Protector of the Realm (30 page)

BOOK: Protector of the Realm
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Rae wondered how she could have gone through the difficult evening without her spouse, her lover. Tugging at the top button of her shirt, she walked into the bedroom and found Kellen in front of the closet, undressed down to her underwear.

“Thank you for standing by me this evening.”

“It was difficult for you.” Kellen removed her thinlinnen camisole and stood before Rae in only her briefs. “I also found it hard. I can’t seem to get rid of the guilt, even if my intellect tells me I’m not responsible for M’Ekar’s actions.”

“No, you’re not.” Rae dragged a hand wearily across her face. “The SC reinforcement will arrive earlier than expected, which is good news. They’ll deal with the ambassador. I’ve ordered every Onotharian off the station. My father didn’t agree with my decision, but I don’t want anyone of Onotharian descent on
Gamma VI
at this point. Armeo’s safety is paramount, and I will not compromise it.”

“What about the injured Onotharians in the infirmary?”

“They have fully functional infirmaries on two of their vessels, and Gemma assured me they could be moved.” Rae unbuttoned her uniform trousers, her hands moving in a jagged pattern.
Is it adrenaline or am I totally screwed up? Damn buttons.
“Granted, I can’t be sure about the motley crew in the residential and commercial area of the station. Any one of them could be a spy, I suppose. We’re still on a SEC 5 alert. I’m not taking any chances.”

Kellen placed her hands over Rae’s. “Let me help you.” she said. “A lot has happened in these last few days, and my guess is you’re hurting over the loss of your crew members.”

“Of course I am!” Rae exploded. “I’m not a machine that can just keep going. I send people out into dangerous situations every day, and most of the time they make it back safely. This time…Eight of them! Eight young people with their lives ahead of them…” Recoiling, she bit her lower lip to prevent more words of self-doubt from breaking free.

“You’re not responsible for their deaths,” Kellen said as she carefully tugged at Rae’s flaxoid linen shirt and freed it from her uniform pants.

“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong,” Rae argued hotly. “No matter the circumstances, I’m in command of this station, and I’m always responsible for what’s going on. Always.”

Kellen seemed to consider this statement. “I understand. Let me rephrase. It wasn’t your fault. Your responsibility--but not your fault.”

Busying herself with the buttons on the starched shirt, Rae wanted to take solace in Kellen’s attempt to comfort her, but knew she had a long way to go before this pain would disappear, if ever. During the years, she had lost her fair share of crew members to piracy and accidents, and she knew every one of their faces. They still haunted her in her dreams, and when the onslaught of these nightmares kept her awake, she’d recite the names of the fallen soldiers like a prayer.

Kellen’s soft hands on hers yet again startled Rae. “Let me,” she murmured gently.

Not sure why the mere unbuttoning of her shirt began to calm her, Rae closed her eyes, inhaling Kellen’s unique scent. Her wife pushed the shirt down her arms, removed it, and tossed it onto a chair before she proceeded to the SC-issued bra. Kellen helped her take off her boots, and soon her trousers pooled around her feet and she stepped out of them.

Shivering in only her panties, Rae didn’t resist when her lover embraced her. “Kellen…”


“The way you touch me. I can’t believe how much I need to feel your hands…”

“Like this?” Kellen’s hands slid up and cupped her breasts. “You need my touch on you, our bodies meshing together…the unity?”

“God, yes.”

“So do I.”

Rae felt Kellen’s lips move into a smile against her temple, and she sank farther into the strong arms. “Take me to bed?”

“With pleasure.” Kellen dragged the covers aside and nudged Rae to lie down.

Gratefully, she settled against the pillows and watched as her wife finished undressing. When she noticed not only the bruises from the assault-craft straps, but also several new dark marks on Kellen’s bluish skin, Rae felt her cheeks warm. “Oh, God, did I cause those?”

“What?” Kellen looked surprised at the traces from the previous night. “Don’t worry. They aren’t painful.”

“I had no idea I…we…were that forceful last night.”

“Neither did I. Let me examine you.” Kellen removed the covers and looked down at Rae’s body. “Turn over.”

