Protection: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance (36 page)

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Jace stopped for a long beat, making Tessa ache even worse.

“Say it again,” he demanded.

“Please,” Tessa half-moaned.

“My name, Tessa. Say my name, damn it.”

“Jace,” she urged.

Jace slid two fingers up and found the tight bud of her arousal, rubbing soft circles around it. Waves of hot pleasure erupted and washed through her legs, curling Tessa’s toes. She was on fire, already prepared to crest a wave of release.

Tessa’s wolf was having none of it. The wolf craved more than this, and Tessa growled her need at Jace.

“I need you inside me,” she commanded, trying to wriggle loose of Jace’s steel grasp.

His fingers left her clit and Jace rolled Tessa onto her back, kneeling between her knees and sliding two large fingers deep inside her core. Tessa bucked and made a strangled noise, pushing her wolf back as Jace slowly worked his fingers in and out. He slid them deep again before flexing his fingers in a “come here” motion, his long digits touching a soft place just under Tessa’s belly button.

Tessa’s feminine muscles clenched. She she trembled, trying to fight the oncoming orgasm. She was determined that the first time she climaxed with him, Jace would be right alongside her.

Jace worked at the spot for another half a minute, frowning at her resistance. Finally he withdrew, and Tessa sat up.

“You were about to come, Tessa. You should have let me finish you,” he said, brows knit in frustration.

“It’s not enough,” was all she said.

Tessa moved to her knees and pressed her hands against Jace’s chest until he collapsed back on the bed. She unbuttoned his jeans and quickly stripped them off, leaving him exposed.

“No underwear?” she asked, amused.

“You weren’t wearing any, either,” Jace replied.

“Great minds think alike,” Tessa joked.

Tessa’s gaze dropped down Jace’s body, taking in his lean flanks and sinewy thighs. She steeled herself before dropping her gaze to his cock, sucking in a surprised breath.

Tessa had expected Jace to be big, but that was an epic understatement. She reached out to stroke him gently, teasing her fingertips over the hot, silky length of him. He was easily several inches longer than her hand and so thick that when Tessa encircled him her hand couldn’t close all the way.

Jace grated out a laugh, and Tessa looked up at him.

“I guess you really haven’t been with a Shifter,” he said.

“This is normal?” she asked, flustered.

“I’d hate to think that.”

“I don’t even know how this is going to work!” she protested, her gaze returning to his groin. She took him in her fist, squeezing the steel of his length as she slid her hand up and down.

Jace laughed again, but his voice was tenser this time.

“It’ll fit,” he promised. “You’ll just have to be on top at first.”

With that, Jace surged up to take Tessa’s mouth with his. His tongue flitted against hers, mimicking what he wanted most. He picked Tessa up as though she were weightless and settled her on his lap, bringing her aching wetness down to rest against his shaft.

Gripping Tessa’s hips, Jace lay back and locked gazes with her. Then he rolled his hips, sliding his length up to brush her clit and back down again. Tessa caught the rhythm immediately and echoed his movement, rubbing her most sensitive spot against his tip with a little gasp of delight.

Jace slid one hand up to her breast and massaged it firmly, making Tessa arch her back. Tessa’s wolf demanded that she was ready, and Tessa lifted herself just enough to guide the tip of Jace’s cock to her core.

“Hold still,” she told him, receiving a smirk in return.

“Easy enough for you to say,” Jace groaned.

Tessa pressed herself down in tiny increments, sighing as her softness stretched to accommodate him. She got most of the way down before she stuck fast and began to rock back and forth in an attempt to take him in.

“Fuck!” Jace gritted out, pushing Tessa down hard enough to cause an audible slapping of flesh.

Tessa cried out as pain lanced through her, stealing away some of her pleasure.

“Tessa,” Jace growled, seeking her eyes.

“I’m okay, it’s just…” she broke off.

“You didn’t tell me you were a virgin,” he said more softly, worried.

Tessa gave him a small smile and brushed a kiss over his lips.

“Now you know. So show me the rest,” she teased.

