Private Party (16 page)

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Authors: Jami Alden

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Private Party
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He groaned, leaning down until his forehead rested against hers. His jaw clenched as she pumped her fist once, twice, before he stilled her hand. “I don’t want to come again until I’m through with you.” There was just the smallest hint of menace in his voice. But instead of scaring her, it sent a bolt of heat to the place between her legs that already threatened to spontaneously combust. He captured her hands in his, raising them above her head and pinning them to the marble wall. With one hand easily holding both wrists, his other hand was free to roam her naked, wet torso. Eager to get her hands back on him, she tried to tug one hand free. He was having none of it. Though his grip on her wasn’t painful, it was firm.

A shiver that had nothing to do with cold brought every nerve to screaming awareness. He rubbed his hand over her soap-slicked skin, chasing its path with his lips and tongue. He sucked and nipped at her neck, shoulders and breasts, so hard she worried she might have marks, but she couldn’t bear to ask him to stop. Not that he would, even if she did ask. That thought, as much as the hot tug of his lips on her nipple, made her knees go watery.

He leaned into her. She was pinned, the slick marble at her back, the muscled wall of his chest pressing against her front. He hooked her leg over his hip, and using his hand, guided the tip of his cock to tease the wet mouth of her sex. She barely recognized the sounds escaping her throat as her own as she stretched up on tiptoe, straining for deeper contact. He was ruthless, pushing just the thick head of his erection inside, then slipping out to press hot, silky circles around her clit. Then back inside, sinking in another inch, but pulling out before giving her the deep penetration she craved.

She tugged against his grip on her wrists, to no avail. He grinned down at her, an almost evil glint in his eyes evident through the steam. His look said she was his to do with whatever he wished, and that he knew damn well she’d enjoy every bit of whatever he dished out.

Julie decided a more direct approach was in order. “Stop teasing me and fuck me again, already.” His eyes widened in shocked delight at her graphic demand. Seizing her advantage, she slipped one hand free of his grip and wrapped her hand around his cock, pumping him in her fist as she positioned him to sink inside her. Hooking his elbow under her knee that was resting on his hip, he bent his knees and thrust high and hard inside her. A low groan rumbled from his chest as he held her there, hips pressed flush against hers as he pressed as deep as he could possibly go.

Her hands clawed at his shoulders as she squirmed against him, convinced she would kill him or go insane if he didn’t start moving. But he just held her there, his eyes squeezed shut and his jaw tight, every muscle clenched in restraint. Then, unbelievably, he pulled out.

“No!” Her protest echoed around the marble and glass chamber.

He uttered only one word as he scooped her up in his arms. “Condom.” PrivateParty

Even through her frustration Julie thanked God one of them still had a working brain cell. He carried her into the bedroom and with one hand whipped back the covers and laid her sideways across the wide mattress. He fished a condom out of the beside table drawer, and she watched him roll it on with lust-hazed eyes. He was such a gorgeous male animal, all hard muscle rippling under tanned, hair dusted skin. The scent of soap and male arousal radiated off him in waves, heightening her arousal to an almost painful degree. She didn’t know it was possible to be so turned on, hovering on a precipice where the slightest touch threatened to send her over the edge.

He bent down and kissed her, surprisingly soft, his lips gently sucking at hers, his nose sliding alongside hers in a gentle caress. He knelt between her thighs, and Julie bit her lip in anticipation of the sensation of his penetration.

To her surprise he drew her legs over his shoulders, bending his head to bury his tongue in the folds of her sex. Her hands tangled in his hair, half pulling him away, half pressing him closer.

He made a slow foray up her slit, sending her hips off the bed as pleasure spiked down her spine. “You taste even better than I remembered,” he whispered. “You’re so sweet and juicy, like a wet little peach.” Her breath was coming in gasping moans now as he ate her relentlessly, licking, sucking her into oblivion. “That’s it, baby,” she barely heard him murmur. “I love it when you come against my mouth.” That’s exactly what she did, her whole body seizuring as waves of pleasure washed over her. She relaxed back into the mattress, fully expecting him to come inside her now. But he stayed where he was, showering her with gentle, soothing kisses until unbelievably, she felt another orgasm building at the base of her spine. He took her clit between his lips, suckling gently until she burst against his lips.

