Pure Will (18 page)

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Authors: Kristi Pelton

BOOK: Pure Will
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When I started edging her pajama bottoms down, she lifted herself allowing me to pull them down easier. That was a definite RSVP. But it wasn’t until I traced down her thigh then back up that I knew she was more than ready for me.

“Oh my God baby… You have no idea what that does to me,” I said softly.

“Show me,” she begged.

I rolled off of her and got rid of my own shorts. There was nothing I loved more than seeing her smile when she looked at me…all of me.  I know me being inside of her worried her a bit. I would do everything I could not to hurt her.

“Come here,” she invited and rolled over onto her side, her face by the edge of the bed. She opened her mouth. Holy fuck. Thank God for my tall California King because she was the perfect height lying down. Her mouth was almost too small for me but she managed one other time before. I slowly slid in her mouth and with her eyes closed and still laying on her side, her beauty stole my breath, and it wasn’t because I was getting a blowjob.

Standing over and worshiping every inch of her body was getting me close. After touching her wetness again, and feeling her moan, I made nice with the sweetest place to touch on a woman’s body. When she cried out, pulling away from me, I lay down next to her but continued my assault. Her breathing bordered on panting as she gripped my biceps. I didn’t know whether to take her over the edge now or get inside her first. I wanted inside of her. Badly. I was desperate. But, for the first time ever, I wanted to please her first so I went for it. My assault stayed slow and steady never changing pace.

“Will,” she panted and her face started to scrunch up. “Don’t stop.”

I wouldn’t stop if I had a loaded revolver at my temple.

“Never,” I said sweeping over her lips with mine. That’s when her hands tightened, her body stiffened and she released a pleasurable moan that brought me the greatest satisfaction.

“Will, please. I ache. I need you,” she moaned.

Brushing the hair that had fallen over her face, my eyes held hers. “Cam. Are you sure? For me, there is no going back. I want you to be mine in every way. Completely.”

Her palm cupped my face. “I already am.”

When I slid between her legs, she welcomed me by making room for me between them. I’d never not used a condom so I reached into the drawer retrieving one from the nightstand. I wondered if Max used condoms with her.

“I told you I’m on the pill,” she whispered.

“I know but I didn’t want you to worry about me.”

“Should I be worried?” she asked with the corners of her lips turning up.

I shook my head. “No. Not at all. I promise. But I also understand if you’d prefer me use this.”

She reached between my legs and took me into her hands, guiding me toward her body. The moment I felt the wetness, the warmth, the softness, I closed my eyes and allowed her hips to meet me with a slow torturous aggression. Holy Mother of God. Never in my life had I experienced this feeling.  And never in my life did I ever want to be without it again. As I tried to control my movements and allow her to set the pace, I reigned in every desire to shove myself as deep as I could.  She still hadn’t taken all of me, but I prayed she would.

She gasped and my eyes flew open.

“You OK?” I asked.

She nodded raising her hips again to meet me.

“Will,” she whispered and fuck that riled me up. I was gonna blow and I hadn’t gotten all the way in. You’ve got to be kidding me. I needed duct tape or a gag ball or a…I don’t know what. Hearing her cry out my name.  I had to shut her up so I could last at least a minute!  So…I smashed my lips to hers.

ANYTHING…that’s what I would do for her.

Her hips continued their aggressive assault and I wasn’t going to last.

“Camden,” I panted.

“Oh Will,” she whimpered.

This was my undoing…for the first time in my life, I unloaded inside of the woman I loved. Not in a sock, not on my stomach, not in a condom…but I released inside of Camden. There could be nothing greater.


When she rested at my side, I had to concentrate on controlling my breathing. Breathing…it’s not something you really ever think about…it just happens. But right now, it was sporadic. In and out. In through the nose and out through the mouth.  Breathing…  That and the beat of my heart were out of sync. Things had been out of sync since I’d met her.  I didn’t understand what was happening. I felt like I needed to say something, but I could only kiss her forehead and hold her close.

