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Authors: Cara Carnes

Prince's Fire (11 page)

BOOK: Prince's Fire
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78 Cara Carnes

The other brothers formed a circle around the outer edge of the monument, all of their gazes on either Gitana or the red light bursting upward into the sky.

Fiona walked toward Val and touched his arm. “You knew this had to happen soon, brother.”

Gitana could barely hear his response. “I just wanted to have her to myself a little longer before having to share her with the masses.”

She looked around, surprised by the honest response and the melancholy tone reflected within it. The fact that his sadness made her heart ache stunned her even more. She had begun to care for him. Hope rose within her. He understood her powers, and her concerns.

He shared them. The mutual concerns had bonded them.

Val turned and came toward her, his hands grabbing each side of her head. “Let us go home, v’amarita.”

Home. His home. But what about her home? Her family?

“Val, I wish to find my uncle. Now.”

He sighed. “You have been quite busy, sister.”

“I have the right to know if I have family alive, Val.” She could not believe he would dare say otherwise. Shana was as close a blood relation as she had, but knowing she had a real uncle meant everything to her.

“Yes, you do. But I refuse to let you come to harm by being careless and traipsing across this land looking for him. Do not think for a moment that finding him is more important than your safety.”

“And do not think you can tell me what to do. I was taking care of myself far earlier than any of you had to. I cannot and will not give up my independence just because it might be unsafe.”

“We will discuss this later, Gitana. This is not the place for it.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “It does not matter because my opinion won’t change.”

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The look he gave her made her think twice about that statement. He fully intended to change her mind. She knew it just as clearly as she knew her need for him would not go away.

“Shit, man, we have got to get the fuck out of here already,” Jax said, his gaze on the village. “There’s a shitload of people coming this way.”

“Why would we run from our own people?”

Dar stepped forward. “It will not be safe for you because there are too many people around. As we mentioned before, there is an enemy among us that let the d’kalhik in. Until we find that person, you should stay within the protection of the palace or Paradise.”

Gitana looked at the large crowd of villagers progressing toward them. She didn’t want to be the center of attention, but she knew she was about to be just that. She had lived a quiet, uneventful, and reclusive life, afraid of the very powers she was destined to lead these people with. It was time for her to take control of that destiny. “Good,” she said in an unsteady voice. “Then the enemy will know we will not cower.”

Cal laughed. “I so do not envy you, Val. But this side of her is quite arousing.”

“She’s a little warrioress not ready to do battle,” Van offered.

“Whenever you are ready, let me know.” She stepped closer to Van and stared into his eyes as she held up her hands. “I’m ready to break a few nails if I have to, and I refuse to be hidden behind your brother. You yourself said I needed to stand beside him and fight.”

A tinge of amusement crossed Van’s face briefly, but it was quickly masked. “The only good you could do right now is putting that hot mouth of yours to use on my brother.”

She slapped him. The momentary satisfaction did little to stop the boiling rage inside of her. How could Val’s twin be so hateful and crude?

Val threw up his hands. “Enough, you two. I will not have this in front of our people.

You both drive me to distraction with this constant bickering.”

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A dull ache radiated through her bones, and she looked around at the others, seeing that they had felt it as well. The faint throbbing had begun at the base of her neck and crept its way down her spine. “What was that?”

Fiona looked at her, the concern on her face. “Someone has activated the dampening fields.”

“What are those?” Shana asked, huddling closer to Lucian as a crowd of villagers formed around them.

“They prevent us from using our teleporting powers,” Val said.

“Who would activate those?”

“For such a courageous girl, Gitana, you really are a twit sometimes.” She spun around to see Taro standing there beside her.

“I thought people couldn’t do that.”

“I’m immune from it,” Taro replied.

Val stood in front of her. “What are you doing here?”

“I was going to pop in and offer to get your chosen one out of here, but I can leave.”

Dar cleared his throat. She watched as Val turned, his face drawn, and his brow creased. That always seemed to happen when he argued mentally with his brothers, which had been a frequent occurrence since beginning her training with Van.

Val turned and kissed her softly on the forehead. Looking at Taro, he said, “We are in your debt for this.”

Taro grabbed her arm. She tried to push him away but he only laughed and seized her more fiercely, pressing her against his body as he put an arm around her. “I will take her to Paradise. It will be safer for her to remain there until you find your enemy.”

“Tell this man to unhand me,” she said to Val. “I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here with you and your brothers and speak to the people.”

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The look of anguish on Val’s face made her heart stop. “I cannot protect you out in the open because the chance of a villager getting harmed is too great. Until we know who the betrayer is, you will remain in Paradise under our protection. That is the way it must be, Gitana.”

Before she could argue, she found herself standing in a room that closely resembled an office. Taro perched his hips against the desk behind him and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Sit down, Gitana, because we probably have a long wait ahead of us.”

“I don’t understand you. Why?” She glared at the man and began to pace the small room. It wasn’t in her nature to back down, and she felt like she was hiding.

“Why what? Why did I not accept Val’s call to final judgment and chose to hide it instead, or why did I pull your ass out of that foolishness you created?” A grin spread across his face. If the man didn’t infuriate her so much, she would have to admit his attractiveness.

“Both, since we have so much time on our hands.”

“Do not hate me, princess.”

“Do not call me that.”

“Very well then. Val prematurely invoked the power of the gods, just as you erred by calling upon the power to alter the pillar. Mistakes happen. So I merely evened out the odds a tad and gave you both another chance.”

“Mistakes happen?” The man defined vague. If he hadn’t interfered, Val would be dead.

Yet he sat here in front of her as if Val had simply forgotten her birthday.

Taro smiled at her. “It must be hard to keep it from him.”

“It is.” Each time Val drew her into his arms she remembered that day, wishing she could share what had happened.