He thrust into her as the last wave was receding, her body clenching around him as he squeezed inside her. She was so swollen, so sensitive, she didn’t know if she could take it, and her hands went to his hips in a halfhearted attempt to stay him. Chris brooked no resistance, grabbing her wrists and pinning them above her head, much as he had in the shower.

Helpless. She was helpless against him, what he was doing to her. Helpless against the pleasure that even now, when she thought she couldn’t possibly take any more, built and built as he rocked against her in deep, almost imperceptible thrusts. He was everywhere, surrounding her, his chest hair rasping against her nipples as his kisses stole her breath. His movements were slow, languorous, like he could fuck her until she spontaneously combusted from sexual pleasure.

She was burning up. Her whole world became him, the taste of him in her mouth, the sound of his voice whispering things she couldn’t even understand anymore. And most of all, beyond anything, the feel of him inside her, so deep and sweet she wanted to keep him there forever and never let go.

She was splintering, flying apart, breaking into a million tiny fragments. Vaguely she heard him moan, felt his fingers dig into the soft curves of her hips as his body shook and trembled. Her particles were PrivateParty

finding their way back, settling into some semblance of order.

But as she opened her eyes and looked at his hard, beautiful face, Julie wondered if she would ever be the same. Through her exhaustion a kernel of unease took root. Sex with Chris had been intense before, but this time she felt like she’d unleashed something she hadn’t bargained for.

He’d always had that bad boy, black sheep charm about him, but for the first time, Julie realized that Chris was dangerous. Not in a life-in-danger, physical peril, kind of way. But he was a definite threat to her emotional safety.

She’d been living in denial, thinking she felt nothing more for him than a lingering teenage crush. But he’d ripped away her blinders, revealing the depth of emotion he could unleash if she let down her guard again. If she wasn’t careful he was going to seriously break her heart.

Julie woke up, disoriented at first. She looked around the master bedroom with its white paneled walls, high ceilings, and exposed rafters. Sunlight spilled through French doors, across the down comforter she’d pulled over herself to ward off the air-conditioner-chilled air.

She rolled over, frowning when she saw the empty pillow beside her. Where was Chris? Had he snuck out again while she slept? After last night, she wasn’t sure she could take it if he’d left without a word.

A muffled clinking sounded over the air conditioner’s hum. She slid out of bed, and wrinkling her nose at her crumpled and sand-encrusted sundress, opted to slip on Chris’s discarded shirt. It was so big that the short sleeves ended just past her elbows, and the hem almost grazed her knees. She followed the sounds of activity to the open kitchen off the villa’s living room.

Chris was busy chopping a small mountain of fruit. For a moment she didn’t say anything, relishing the opportunity to admire the sleekly muscled lines of his back as he worked, shirtless, dressed only in a pair of fraying khaki shorts. The muscles of his shoulder and arm rippled as he chopped a pineapple into perfectly uniform, bite-sized chunks.

As though he felt her gaze, Chris paused in his chopping and turned, greeting Julie with a smile so warm and sexy she felt it down to her bare toes. She crossed the open living room to the kitchen and found herself enveloped in a paradise of warm skin and muscled arms. She nuzzled her face against the firm muscles of his chest, burying her nose in the soft whorls of hair. His scent washed over her, all soap and sex and man. Julie felt his contented sigh against her hair and squeezed him tighter in response.

“Good morning,” she said, coming up on her tiptoes to receive his pineapple-flavored kiss. His hand cupped the back of her head, and she obligingly opened her mouth as he turned what had started as a soft peck into something deeper. She was just about to drag him back to bed when he raised his head.


“Come on, let’s go out on the deck.”

She reluctantly released him and grabbed the bowl of fruit Chris indicated while he carried a tray that held a carafe of coffee, cups, and plates.

