(Psychic Visions 01) Tuesday's Child (41 page)

BOOK: (Psychic Visions 01) Tuesday's Child
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As for her and Brandt, well they were slowly adjusting to life as a couple. They both had things to learn and Sam wasn't sure she was ready to live together, although the topic was under discussion. At the same time, she didn't sleep nearly as well alone. Not that she had the chance to.


It was Brandt who refused to sleep alone. According to him, he was planning on always waking up with her beside him. She hoped he meant it. She wanted to believe in a 'happily ever after.'


Her visions weren't ever going to stop, but she'd become accustomed to them. It wasn't about accepting them any longer, it was about understanding and utilizing them. Progress.


Her visions didn't make her an easy partner, then Brandt's job wouldn't be easy on her. They'd work it out. For the first time ever, she could see a future. It was bright and rosy. She'd like to have had a vision that told her Brandt was her future and she'd be spending the next forty years happily at his side, but as she'd found out, visions didn't work that way.


Brandt glanced at Sam, standing at his side, staring out over the water. He couldn't help but feel protective of this woman, so slight, so strong, and so damaged. She'd been a tormented soul who walked with one foot on the dark side of the universe. Now there was a lightness to her.


She was everything to him. He stepped closer, wrapping his arms protectively around her shoulders. He'd do anything to keep her safe. In this world and the next. They were a matched set. Their future wouldn't be the standard two-storey house and white picket fence life. No. But it would have its own rewards.


And he was going to make sure they received each and every one of them.

Thank you for reading TUESDAY'S CHILD.
The next book in the PSYCHIC VISION Series, called
is now available. Book 3 in the series, MADDY'S FLOOR will be released in early April, 2012.

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Keep turning to page to read an excerpt from HIDE'N GO SEEK, Book 2 in the Psychic Vision Series.

Watch for Book 2 of Psychic Visions
Hide'n Go Seek

Book 2 of Psychic Visions


KALI JORDAN, her search and rescue dog Shiloh, and GRANT SUMMERS of the FBI become embroiled in a twisted game of Hide'n Go Seek when a killer buries his victims alive for Kali to find – before their time runs out.


Dressed and depressed, Kali made her way to the kitchen. She fed Shiloh on the deck in the morning sunlight. Running her fingers through her shoulder-length curls, she remembered last night's painting. She headed to her studio to take a look. She'd almost reached it when apprehension washed over her.


The door was closed.


She never closed it after painting. It wasn't good for the wet canvases and as the room only had a small window, the paint fumes built up fast. A frown wrinkled her forehead. Had she simply forgotten? She'd been deadly tired last night.


Bolstering her courage, she opened the door and flinched as the fumes hit her nose. "Oh gross."


Holding her breath, Kali moved a stool to prop the door wide open and crossed to the window, shoving it as far open as it would go. Fresh air surged into the small space. She'd love a huge studio, but painting wasn't exactly a full time career for her – as much as she'd like it to be. It was a release for when depression and madness overcame her soul. Maybe later, when her soul couldn't do the rescue work, she could indulge her art as a creative hobby instead of just an outlet for pain and turmoil.


Walking around the easel, Kali stopped midstride.


The painting stood where she'd left it. In surreal and strangely enticing clarity, blacks and purples and browns popped off the canvas. Heavy paint splotched in places then thinned and stretched across the top.


She stepped back and frowned. Up close, beside the heavy amount of paint, the picture looked like a distorted nightmare. Not surprising. But she caught a glimmer of an intentional design. She tilted her head and looked at it from a different angle.


Sniffing the air, Shiloh ambled through the doorway.


Kali smiled down at the dog. "Not very sweet smelling, is it?"


She glanced back at the jumble of colors and stilled. There. She studied the abstract mess, letting the colors move and form to reveal the image hidden within.


Shivers slid down her spine.


Oh, my God


No way.


Kali blinked. It was still there.


There was no mistaking the image of a person buried under small bushes, close to civilization of some kind shown on the horizon with a series of rough rock formations in front.


"What the hell?" she whispered.


Kali was not a great artist by any means. Blind escapism kept bringing her back to the process because it worked. She painted with wild abandon. The paint slapped on canvas with no thought but to discharge her pain and sorrow. For some reason it always worked.


And it always looked like shit.


This, on the other hand, was ingenious. Sure the subject matter was gruesome, but given her volunteer work – not unexpected. Especially after Stan's news.


The artistic abandon was still there. The paint was so thick in spots the picture was almost three-dimensional. The terrain had depth and movement. The light was dark and terse but still shone with gruesome clarity – and way beyond her artistic abilities.


"It's fucking brilliant."


It was also scary as hell.

About the author:

Dale Mayer is a researcher, technical writer, ghostwriter, and author living in the beautiful Okanagan valley in British Columbia, Canada. She has several business books published on Mortgages, Resume Writing, and Companion Gardening – as a complement to those books, she has created The Essential Series encompassing topics in Careers, with future books in this series planned in the areas of Gardening, Finance, and Lifestyle.


In fiction, she writes taut psychological suspense with romance and paranormal elements. In YA she writes both mystery and urban fantasy books with the occasional vampire book thrown in just for fun.


Published Young Adult books include:


Vampire in Denial
Vampire in Distress April 2012)


Dangerous Designs
(Deadly Design May 2012)


In Cassie's Corner


Gem Stone Mystery
(June 2012)


Psychic Vision Series


Tuesday's Child


Hide'n Go Seek,


Maddy's Floor
(March 2012)


Garden of Sorrow
(June 2012)


Connect with
Dale Mayer


Dale's Website



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Maddy's Floor wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my friends and family. Many hands helped with proofreading, editing, and beta reading to make this book come together. Special thanks to Amy Atwell and Pat Thomas. I had a vision, but it took many people to make that vision real. I thank you all.


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