Jace growled again, and kissed her fiercely before he started to move ever so slowly. Tessa had never felt so completely full in her life. Jace occupied every inch of her, pressing all the way to her womb. His size at once hurt and felt right, stretching but also rubbing her in places she’d never knew could be touched.

After a few longs beats to let Tessa adjust, Jace began to rock and thrust gently. Tessa followed his rhythm hesitantly at first, and then harder as fissions of heat streaked through her whole body. Tessa tried to maneuver this way and that to control exactly which spots Jace hit, but in this position she could barely do more than hang on for the ride.

Jace must have felt the same way because he suddenly rolled with Tessa, coming to rest on top of her. Pushing up on his forearms, he began to thrust in earnest. Tessa shoved her hands into the thick hair at his nape as Jace began to move in her with deep, steady strokes.

“Yes. Jace, yes!” she said, shouting her satisfaction.

At her use of his name, Jace began to hammer her relentlessly. Tessa’s need built, and she took him hungrily. Jace swore, coming down to capture her lips in a demanding kiss. Tessa could feel him straining, trying to rein in his pleasure while he pounded into her.

“The wolf,” Tessa gasped at him, and somehow Jace knew exactly what she needed. He pulled out and flipped her over, pushing back inside her from behind. Tessa’s back arched and she keened with pleasure, taking every hard thrust he gave. His left hand gripped her hip, and his right hand across her belly to find her clit, throbbing and needing.

Jace rubbed quick circles against her slick arousal. At the same time his shaft rubbed that soft spot inside her again, and her muscles clenched in anticipation. Jace hit that same spot over and over again, rubbing her all the while.

“Oh God,” she whispered.

A pull stronger than an ocean tide sucked Tessa down, and for a moment she floated before her body was wracked with mindless ecstasy as her innermost core clenched Jace hotly.

Jace sped up and pushed her through what seemed like a nearly endless climax, panting as he prepared for his own release.

“Fucking say my name, Tessa. Say it!” he demanded, gripping her hair as he rode her.

“Jace!” she responded breathlessly.

“Who do you belong to?” he snarled.

“You. I belong to you, Jace,” she panted.

He finished with a roar, bringing Tessa to a final and unbelievable peak.

Jace sunk back on the bed as if boneless and Tessa went down with him, content to never move again. He pulled her close, running his hand softly over her hair. She’d never felt so cherished in her life, and it was making her tear up a bit.

She reached out and ran a tentative hand over his flank, admiring his complete lack of modesty. It was, Tessa decided, one of the most wonderful things about Shifters. With all their racing hormones, shyness was left in the dust.

Curling up against Jace’s warm body, Tessa quickly felt the serenity of release fading and leaving behind anxiety. Even as she listened to his deep, slow breathing and tried to relax, Tessa knew that being with Jace in this way was wrong. If she continued in this vein, she would eventually be forced to choose between Jace and Camilla. The longer this went, the harder it would be.

That was assuming he didn’t find her out before that. He wouldn’t show any mercy to a traitor, much less some human who’d manipulated him like she had.

Tessa had been sure she’d understood the risks of getting close to Jace. She’d been certain that as long as she just remembered Maddie’s captivity, she’d be able to walk away without a second thought. Now she wasn’t so sure.

You could just come clean. He might forgive you.

Tessa imagined Camilla’s brassy voice, pointing out the obvious as was her wont. She always did know exactly what to say.

A forlorn tear welled up, and Tessa brushed it away before it could break loose. She’d spent her whole life daydreaming, imagining what it would be like if things were different. And where had it gotten her?

Snared by a handsome, twisted monster. James had seen Tessa’s need, her desire for the fairytale that money couldn’t buy.

Tessa had fallen for it, every word. She’d walked right into James’ snare and dragged Camilla along for the miserable ride. Now it seemed Tessa was about to throw Jace in the fire as well.

In that moment, as quick as a single beat of her heart, Tessa realized that she could never betray him. She peeked over at him, her heart aching. He’d fallen asleep, totally at peace. He looked like her idea of heaven come true.

Resolute, Tessa reaffirmed her decision. She’d give herself this precious bit of time, but it had to end. As soon as they woke, she would confess. And with those words, she’d destroy any chance she had for happiness with this man.

