Pulse 3 (Pulse Series) (10 page)

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It had only been a few minutes but felt like an eternity. At any second, any indication would have given Rafael and me away. But Rafael maintained his composure while enjoying the blowjob I gave him.

“…I suppose I’ll get back to you once my people go over the numbers,” John said.

Very… good, sir… That’s… very good…”

Rafael was breathing hard. His words came out stuttered.

“I guess that’s enough for today,” John said. “I’ll leave you to your business. I’m sure you have other affairs to take care of. Tell Alice I said hello.”

I will, sir.”

Goodbye, Rafael.”

Good… bye…”

I heard the sound of the video monitor shut off. Rafael let out a groan so loud that the entire building might have heard. He rolled back from his chair, his han
ds still gripping my hair, and dragged me from underneath his desk.

He fell out of the chair and I landed upon my back. Rafael sat above me, his cock still in my mouth. He proceeded to drive himself into me. My throat gagged. The moans were lost upon his t
hickness. I laid on my back just off to the side of his desk as Rafael fucked my mouth.

His grip on my hair tightened. I closed my eyes as I felt him get closer to the edge. His strokes were harder and faster. He was grunting with every thrust. Suddenly, h
is cock burst inside of my mouth.

His semen splashed against my tongue. I swallowed it down as another line of his cum joined it. He let out a deep breath as he emptied himself into me. I shut my eyes tight and swallowed down every last drop of his seed.

When his orgasm finally subsided, Rafael pulled himself from my mouth. I swallowed the last gulp of his semen then gasped. He picked himself up from the ground then helped me back onto my feet. While he zipped himself up, I stared at him and licked my lips. The two of us looked at one another. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking.

Was that wrong?” I asked him. “Should we not have done that?”

I don’t know,” he said. “I don’t think John would appreciate me getting head while I was discussing an important decision with him.”

But you enjoyed it.”

The smirk on his face made feel relieved. Ever since I
’d known him, Rafael took business more seriously than anything else. I didn’t want him to regret this. Not when we both thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

All right,” he sighed. “If it happens in this office, it happens. But not while we’re doing other work with other people. We’ll set time aside for that.”

Good,” I said. “And as your assistant, I’ll be here to take care of it.”

I leaned in close to him and kissed
him upon the cheek. I walked back to my desk and playfully shook my ass for him. I turned around and grinned at him while I did so.

Don’t do that,” he said to me.

Do what?”

You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

I’m sorry, Mr. Barnett. I don’t. You’re going to have to explain it to me—”

Never mind.”

Rafael rolled his eyes at me then returned to the seat at his desk. I chuckled softly to myself as I watched him regain his senses and return to his work. I could still taste him on my tongue. It made t
he rest of the day that much easier to get through.

Chapter 11

My business relationship with Rafael couldn’t be better. The work wasn’t complicated and I was more than capable of handling it. I learned a lot from Rafael as he interacted with the important people and executives he did business with. He introduced me to everybody not as his assistant but as his girlfriend. It felt odd for our relationship to be in the spotlight but I enjoyed it. But more than anything, I was just happy to see Rafael back where he belonged.

It didn
’t end in the office. Rafael wanted to make it clear to everyone that we were in a happy and healthy relationship. The board of directors wasn’t as adamant as he was but being out in the spotlight would hopefully give the company the positive impression that he was hoping for.

I sat at the dinner table with Rafael just across from me. The red dress I wore was someth
ing too extravagant for my usual weekend excursions with Danica. I had my hair done and put more time into my makeup than I usually did. The earrings and necklace I wore accentuated the outfit but they didn’t stick out as much as the diamond bracelet on my wrist.

That’s nice. How much did that thing cost?”

I laughed as Wesley pointed at my bracelet. As mesmerized as he was, Travis rolled his eyes at his friend
’s comments.

What does it matter?” Travis said. “It will be years before you could afford something like that.”

I’m just curious,” Wesley said as he shrugged his shoulders. “How many diamonds are on that thing?”

I don’t know,” I said. “I’ve never counted. But yeah, it is pretty nice, isn’t it?”

It had been a long time since I
’d seen my two fellow interns. After Rafael stepped away from the company, we were all demoted and given normal internships. The only time I would see them was when Rafael would take all of us out to dinner. True to his word, Rafael took Wesley and Travis out on this Friday night so that he could spread some more of his business knowledge.

But Rafael no longer invited us to dinner under the guise of discussion about the company. Rafael and I were free to go out for a night on the town without worrying about anybody seeing us. We w
anted them to see us. It almost felt like a date.

I’m glad to see that you’re doing well,” Travis said to me. “The word going around the office is that you’ve been promoted.”

In a manner of speaking,” I said. “Rafael and the board of directors recommended that we no longer try to hide what we have. There’s a stigma that comes with every young CEO. A stable relationship can help to get rid of those preconceptions.”

An interesting way of looking at things,” Travis said as he turned to Rafael. “It’s good to see that you’re not out of innovative ideas, Mr. Barnett.”

Rafael nodded and smiled at him.