Rolling her eyes, Rae turned over on her stomach. When Kellen didn’t speak, she glanced over her shoulder. “Well?”

“As I suspected.” Kellen tugged at the white thinlinnen panties. “Lift up.”

Rae’s heart began to throb faster as she lifted her hips, mystified. “What are you doing? Is there anything…oh…”

Removing the piece of underwear, Kellen pressed her lips against the small of Rae’s back. “I accidentally scratched you here.” Her lips traveled to the left, a bit farther down. “And sucked the blood to your skin here.” Her warm, smooth tongue soothed something that didn’t hurt to begin with. “And I’ve massaged you too vigorously here.” Her insistent hands gently caressed Rae’s buttocks, making her tremble and bury her face in the pillows.

Full breasts rubbed tantalizingly against her back and one leg slid in between hers. Turning her head to the side, for air, she panted as her thighs were pushed farther apart.

“You didn’t hurt me last night,” Kellen whispered close to her ear. “You made love with me.”

“And you with me,” Rae said huskily, her head spinning. “You drive me crazy, do you know that?”

“How do I drive you crazy?”

The voice in her ear was a low purr, the leg between hers mercilessly pushing against her swollen sex. Rae began to roll her hips, pressing down on the silken thigh. “Your beauty, your resolve…and your fire…your tears, even…”

A hand slid around Rae’s waist and worked its way down her stomach, cupping the dark auburn curls at the apex of her thighs. Knowing Kellen could feel how ready she was to be explored, Rae managed to hold back a moan, but she whimpered out loud when two fingers pushed farther inside. Undulating against the relentless hand, she closed her eyes, focusing on the pangs of pleasure beginning to mount inside her. As they slowly spread down her thighs and up her abdomen, she began to moan, knowing she was quickly losing control. Dragging one leg up and bending her knee, she pressed her body against Kellen’s, seeking more of the warmth, more of the safety in having her lover behind her.

“You’re going to make…me…oh!” Her inner muscles contracted, and she felt them grab Kellen’s fingers in a viselike grip as she arched, coming hard in her wife’s arms. For precious seconds, her body went rigid and the orgasm blazed through her like wildfire. She felt strong arms wrap around her, tearing her into a fierce embrace.

Registering on some level that Kellen had yet to experience the same release, Rae rolled on top of her and parted her legs with a quick flick of the hips. Rubbing her aching mound into her lover’s, she looked down into Kellen’s eyes, registering every small change. She smiled out of sheer pleasure, placing soft kisses on Kellen’s full lips.

Mesmerized by the sounds emanating from Kellen, Rae rocked against her, making sure she kept up the pressure. She quickly became caught up in the rhythm and pulled one of Kellen’s legs up over her shoulder. Having unlimited access, she now rubbed frantically against her wife. It seemed the increased fire of the caress became too much for Kellen. She gave a sudden cry and went rigid beneath Rae, tossing her head back in abandon. Rae looked at her with burning eyes. She didn’t want to miss a thing.
Oh, stars, you’re like a liquid blue flame. You’re beautiful. I can’t get enough of this heat, of your legs around me, pulling me in. Into you…Oh, Kellen.
She continued to rock, slowing the pace gradually until they finally came to a halt. Kellen’s hair, untangled from its usual strict hairdo, tumbled around her shoulders and spread across the pillow.

“You’ve never looked more beautiful.” Rae was unable to stop looking or move off her wonderful lover. She took yet another leap of faith, voicing her previous thoughts. “I can’t get enough of you, darling.”

Kellen drew a trembling breath. “I can’t get enough of you either. You’re all-important to me…and our lovemaking is too. I ache inside when you’re unhappy.”

Rae stared at Kellen, deeply touched. Unable to find the right words, she kissed her softly before she slid down to lie along her right side. “I guess we should try to get some sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be another long day.”

“Yes.” Kellen shifted, turning on her side and facing Rae. “Sleep well.”

Raising a hand to push back the long blond hair from her face, Rae cupped Kellen’s cheek and smiled languidly. “You too.”

Chapter Fifteen

“All rise! The honorable Judge Amereena Beqq presiding!”

