Promise Me (22 page)

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Authors: Deborah Schneider

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Sam lowered his lips to hers and pushed his tongue into the yielding moistness of her mouth at the same moment he thrust into her. They were both hot and eager, with no pretense of shyness. Their bodies entwined, and there was only the rhythm of their mating and the sweet, pure physical need, which ended in a trembling crescendo as they shuddered, cried out, and climaxed together.

When Sam finally relaxed against Amanda, savoring the sweet moments after making love to her, a flash of conscience jolted him. She'd demanded honesty, and he'd agreed.

But he couldn't tell her the entire truth, because if she knew about his mission to Willow Creek, her life would be in even more danger. He had to protect her, and the only way he knew to keep her safe was to deceive her.

It was a helluva deal, and if she found out he hadn't been totally honest, their relationship would be over.

She dozed beside him. Her face was soft and flushed from their lovemaking. Sam touched her cheek gently.

“I love you, Amanda,” he murmured. It was better that she didn't hear him. His love would only bring her more pain and sorrow.

Chapter Fifteen

It was nearly dawn when Amanda nestled closer to Sam, snuggling her head against his hard, firmly- muscled chest to listen to the soft cadence of his heart. His arm wrapped around her, tugging her even closer before he adjusted the quilt he'd pulled across their naked bodies after their last interlude of lovemaking.

Closing her eyes, she inhaled his masculine scent mixed with the primal fragrance of their recent mating. She felt warm, relaxed, and safe

Sam's lips gently caressed the top of her head. “Thank you, Sam,” she murmured.

He was sile
nt for a moment, then chuckled deeply. “You're welcome, Amanda. I'm grateful I could be of service.”

She gave him a playful push and leaned on one elbow to gaze at him. He looked well-pleased with himself. His amber eyes glowed with what she might foolishly interpret as love if she didn't know better. Sam had vowed never to love another woman. His heart was too damaged by his experience with Elsbeth to take a chance on being hurt or betrayed again.

“Not for the, well, you know.” She gave him another punch when he grinned. “I want to thank you for sharing the story of your first marriage. For trusting me enough to believe I wouldn't judge you for a terrible accident.” She drew her fingers gently across his chest. He inhaled a sharp breath, and she marveled that he reacted so immediately to her touch.

The small chocolate flecks in his eyes grew darker. Her fingers continued to tease him, and she moved closer to better gauge his reactions. The quilt slid lower, exposing her breasts. Instead of covering herself, she shifted to permit him a better view.

Her fingers moved upward, delighting in the hard line of his jaw. His teeth clenched when she tickled the outline of his lips.

Sam grasped her wrist and raised an eyebrow. “Ready to play again so soon, madam?”

Amanda sat up, tossing her hair in a playful motion. His hand moved up her arm, caressing one breast, then pausing to stroke her nipple. Ripples of pleasure swept through her. With the lightest touch, he sketched an outline of her womanly shape as though he wanted to memorize each curve and line of her body.

Finally withdrawing his hand, he leaned forward to kiss her. Not with the hot, eager passion of their recent mating, but with a soft sweetness that brought tears to her eyes.

“I've never wanted anyone the way I want you, Amanda. I need you.” His voice rumbled with emotion. She thought he wanted to say more, and she waited patiently. She would wait a lifetime for the words she ached to hear.

“But I think we should have some breakfast. I promise,” he said, lifting a lock of her hair and curling it around his finger, “there will be plenty of time for us to be together. Later.”

A wave of disappointment washed over Amanda. She'd been hoping for other words. At the very least, she wanted him to say he cared for her. Most of all she wished to hear him say he loved her. Yet she knew they were words he couldn't say because of his deep-rooted fear. Her heart ached with the sadness of it, a man so capable of deep, profound love, yet so afraid he would destroy anyone he cared about.

“I'm famished.” She adjusted the quilt to cover herself. “Although I confess I'm reluctant to climb out of the warmth of this bed.”

Sam dropped the curl he'd been toying with and matched her grin. “Then I'll arrange for you to stay right here, enjoying the luxury of a nap.” His gaze lingered on her naked shoulders.

Stretching her arms above her, she gave a deep, contented purr. “That sounds wonderful.”

He leaned forward and caressed her bare skin with his lips, creating a trail of fire down her shoulder to one breast.

“I'll have Harriet fix us a tray, and we can have a picnic right here in our room.” The chocolate flecks appeared again in his eyes. “You won't even have to bother getting dressed.”

Amanda fell back upon the pillows and giggled. “That will save me the trouble of undressing later.”

“Precisely my plan,” Sam said, climbing from the bed. His lean, heavily-muscled body ignited a fire deep within Amanda. Lust and desire. She couldn't tear her eyes from his gorgeous posterior as he pulled on his trousers.

He gave her a devilish grin as he buttoned his shirt. “You are well on your way to becoming a lascivious woman, Amanda Calhoun.”

She curled her lips into a satisfied smile. “Then hurry up and get back here, Samuel Calhoun. I'm hoping you'll be able to give me further instruction.”

He answered her with a hearty laugh and leaned forward to kiss her. “It will be my pleasure, Amanda, I assure you.”

“If you do it right, Sam, it will be a pleasure for both of us.”

He laughed again before leaving the room.

Amanda considered her circumstances. She was in love with her husband. Madly, completely, and foolishly in love. Despite all effort to ignore him and keep herself from him, she had eagerly returned to his arms at the first opportunity.

Lifting her eyes to heaven to beg for help, she recognized another truth. Despite all of his efforts to erect a wall around his heart, Samuel Calhoun was in love with her, too. Now she just needed a way to prove it to him.


