Project Produce (27 page)

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Authors: Kari Lee Harmon

BOOK: Project Produce
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“Oh, yeah. I want. I just don’t want you to regret this later. Last we talked, two weeks ago, you said--”

I pulled my hand from his and covered his mouth. “Shhh. We’ll talk later. Right now, I can’t wait. I’ve missed you terribly.”

Kissing my fingers, he whispered, “Ditto. I’ll just hang up my coat and go through my mail. Holler when you’re ready.” He stood and started to turn away.

“Um, Dylan?”

He turned back. “Yeah?”

“Would you mind unlocking these? The key’s on the dresser. I think I’ve had enough of Gloria’s toys. And I don’t think I’ll ever wear leather again.”

“Oh, I don’t know. It could be fun. A little pain and pleasure,” he teased, roaming over the length of me, but the joke was on him as Mr. Winkie sprang to attention. Dylan winced, then shifted.

“The pleasure I’ll take, but lying here locked in this contraption for the past two hours has been pain enough for me, thank you very much.”

“Two hours? You’ve been half-naked, sprawled across my satin sheets, waiting for me all that time?”
I nodded as I licked my lips.
Clearing his throat, he quickly undid my handcuffs, then said, “Hurry,” as he headed out to the living room, double-time.


I stared at my reflection in the mirror above Dylan’s dresser as I smoothed my hands down the pale-green nightie in the same shade as my eyes. The same one Dylan had convinced me to buy that night in the lingerie shop. The same one he’d landed in a pile of Miracle Bras over. I smiled, then tucked my short bob behind my ears, feeling so much better in this outfit than that leather-clad nightmare.

Nerves battled excitement within my stomach. God, I’d dreamt about being with Dylan since that first night in the sleazy dive when I’d thought he was a criminal. It hadn’t mattered one bit. I’d wanted him just as much even then.

Scanning the room, I made sure everything was perfect. I’d sprayed the sheets, so now the scent of lilacs permeated the air. Candles flickered on the dresser, their warm glow bathing the room in amber, and their vanilla scent mingling with the lilac. I’d asked Dylan for some ice and a bucket, so my bottle of champagne stood chilling, begging to be uncorked. And a bowl of fresh strawberries sat next to the champagne, pleading for someone to nibble them. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be the only things to get nibbled.

Taking a heartening breath, I called out, “Oh, Zeus, your goddess of love awaits you,” and my voice cracked.

Note to self: Corrr-nyyy!

I giggled, feeling more than a little foolish, when the door swung open. Dylan stood there, shirt untucked, and the top button on his jeans undone. His lips parted and face took on a mask of wonder and awe as he looked around the room, and then focused on me.

“Wow,” he said in a hoarse whisper. His gaze ran over me, and his eyes burned with heat and passion. “You look beautiful.”

My embarrassment vanished, and I tingled all the way to my toes. I never knew it could be like this. I held out my hand and tried to calm my racing heart.

He walked toward me, grabbing the hem of his T-shirt and sweeping it over his head, then letting it fall to the floor along the way. Reaching up, he pulled his ponytail out of its band and shook his head. The dark-chocolate strands fell to his shoulders, and the amber candlelight rippled off his hard muscles. He licked his full lips, his nostrils flaring once as his gaze focused on my puckered nipples. God, he looked wild and savage. I swallowed hard, unable to peel my gaze away from his fabulous bronze pecs and washboard abs.

He lifted his hands and ran them over my hair then down my shoulders and arms until he linked his fingers with mine. Goosebumps zipped over my skin, but I grew warm as melted cheese poured over noodles. “H-Hey. I’m the one who’s supposed to be seducing you,” I managed.

“Callie, I am seduced. Can’t you tell?” Dylan whispered in my ear with hot air, then flicked my lobe with his tongue. Skimming his teeth down my neck, he bit my shoulder. “If I get any more seduced, we’ll be done before we get started.”

“Oh, well.” I backed up a step, needing some room to breathe. I couldn’t think when he touched me. He made me forget my own name whenever he drew close. I bumped into the bed. “Whoops.”

He nailed me with that adorable crooked grin I’d once thought of as cocky, confident, whatever. “Okay, sweetheart. Have it your way.” His blue eyes sizzled. “Seduce me.”