The imposing figure of Kosaric, the bailiff, compelled Rae and everyone else to their feet as his fluorescent yellow eyes scanned them carefully. Of Savorian descent, he exuded authority.

The woman who entered from the chambers behind the main courtroom aboard the vessel
was a striking human-Cormanian hybrid. In her early fifties, with a river of red hair flowing down her back in long curls, she wore a traditional twillmix black cloak, a custom that began on Earth more than five centuries earlier. It flowed around her, its bloodred Cormanian fairy-silk lining whispering against the black retro-spun cotton dress underneath. Before sitting down, she let her gaze sweep over the people gathered to seek her ruling.

Agador Gosh, Kellen and Armeo’s legal representative and Jeremiah’s civilian friend from the private legal firm in the commercial sector, had requested closed doors for the custody hearing because of its classified nature. Not counting the parties involved, only six people were present, all with the required security clearance. Four high-ranking Council members were witnessing the testimonies via view screens routed through a secure subspace signal.

“Be seated.” Judge Beqq’s resounding voice carried easily though the large room. “We have gathered to determine the fate of a young boy, Armeo M’Aido. Evidence has been put forward by both parties, and now I want to begin by hearing the young man.”

Rae heard Kellen breathe deeply. This procedure was unexpected. She thought Armeo would be heard last. Rae wanted to kick herself. She ought to have anticipated an unconventional approach from Judge Beqq.

She glanced at their legal representative, and he gave a nod she supposed was meant to reassure her. “Some judges find it more informative to hear the child first,” he murmured. “To prevent everyone else’s point of view from influencing him, Commodore.”

Trying to sound confident, Rae said, “Go on. You’ll be fine,” and nudged Armeo gently.

As soon as he had settled into the chair in the witness box, the judge said, “Armeo, I’m going to ask you some questions. You don’t need to be nervous, because I only want to know your opinion about a few matters. However, even though you’re not under oath, I do expect you to be truthful with me. Do you understand why we are here today?”

“Yes, Your Honor, I do. We’re here to make sure I can stay with Kellen and Rae.” Armeo glanced toward his guardian.

Beqq looked serious, her dark green eyes mere slits. “Are you aware this might not be the outcome?”

“Yes.” Armeo returned the penetrating gaze. “I’m aware mistakes can happen.”

Rae bit her lip, amazed at how the boy managed to sound respectful and defiant at the same time. She lowered her gaze and saw Kellen grip the side of her seat hard. Scooting over to the chair Armeo had vacated, Rae put her hand over her wife’s, stroking it furtively.

“So, not allowing Kellen O’Dal and Commodore Jacelon custody of you would be a mistake?”

“Yes, ma’am. Kellen has been a mother to me since my birth mother died. I love her and she loves me.”

“And Commodore Jacelon? How do you feel about her?” Judge Beqq raised an inquisitive eyebrow, which did not seem to faze Armeo in the least.

“I haven’t known Rae for very long, but she has provided a home for us. She says my safety is important, and she loves Kellen.”

Feeling her cheeks flush, Rae resisted the urge to groan out loud. She knew this trial would intrude into their private lives, and even if she tried to remain pragmatic about it, she was cringing.
Damn uncomfortable.

“So, you love your guardian as if she were your mother, and you’re settling in with Commodore Jacelon. Is this a correct assumption?”

Armeo nodded. “Yes, Your Honor. I also have a new grandfather since Kellen married Rae. Rae’s father has given me permission to call him ‘granddad.’”

A faint look of amusement flickered over Beqq’s features before she continued the hearing. “How would you react if custody were given to the Onotharian representative?”

The boy’s eyes took on a haunted expression. Kellen squeezed Rae’s hand. “How can she torment him with such questions?” she hissed.

Armeo shook his head. “You can’t do that, ma’am. The Onotharians have committed many crimes and have also attacked this station. You can’t hand me over to them. I have to stay with Kellen. She’s my guardian and Protector. I belong with her and Rae.” He spoke calmly, but Rae could see his hands tremble.

“I can promise you this, Armeo. The only thing that matters when I make my ruling is what’s best for you. Not for your guardian, or for the Onotharians, but for you. I have to ask you to trust me.”

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