Chapter Thirty-One

soft rustling
sound awoke Jace in the deepest part of the night. Opening his eyes, Jace silently pleaded with the universe.

Gods, don’t let it be raccoons again. Those things are a menace. They’re so aggressive, I swear they’re mutants.

Pulling out his smart phone, he quickly checked his email. The receipt for his impulse splurge popped up, stating that the package was being overnighted. Jace took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying not to panic. Tessa would like it, without a doubt. Right? Shit, he was no good with women.

His thoughts pulled together as he listened to the quiet movement outside. He had to suppress a languorous stretch as he scanned the room, feeling as if something important was missing.

Oh. They definitely weren’t in his bed, as he’d first assumed. And double oh, Tessa wasn’t curled up against him as she had been before. She really needed to stop disappearing from bed, or Jace was going to have a heart attack.

Jace heard a couple of soft footsteps and almost leapt out of bed until he saw Tessa come through the door from outside. A jolt of warmth shot through him as he realized she was wearing his over-sized tee and nothing else.

“Hey,” she said, slipping back into bed.

“Hey,” he echoed as he moved over to make room for her.

“I went out to get some air and when I got back I realized I don’t know where I put… well, anything,” she fretted, brow furrowed.

“I’m pretty sure it’s all back at the house. I figured you left it on purpose,” he said, catching a stray ringlet of golden hair and smoothing it back.

Tessa caressed his hand before pulling back from his touch. Frowning, she gave him a sour look.

“What girl would ever leave her stuff anywhere on purpose?” Tessa asked, flopping back onto the bed.

She’d given up her innocence to him just hours before, and yet she showed not a hint of regret. She wasn’t even shy or self-conscious about Jace ogling her, which was good. He couldn’t even pretend that he already anxious to have her again.

Earlier Jace had barely, barely managed to keep himself from burying his teeth in her neck; he hadn’t even thought twice about spending himself inside Tessa like a lovesick teenage boy. Shifters couldn’t get STDs, but there was still pregnancy to worry about. Jace had always sworn he’d never do something like that to a female, and until now he’d kept his word.

He and Tessa might be growing close, but they still weren’t mates. Although… she’d been so sated and pliant afterward. He could have easily gotten her to complete her part of the ritual. Just an exchange of bites, and they would be bound for life.

Though it was selfish, Jace wanted to claim Tessa as his own. He kept coming back to the thought that he ought to just bite her now without explaining the lifelong commitment part, and let her be upset later. The only thing stopping him was the knowledge that she’d hate being tricked into such a serious commitment.

Not to mention that the rest of the pack would probably be out for Jace’s blood if he didn’t give them courting rights. He chuckled to himself; he and Tessa were way past that point by now, weren’t they? Unfortunately for the other men, Jace didn’t care what they wanted. He was having a harder and harder time imagining her lying in anyone else’s arms. Especially after today, watching Tessa shake as she was overcome with passion.

Jesus, he needed to think about something else or Jace was going to need to see it again and again… and a thousand times after that. He’d already taken her innocence, and he didn’t have a thing to offer her in exchange.

There was his problem, right there; he actually wanted to offer her more. He could never be her knight in shining armor, the mate she truly deserved, but he wanted to give her what he could. Even without being mates, they could be something good. It wasn’t unheard of for Shifters to date without mating.

Jace shook his head at his own thoughts. He knew himself well enough to know that there was nothing the least bit casual about his interest in Tessa. He cursed, closing his eyes against the reality.

The only thing left to do was to show her everything. Once she saw how scarred and ruined he was inside, she’d understand why he couldn’t give her anything more. It would hurt like crazy, but it was better for her if she understood that he was damaged goods. In the long run it’d be better for both of them.

“Jace?” Tessa asked, her face turned away from him. He hadn’t even realized she was still awake.

“Yeah?” he answered, turning to look at her. She turned her head to face him, displaying her reddened and tear-stained face.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, reaching out to her. How the hell had he been lying right next to her and not realized that she was miserable? Had he hurt her earlier and not realized that either? When she didn’t answer right away, he grew alarmed.

“Are you hurt?” Jace demanded.

