Public Enemies (96 page)

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Authors: Bryan Burrough

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Let ’em Have It
Lett, Milton
Lewis, Harry
Liberty Magazine
Lieder, Clarence
Lima News
Lindbergh, Charles
Lindbergh kidnapping
Lindbergh Law
Link, Samuel
Little Bohemia episode
Dillinger’s Gang’s arrival in
Dillinger’s Gang’s escape in
FBI in aftermath of
FBI mobilization in
shoot-out in
women captured in
Lives and Times of Bonnie and Clyde, The
Lockerman, Allen
Lockerman, Doris
Loeser, Wilhelm
Long, Opal
Long, Ray B.
Longnaker, Mary
Luciano, Charles “Lucky”
McAllister, Fred
McArdle, Fred
McCarthy, Joseph
McCord, Roy
McCormack, Dwight
McDade, Tom
McDermott, Hugh
McDonald, Cash
McGinnis, Art
McIntire, Kenneth
McKay, James
McKee, Sam
McKellar, Kenneth
McLaughlin, Jack
McLaughlin, Jimmy
McLaughlin, John “Boss”
McLaughlin, John T.
McLaughlin, Mrs. John
McLawhon, Arthur
McMillen, George
McNutt, Paul
McRae, Colin
Madala, John
Magee, David
Magee, Walter W.
Maginnis, Art
Makley, Charles
Manhattan Melodrama
Manning, Joe
Manson, Charles
Mareno, Soap
Martin, R. N.
Mason City Globe Gazette
Master Detective
Mathias, Betty
arrest of
FBI’s pursuit of
interrogation of
Mattern, James
Matterson, Earl
Matterson, Mrs. Earl
May, Clayton
Meade, William Elmer
Means, Gaston
Melvin, T. G.
Menotti, Manuel
Merchants National Bank robbery
Meredith, James
Metcalfe, James J.
Methvin, Ava
Methvin, Henry
Methvin, Iverson
Mikus, James
Miller, George
Miller, Verne
background of
Halloween escape of
Kansas City Massacre and
manhunt for
Milner, E. J
Milwaukee Sentinel
Mitchell, Edward J.
Monahan, Freddie
Monroe, Coolie
Montgomery, Glenn G. “Curly”
Moore, Bobbie
Moore, Vincent,
Miller, Verne
Moran, Bugs
Moran, Joseph
murder of
Morgan, Frank
Morley, Elizabeth
Morley, William
Morris, Connie
Morris, John
Mortenson, Nels
Mullins, Jimmy
Mulloy, Frank “Fritz”
Mulvihill, Lloyd
Murder, Inc.
Murphy, H. D.
Murray, Edna “Rabbits”
Murray, Jimmy
Murray, William
Murray, William “Alfalfa Bill”
Muskogee Daily Phoenix
Muzzey, Alexander
Nalls, Rosser L. “Rusty”
Nash, Allanna
Nash, Frances
Nash, Frank “Jelly”
Natalsky, Etta
Nathan, Bruce
Nathan, Harold “Pop”
Bremer case and
Cowley eulogized by
Hammi’s criticism of FBI and
Kathryn Kelly case and
retirement of
Neff, Richard
Negri, Joseph “Fatso,”
Nelson, “Baby Face”
background of
Backman’s betrayal of
Backman’s personality conflict with
in Chicago suburbs shoot-out
Dillinger envied by
Dillinger’s partnership with
film on
final hours and death of
first bank robbery of
in First National Bank robbery
grave of
Kidder murdered by
in Little Bohemia episode
manhunt for
in Merchants National Bank Robbery
nickname of
in popular culture
in Security National Bank and Trust robbery
Van Meter’s confrontation with
Nelson, Darlene
Nelson, George
Nelson, Ronald
Newby, Bob
New Deal
Newman, Jay
New Orleans Times-Picayune
Newton Brothers
Newton Gang
New York Evening Journal
New York Times
Nichols, Lew
Nippert, H. T.
Nitti, Frank
Nixon, Richard
Noonan, Frank
Noonan, Roy T.
Norris, J. Frank
Northrop, Vernon W.
Notesteen, Edward
Nye, Henry
Oakley, Prentiss
O’Brian, Pat
O’Brien, Al
O’Brien, Bobby
O’Brien, Joie
O’Brien, Martin
O’Dare, Gene
O’Dare, Mary
O’Donnell, Klondike
O’Leary, Arthur
Olson, Floyd
Olson, Leo
O’Malley, Patrick
O’Neil, Timothy
Owens, Ron
Palmer, Joe
Parente, Louis
Parker, Billie
Parker, Bonnie
background of
Bienville Parish sojourn of
burn injuries of
Clyde’s meeting with
Clyde’s relationship with
death of
in Dexfield Park shoot-out
film on
grave of
Hamer’s ambush of
Hamer’s pursuit of
Hamilton breakout and
in Platte City shoot-out
in popular culture
in Reeds Spring shoot-out
see also
Barrow, Clyde
Parker, Mrs. (mother)
Parker, Paul “Lefty”
Parquette, Paul
Parsons, M. W.
Patterson, Charley
Patton, E. J.
Patton, Shimmy
Patzke, Anna
Paulus, Theresa
Pavlak, Leo
Pawlowski, Joseph
Pearson, Drew
Peifer, Jack
Pendergast, Thomas J.
Perkins, Grace
Perkins, Helen
Perkins, Jack
Perkins, Jackie
Perrin, H. C.