“Oh.” The moment of truth. “Well, um, let’s see. I would have undressed you, but you’ve already started.”

“I’m not done,” he whispered. “Do you want to finish for me?” Leaning forward, he let his chest graze my nipples through my nightgown, as though he needed to touch me. A breath hissed in his throat over the contact.

I jerked, then lost my balance and sat on the bed.
Oh, mama
. Eye-level with his belly-button. Staring at the fine black hair, I tracked its path with my eyes until it disappeared under his opened jeans. “Well, since I’m here and all.” I lifted my shaking hands up to his zipper and began to unfasten it.

He caught my hands in his. “Honey, you don’t have to. I can--”

“No!” I pushed his hands aside. “I mean, I want to,” I said with a catch in my throat. God, did I want to. I wanted him so badly I wasn’t sure I could finish before I lost it myself. Gaining some semblance of control, I undid his zipper and shoved his jeans down to his ankles.

When I sat back up, I inhaled sharply. “Sweet Jesus.” I’d been right, little David had nothing on him. Not even a quarter. “Wow.”

Chuckling, Dylan kicked off his boots, then stepped out of his Levi’s. “Relax, honey. Mr. Winkie doesn’t bite,” he teased, then lifted me to my feet and said in a deep growl, “My turn.”

“Oh?” I asked in a daze, shaking the bizarre image of a biting zucchini from my mind. Good God, that might be scarier than Jack, and I didn’t think anything could outdo him. I shook those thoughts away, not wanting to think about my project, not wanting to think about anything but Dylan.

My gaze locked onto his heated one, and my mouth went bone dry. Right now, I could only think about how much I wanted him to touch me. I needed him more than I’d ever needed anyone.

As though reading my mind, he placed his hands on my hips and I lifted my arms. His eyes flashed as he pulled my nightgown over my head, then stared at my bumps for a full minute.

“Perfectly plump peaches. My favorite.” He leaned in to kiss my nose, then my cheeks, and then my lips.

I tried to deepen the kiss, but he pulled back and worked his way down to my collarbone, driving me mad. I wondered over how he could make me feel this way from a simple touch or kiss. Tingles shimmied over my skin and flooded my system. When he wrapped his arms around me and took my nipple into his mouth, his goatee caressed my breast and his tongue circled my nipple.

“Good God,” I cried.

He chuckled as he laid me on the bed and rubbed my stomach. Bending over, he kissed my belly so tenderly, emotion flooded me and tears welled up in my eyes. What was he doing to me? This wasn’t supposed to happen. I never imagined a man could consume every part of my being, right down to my soul. I wanted to give him everything I had, but I wasn’t sure if it would be enough. I didn’t care. He was worth it, even if this night was all I could have of him or give to him. I’d take it and not feel one ounce of remorse.

I pulled him down on top of me, then rolled him over to his back. Leaning over him, I kissed his chest like he had mine, then skimmed my teeth and tongue lower to his belly and circled his navel. He moaned deep, and I smiled. Glancing lower, I bit my bottom lip. Did I dare? I peeked up at him. Dylan stared at me with such intense heat, my lips parted and I licked him. His jaw hardened as if he were grinding his teeth, then he pulled me up the length of his body.

“Next time, sweetheart. If you do that now, I’ll lose it for sure,” he croaked a second before his lips claimed mine.

Cradling my face, he plunged his tongue deep. My eyes fluttered closed, and I welcomed his kiss. The tension built so tight, I needed more than just his kisses and caresses. He seemed to recognize what I wanted. Rolling me over, he slipped on protection, then eased his weight on top of me. He kissed me again as his magical fingers touched and stroked me, until I was panting as hard as him. Then ever so slowly, he slid into me, filling me completely. He fit,
fit, like we were made just for each other. I sobbed once. How could I have ever thought he was like Bob?


“Shhh, it’s okay. I’m fine. Please, Dylan, I want this. Don’t stop.” I clamped my legs around him and lifted my hips higher, forcing him deeper.

“Not a chance, baby, I want you so damn much.”

“I want you, too.”

As I placed my palms on his cheeks, I pulled his face down to mine and thrust my tongue in his mouth. He moved his hips slowly at first, but I couldn’t stand it. I rolled him onto his back and straddled him, trying to show him I could handle it fast, that I wanted it fast, that I wanted him.

