Prodigal Son (Jensen Family #1) (14 page)

BOOK: Prodigal Son (Jensen Family #1)
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“You like?” he asked
referring to his now muscled and toned torso.

She nodded “You were pretty
before but now? Damn boy, you are hot”

He laughed “I do it all for

“That’s bullshit and you know
it” she tutted, he grinned and nodded his agreement

“What do you want me to do?”
he asked.

“For starters you can drop
your trousers.” She told him “Then get on your knees and pay me the attention I

Doing as she asked, he
unbuckled his belt, stepped out of his trousers and underwear, dropped to his
knees and grasped her backside in his large capable hands preventing her from backing
away from the pleasure his mouth would bring her.

Suzanne’s legs began to
shake, if it was possible he had become even better at this. Her whole world
had dissolved into the feeling of his tongue on her sex and the intense sensations
it was bringing her. The strength of her orgasm forced a loud groan to escape
from her lips. She was certain she would have fallen to her knees had he not
been holding her. He waited for her to stop shaking before coming to his feet
and kissing her, his hands never leaving her body.

He shuffled backwards with
her in his arms and sunk down onto one of the wooden benches, guiding her legs
either side of his, he looked up at her flushed face.

“Fuck me Suzie.” He whispered
his fingers digging into her hips as she slid her body over his waiting one
teasing her tongue into his mouth as she began to rock.

Aware that they would be
missed if they were gone too long, Paul grasped Suzanne’s hips tighter and
eased her into a faster pace. She took her hands from his shoulders and prised
his fingers from her flesh.

“Stop it.” She hissed “I want
to make this last.”

“Not this time Suzie, we’re
at a party, tongues will start wagging if people suddenly realise we’re both

“I hate it when you are
right.” she huffed.

it’ll be fast and satisfying that way.” He told her watching as she eased
herself back onto him helped by his guiding hands, her bottom now pressed into
his stomach, her hands on his knees.

“Oh my
She gasped as she rocked.
This way around the feeling was more intense and she couldn’t stop herself from
accelerating the pace, he had his hands on her bottom, his long fingers sliding
into the crevasse, teasingly pushing against the hidden entrance spurred her
on. When he grasped her hip with his left hand and wrapped his right arm around
her stomach and pulled her back against him she tightened her inner muscles and
slammed down onto him feeling him explode. They were both sweating and fighting
to control their breathing by now, both wishing they had more time to do this

As Paul released his grip on
her she removed herself from his lap and slid to the floor in front of him
taking his softening penis into her mouth, he jumped as she ran her tongue over
the sensitive head but didn’t protest as she proceeded to clean him. She licked
her lips and bent to kiss him as she came to her feet.

“We have to stop having these
clandestine meetings.” She told him “I want to take my time and have you
worship me properly.” She chuckled jumping out of the way as he went to spank
her bottom for her last remark and began to get dressed.

“I can probably take a day
off this week if you are free.” He reached for his boxers.

“I’ll make sure I am.” She
opened her small clutch bag and pulled a pair of sheer black knickers out of it
that perfectly matched her bra.

“You did that on purpose.”
Paul accused looking up from buckling his belt.

“Did what?” She
all innocence.

to wear underwear.
I should have
known. You knew I wouldn’t be able to resist.”

“Of course I knew. I wasn’t
going to come tonight until Tessa told me the whole family would be here. You
are the only reason I’m here.” She admitted.

“We should start dating; this
wouldn’t be so sordid if you were my girlfriend.”

“As much as the idea appeals,
you are nowhere near ready to have a relationship where you have to be with
only one person. You would hurt me, perhaps not intentionally but it would
happen and I’m not prepared to let you do that. What we have right now is fine,
we have fun and there are no strings.”

“I hate to admit that you are
right about me not being ready for a relationship but there are strings Suzie.
Wherever I go or whoever I’m with, you are always there in the back of my mind.
I never lose sight of the fact that you are the one. I’m going to marry you one

Suzanne stepped closer to him
and reached up to stroke his face. Unwittingly, he had just voiced the exact
way she felt too.

“Little boy, you have a lot
to learn.” She told him gently “But one day I may just say yes.”

He smiled, turned his head
and kissed the palm of the hand that caressed his face. “We’d better get back
to the party. I’ll straighten this place out; grab me a beer would you?”

As it worked out Fay’s older
brother wanted Paul to give him a quote for renovating and enlarging the pond
in his garden. Fay had passed the information on to him along with the keys to
her brothers’ house as he was currently away on business. As she gave him the
keys with one hand, she produced a note out of her pocket with the other.

Unfolding the piece of paper
Paul immediately recognised Suzanne’s handwriting. The note told him that she
was free on Wednesday and would meet him around eleven.

“Suzanne gave you this?” He
asked, a frown creasing his brow.

Fay nodded “I know about you
two, Suzanne had to confide in someone.”

“No offence Fay but I really
wish she hadn’t.”

“Why shouldn’t she talk to me
about it? I bet you tell Matt.”

“Yeah I do but it just means that
one more person is lying to Tessa.”

“Then tell her.”

“Are you insane? She’d go
nuts, her best friend and her little brother at it like rabbits would
completely flip her out.”

“Not if you were Suzanne’s
boyfriend.” Fay pointed out.

Paul shook his head “She
won’t date me, says I’m not ready for a relationship.”