“No. Nothing like that,” she whispered, rubbing the back of her hand over her face.

“I don’t understand. Why the tears?” he asked, stroking her hair and face. She soaked up his affection for a moment before she reached up and stilled his hand.

“I have to tell you something, and I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

Jace’s entire body tensed. He sat up. Tessa sat up too, covering herself with the sheet. Her expression was anxious, her eyes sad.

“Well?” Jace asked, rubbing the back of his neck and watching Tessa.

“I haven’t been honest with you,” she said, her eyes dropping to where her hands twined in her lap.

“You have a human mate?” Jace asked, brows drawing together.

“No. I meant… when you saved me from McDonough the first time. That wasn’t an accident. You both followed me because I found out where you both hang out and waited around to catch your eye,” she said, her voice quiet.

“You were trying to find a Shifter? Why?”

“Not just any Shifter. You, or McDonough. My orders were very specific. I was to lure at least one of you, and call a team in take you down.”

Jace stood up and grabbed his jeans, slipping into them. He waited a few beats before responding.

“I don’t know if this is supposed to be some kind of joke, but it isn’t funny, Tessa.” His voice had gone hard and cold as steel.

“It’s not a joke, Jace. I was abducted by a religious cult last year, and they knew I was an Ascendant. They told me how to get your attention, made me do it. They are desperate to catch you or McDonough, or both. I’m not sure what they want from you, but I know it’s not good,” Tessa said, her voice breaking on the last word. She sniffled and stared into her lap miserably, unable to look up at Jace.

Jace was dumbstruck, staring at the female who… hell, he’d really thought he’d started to like her. Maybe love her, even.

“What are you saying?” he asked, clenching his fists and trying to keep himself from flying into a mindless rage.

“I think… I know now, they’re the Legion, the same people who killed your parents. There can’t be two groups like them, can there,” Tessa said, wiping at the tears streaming down her cheeks.

“You work for the Legion?” Jace asked, red haze flooding his vision again.

“No. I mean, I don’t work for them. They blackmailed me.”

“How long?” Jace ground out, his jaw clenched so tight it was painful. He was such an idiot, such a careless moron.

“I don’t…” she started, but Jace cut her off.

“How long have you been planning to betray me?” Jace asked, his voice harsh. There was a long pause, and a half-stifled sob before she replied.

“Long enough,” she said, her voice quiet.

“Then there is no need to tell you why I want you out of my sight,” Jace hissed through his clenched jaw.

“Jace, I can explain—”

“Don’t. Don’t use my name. Don’t talk to me like you know me, traitor.”

Jace heard the harsh inrush of Tessa’s breath.

“You don’t understand,” she said, hurt coming through in her voice.

“I’ve heard enough. I don’t care what your reason is for being with the Legion. Money, power— it must have been pretty good for you to open your legs for the first time. Or was that a trick, too?” Jace spat, his vision going red. He grabbed the first shirt he came to, and tossed it to her along with her jeans.

“Get dressed,” he ordered, looking away from her perfect curves. Tessa stepped forward into his line of vision, her expression furious.

“What happened between us has nothing to do with the Legion. Don’t bring that into the equation. I wanted—”

“Just stop. I have never laid a hand on a woman before in my life, but I am a moment away from breaking your neck with my bare hands,” Jace said, his voice softening to a distinct threat. “Now get dressed, or you’ll walk into the Den naked. Or perhaps that would suit you?”

Tessa’s eyes narrowed to slits. She rushed to pull on her shirt and jeans. Jace clenched his fists again to keep his hands still though they itched to throttle her, shake her, turn her over his knee and blister her bare ass. God he would like nothing more than to—

Cursing himself, Jace rose and turned away from Tessa, an expressionless mask slipping into place over his features. He pulled out his phone and spent a full minute texting Shaw what he’d just found out, explaining that he wanted Tessa removed and jailed until something more permanent could be done with her.

He turned to look at her again, covering his hurt and shock with a look of disgust. She didn’t need to know that she’d really gotten to him. Tessa was pale and shaking like a leaf, but she still stood her ground. Damned woman had no idea how stupid she was being right now.

