Protector: The Elect, Book 1 (8 page)

BOOK: Protector: The Elect, Book 1
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She slid the slim tools back in their case and opened the door. Brax smoothly cut in front of her and entered first. She figured arguing the move would be pushing her luck. Besides, she knew as soon as she opened her senses and peered inside there was nothing to protect her from. Nothing alive, at least.

Brax headed to the front door, but she veered off down the hall, checking out the rooms. She found him in his office, leaning back in a chair with a bullet hole between his eyes. An autopsy would give them time of death, but she trusted her senses more. Franklin had been dead about ten hours. She looked around the room, noting the wine glasses on the desk and the general disarray.

“What do you think?” Carter asked softly behind her.

“He knew his killer. And I’d bet he took anything we might find useful.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, coming farther into the room while Brax and Mason stood just inside the door. “No computer.”

She shook her head and moved behind the desk to check the drawers. Brax came inside and checked the opposite side. He pulled out a sheaf of papers and flipped through them.

“Bills. Nothing unusual.”

“We need to check his office. He probably wouldn’t keep medical files here, and if he did, his killer took them,” Esme said.

She arched an eyebrow, questioning as Brax pulled some of the bills free, folded them, and stuck them in his shirt pocket. “Phone records.”

Right. Franklin likely had been in contact with the people who’d tracked her, either by phone or email.

“I want to go to my condo first. I need fresh clothes.”

“I’ll take you. Mason and Carter can go on to the office.”

She bit her lip, trying to guess from his expression if Brax was going to insist. She wasn’t ashamed to admit she was afraid to be alone with him. The draw between them was too intense, the attraction too sharp. She needed time to process it all before she decided if she would stay or not. That she was even considering that after agreeing to Carter’s plan to leave confirmed her fears.

Damn. How should she deal with him? She couldn’t let him think he could order and she’d obey his every command. And he had the look of a man used to command. If she refused, he’d insist. It was clear on his face, in what he allowed her to see of his mind. Then Carter would get involved. It could get ugly, so instead of telling him to take a flying leap as she was tempted to, she nodded.

“You’re sure?” Carter stared at her.

Esme? I don’t think you should be alone with him, sweetheart


I’ll be fine


He’ll seduce you. He’ll keep you and make you believe it was your idea.


We have a plan, Carter. I won’t forget it


“I’ll be fine, Carter.”

“Sure about that?”

At her side, Brax growled and his hand tightened around her waist. “I would never hurt her and I think you know it.”

Carter gave him his fierce warrior look, and Esme barely managed to not roll her eyes. “We’ll meet you at the office.”

She turned and left by the back door without saying another word to her brother or Brax. Let them beat their chests and threaten each other. No skin off her back. But they all followed her, Mason bringing up the rear and relocking the door. Carter tossed her the car keys, and they went their separate ways.

Her condo was only a few minutes away, but it was a tense, quiet ride, and she regretted splitting apart from her brother. She’d been right about being alone with Brax. He was huge in the interior of her brother’s car, a common four-door that had never felt small before. And it wasn’t just his physical size that was overwhelming. He radiated a calm resolve that made her teeth ache and her heart pound with trepidation. He wanted her to know he had no intention of letting her go. That he’d fight to keep her.

She was so on edge, her senses so jacked up, that each block closer to her home brought an additional dose of unease. She knew something was wrong before she turned the corner. She slammed on the brakes, not that she could have gone any farther.

“Jesus,” Brax muttered. “Get us out of here, Esme.”

She stared at him in astonishment. She needed to get closer, not farther. “That’s my building. It’s on fire.”

“I know, baby.” He reached over and gently rubbed the nape of her neck. “We need to get lost. Fast.”

“You think someone set it.” The shock was wearing away to anger. She turned in the middle of the road and drove toward the doctor’s office. “Who the fuck are these people, Brax?”

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out.” He flipped his phone open and keyed in a call. “Head home, angel. Until we know what’s going on it’s the safest place for you. For all of us.”

“Yeah, Mason,” he spoke into the phone. “Abort and return to the compound.”

He listened for a long time. “See you there,” he said, and finally hung up.

“Well? What was that about?”

“They’re already inside the office. The place is trashed and the alarm wasn’t tripped.”

Her hands tightened on the steering wheel hard enough she was surprised it didn’t crack. “This is really startin’ to get on my nerves.”

He snorted. “Understatement.”

She made the turn off for the highway. “Has anything ever happened like this before? I could use some history here, Brax.”

Sighing, he rubbed a hand over his face. “As far as I know, once the Army cut their subjects loose in the ‘50s, no one ever looked for them again. I need to speak to my grandfather.”

She gave him a startled look

Suddenly, she was curious about this new species. The scientist, the researcher kicked in. She could guess they were taller, stronger. She knew they had psychic talents. But what else was different? She hadn’t seen anyone older than Brax when they’d arrived last night and hadn’t had time to think about the older generations, much less ask.

“What’s your life expectancy?”

He shrugged. “Same as a human’s, but we get fewer diseases, so we tend to live a little longer.”