Fay laughed “She does have a
point. Don’t worry Paul, Suzanne and I will figure out a way to ease Tessa into
the idea of you two.”

Suzanne found Paul consulting
his tape measure and making notes as he kneeled beside the existing pond.
Wearing faded blue jeans and a white t- shirt he looked casual but clean, his
dark hair stirred in the breeze, he moved around the pond checking his
measurements. She saw his frown and stood quietly not wishing to disturb his
concentration. He sat on his haunches and pushed his hair back from his face
then returned to his note pad, re-calculating his figures.

Watching him Suzanne felt her
heart squeeze. She recognised that she was in love with him but refused to put
him in a position that would enable him to stomp all over her heart, their time
would come, she was sure of it but for now she would make do with their secret

They spent the entire day
together pushing each other to their limits. She watched him sleep until she
bored of it and decided the best way to wake him would be to slide her tongue
repeatedly over his genitals, it had the desired effect. That day she found out
more about him than she had imagined she would ever know, he opened up to her
completely telling her all his hopes and dreams as well as admitting to the
beatings he had taken from Michael over the years and the story of his short
lived stay at boarding school, something Tessa had told her he never talked
about, he even told her of his attraction to the teaching assistant.

From Paul’s point of view
Suzanne was his ideal match. She made him laugh and wasn’t afraid to stand up
to him. She fulfilled his physical needs and left him exhausted and aching
whereas his many other liaisons usually left him wanting more and searching for
another lover. He had nothing to hide from her and felt comfortable in her
company knowing he could tell her anything in confidence. Because of her he
would strive to be a better person. He felt his heart race every time he looked
at her and he was being completely honest when he told her that he never lost
sight of the fact that she was the girl who had his heart. He fully believed
that they would be a couple one day and told her that he knew she would be more
than capable of telling him when he was ready to commit to her totally.

Lying on her stomach, her
arms folded across his ribs, her chin resting on her hands she looked into his
dark brown eyes and saw her own emotions reflected in them so much so that she
was almost tempted to throw caution to the wind and actually start to become a
couple right now.

“I love you Suzie, I always
will.” he told her, his fingers entwining in her silky hair.

“I know you do. One day Paul
one day.”

“I wish I could change, I
wish I could promise you that I will only be with you but if I’m going to be
honest with myself and you then I have to admit that I’m far too easily
distracted by a pretty face to even contemplate a serious relationship. I’m
just afraid that by the time I’ve grown enough to be the man you want me to be,
you will have moved on.”

“That’s a chance we’ll both
have to take” she paused “Do you know that you are the only one who I allow to
call me Suzie?”

I never even considered that you didn’t like it. I
won’t do it anymore.”

“It’s fine, I like it when
you call me Suzie I just hate it if anyone else tries it,
something we share, something only you are allowed to do.”

“Cool, now I feel special.”
He grinned “Does it make you jealous when I’m with someone else?”

“Sometimes but as we aren’t
together I don’t really have the right to be jealous. Do you get jealous when
I’m with a guy?”

“Insanely but then again, you
rarely tell me if you have a boyfriend so I spend most of my time in ignorant

“I do have a boyfriend.” she

“Is he nice to you Suzie?”
Paul asked feeling an instant dislike for the unknown male

“He’s very sweet.” She nodded
“Now ask me what you really want to know.”

He chuckled and pulled her closer
“Have you got
with him yet and is he as good as

Laughing, Suzanne slapped his
chest “No I haven’t but I’ll let you know how you compare.” she snuggled into
his side “I start work on Monday as a personal shopper.”

“Your dream
job, congratulations.”

“I get a company car too.”

“Awesome, let me know when
you want to christen it.”

“Is that all you think

“It’s a little difficult to
think about anything else when you are lying naked next to me.”

She moved her body to cover his,
feeling him harden against her stomach “You want to go again?”

“Well maybe just once more.”

Matt had been left to take
care of Kay’s garden while Paul took a day off to be with Suzanne.
Initially disappointed on his arrival as Kay and Hayley were out.
His mood improved later in the day as the two women arrived home and Kay made
them all something to eat.

Kay had noticed the
attraction between her niece and Matt and was a little uneasy with it if only
for the fact that Matt was so much younger than Hayley. She decided not to say
anything and hoped the attraction would simply fade away. She left Hayley
sorting out her new college coursework and Matt in the garden while she went to
play bridge.

Returning home a few hours
later, Kay noticed her house was very quiet, she called her niece’s name and
when she didn’t receive a reply, she went and checked her bedroom only to find
it empty. Next she checked the garden, no sight of Hayley or Matt. She glanced
around her grounds, accustomed to finding
under Paul’s care, she was astounded that her lawns hadn’t been cut and that
the ride on lawn mower and other gardening tools were left out. Returning to
the house, she picked up the phone.

“I’ll get it.” Monica called
as both Tessa and Paul had moved to answer the phone, the brother and sister
heard their mother say “Oh, Hi Kay,” before returning to their seats

“You’re quiet.” Tessa

Paul replied “I’m going to
have to look into getting some people to help me out with the amount of customers
I have, there aren’t enough hours in the day.”

“That’s good though isn’t

“Yeah, I’m just spreading
myself a bit thin at the moment and I will need someone to keep an eye on
things when I go back to school.”

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