It was nice to be out with the two of them. They were there with me since the beginning. To still be able to keep in touch with them meant a lot to me. Even though I would never say it to them, I would never be able to get over the guilt of what I did to them. I was the reason they were demoted and given a regular internship. Now that I was working alongside Rafael, I was reminded of the opportunity I had taken from them.

After catching-up, the conversation evolved into the usual small talk about the company. Wesley and Travis were enthusiastic to hear anything Rafael had to say to them. There was no better opportunity to h
ear about the business than from the man who was in charge of it. Even though they were paying their dues near the bottom of the building, Rafael didn’t forget what he said about them. They were just as much the future of this company as I was.

As we had d
inner, I noticed that a lot of people in the tables surrounding us were looking. Most people doing big business in the city knew who Rafael was. And in a fancy restaurant like this, those were the only people that could afford to work here. When our meal ended, our tables were cleared for desserts. I looked to the side and noticed a man staring at me. He wore a suit and looked generally indistinguishable from most of the other executives I was used to seeing. The woman he was having dinner with was as attractive as one would imagine. Despite having no clue who he was, it was clear that he was worth something.

I stopped looking at him but could still feel his eyes lingering upon me. As Rafael continued to have a business discussion with Wesley and Travis, I f
ound myself wondering who that man was exactly. Suddenly, he appeared right next to our table and stood between Rafael and me.

Rafael Barnett,” the man said. “I’m sorry to disturb you.”

Everett!” Rafael said as he turned and looked at him. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here!”

Rafael stood up out of his seat and shook the man
’s hand. Rafael’s demeanor changed suddenly as he greeted the man with enthusiasm. The woman Everett was having dinner with was standing next to him.

Bridget,” Rafael said as he kissed her on the cheek. “So good to see you.”

It’s good to see you, too, Rafael,” she said. “I haven’t seen you in so long.”

I’ve been busy,” Rafael said. “With a lot of things. I’m sure there are stories of me going around.”

Are they just stories?” Everett asked him.

Well, if what you’ve heard is good news, they’re not
stories. Speaking of, I want you to meet someone. This is my girlfriend, Alice Pratt.”

I stood up from my chair and greeted both of them.

“So, this is Alice,” Everett said. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh. I can see why Rafael did what everybody claims he did.”

I’ve known Everett for a long time,” Rafael explained. “He taught me a lot about what he knew when he used to work for Barnett Industries. He moved on to bigger and better things.”

Better, perhaps,” Everett replied. “Bigger, I’m not so sure.”

The two of them shared another laugh. Everett introduced me to his wife Bridget. I wasn
’t sure what to make of them. Up close, he looked younger than he did when he was sitting at the table. Unlike all of the old executives I was used to seeing, Everett seemed to be able to relate to Rafael. I wondered just what kind of relationship they had but didn’t actually question any of them.

So, what are your plans for this evening?” Everett asked Rafael. “We have a lot to catch up on. Bridget and I have been out of the country for a few years now. I’m sure we have a lot to discuss.”

You’ve been out of the country but still heard the news about what I did, have you?” Rafael replied.

News travels quickly, Rafael. Especially in this business. I thought I taught you better than that.”

You did. I guess I just forgot.”

They shared another laugh together.

“It’s a Friday night,” Everett said. “Let’s head out tonight and celebrate. Everybody’s invited. It’ll give us a chance to catch up. And I’m looking forward to getting to know Alice a little better. I’m assuming she’ll be the face of the company quite soon.”

I looked at Rafael and saw the sly smile on his face. He didn
’t respond immediately. Before he could say anything, Everett interrupted.

Come on,” he said. “Let’s discuss this over drinks. We have a lot to talk about.”


* * *


I watched as Wesley drunkenly stumbled onto the dance floor. The look on his face made it clear that he had too much to drink. He didn’t seem to mind though. And neither did the women dancing with him. Despite how much fun he seemed to be having, I wondered if he would be able to remember any of it in the morning.

Is he going to be okay?” I asked Travis.

You say that as if this is a new thing,” he replied to me. “He’ll be fine. I’ll be sure to stuff him in a cab and make sure he gets home safely. The weekend should be long enough for him to recover.”

Is this how you usually spend your weekends?”

Usually. To be honest with you, I need to unwind just as much as Wesley does. He has a more
way of doing things. And usually we’re not in the VIP section of the club but it’s fun just the same.”

I’m glad that you’re doing all right.”

What did you expect, Alice? We would just rollover and complain about everything. We’re just college graduates the same as you are. With the current job market, this internship is better than any of us could hope for. We just got lucky.”

Yeah, I never thought about it that way…”

I sighed as I listened to Travis
’s reasoning. He excused himself from the VIP section and joined Wesley and his new friends out on the dance floor.

I sat there in the VIP sec
tion of the nightclub and watched as Rafael engaged in a discussion with Everett. The two of them seemed to be oblivious about everything that was going on around them. As I stared at them, I noticed Bridget sitting right next to her husband and just enjoying the atmosphere. She looked back at me and smiled. Then she excused herself from the two of them and took a seat next to me.

Bridget was a petite blonde woman. Her hair was short, just underneath her chin. She wore a green dress that went well with her
figure. The diamond necklace she wore around her neck was probably the most expensive thing in the club. A part of me was jealous that my bracelet didn’t have as many diamonds upon it.

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