Prowler: Forsaken Ones MC (5 page)

BOOK: Prowler: Forsaken Ones MC
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Chapter Six




I woke up between soft silk sheets with the weight of another body next to me in the bed. I rolled over to see Hawk sleeping with his back to me. I could see the muscles in his shoulders and upper back, toned and defined just under the skin. He was a living work of art, a sculpture or painting in the flesh. My fingertips longed to touch him and trace the texture of his back.


I lay in bed for a moment to listen to his breathing. It was still in that deep, rhythmic sleeping pattern. He was out, which gave me the perfect opportunity to snoop around his grand home, even though what I really wanted to do was stroke his flesh and wake him so he could take me again.


Who the hell was this man? I was seriously considering putting myself on the line for him and jeopardizing everything that had brought me to him in the first place. No, I had to keep it together. I was there to do a job, and it was time to get to work.


I slid out of his bed carefully, placing my feet on the soft carpet. I grabbed my dress and stood up to grab my purse from in front of the bed. I slipped through the double wooden doors of his room, completely naked as I stood in the hallway overlooking the room below. I opened my purse and pulled out a rolled up pair of panties and slid them on. Then, I pulled the dress down over my head, realizing I left my bra on the floor in his room, but I figured the dress would have to do.


It was my first time seeing his house in the light. The back wall, looking out onto the stone patio with its large in ground pool and guest house in the back, was almost all glass. The golden morning light flooded the room. I saw the small, cozy living area he had arranged with three couches around a glass coffee table in front of a fire place with a flat screen TV mounted above it.


The TV was already on and turned to a news channel. I could hear the newscaster’s voice as it drifted through the house. It wasn’t up loud enough for me to hear what he was saying, but I could definitely hear the professional male tone. I figured it was simply a requirement of his house staff to have the TV on when he woke up in morning.


The wealthy did things like that. I didn’t have to understand why, especially since I had never settled down long enough to have my own house, TV, or staff. It just seemed over the top, but I wasn’t there to criticize or question his lifestyle. I needed to find the diamond, or at least figure out where he had it hidden.


Surely, he had an office somewhere in the house. I glanced over my shoulder, making sure he wasn’t standing in the doorway watching me, and tried to gauge how much time I thought I had before he woke up. I had to go with my instinct.


My instinct told me to hurry. Still, I froze. I didn’t know whether to start upstairs or down, so I took a leap of faith. I started down the stairs, and from there I crept across the marble floor to the hallway. I glanced into the kitchen and saw a couple of gentlemen drinking coffee and talking quietly over the counter. I slipped past the doorway quickly to avoid being seen. I needed to find his office.


I opened the first door I came to, and jackpot! I entered a dark, carpeted office. The walls were lined with bookshelves that held all kinds of things besides books. It seemed he probably only had enough books to fill one solid section of his shelves. The rest of the space was filled with picture frames, trophies, and other decorations and memorabilia. I wasn’t there to spy on him in the traditional sense, so I didn’t need to worry about all of that. What I needed to worry about was the laptop sitting right out in the open on the middle of his wooden desk.


I pulled his desk chair back and sat down carefully, wincing as the chair squeaked beneath my weight. I rolled it into place behind the desk as I opened his laptop. I knew I could have just found everything I was looking for, but I also knew that someone so concerned with privacy would probably have everything hiding behind a password.


No, there was no password. When I lifted the screen of the laptop, everything came right up. His email was even open for me already, but everything was encrypted. I couldn’t read the characters in front of me.


I opened another email and read it just fine. It was a joke someone had sent to his inbox. I passed it by and opened a few others. The only ones that seemed to be encrypted all came from the same sender. I opened their entire conversation and suspected it must contain the information I was hunting. Otherwise, why would it have been encrypted?


I forwarded the emails to myself quickly, hurrying so I wouldn’t get caught sitting behind his desk and fishing through his computer.


“There has to be something else,” I said aloud as I started opening desk drawers. I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for—maybe a piece of paper with something written on it, maybe even the diamond itself—but I didn’t find anything. His drawers were empty. Everything had to be on his laptop.



I minimized his email window, bringing up his desktop screen. I searched over the icons on his desktop. I was looking for a file or a folder that would have had something in it to let me know what was in those emails.


I searched frantically, knowing that at any moment he was likely to pop around the corner and ask me what I was doing in there.