“Val’s a good leader.”

“Is that why you helped him?”

“I have my reasons,” Taro added.

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She shook her head. Yes, the man definitely defined vague.

* * * * *

“Why did you have to be so foolish, Gitana?” Val asked as he walked in a circle. She glanced around the room again. Val had called it simply the cadana room, whatever the hell that meant.

The spacious interior was sparsely adorned with swords crossed along one wall, a small light of some sort flickered on a stand near a window. The same chaise style seating lined one wall, and a large table made of a dark substance resembling wood sat in one of the corners.

She wished she had a good answer for his question. The vile sentient pads Val had placed on her nipples and clit claimed her full attention. All she could think about was having his cock buried deep inside of her. He had tricked her into this position. The husky words he whispered had promised immense pleasure in taking turns surrendering to one another. Fool that she was, she had agreed to go first.

She couldn’t be angry with him though. The punishment was exacted because he cared; he had been worried. Grudgingly she had to admit that it had been wrong to leave the palace and not tell him. Especially with an unknown enemy lurking.

And, sweet heavens, part of her was enjoying this far too much. Surrendering to a man hadn’t been a fantasy of hers, but something about being at Val’s mercy brought out her wild side. She wanted to be here, needed to be the weak one. Having to be the strong, confident, decisive person all the time was tiring.

“Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?”

He pinched and twisted her nipples until she emitted a sharp gasp. A pool of moisture nestled between her legs, and she sighed in relief when his fingers grazed her damp slit.

She’d give anything to have them plunge into her right now, even just for a brief moment.

Surely he would.

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He didn’t.

She growled in frustration when he pulled his hand away and walked behind her. “I should be whipping this tight little ass of yours right now, but I didn’t want that type of relationship for us, v’amarita. I was hoping to treat you as my equal. I didn’t intend on punishing my mate in such a way. How could I expect you to trust me if I did?” Val asked, his fingers sliding down her throat.

She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to be here, with her nipples and clit throbbing in need. She was tired of being helpless and wanted it to end. “Please don’t do this, Val.”

“I must,” his voice caressed her throat, sending tendrils of awareness trickling down her spine. “This pains me more than it does you, but I can’t have everyone think I’m weak.

Those who err are punished, regardless of their station.”

Gitana would normally admire that fact. It brought a sense of pride in her that her people believed in equality. Since she was the one being punished, a small part of her wasn’t prepared to admit it made sense.

“I didn’t mean to put anyone in danger.”

“I know, v’amarita. But you did, and it can never happen again. Some things must be decided together as the leaders of Mysk. I cherish your spirit, but we need to keep that headstrong will away from matters of the people, Gitana.”

“Take them off please, Val. I’m sorry, I’ve learned my lesson.”

“No, v’amarita, you haven’t yet. But you are about to,” Val said, the sad tone in his voice making her dread what was about to happen.

She jumped when the first smack landed on her ass and moaned in delight when he rubbed it after the fifth firm hit. His pleading voice was breaking her resolve. “What is it that you are hiding from me? What happened the day you and I met?”

“I…I can’t tell you.”

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“Why the hell not?”

“If I told you that, you’d be able to figure it out.”

Val chuckled and trailed his hands across her hips and up her arms. “You are too sharp for your own good. I see this is going to get me nowhere, is it?”

“It’s gotten me wanting you inside of me. That should be worth something.”

Val shook his head. “Lucian would be ashamed of how easily I gave in and stopped this.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and released the restraints with his other hand.

“I’ll never tell.” Something about the way he held her close to his body when he lifted her into his arms made her feel treasured. The way his eyes sparkled when she flirted sent shivers of anticipation through her.

She loved being able to be herself around him. Not having to hide her powers or her emotions around him was more liberating than she could have imagined. The compassionate look in his eyes when he didn’t think she was watching tugged at her heart.

Even the fighter in her that vowed never to allow anyone to get close was beginning to see how good he was for her, how wonderful it felt to be cherished by someone.

“Take me to our hut. I can show you exactly how grateful I am that you let me go, and how sorry I am that I didn’t speak with you first about the pillar.”

She moaned when she looked around and saw they had moved to the hut. “I really need to learn how to do that.”

“In time you will, v’amarita.” Val smiled at her, his lips grazing hers. “Perhaps we both learned something from this after all.”

Gitana smirked. “What could you have possibly learned?”

“That I love the feel of your heated skin under my palm, and that I don’t have to be unbending to get you on my side.”

“Well, let’s find out if we can learn something else,” she whispered as he laid her on the soft fur bedding.

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“Why? Do you not wish to stay in the palace?”

“This feels like our own private paradise. Here, it’s just you and I and the hunger we have for one another.”

He growled then kissed her. She taunted him with her tongue while her hands slid down his body. She pinched his nipples and laughed against his mouth when he feigned a whimper.

“You did it to me. Now I get to do it to you.”

“Oh, really?” His mouth trailed a path across her heated skin, down her neck, and to the swell of her breasts. “So you’d do something like this?”

“Yes,” she breathed, running her hands through his thick hair. “Definitely.”

“I know I love this.” His mouth clasped a hardened nipple and sucked it greedily, his teeth sliding against it gently.

“Yes, that’s nice.” She could barely breathe, her pulse pounded in her ears. Liquid heat pooled between her parted thighs. She needed him inside of her. “You feel good. I love the way it feels when your powers surge and collide with mine.”

Val thrust into her, his words pained and punctuated. “You drive me wild with wanting you.”

Gitana cried out, tears welling in her eyes at the honest admission. “Me too.”

Fingers slid across her skin, his mouth captured hers. His kiss was tender and slow, his thrusts deep and commanding. Waves of heat coursed through her body, but she didn’t worry. For the first time, she knew it was okay.

BOOK: Prince's Fire
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