Later that day, Amanda considered playing at her game of public disdain for her husband. Her pretense of a chilly, silent meal at noon dissolved the instant Sam grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth. Nibbling gently on her fingers, he joked about how sweet she tasted, and she dissolved into a fit of laughter.

She knew they were being observed, yet she couldn't bring back the icy demeanor after a blissful night of making love, then sleeping wrapped in each other's arms.

Harriet gave them a warm smile when she came to the table. “It's about time the two of you patched things up.” She looked pleased with herself. “I knew you were perfect for each other right from the start. It does a matchmaker's heart good to see folks settle in the way they oughta.”

“So you planned this whole thing, did you?” Sam said.

“Well, I figured where there's smoke, there's fire. I mighta helped you two along some, but”—she settled her hands on her hips—“I guess that priest managed to outdo me in the matchmakin' department, didn't he?”

Sam and Amanda joined her in laughter before ordering.

“I'm feeling a little queasy this afternoon. Just tea for me, please.”

Harriet stared at her sharply, and Amanda tried to reassure her friend. “I'm sure it will pass soon, but I haven't felt well for a few days.” She adjusted the white lace cuffs on her dress. When she looked back up, Sam's eyes reflected concern.

“Perhaps I should try to get more rest.”

She nearly giggled as deep red crept up Sam's neck to color the tips of his ears.

“I'll plan to tuck you in early this evening, madam.” A lilt of amusement shaded his voice.

Harriet's mouth curved into a smile. “Seems to me you two might have some other kinda catchin' up to do, eh?”

Sam and Amanda dissolved into another fit of laughter. Unfolding the linen napkin onto her lap, Amanda grinned. “I'm afraid we're destined to be a public spectacle wherever we go in Willow Creek, Sam.”

“What are your plans when you've finished with the work at the Miners' Benevolent Association?” he asked.

His question caught her off guard. Lately, she'd been living from day to day, almost from moment to moment. She'd given no thought to where she would live or what she would do when her work was finished in Willow Creek. Was he telling her they could have a life together? “I, well...” She blinked in confusion. “I'm fond of Willow Creek. And there's so much to be done here, for the families of the miners and for the town. I guess I'll be staying here for some time now.”

He raised an eyebrow at her and shook his head. “Is that what you really want, Amanda? You're a wealthy woman. You could live in any big city, San Francisco or New York. You could even travel to Europe.”

His words echoed in her heart. He was talking about her, not them. Is that what he wanted, to be rid of her? “My work here has just began, so I doubt I'll need to make travel plans soon.” She decided to be brave. “Would you be interested in traveling to Europe with me, Sam?”

He leaned forward. “I don't know, Amanda. Would you want me to go with you?”

Amanda held her breath. Should she simply blurt out the answer, admit that no place would ever really be home if he weren't with her. Perhaps if she told him how she felt, he'd be honest about his own feelings.

Harriet interrupted the tense moment by bringing their food to the table.

“Do you know how some folks manage to stay happy all the time?” Harriet asked.

“No,” Amanda said, “how do they manage to do that, Harriet?”

Harriet wiped her large rough hands on her apron and pursed her lips. “They just up and decide to be happy.” She turned on her heel and headed toward the kitchen.

“That's an interesting idea,” Amanda said.

“A very simple philosophy,” Sam said, slicing his steak and concentrating on the food before him.

They ate in silence, and Amanda wondered if it were possible. Could she change fate, control the elements of chance, and seize happiness simply by telling herself to be happy? Sam interrupted her thoughts.

“Do you think it would work? We could decide right now. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Calhoun will be the happiest people on God's green earth.”

Amanda sipped more of the sweet hot tea. “It sounds like the sort of thing that would require a pact. You know, blood brothers or something. How do I know you'll live up to this vow of happiness?”

Sam rubbed his chin.

“I believe I can be trusted. Haven't I convinced you yet of my honorable intentions?”

Amanda nearly spit out tea at his words. Taking a deep swallow, she tried not to laugh. “Are you the same man who ruined my reputation for money?”

Sam shook his head. “I never said a word about your incredibly imaginative skills in bed.”

Amanda warmed. “And didn't we end up getting married in a shotgun ceremony?”

Sam shook his head again. “If I remember events correctly, you were the only one doing any shooting that night.”

Amanda raised her eyes to heaven. Lord give me strength, she prayed.

“So, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, falsely accused, and forced to marry a crazy woman? Pity. You seem to be stuck with me now.” She picked up her cup, but a wave of nausea rolled through her and she set it back on the saucer.

Sam folded his napkin and placed it on the table. Leaning back in his chair, he smiled, and the dimples on each side of his beautiful mouth grew deeper. “There's some that might say I'm stuck with you.”

A flare of temper raced through Amanda. She reminded herself that Sam was just teasing. At least she hoped he was.

He reached across the table to grasp her hand in his. Warmth spiraled out from where their palms met, making her feel safe.

“I don't think you're crazy, Amanda.” He frowned. “Maybe just a tad too impetuous sometimes. I don't think I've been cursed either.”

Amanda's mouth formed a thin smile. “Cursed? Who said anything about being cursed?”

He lifted her hand to his lips and brushed her knuckles with a gentle kiss. “I've been blessed in a thousand ways by knowing you, Amanda. You're stronger and braver than any man I've ever known. You won't back down and you don't give up.”

His words weren't sugarcoated compliments designed to turn her head. He admired her, and her shoulders straightened when his praise finally sank into her mind.

“I will certainly try to be less impetuous.” She gave a beleaguered sigh. “Although dealing with you can be a trial, Sam. Sometimes, well, I just can't seem to control myself.”

Sam flicked his tongue between her fingers and she gave a small yelp of surprise. Heat slammed through her, and she shivered, recalling the many ways he'd found to pleasure her last night.

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