All my life I’d been sheltered. Maybe that was why I’d rebelled so hard. I didn’t want to be sheltered now. I wanted to be wild and free. I wanted to feel everything. I wanted, no
for it to be this way the first time with him, and he seemed to sense that.

He placed his hands on my hips and guided me. I picked up the tempo, and my Hot Britches matched me stroke for stroke. He mumbled soft words, encouraging me, then reached up and caressed my breasts. That sent me soaring even higher. Dropping his hands back to my hips, he urged me on at an incredible pace and squeezed his eyes shut as though trying to hold onto his control.

“Please don’t! Look at me, Dylan.”

His eyes snapped open and locked onto mine. Blue fire blazed within them, and I lost control. “Fly with me, baby,” his husky voice growled, sending delicious shivers down my spine.

Whipping my head from side to side, I screamed his name at the same time that he yelled mine. He stiffened and squeezed my hips, and I arched my back. Shock waves rocketed through me as though the earth had opened up and swallowed me whole.

I fell to his chest, and my body quaked in the aftermath. For a single moment in time, we’d been as one. It would never be like this with anyone else. I was sure of it. Tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes for all I felt.

I didn’t say a word. I couldn’t.

Dylan didn’t, either.

Was he afraid to ruin the moment, too? He kept our bodies joined as he pulled the covers up over us, then slid his hands down my back and patted my insecurity. When he left his hand and cradled one cheek, I smiled, feeling a whole lot less insecure. He squeezed once more, then wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. He was with me, just me, and that was all that mattered. That was enough for now.


Rays of sunshine streamed in through the bedroom window, highlighting Dylan’s hair. My heart melted as I watched him sleep. Last night had been amazing. He had been incredible. We’d made love one more time, slow and tender. It had been just as mind-blowing as the wild and frantic lovemaking had been.

In between, we drank champagne and fed each other strawberries, but we seemed to have a silent pact--no talking about what was between us. Fine by me. I wasn’t ready for the fantasy to end, or to accept the reality that he would move on when he grew bored. And he would. They always did. He wasn’t anything like Bob, but he was still a man.

I’d told him about Bob, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell him about my project. Last night had nothing to do with research, but I knew he’d never understand. Call me selfish, but I wasn’t ready to let him go.

I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. Just because I got up at the crack of dawn didn’t mean he had to. Nature called, so I eased out from under his arm and slipped off the bed. When I returned from the bathroom, I watched him as I got dressed.

Dylan stirred, then reached out his arm with his eyes still closed. He patted the mattress, sweeping his hand across it, then frowned. He cracked one eye open and a slow grin hooked the corner of his mouth when he spotted me. “Morning.”

So the fantasy would go on a bit longer. I could live with that. I smiled wide. “Hungry?”
“Starved.” His gaze ran over my body and heated.
“Eggs?” I licked my lips as I stepped out of my pants.
“No.” He pushed the covers below his belly button, then folded his hands beneath his head, his heavy-lidded eyes roaming over me.
“Pancakes?” I slipped my shirt off and stood in just my underwear and bra, goose bumps prickling over my skin.
“Nope.” He slipped one leg out, and the covers began to rise as a tent formed over his groin.
I wiggled out of my underwear and unhooked my bra, letting it fall to the floor. “Peaches?”
“Perfect.” He tossed the covers aside and held out his arms.

Note to self: Steamed zucchini and peach soufflé... best breakfast I ever had





“A record contract. That is really awesome. You so deserve it,” I said as I stood in the living room of our apartment and helped Gloria pack her last box.

“You bet your ass, I deserve it. Honey, I’ve only been doing this since forever.” She grunted, shaking her head, and her chocolate curls fell in front of her shoulders as she filled the box. “I never thought it would take this long, you know?” She looked at me, her hand falling still. “Yet I still can’t believe it happened.” She grinned wide. “I’m gonna make an album. An actual album,” she squealed, jumping up and down.

I laughed and joined in, locking hands with her and spinning in a circle until we both were dizzy. We fell back on the couch, breathing heavy.

Staring up at the water stains on the ceiling, I said, “I can’t believe I’m actually going to miss Roach Central. How will I sleep without the subway roaring and fire engine sirens wailing all night?”

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