Julie caught her breath as she walked through the French doors onto the patio. Situated above the rest of the resort, Chris’s deck offered a two hundred seventy degree view of the bay. The turquoise water looked almost iridescent in the early morning light, and in the distance she could see the outline of Virgin Gorda, several miles away. “This place is amazing,” she breathed as she set the bowl of fruit on the table.

Chris sat in one of the padded teak chairs. She poured herself a cup of coffee and started to sit in the chair next to him, but he caught her around the waist and pulled her onto his lap. “I think you’re amazing,” he murmured.

In about five seconds she was going to melt all over him like butter in the hot sun.

“Really, I mean it,” she said, running her fingertips along the muscled forearm wrapped around her waist. “Holley Cay is fantastic.” She tilted her head back onto his shoulder so she could meet his gaze.

“I’m really proud of you, Chris.”

He bent his head and kissed her softly on her cheek, her nose, and finally her mouth. “Thanks, Jules.” They were silent for several minutes, content to sip their coffee and enjoy the view. Then Julie said,

“Your villa is great, too.”

“Best view on the island,” he murmured.

“It’s much…smaller than I expected,” Julie observed. In truth, when Chris said they were going to his place, Julie had expected him to lead her to one of the huge mansion-sized villas up the hill. Instead he had led her to a small but charming cottage. She hadn’t explored much beyond the bathroom and the bedroom, but her impression was of an airy, comfortable place that perfectly suited Chris’s casual, comfort-seeking personality.

“I live alone,” he replied, reaching forward and selecting a chunk of pineapple to feed her. “It doesn’t make sense for me to take over one of the larger buildings.”

“But what about when you have…guests?” She forced the words around the tart-sweet bite of fruit. Julie hated the note of jealousy that tinged her voice, but suddenly she wondered exactly how many women had enjoyed Chris’s expertise at wielding a massaging showerhead.


“I don’t have them,” Chris said simply, offering her a slice of mango.

The sweet juice bursting over her tongue momentarily distracted her. Was fruit ever this good at home?

“What do you mean, you don’t have them?”

“I mean no one ever stays over. Why should they, when I have guest rooms for one hundred people?”

“Never?” Julie craned her neck around so she could see his face. She found it hard to believe that Chris didn’t host regular sleepovers.

“Not until last night,” he whispered.

Don’t read anything into that,
she warned herself sternly. Last night, vulnerable after several intense orgasms, she’d started to confuse amazing sex with something more. But in the bright light of the morning, everything once again became clear. They were having fun. Satisfying a decade of mutual unrequited lust. Once they got it out of their systems, everything would go back to normal. She would go home, he would stay here, and life as they both knew it would continue, and they’d both have some very happy memories of her idyllic week at the Holley Cay resort.

Chris interrupted her silent self lecture, his mouth closing over hers and stopping all rational thought.

Mango-flavored Chris. Too bad she was leaving in less than a week. She could really get used to this.

I could really get used to this,
Chris thought as he slid his tongue into her mouth. He loved the soft weight of her in his lap, the scent of her, sweet and clean but branded with the smell of him, the scent of sex.

He’d never brought a woman here before. This was his place, his sanctuary. Even though he enjoyed the social elements of his job, it was important to know that he had a place where he could be alone and undisturbed.

When it came to women, he always went to their rooms, so he always had the option to leave if he wanted. More often than not he did. He rarely had the desire to wake up next to a woman. Mornings tended to take the polish off a woman, and Chris preferred to see them in all their well-groomed glory.

He liked his privacy, enjoyed the solitude that the morning offered, and didn’t relish the idea of making friendly chitchat with a virtual stranger right after he woke up.

But Julie wasn’t a stranger. Somehow it felt right, falling asleep with her. So right it had made his stomach clench. She was leaving in just a few days, he’d reminded himself before he’d drifted off, and he had no business mooning over her and fantasizing about a thousand more nights, falling asleep next to her after loving her into exhaustion. But this morning he’d taken one look at her, warm and tousled, PrivateParty

her face buried in a pillow as she slept, and instead of instinctively fleeing for the office, he’d made breakfast. He had tons of work to do, but he’d made breakfast, of all things, because he had no desire to leave her, and he wanted to give her an excuse to stay.

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