Publicly Exhibited [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: Publicly Exhibited [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“That’d be great. Thanks, Taliesin.”

“No problem.”

Hmm. Cadfael thought there very well might be a problem. He wasn’t sure either of those movies would excite Willow. He didn’t want her sitting there wishing she was somewhere else.

When he came back inside Eilidh looked at him carefully almost as if she could read his mind. Or perhaps his body language. He knew she was a damn good nurse and nurses did need an understanding of body language to correctly diagnose where pain was radiating from. Or something like that anyway. Whatever her secret method was, it worked. She spoke to Hawthorne and they left the room together. Rhion looked up and Cadfael took Willow’s hands and helped her stand beside him and Rhion.

“I’ve been talking to Taliesin, the manager of the movie theater. After the theater closes tonight he wants to look through a couple of movies to choose something for the Festival of the Arts. Rhion and I’d like to take you to the movies. Would you like to see either
How to Train Your Dragon
Mao’s Last Dancer
with us?”

“Can I look them up on the web before I choose, please? I don’t mean to be rude, but I’d like to make a sensible decision.”

“Of course.”

Rhion looked surprised, but in a way, Cadfael wasn’t. He knew Willow thought things through. Sure, she and Hawthorne had run away from Bailey, but it had been a logical escape, with planned and sensible decision-making behind it, not just a mad dash for freedom. He leaned against the wall, watching as she picked up a laptop from a chair and set it across her knees, tapping a few keys methodically. Cadfael liked watching her. Her eyebrows lowered as she stared at the screen. Her face was serious, yet her lips were still tilted up, not in a line, or worse, tilted down. He liked that she had a pensive, thoughtful side, as well as the ability to act on her decisions. That she could both make and activate difficult choices.

She turned around to them both and smiled. “I’d like to see
Mao’s Last Dancer
, please. Overcoming all the odds and following one’s dream to make a new life for oneself is very appropriate for me right now.”

He hadn’t thought of it like that until she said the words, but of course she was correct. “I’ll tell Taliesin. The movie can’t begin until midnight, because I didn’t want you to be put in danger by random customers seeing you.”

“That’s fine. It’s not like I have to be up early tomorrow morning and race off to work. Are there any tasks Hawthorne and I could do for you here? Or maybe some paperwork for one of the companies in the professional suites where we could be in a back room somewhere no one would see us? We’re both used to working, not sitting around idly all day long.”

“I hadn’t thought of that. I guess it must be very boring for you,” said Rhion.

“Not boring precisely. At first we were both very tired. Emotionally as much as physically. But now we’re safe and rested it’d be good if we could be doing something helpful as well, no matter how boring and repetitive.”

Cadfael looked at Rhion. This wasn’t really his purview although it seemed likely that another pair of hands would always be welcomed.

“I expect the center manager, Dylan, would be able to put you both to work. I’ll ask him tomorrow. Meanwhile, what would you like to do for the next few hours?” asked Rhion.

Cadfael looked at her with great interest, wondering what she’d suggest.

“Eilidh took Hawthorne and me to look at some of the stores when the center was closed. Would we able to look at some of the offices and the rest of this tower? What’s up here, exactly?”

“Most of it is just offices, which I think you’ll find incredibly boring. But we could walk around a little. I guess you’d like to get out of the apartment. If we’re careful we could take you back down to the stores, where people on the fourth floor are unlikely to notice you.”

“I hadn’t thought about it until now, but Eilidh did have us walk a very set route, possibly to keep us safe from being observed. We certainly didn’t see any people at all. She spoke to the security people too.”

“Yes, we need to do that. We don’t want to set off any alarms. But sure, let’s take a walk. It’s not very exciting, although exercise is always good,” said Cadfael.

“I knew he’d say that. He’s always bullying people into walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator,” complained Rhion.

Cadfael just grinned at his best friend, while Willow laughed out loud.