I pulled my phone out of my pocket to make sure I got the forwarded emails, and I was ready to just settle for that. I could send them off to Kleo and get her to decode the encryption if I couldn’t find anything else.


I put my hand on top of his laptop screen and started to close it. I wasn’t giving up. I wasn’t admitting defeat. I was simply covering my own ass. No excuse I could come up with would have explained why I was digging through his computer.


As I shut the screen, I stood up and started to walk back around his desk. That was when he walked in. I looked up and froze in my tracks, phone in hand.


I had been busted unless I could come up with a good excuse.


“Hey,” I said with a nervous laugh, trying to maintain my clueless composure.


“Good morning,” he said. He wore a white t-shirt that strained to cover his shoulders and chest, and a pair of plain white boxers that barely covered his packaged.


“Sorry, I was just looking for a phone charger,” I said, holding my phone up with its flashing notification light. “It’s almost dead, and I didn’t bring one with me. I figured you would have one in your office,” I said.


He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. I wasn’t sure if he was going to buy what I was telling him, but I also felt like I could count on him to play along. He definitely seemed like he wanted to keep me around a little longer for some more action.


“No, I don’t have one in here,” he said, “but I’m sure I can wrangle one up for you.” He walked in and closed the door behind him.


Whether he bought my story or not, he was definitely willing to play along, and I knew that I needed to play along as well with whatever demands he had for my body. As he approached me and took me in his arms, I felt my excitement growing damp in the clean panties I had just put on.


If I had been thinking clearly, I would have skipped the underwear, just as I had skipped the bra. Underclothes seemed to be rather unnecessary around Hawk. I was amazed that even through my obvious lie, he could still want me.


“I think you were looking for something else,” he told me as he put a hand behind my neck and pulled me to him for a kiss.


My excitement mingled with anxiety as he pushed me against the desk. He must have known I was there for the diamond. It couldn’t have been hard to figure out, but maybe knowing was part of this game we were playing.


He kissed me and pressed against me. He was already as hard as he had been the night before, and he was ready to go. I was ready to take him inside me again.


My mind reeled as I tried to understand how quickly things were moving. We had just met, and we had slept together almost immediately. Now he was kissing my neck and pulling my dress up again, against his desk this time. He’d just caught me snooping around and it wasn’t slowing him down one bit.


In fact, it seemed to excite him even more that I had something to hide, some ulterior motive for sleeping with him and luring him into bed with me in the first place. He seemed to get off on the challenge.


He was a beast, definitely unlike the other men I had worked before who just wanted a woman who could tame them. He wanted a woman he could tame for himself. He spun me around and bent me over his desk as he pulled my skirt up.


I was in too deep, and I was on the verge of panic, realizing I was on the verge of blowing the whole operation. My success depended on being able to keep it together, and if things kept going the way they were, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to for very long.


At the same time, I wasn’t about to try to stop what was happening. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. It was like he was made for me. Our bodies complimented each other sexually, and he was the first partner I had who had challenged me in bed the way I wanted to be challenged. He was challenging me again by abruptly throwing me over his desk.


He pushed my skirt up over my ass to reveal my fresh underwear to him. He grabbed my cheeks and pulled me against him. I could feel his erection reaching for me through his shorts.


I closed my eyes and grabbed the other edge of the desk. I regretted that this was for work, because that meant it would be over once I nabbed the diamond and took it from him. But if thing kept going like this, I might have abandoned my quest for it. He was well-off. He could support my lifestyle, and I could work for him.


If he kept triggering my ecstasy, I would do anything he wanted. He thrilled me more than I had ever been thrilled before, and I couldn’t say no. I couldn’t resist. If I had wanted to, I could have taken control over the situation and used my denial of sex to make him want me that much more, but I wanted him too much to do that.


“I know what you
want,” he growled behind me.


“Yeah, that’s what they all say. You think you can do any better?” I taunted him.


He pulled my panties aside with one hand and grabbed my hair with the other. It was on, and I was about to get exactly what I wanted from him.


Chapter Seven




I caught her red handed. She was stepping around my desk when I found her in my office. I was pretty sure she had just been snooping around on my laptop and had closed it just before I entered the room. She fed me some weak little story about looking for a phone charger and held her phone up, claiming the battery was low.


I knew better, but the fact that she was bold enough to lie to my face made me so hard I couldn’t resist her.


