Authors: Susan Mallery


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When he reached the last button, he pulled her shirt free of the waistband of her jeans and pushed it open. Still kissing her, he moved his right hand behind her back and reached for her bra. She felt his fingers fumble with the hook. The elastic stretched as he wrestled with the small fasteners. She was torn between letting him try to get it open and offering to help.

He drew back. "Just so you know I wasn't lying about being out of practice."

There was something almost vulnerable in his eyes. Something that drew her in as no practiced, smooth move would have done. Without thinking, she unzipped her jeans, then took his hand and placed it on her belly. She urged him to move deeper,
gasped as his fingers touched her curls and her damp center.

"Just so
know I really want you."

His gaze locked with hers. Something powerful and electric crackled between them. "You have no idea what you're doing to me, Dana," he said, his voice thick with passion.

He rolled onto his back, drawing her up on top of him. From that position it was easy for him to undo the hooks. Together they pulled off her shirt and bra. He put his hands on her waist and urged her to slide along him until her breasts were directly over his mouth.

She was about to protest the awkward position, when his mouth closed over her already taut nipple. Liquid heat raced through her as her whole body focused on the single point of perfect pleasure. She braced herself with her hands, pushing against the mattress so that she could stay there for always. She wanted him to keep touching her like that, his tongue circling the sensitive peaks, his lips drawing her in and sucking. When he switched to her other breast, she had to bite back a cry of pure enjoyment. She moved her hands so she could stroke his head, all the while murmuring his name.

He shifted, rolling them onto their sides. Once there, he traced a line from her forehead, down her nose, ending at her mouth. Then he outlined her lips with the tip of his finger. The tender gesture nearly brought tears to her eyes.

"You're doing everything perfectly," she told him.

"Yeah?" His smile was boyish, half proud, half embarrassed. "Good. I want to."

This was a side of Trevor she didn't know. The physically perfect, always together man was gone and in his place was someone … normal. She could resist the paragon, but not the possibility of a real, nearly everyday kind of man.

She kissed him. First on the lips, then on his cheek and his nose. Stubble darkened his face and rasped against her tongue. She liked the taste of him. And his scent and everything else about him.

When he tugged at her jeans and panties, she raised her hips to help him. They still lay on their sides, with one of her legs bent and up against his hip. He completed a lazy pattern, tracing a circle from her shoulder, along her side to her hips, then crossing down her thigh, gently rubbing against that secret place between her legs, moving up her belly to her breasts, ending back at her shoulder.

They stared into each other's eyes while he did this. She tried not to notice the journey was taking longer and longer as he spent more time exploring her feminine place. Finally, he slowly inserted one finger inside her. She felt herself convulse around him. They both sucked in their breath.

"You're a little overdressed," she told him as she tugged on the collar of his shirt. While she was naked, he was completely clothed.

"I know, but
better this way. I'm afraid if you even look at me, I'll explode."

She touched the tip of his nose. "I
looking at you."

"I'm not worried about you staring at my face."

"Why not? It's a very nice face."

"I'm glad you think so."

"I do. Very much."

His fingers slipped down her thigh, and once again it became difficult for her to talk. He found the core of her and circled that place. Her body rocked with the rhythm he created; her breathing increased; her eyes closed. Every part of her focused on that one sweet spot.

He moved slowly, carefully, occasionally dipping inside her. She found herself tensing, wanting to rush the process. She forced herself to hold back, to let him set the pace.

Trevor couldn't believe what was happening—that Dana was in his bed, letting him make love with her. She was more beautiful than he remembered. Time had rounded her curves and added spice to her personality. Before, in high school, she'd showed promise. Now she was all that promise fulfilled and more. So much more.

Her body trembled against his. He moved slowly, wanting her to enjoy the journey as much as he. She was obviously ready for whatever they would do. He continued to circle around that tiny spot of pleasure, occasionally brushing over it, then moving lower and torturing himself by entering the place that would soon provide his own release. Assuming he didn't lose it completely.