Persons in Hiding
Peterson, Theodore
Peterson, William
Pfauhl, Russell
Phillips, John Neal
Piehm, Minnie
Pierpont, Harry “Pete”
Pinkerton Agency
Pinkston, Joseph
Piquett, Louis
arrest and conviction of
in conspiracy against Dillinger
as Dillinger’s attorney
Dillinger’s flight and
Dillinger’s rift with
fate of
Pittenger, Judd
Platte City shoot-out
Portley, Ed
Potter, Claire Bond
Potts, Grover
Powers, Homer
Powers, Richard Gid
Pratt, Arthur “Fat”
Pritchard, Steve
Probasco, Jimmy
Prohibition Bureau
Public Enemy
Public Enemy’s Wife
Public Hero Number One
Purvis, Alston
Purvis, Melvin
background of
Chicago office of
demotion of
on Dillinger
Dillinger ambush and
Dillinger manhunt and
fate of
Floyd’s demise and
Hamm kidnapping and
Hoover’s relationship with
Kelly pursuit and
Little Bohemia debacle and
media and
Nelson’s demise and
resignation of
Ramsey, Geneva
Ramsey, Langford
Randall, Duke
Randall, Stanton J.
Raney, William
Ranlows, Mrs. J. A.
Rayan, Jeff
Reagan, Ronald
Reams, Frazier
Reams, Glen
Reed, Otto
Reeds Spring shoot-out
Reich, Paul
Reilly, Pat
Reinecke, Harold H.
Reinhart, Lloyd
Reno Evening Gazette
Reppert, Eugene
Rice, Julius
Rich, Carroll
Rich, Joe
Richetti, Adam
capture of
Kansas City Massacre and
Killingsworth episode and
trial of
Richetti, Joe
Richter, Charles M.
Roberts, S. X.
Robiend, Ralph
Rogers, Doris
Rogers, Stanley
Rogers, Will
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
inaugural address of
Roosevelt administration
Rorer, William
Roscoe, Joe
Roth, Herman
Russ, Audrey G.
Ryan, Emmett
Ryan, Joseph
Ryan, William
Saab, Elias
Saager, Edwin
Sadowski, Philip
Sage, Alexander
Sage, Ana
St. Paul Daily News
St. Paul Pioneer Press
St. Paul shoot-out
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Sanders, George,
Floyd, Pretty Boy
San Francisco Examiner
Sarber, Jess
Sarber, Lucy
Sawyer, Francine
Sawyer, Gladys
Sawyer, Harry
Sayers, Sam
Schmid, Smoot
Schmidt, Jacob
Schroeder, Dorothy
Scoma, Marie Barrow
Scotland Yard
Scott, Harry
Sells, Melvin L.
Security National Bank and Trust robbery
Senate, U.S.:
Hoover’s testimony to
Racket Investigating Committee of
Shanahan, Ed
Shanley, William
Shannon, Armon
Shannon, Ora
Shannon, Robert “Boss”
Shannon raid
Sharp, Wilbur
Shaw, William
Sherman, Chet
Shipley, John C.
Shouse, Ed
Silvers, Al
Silvers, Irwin
Simmons, Lee
Sinatra, Frank
Singleton, Ed
Slaby, Alex
Slick, Betty
Slick, Tom
Smith, Chester
Smith, Douglas O.
Smith, Edward
Smith, Frank
Smith, Zane
Sopsic, Peter
South St. Paul shoot-out
Spark, Welton
Spear, M. C.
Spencer, Walter
Springfield Press
Starr, Henry
Steffen, Emil
Stege, John
Stephenson, R. L.
Steve, Anna
stock market crash of 1929
Stone, Harlan Fiske
Story, Frank
Stretch, Glen
Strong, Larry
Sullivan, Daniel P.
Sullivan, William
Sundance Kid
Suran, Ray
Surran, Carl
Suydam, Henry
Tambini, Louis “Bones”
Tamm, Ed
Ten Thousand Public Enemies
Tewksbury, Merle
Thomas, Grace
Thomas, Lowell
Thompson, Edwin R.
Thompson, Mary Walker
Thompson, Tommy
Thompson, William “Big Bill”
Tic, Arthur
Toland, John
Tollett, Raymond
Tolson, Clyde
Touhy, Roger
Trainor, Walter
Travelers Insurance Company
Trent, Bill
True Detective
True Detective Adventures
Truman, Harry
Tyler, Ethel
Underhill, Wilber
arrest of
Unger, Robert
Union Station Massacre, The
(television show)
Urschel, Berenice
Urschel, Charles F.
Urschel kidnapping
debriefing of Urschel in
FBI and
hunt for Kelly in
Kelly and
ransom negotiations in
ransom paid in
Shannon raid and
Urschel released in
Vande Houton, Albert
Vande Houton, George
Van Meter, Homer
background of
cosmetic surgery of
death of
in First National Bank robberies
gunshot wound of
in Little Bohemia episode
in Merchants Bank robbery
Nelson’s confrontation with
in St. Paul shoot-out
in Security National Bank robbery
Vetterli, Reed
Vidler, William
Viosca, Rene
Von Beulow, Count
Voss, Henry
Voss, Ruth LaPorte
Wagner, Howard
Wakelin, Joe
Walker, P. E.
Wallis, Michael
Walsh, Thomas
Walters, Tom
Wanatka, Emil
Wanatka, Emil, Jr.

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