“How old is your grandfather?”

“He’s lived longer than most. He was one of the founding members of the Committee.”

“And the Committee is…?”

“Think of it as the Elect’s ruling council.”

“I just bet you’re the leader of it,” she murmured.

“How’d you guess, baby?”

She huffed out an exasperated breath and shook her head. “Someone as bossy as you wouldn’t follow anyone else.”

His grin was plain evil. Wicked and dominant and avaricious. That look shouldn’t make her body burn, shouldn’t make her want to rip off her clothes and offer herself in sacrifice. He should be illegal.

She turned onto the compound’s road and input the code he gave her at the gate. He directed her to his house, and she paused on the porch.

“Your grandfather lives with you?”

He chuckled. “No. He has his own home on the property. We’ll talk to him later. It’s a little too early go disturbing an old man’s peace, don’t you think?”

She was pretty sure that wasn’t why they were waiting. She backed over the threshold into the house, watching as his eyes grew darker, hotter. Rapacious. She spun around and hurried to the study, not that she believed there was any safety there.

“This is a bad idea,” she muttered.

He shut the door behind him. Turned the lock with a click that sounded like a boom in the silent room. She was afraid to turn and face him. Afraid of the arousal she could feel spiking in her body. It was a perverse reaction to her fears and worries, but she couldn’t control it.

His hands settled lightly on her shoulders and urged her to turn around. She caught her breath at his expression. She’d never been the focus of such intense carnality before and wasn’t sure if she could handle it without combusting. She backed away but he only followed. Silent until her back was against the wall. Then he pressed against her, hands rested on each side of her head. Caging her. And she liked it. Her heart raced, her palms were damp, and her pussy clenched in eagerness.

She expected him to fall on her in a mindless frenzy of need. She’d welcome it, her body alive with the same demand to be quenched, but he didn’t. He moved one hand to trace the contours of her face then cupped it, urging her to hold his gaze.

“Whatever escape you and your brother have planned, forget it, Esme. You aren’t walking away from me. From this.”

His words made her break into a cold sweat and she struggled against his hold. He didn’t release her. “I don’t know what this is, Brax, and I won’t agree to anything until I do.”

He shoved his thigh between her legs and rubbed against her. Slow. Teasing her with a desire she wondered could ever be assuaged. She squeezed her legs around him in an effort to stop the motion, but that only made him press harder. She clamped down on her tongue to prevent herself from begging for more.

“You can run, but you can’t hide, baby. You’re my mate. “

“You keep saying that.” She gasped as she gave in to temptation and ground her pussy against him. “What does it mean?”

“You’re mine.” He leaned forward and bit the pulse pounding in her neck. “And I’m yours.”

Damn, it was getting hard to think, but she needed answers before she surrendered to the craving now clawing through her.

“Tell me more.”

He groaned against her neck. “Now?”

“You don’t even know me. Yes. Now.”

She could feel his reluctance in his sigh, and her heart soared. Because instead of ratcheting up the heat and avoiding her questions, he was controlling himself enough to give her answers. He let her go and backed off a little, though he retained possession of her hand, like he couldn’t bear to release her completely.

“It’s a psychic connection, and it’s instinctive.”

“What’s that have to do with you not being able to enter my mind?”

He stroked his thumb over her knuckles. Comforting. Soothing. “We think it’s a defense mechanism for our women.” He grinned at her. “Elect males can be a little overwhelming.”

“Ya think?” she asked sarcastically.

His eyes narrowed with ire. “Keep pushing, baby.”

Her mouth went dry. Oh, she wanted to push. She wanted to unleash him. She licked her lips, and his gaze zeroed in on them. She wanted to encourage him, but not yet.

“You said that was one of the signs,” she rushed to say before he could lunge for her.

“The connection will strengthen to an unbreakable bond. We’ll always be aware of each other. Pain, happiness, distress, desire.” His gaze grew hooded, slumberous. Sultry. “Your scent will change,” he whispered, leaning close, his lips brushing hers. “It’ll mimic mine, both physically and psychically.”

What he described sounded both terrifying and exhilarating. She’d never belonged like that. Never dreamed it was possible to share a connection with a man like that. If he weren’t so domineering, she’d be damned tempted.

Before she could ask more, before she could protest, his mouth covered hers. Though the need she felt from him was wild, almost feral, his kiss wasn’t. He sipped at her, the lips covering hers supple and tender. The tongue stroking hers was teasing and seductive.

Her resistance began to melt. How could she deny him when he was offering her what she’d always dreamed of? She was torn. Would he challenge her and cherish her? Or try to rule her as he ruled the Elect? She knew he would take her in ways she had only dreamed of. Tease her to wanton abandon.

“Brax,” she groaned, grinding against the hard cock pressed to her belly. “Stop teasing me.”

His leg slid between her thighs again, rubbing against her begging core, as he moved to trail biting, little kisses down her neck.

“This isn’t teasing, baby.” Hot breath feathered over her skin, making her tremble. “This is
.” Teeth nipped hard. “Savoring.”

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