She wore the same dress she had the night before, but I could see from the top of it that she hadn’t put her bra back on. Her perky tits stuck out, and I could see the points her hard nipples were making against the fabric.


As I stepped into the room, I saw her eyes drift down to my shorts. My growing desire was barely hidden from her, and her eyes took in everything they could see of it. I knew what she was looking for, but I could also see what she really wanted.


She didn’t
the diamond. She wanted me. Again. I felt the air between us tense up with a mixture of longing and apprehension as I approached her. I pushed myself against her. I took her in my arms and kissed her. Her body melted beneath me as she realized I wasn’t about to punish her for looking through my office.


In reality, I was about to reward her for being so bold. She presented a challenge to me, and that turned me on more than she realized.


I turned her around and bent her over the desk. I pulled her dress up and exposed her perfectly round ass. It was tight and soft, and she was ready for me in her black cotton panties, not the same ones from the night before. I wanted to laugh. She would learn not to wear underwear around the house. As long as she stayed, I was going to continue to control her body.


I pulled her panties aside and let myself out of my shorts. I grabbed her hair and pushed myself against her. Her lips parted.


“Yes, Hawk, right here,” Felicity said as I slid inside her.


I thrusted against her hips on the edge of my desk. She moaned each time I shoved myself into her.


“Tell me what you’re looking for,” I told her.


“A good place for you to take me,” she answered.


“Did you find it?” I asked, sliding in slowly.


She gasped. “I did.”


I watched as the muscles in her arms tightened with her grip on the opposite edge of the desk. Her muscles tightened around my shaft as well.


She may have been lying to me about why she was in my office, but she wasn’t lying about what we were doing.


I let go of her hair and grabbed her hips with both hands. I pulled her against me, slamming her hips against mine.


“Oh God, yes!” she cried out as I rammed myself deeper into her.


I couldn’t help myself. Part of me just wanted to fuck her right there on the desk until we both reached ecstasy again, but another part of me wanted to use sex to punish her for her getting out of line and getting caught snooping through my business. She could do better than that.


I was growing so hard with each thrust. My skin strained to contain my erection. I could feel every inch of her sliding along my shaft. She was so tender and warm, so wet and inviting. She was so tight. Her muscles gripped me like fingers, and she kept squeezing with each thrust, until she was crying out on the desk and gasping for breath.


She squeezed me and pushed herself back against me. I felt her shaking beneath me.


“I’m coming, Hawk. Oh God, I’m coming,” she started almost chanting. She reached a little hand back and grabbed one of my hands on her hip.


I pulled back, and her body shuddered beneath me.


She whined like she had in bed the night before. I felt her grabbing me with her lips, trying to hold me inside her.


I slid back in, slowly, and I could feel the ridge on the bottom of my shaft running against her front wall. I felt her quiver around me as her ecstasy continued to enrapture her.


I pulled back again and pushed in all the way, sliding myself in all the way down to the base of my shaft.


I looked down and watched myself as I exited her and entered again. I watched the way her flesh wrapped around me. I could feel my orgasm growing deep within and climbing up my shaft. It wouldn’t be long before I released myself.


I rocked my hips against her, and she pulled herself forward, pulling away from me.


I reached for her, trying to grab her and pull her back. She turned around and slid onto the desk, opening her legs wide to let me back inside her tight little hole. She held herself up with one arm planted firmly behind her on the desk. The other hand reached for my shoulder and pulled me to her.


She looked at me with something more than desire in her eyes and a smile on her face as she pulled me back into her.


I looked down at her sex, spread open before me on the edge of my desk. She was so tender and beautiful. It made me want to wrap my arms around her and take her gently and with care. But no, I wasn’t about to do that. I was going to test her limits before it was all said and done, and part of that was seeing how much she could take with me pummeling her on the side of my desk.


I pushed her down as I entered her again. She pushed my laptop to the side as she lay back. I grabbed her dress and continued to push it up, past her little perky tits and pointing, hard nipples. I let the dress rest at her shoulders and gripped her tits as I thrust myself into her.


She moaned and looked at me with satisfaction in those deep green eyes of hers. She bit her lip and writhed underneath me as I impaled her on my shaft. She reached up and ran her hands along my arms.


“Damn, you feel good,” she moaned. “You feel so good, Hawk. Give it all to me.”


The sound of her voice, heavy with desire, pushed me closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy.