* * * *


Willow was glad she was wearing her athletic shoes. Actually she was getting really tired of having so few clothes with her, but at least most of them were clean again. One thing she had wondered about was getting her parents’ house packed up and everything sent somewhere, but she’d decided against that plan as she’d have to pay for storage, and even if she collected some clothing, or the picture albums, or anything, Bailey might follow the goods and find Hawthorne and her again. Whereas, if they did nothing, worst-case scenario they’d just have to buy a couple more outfits of clothing.

She enjoyed climbing up and down a few flights of stairs. She wasn’t a gym junkie, but she’d always been moderately fit. The same as Hawthorne, she liked going for long walks, and she also enjoyed swimming in a heated swimming pool. Not in the cold local lakes though. The men showed her the conference rooms on the sixth floor, walked her past a series of offices with etched glass windows naming who worked there, then took her up onto the roof, where she could look out over the city.

“The view’s spectacular. You ought to set up a roof garden so people could eat lunch out here in summer,” she said.

“We’ve thought of renovating this area several times. We’d have to reprogram the elevators though, but I suppose that wouldn’t be too big a challenge for a computer guru,” said Rhion.


“Because the office area is secure. People can’t just wander around. But if anyone who worked here was able to access the roof, we’d need a button for that,” explained Cadfael.

“I understand. Like anyone can go down, just not up.”

Cadfael smiled at her and Willow’s heart started beating faster. A whole lot faster. These men were so totally delicious. She still found it hard to believe they were both interested in spending time with her.

“Would you like to spend some time in my apartment?” asked Cadfael.

Willow’s immediate thought was “Hell, yes,” but she suspected he wasn’t going to show her the bedroom. Not that she was ready to sleep with them or anything. But she’d really enjoyed their kisses.

She wanted to think of a smart reply about it being an overused pickup line, but her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth.
Just as well. If he didn’t mean it as a pickup line I’d look pretty stupid.
So she just nodded and turned to walk back to the stairs.

They only walked down one flight and she realized Cadfael’s apartment must be on the top floor. When she’d brought them here to dinner, Eilidh had swiped her card and they’d all been talking so she hadn’t really noticed. She supposed that was logical. He was the managing director of this mall after all. “Do you have an apartment here, too, Rhion? Or is it just Cadfael?” she asked.

“I do. But not up here in the higher echelons of power.”

Since he didn’t give her any details she didn’t ask what floor he was on. But she wondered. And she also wondered if some of the other managers had apartments here, too. Like the movie theater manager. He must work mighty long hours. Or maybe he had an associate who did the morning shift.

As she’d remembered, the living room of Cadfael’s apartment was spacious, but not lavish. It was also decorated nicely, but not extravagantly. The pictures on the walls were prints, not original oils. But the view out the window was amazing. It was starting to get dark and already the multicolored city lights were being switched on. “This view must be awesome after dark. The curtains were closed last night and I didn’t realize.”

“I hope you’ll stay long enough to see it,” said Cadfael.

She wasn’t too sure how to answer that, or even if it needed an answer, so remained silent. She really hoped this meant they liked her, but they weren’t sending her bedroom-type signals. And even if they had been, she still wasn’t completely certain she was ready for that yet. But kissing, oh hell yes. She wanted more kisses.

Willow wasn’t given very long to think about what would happen next. Cadfael turned her to face him and tugged her closer to him. She lifted her face to watch his eyes, and he took that as assent, and kissed her. His body was rock-hard, and she leaned into him, opening her mouth and sending her own tongue to explore his tongue, his teeth, and the roof of his mouth.

Rhion moved up behind her, leaning his body against her back. His hands slid up inside her T-shirt and moved inexorably toward her breasts. Long before he touched her nipples her panties were damp with need, and she was sucking on Cadfael’s tongue with desperation.

