrying part of the wall with it, and indicating how totally unable was the grave to hold Him beyond the appointed time.
Thus we see how Menzies, Smyth, and their followers have interpreted the passages of the Great Pyramid in terms of their understanding of Judeo-Christian prophetic history and furthermore have used the continuations of the passages and chambers to prophesy the future history of humankind. For instance, Lemesurier (1977, pp. 135, 137) gives the following reading based on the Subterranean Chamber:
in around 2004, “the bottom will fall out of the world.” Both world-civilisation and its technologies will quickly collapse to rock-bottom by 2010, and will remain at that level for at least fifteen years. . . . By around the year A.D. 2025, world-civilisation will be reestablished, and by 2055, with material conditions at last rapidly improving, human technology will revive to at least its former level. Then, in around 2075, there will be a sudden explosion of progress on all fronts, and a new civilization of extraordinary vigour will arise whose physical aspects will last until the year A.D. 2100, and whose spiritual achievements—which may be of unprecedented magnitude—may even endure until the very end of the era predicted. This is dated at A.D. 2132-3, just prior to the second Messianic visitation.

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