Prove Me Right (26 page)

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Authors: Anna Brooks

Tags: #It's Kind of Personal, #Book 3

BOOK: Prove Me Right
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As I stretch up on my toes to touch my lips to his, I know with every fiber of my being, with every ounce of my soul, that this moment is the one I’ve been waiting for … the one that fixes everything and gives me the happy ending I’ve dreamed of my entire life.


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Not Your Hero

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for a second when Courtney’s car pulls up in front of the house at almost midnight. I’d be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t waiting for her. Why? Hell, if I know. I’ve never felt possessive of a woman before. And a woman with a kid? I avoid them like the plague. Just another complication I don’t need, even if her kid’s probably the coolest five-year-old I’ve ever met.

Her car door shuts, and she opens the back and pulls Ben from the seat. Using her foot to slam the door, she walks up the brick path and stumbles a step when she sees me.

“Hey,” she whispers.

“Hey.” Standing, I grab the keys from her hand and unlock the door. When I walk into her house, I flip on a light by the entryway.

“Thanks. I’ll be right back.” Watching her shapely ass disappear up the stairs makes me suck in a groan. Her body is absolutely perfect.

I’ve been here since they moved in, but every time was as a landlord. I actually take a minute to look around. She’s got it decorated with this neat beach theme. Where my grandparents’ dining room table used to be is now a playroom, and she repainted the kitchen a bright yellow. Scanning the pictures on the wall, I laugh at one where Courtney has icing all over her face.

“That was last year.” Her soft voice filters through the living room and I turn to face her. “Ben’s birthday. Mona told him to do it.”

“It’s cute.”
I’m turning into a pussy.

My hands nestle in my jeans pockets, and I rock on my shoes.

“What’s up?” she asks. Her head tilts and her arms cross. Guarded.

“Just wanted to make sure you were okay after-”

“Yeah,” she interrupts, irritated. “I’m fine.”

“Okay. I’ll just go then.” My hand grazes the knob when she halts me with her words.

“I hate it. I hate that I have to work there. I hate not being able to tuck my kid into bed every night. I hate that I’m alone all the fucking time. And I hate that twice in one month you’ve seen me at my worst.” When I turn to address her, she raises her hand to stop me. “I take it back. Three times. At the club, when I threw myself at you, and then tonight. God!” She rips her hair out of the clip and plops on the couch. “You probably think I’m a complete basket case.”

“No. I don’t really know you. And I wish to hell I didn’t want to.”

She chews on her thumbnail. “You want to know me but don’t want to want to?”



Choosing my words carefully, I tell her, “I’m honestly not sure if it’s because I know you’d be a great lay, or because I can’t have you.”

My bluntness does not deter her. “Why can’t you have me?”


“No. I want you to lie,” she smirks.

My boots echo in the dimly lit living room, and I stand in front of her. I can’t help the thoughts that invade me right now; she’s at the perfect height for me to fuck her mouth.

“I can’t have you because I can’t give you what you need.”

She stands and inadvertently, her large tits run up my stomach. “What is it you think I need?”

“More than a few hours.”

A weak smile tugs at her lips. Her wrist is tiny in my hand when I grab it to kiss her palm before gently pushing her back on the sofa and walking to the door.

“I don’t know why the hell I came in here.” What the fuck was I thinking? That I’d suddenly become honorable and fall at her feet? This is such bullshit. I don’t care about women. Hell, I don’t care about anyone but myself. But for some goddamned reason, what’s left of my conscience is outweighing my dick.

“You’re right, Sam.” She kneels on the couch and twirls a piece of hair with her finger. “I want more. I do. But sometimes I think it’ll never happen, finding a good man. So I wonder why I continue to even try.”

The thought of her with another guy enrages me. I should just fuck her and get it over with. Get her out of my system. Before she finds a good man. I clench my fists imagining her spread open, moaning for someone else, and wait for her to finish.

“You should probably go,” she ends in a whisper.




As always, I must thank my family for all of their support. I couldn’t do it without you guys!

I’ve been so incredibly lucky and have continued to work with the most amazing women. My cover designer, Kari, my editor, Jenny, my proofreader, Bree, my promo queen, Erin, and my formatter, Stacey. Thank you all for once again being so freaking amazing.

Beta readers! Ahh, you guys are life savers. Thank you Polly, Nancy, Kelly, Crystal, Marianne, Megan, Kate, Nicole, and Nikki! I appreciate your honesty and am so grateful to you.

Of course, I need to give props to my girls Megan, Marianne, and Kelly for being there for me … especially during this book which was by far the hardest yet. Your support means the world to me and if it weren’t for you guys pushing me I’m not sure Liam and Meara’s story would ever be told. #TheAwesome

Crystal, I am so glad to have you on my team and appreciate everything you do more than words can say.

I have a countless number of other people to thank. From friends who answered medical questions (Kishan and Katherine) to the woman who makes my teasers so beautiful (Cat) to the blogs who have taken the time out of their busy lives to support me. Amy from One Book Boyfriend at a Time, Summer’s Book Blog, The One-Click Addict Support Group, Sassy Mum Book Blog, Amazeballs Book Addicts, Anything But Vanilla Book Blog and the countless number of women who have helped me along the way. It’s impossible to list everyone but know that I appreciate any and all help I’ve gotten. I wouldn’t be where I am without the hard work and dedication of this wonderful community.

I’d also like to thank the kick ass chicks in Anna’s Allies. You guys rock.

I usually have one song in each book that speaks to me extra loud, but for this story, there were two. “Moving On” by Asking Alexandria and “Gravity” by Papa Roach featuring Maria Brink. If you get the chance to listen to these perfect pieces of music, you’ll understand why they meant so much to me while writing this book.

About the Author

Anna began writing when she thought the world would want to hear her sick lyrics through song. Since then, she's realized her childhood dream wasn't so far-fetched, just misguided. Now she writes romance with real emotions and happy endings. If Anna isn't writing or reading, she can be found by a space heater painting her nails and drinking a ridiculous amount of Diet Dr Pepper. She also likes to hang out with her husband and two boys. If it weren’t for them, she wouldn't ever leave the house. Anna was born in Wisconsin but now lives in the Evergreen State.

She’d love to hear from you. Please visit her website for contact information, and while you’re there, please sign up for her newsletter.

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