I’d never stayed this long with a girl after sex, and I think if she tried to move, I’d tie her to the bed just to keep her here. Her breathing seemed so much more controlled than mine. I think sleep was falling over her, which made me glad; I wasn’t sure what to say.

“Will,” she whispered and my eyes sprang open.

I didn’t answer. Shitty thing to do maybe but I was trying to process what was happening with my breathing and my heart. If she said my name again, I would answer.

“I love you, Will,” she said so softly, but I heard it; then she nuzzled deeper into my underarm.

And with those four words, my breathing stabilized, my heart secured a strong rhythm, and the biggest smile in the world crossed my face. Everything was right in my world and I even had a feeling that Matty was laughing his ass off at me right now in heaven.



The phenomenal smell of bacon wafted through my nose and I slowly opened my eyes. Will was sitting next to me with a lazy smile and a platter of food. I’d never had breakfast in bed.

“Good morning, Dear,” he said in the roughest, sexiest, lowest grumble.

I buried my head. “I don’t like Dear.”

“You will when you’re 90. I’m just practicing, lo-ver.”

I grinned at him. I loved when he said things like that.

“Lover is better I suppose. I’ve never had breakfast in bed.”

He held a piece of bacon to my mouth and I took a bite. My mouth watered around the meat.


“I like eating big breakfasts,” he said.

I sat upright and winced at the soreness between my legs.

“Sore?” he asked as blood rushed to my face.

I nodded. “A little.”

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“Sorry? It’s sat empty for years. I welcome its new…large…visitor,” I giggled.

“Oh shut up! And believe me, I’m glad it’s been vacant for years. But now, you can put the sold sign up. I’m taking over the mortgage.”

I don’t know how he expected me to respond when he said things that seemed so…permanent.

“Well, no papers have been signed, and it’s a pretty expensive mortgage payment. I’m not sure you can afford it?”

He lifted the platter and sat it on the nightstand then dug his fingers into my side. “Name the price.”

I laughed as he tickled, but then he hovered over me, resting on his arms, staring at me.  His beautiful blue eyes turning serious. “Tell me Cam.”

All I wanted was him. Nothing else.  I didn’t care about a house—hell I’d been raised in a beautiful mansion with my father and no mother for the last 13 years. All I wanted during that time was Tracy’s love, and she ended up telling me I was a manipulative little slut.

“I only want you.”

He brushed a quick kiss over my lips.

“You already have that, silly.”

He didn’t understand really. I had my mom and Tracy and even Max for that matter and now they were gone…

“Do you ever think we are moving too fast?” I asked without thinking.

His eyes bulged then relaxed. “Don’t go. I’ll back off if you need space.”

“No!” I nearly shouted. “That’s not what I meant. This just went from serious to…seriouser…really fast.”

“Seriouser? Really Miss Tutor?”

I grinned. “I’m completely seriouser. Whatever…space is overrated. I’m very happy where I am right now.”

“What if you were closer?”

I glanced down between our two bodies that were smashed together and said, “Not sure that’s a possibility.”

“I’m thinking more…geographically speaking.”

Geographically? We were in the same city and state. “Huh?”

He grabbed another slice of bacon taking a bite then offering me the other half.

“This is going to sound rushed because it’s only been two months…but…we could do it slow.  We could start with weekends—kind of like a supervised visitation on a trial basis. Then as things go successfully, we could increase your visitation.”

He wants me staying here?!?!?!  I tried to control the fireworks going off in my head at the thought. He really likes me! 

“You want me to move in here?”

He shot his hand up. “Whoa. You make it sound so formal when you say it like that!” he laughed.

made it sound like I was a child and you were bargaining for my time in a child custody case. Freak.”

With his thumb, he traced over my bottom lip. “I haven’t begun to show you my freak side yet baby,” he whispered with a smile I’ve only seen on his father.

The smile and words combined stirred my insides and I squirmed in his arms. He leaned down and lightly bit my bottom lip.

“So. Here’s the deal. I have to go to Vegas in a week for a competition. You will stay here while I’m gone. I have a security system. And I know you’ll be safe,” he explained.

I sprung upright in the bed. “I’m not staying here without you!”