I squeezed her tender breasts under my hands and pushed myself deep into her. I held myself in and looked down at her flowing red hair over her fair skin. I could feel myself getting closer, about to erupt inside her. I pulled back, sliding myself out, and I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of disappointment in her eyes.


I took myself in my hand and stroked myself until I emptied myself on the delicate skin below her belly button. My orgasm forced itself up through my shaft suddenly, sending a shooting sensation of pleasure through me as my muscles worked themselves under my grip.


“That’s it, baby,” she said, welcoming my seed on her skin. She slid her hands up and down her sides, running her little fingers over her nipples so I could watch as she arched her back and writhed on my desk.


“You like to wear it?” I asked with a little growl in my voice.


“I love to wear it,” she answered, and for some reason
word stuck out. It was pretty quick to be throwing words like love around, even if we were just talking about sex. I dismissed it as part of her game, but it didn’t sound like she was playing.


“Well, maybe I’ll let you wear more of it later,” I teased as I reached over and pulled tissue out of the box on the corner of my desk.


I handed to her and watched as she wiped me off of her. Watching the care she took with her petite fingers threatened to turn me on again for another round. What was with this woman? I couldn’t be within a couple of feet of her without wanting to sleep with her again. Her perfect body and independent attitude just made her irresistible.


I grabbed a tissue and wiped off the last little bit dripping from my head. I tossed it in the trash next to my desk.


“So, is that how it’s going to be?” she asked as she sat up and pulled her dress back down to cover herself. She closed her legs and pulled off her panties. She balled them up in her hand.


“Is that how you want it to be?” I teased.


“Be careful, lover boy, or you might not be able to get me to leave,” she teased as she slid off the side of the desk. “And besides, I need a change of clothes and some clean underwear.”


“I can handle that,” I told her. “I can have the staff bring you new clothes, and I can give them your old clothes to clean.”


“Really. Look at you,” she said, running a hand down my chest.


“Just come back up to the room and let me send your current clothes down so they have your sizes.” I hoped she would think I was trying to be helpful instead of just trying to get her naked yet again.


“Sounds like a plan.” Her eyes sparkled as she walked past me and through the door. Her face was glowing.


This was a dangerous game we were playing, indeed, and it seemed like we both had a lot to lose if we gave in. I couldn’t help but smile as I walked behind her up to my room.


Once upstairs and behind the double doors of my bedroom again, I watched as she stripped out of her dress again. Her body was immaculate perfection.


“You can take a shower if you’d like,” I offered, gesturing to the bathroom. “I’ll have a shirt for you when you get out, and I’ll send your clothes down with my staff. It shouldn’t take too long to get replacements,” I assured her.


“Are you sure you don’t mind?” she asked me.


“No, not at all.” The whole time I was skirting around what I really wanted to ask her, what I really wanted to tell her.


I didn’t want her to leave. I knew she should, but I couldn’t help what I felt. Through all of our playful banter and smart-ass remarks, I felt like we were forging some sort of strange connection. I had never met anyone who matched my wit and challenged me the way she did. I wasn’t quite ready to let her go just yet.


She grabbed her purse and took it into the bathroom with her. I sighed, watching her disappear behind the door.


Once Felicity was in the bathroom with the water running, I gathered her clothes from the floor and walked them downstairs to the laundry room where I found my laundry lady and a member of my house security talking and smoking just outside the door.


“Yes, sir,” my guard said, stepping in suddenly and standing at attention.


“At ease, soldier,” I said with a laugh. “You’re a civilian. This isn’t the Army.”


“Yes, sir,” he said, relaxing.


“I’m just your boss, kid. Calm down.” I handed him Felicity’s clothes. “Look, I need you to go pick up some outfits for my guest. Her sizes are on the clothes I just handed you. Use those. She’s a fair skinned redhead, not quite pale. She has green eyes if that helps, but she apparently likes red as you can see by her bra and panties. Anyway, here’s the expense account.” I handed him my card and watched him blush as he looked at her small underwear.


“I’m on it,” he said.


“Right. Outfits and underwear. Matching sets for bra and panties.” I patted him on the shoulder and winked. “Oh, and let’s get those clothes cleaned,” I said as I walked away.


Once she got out of the shower, I was going to see how long she intended to stay.


BOOK: Prowler: Forsaken Ones MC
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