Jace took a deep breath and looked away from her. Ignoring that she was still wearing his favorite shirt, he pointed to the door. Tessa’s bottom lip quivered a long second before she schooled her expression, turning and marching out of the cabin.

Jace half-jogged the whole way back to his house, passing her without stopping to look back. Tessa dragged herself inside several minutes after he did, looking worse for the wear. Jace could also see a faint bruise on her neck, almost certainly from their lovemaking. He averted his eyes, refusing to feel guilty. She’d seduced him. She’d betrayed him. She could grin and bear everything that came along with it. The Legion could patch her up for her next conquest.

Jace opened the sliding glass door on his back patio with such force that it shattered, raining tiny pieces of glass everywhere. Tessa jumped, but her expression remained indifferent. He looked out into the yard, summoning the strength to speak to her.

“I want you gone,” he growled.

When she didn’t respond, Jace pointed to Tessa’s purse lying on the counter, and she picked it up without saying anything. Jace watched her steel herself for a moment before turning to face him.

“Will you give me a chance to explain?” she asked, her voice cool and unemotional. She’d been playing him every second, making him think he felt… it didn’t matter what. Here was the true Tessa Anderson, a manipulative ice queen. No wonder the Legion had picked her to take Jace down. Now she wanted to stand there and make excuses to him?

“No. There’s nothing you can say to me.”

“Where am I supposed to go?” she asked.

“I’m turning you over to Shaw. I don’t know what he’s going to do with you,” Jace replied. A knock sounded at the door. Tessa’s eyes widened, and she made one last attempt to sway him.

“Jace, please. You’ve got to at least hear me out. You don’t understand,” she insisted. The fear and longing in her voice sounded so real, it broke his heart just that much more.

Jace stepped in close, staring down at her through his haze of contempt.

“You don’t understand, traitor. You’d better hope Shaw has better intentions for you than I do. I’d as soon see you put down,” he said. A lie, but from the way she flinched, it was a good one. A flash of shock flitted over her face before she replaced her calm façade, looking toward the door.

“There’s no need to be cruel,” she said, her gaze traveling everywhere except Jace.

“Seems like there is. You keep talking instead of getting the point. I don’t want you. Earlier, that was a mistake. A huge mistake. And believe me, I’d rather spit on you than touch you again. There’s no reason for you to ever grace my doorstep, and that’s final.”

Tessa turned, her gray eyes burning into his.

“You’re a coward. Everyone else thinks you’re just damaged beyond repair, but I know the truth. You’re scared shitless, and you can’t stand it. Grow the fuck up, Jace Copeland.”

She stared him down for a long moment, and Jace felt a sick bit of pride. The girl had more than enough backbone for a Shifter female. He couldn’t say whether it had been there all along, but it was growing to be a disadvantage for Jace. He’d half expected her to burst into tears and beg for forgiveness.

There was a tremendous thumping at the door, and Tessa didn’t spare Jace another moment of regard. She walked over and opened the door, not batting an eyelash at Shaw, who honestly did look murderous. She didn’t so much as glance back when a grim-faced Declan confiscated her purse and put her in the back seat of a black SUV. Declan nodded at Jace and then they were gone, leaving Jace alone on his doorstep.

Jace slammed the front door and pulled up a stool between the kitchen island and the refrigerator. A palpable weight pressed against his chest, making it hard to breathe. All his muscles ached, his limbs felt heavy. An ominous feeling settled itself in his mind, like stepping too close to the edge of a cliff.

Jace dragged in a deep breath. He needed to calm down, and he needed to do it before he lost control. He wasn’t sure what would happen, but it definitely wouldn’t be good.

He always kept his fridge fully stocked with beer and liquor, which in this case was a godsend. Jace was planning on getting good and smashed, and staying that way until he couldn’t remember that Tessa had ever existed. The human, he corrected himself. Until he couldn’t remember that the human had ever existed, ever kissed him or touched him…

He opened the fridge and grabbed several beers and a bottle of High West whiskey. Jace shotgunned a whole beer in one go, and chased it with a shot of cold whiskey straight from the bottle. It was going to be a painful couple of days, but he’d get through just like he always had. Alone.

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