He took a bite of the scrambled eggs that had to be cold and he nodded. “Yes you are. Wrigley needs you. Or you can stay with my parents. My dad will be my watch dog.” He grinned.

“Will!  What the hell? This is insane.”

He swallowed slowly and stared at me. “It’s not insane,” he whispered. “But I do understand. I’ll just skip this competition. It’s not a big deal.”

He stood, taking the tray with him and started to walk away.  I’d hurt him and that hurt me. Decision time—are his small controlling ways okay with me?  He only wants me safe. Isn’t that a good thing?

“Will. Don’t go,” I said sitting on my feet. “Please.”

He turned and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

“It won’t be weird having me here when you aren’t home?” I asked.

After setting the tray of food at the foot of the bed, he walked toward me. I rose up on my knees to be closer to him.  “Having you here will make me feel better. And it will make me happy you are sleeping in my bed. And showering in my shower. And Kate can stay too if that would make you feel better.”

“I’ll stay. You go.”

A wide smile spread over his face.



That next weekend I was actually excited to stay a Will’s. Kate was excited to have our apartment to herself, so I packed my bag and headed over for my unsupervised visitation.  Will had given me the garage door opener and I parked in the garage, closing it behind me. I’d never seen a cleaner garage. Seriously, not a leaf, not a spec of dirt on the freaking floor. And the floor was painted. Who does that?  I giggled as I stepped into the house, the alarm beeping…I hurried over and entered the four-digit code turning the red blinking button to a solid green. The beeping stopped.  I opened the door for the mudroom and a noise sounding like a jet engine started howling and blowing at me with confetti and toilet paper shooting at me. I quickly darted out of the way trying to gather myself and slow my racing heart. What the hell? There was a mess of white paper and toilet paper everywhere. I pulled the plug on what looked like a leaf blower; clearly Will had set this up before he left.

A note pad sat upright on the island that read:
You’ve already made a mess of my place
.  I laughed, threw my purse on the island next to the pad and started to gather the crap blown everywhere.  Creative Will.

After throwing it all in the trash and unhooking the leaf blower from the homemade contraption he’d put together, I cautiously made my way into the living room where I was blown away again, but this time by the massive vase of bluebonnets in the middle of the coffee table.  The state flower of Texas…  The room smelled like them too.  A card sat propped up against the vase.

I want you to feel at home here—hope this helps

The overwhelming feeling of love for this man flooded through me and I giggled with a joy I hadn’t had in…forever. Truth be told, I’d never been loved like this. There is an old saying that it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all…but the thought of losing him…would destroy me. And he was a bit of a package deal—because I was gaining a family too. 

I took my bags down the hall to the bedroom where the lamp on the end table was on. Giddiness rippled through me again when I saw in the middle of the bed…a satin night gown, his t-shirt and a new toy! 

“Oh my God!” I said out loud, my cheeks blushing. I dropped my bags and picked up the toy. There were three little buttons on the side. The first one I pushed was a soft hmmm. The second was stronger and the third resembled the sound of the damn leaf blower in the kitchen. I decided never to use button three.

A note rested against my pillow.

Camden- Wine is in the kitchen. I opened it for you right before I left. Drink two glasses. Put on the one of the two sleeping garments. Crawl in my bed. Keep the toy next to you and wait for my call. 

I giggled as a wave of muscles tightened below my waist; I went back to the kitchen to get the wine.



When I got back to the hotel room from the first day of competition, I was exhausted. All I wanted was my girl. I jumped in the shower and crashed on the king size bed.  I’d only called one number in the past twenty-four hours and that was Cam’s. Given the two-hour time difference, I figured she was in bed…possibly asleep but she better have done as I asked. I grinned and popped wood just thinking about it. This was her first night in my house and I hadn’t been able to talk to her.  I was as excited as a five-year-old in a candy store wondering what she thought of my pranks.

“Heeey,” she answered groggily.

“I woke you…I’m sorry.”

“I wasn’t asleep silly. But I’ve got an almost empty bottle of wine,” she slurred.

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