They broke apart to breathe, and Cadfael laughed softly as he nuzzled her neck, then sucked an earlobe. Willow leaned back against Rhion, pushing her breasts up into his hands. His fingers were never still, tweaking her nipples, smoothing the skin of her breasts, and stroking the soft underside of the globes.

Just as she was about to grab hold of Cadfael’s shoulders, he bent down and put both hands on her jeans, slowly unzipping the fly. She knew he was moving so very slowly partly to tease her, but also as a way of requesting her permission. But she wanted more. She wanted to touch both these men in the way they were touching her. So she lifted her arms to Rhion’s head, holding it still so she could kiss his cheek.

Her jeans slid down her legs and she lifted one foot, shaking the pants off that leg. Cadfael remained kneeling, pressing soft kisses to her belly, and licking a line to her belly button.

“More,” she gasped.

Cadfael’s tongue slid lower as he puffed warm air everywhere he licked her. She opened her legs wider, encouraging him, but still pushing her breasts up into Rhion’s hands, and rubbing her ass against the thick cock she could feel pressing into her. Lust was exploding in her. No more did she think about the fact that she hadn’t known these men very long. Everything she’d seen and heard about them appealed to her. They’d been endlessly kind and honorable to her and her sister. And she wanted—no, needed—them to fuck her right now.

Cadfael licked along her slit and Willow almost climaxed in that instant. “She tastes delicious,” he said to Rhion.

“I knew she would.”

Rhion pulled her top off, and with it, the bra that was half-tangled around an arm from being pushed hastily out of the way. He rubbed his face along the back of her neck then kissed her there, making her cream even more.

Cadfael held her pussy lips apart and licked and sucked her cunt.

“Oh, please,” she wailed.

Willow’s eyes were shut now, since she was so very close to having an orgasm, but she felt the air around her move and then Rhion pinched her nipples as Cadfael bit her clit. She exploded into release, her body shaking, her legs going so weak that if both men hadn’t been holding her she might have fallen. Then she was being carried into the next room.

She opened her eyes to see Rhion pulling down a blanket, and then opening the nightstand drawer, as Cadfael laid her on the bed and unzipped his own jeans.

His cock was huge. She turned her head as weight landed on the bed on her other side and it was Rhion. His cock was just as large and was already sheathed in a condom. He crawled over her and said, “It’s time for us to make love to you.”

Willow nodded. Technically they already had, but fucking was what she wanted right now so she didn’t plan to quibble over semantics.

Rhion held his cock at her entry before pushing inside. She was swollen and hot from the orgasm she’d already enjoyed, but he persisted and spread her wide as he slid inside. Damn, but he was big. She didn’t recall any man every filling her so completely. Not that she’d had all that much experience, but still.

When Rhion was fully inside her, he gripped her shoulders, lifting them off the bed. Cadfael shoved the pillows under her shoulders and back, letting her head drop down onto the bed. She blinked in surprise and then Cadfael held his cock at her mouth. Of course. There were two of them. It wasn’t fair to only pay attention to one at a time.

“Can you suck me?” he asked.

“I know the basics but I’m not an expert,” she said, then gasped with delight as Rhion began to pump in and out of her cunt.

“Oh, wow.”

She licked the head of Cadfael’s cock, tasting his pre-cum. He wasn’t like any man she’d sucked before. Kind of salty, but a little bit sweet as well. She slid her tongue up and down his shaft, getting him nice and wet, then sucked the head of his cock into her mouth.

“Breathe deep,” he murmured, and as she did he kept feeding his cock farther into her mouth. When he hit the back of her throat she gagged, but remembered what to do, breathed in through her nose, and opened her throat to let him slide down.

Rhion’s hands were on her breasts again, twisting and plucking at her nipples, palming her globes, and teasing the undersides. He was pounding into her now in a fast, hard pace, that filled her beyond full. From time to time he moved his hips, angling his cock slightly differently and hit her G-spot in a way guaranteed to bring her screaming to orgasm again very soon.

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