He grinned, knowing it was embarrassing as hell for a man his age to be worried about reacting like a seventeen-year-old. Her breath caught and he returned his attention to her. A flush started on her chest and moved up to her face. Her fingers clutched at the bedspread under them, her hips thrust forward and back in a rhythm as old as biology.

He wanted her to find her release. He wanted to be the one to provide it. As he started to move faster, her body strained toward his. She opened her eyes, but her gaze was unfocused. Her mouth parted. He leaned forward to kiss her. She drew him in, sucking hard on his tongue. At the same time, he brushed over that aroused spot.

She cried out and shuddered. Keeping his thumb circling around her, he dipped a finger inside and felt the rapid contractions signaling her release. He stroked her there, too, moving in and out in counterpoint.

The release went on for several seconds. Finally, when she relaxed, he lightened his touch,
drew his hand away. She broke the kiss and stared at him.

"Wow," she murmured. "I mean … wow."

Pride filled him. "I'm glad you liked it."

"'Like' doesn't exactly describe the experience."


"No, it was better than good," she teased.

He grinned. "Okay, how about extraordinary?"

"Hmm, closer. I'm not sure I can put it into words." She pressed her face into his chest. "Hold me, Trevor."

He wrapped his arms around her and drew her close. This was right, he told himself. Having Dana next to him, her body still warm and trembling from their lovemaking. He could do this for a long time and not grow tired of being with her.

After a few minutes she reached for the buttons on his shirt. "I assume
okay for me to look at you now," she said.

His arousal flexed painfully. "I wouldn't complain."


"Oh, I think it's going to be better than good."

She chuckled. "How about extraordinary?"


With his help, she removed his clothes. While she pulled back the bedspread and climbed between the sheets, he found a condom in the nightstand and slipped it on. Then he knelt between her thighs and looked at her.

Contentment added to her beauty. Blue eyes gazed at him; a smile tugged at her lips. Her short hair was tousled and unbelievably sexy. He could feel the pressure building.

"I'm afraid this isn't going to take very long," he told her.

"I left my stopwatch at home, so you're safe."

She placed her hand on the back of his neck and drew him down. With her lips nearly pressed against his she said, "I suspect this isn't going to be your only performance of the night."

He slid into her welcoming warmth and groaned in contentment. Nothing had ever felt so good … or so right.

"Want to bet on that?" he asked as he withdrew, only to thrust in again.

"Sure. Name your wager. I know I'm going to win."

The pressure increased as he pulled out and slipped in again. "I believe this is what Shelly would call a win-win situation."

Dana cupped his cheeks and smiled. "Just do it, Trevor. You can dazzle me with style later."

"If you insist."

"I do."

As he buried himself in her, he reminded himself it was terribly rude to ignore a lady's direct request. And then he couldn't think of anything except how much he wanted her and needed her. And then he couldn't think at all.

Dana opened her eyes to find sunlight streaming in through the window. She rolled over and realized she didn't know where she was.

Something about the hotel room was familiar. She blinked and then it all came back. The rainstorm, Shelly giving birth, the celebration afterward, the lovemaking.

She sat upright and glanced around frantically. Love-making? She and Trevor had… "What was I thinking?" she muttered,
knew the answer to that question. She hadn't been thinking at all. That was the point. And now she would pay the price.

She knew better. Trevor wasn't the kind of man to be interested in anything but a short-term affair. He didn't believe in happily ever after. Even if he did, even if a miracle occurred and he thought he wanted her, she couldn't get involved with him. It wasn't just because he was the object of desire for every woman on the planet. He was also a doctor and she knew better than to get serious about someone like that.

But telling
all the logical reasons it would never work didn't stop her from wanting the dream to be true. If only—
many times had she whispered that in her life? If only her mother had found someone. If only they hadn't been so poor. If only Trevor hadn't talked about their night together. If only it could have been different … then and now.

Sound intruded and she cocked her head, trying to figure out what it was and where it was coming from. The shower. He must be in the shower, which meant if she worked quickly, she might have time to escape.

Dana climbed out of bed and searched for her clothes, which were scattered on the floor. Despite her need to leave his room before he realized she was awake, she had to stop and smile. Last night had been amazing. As she bent to pick up her bra she remembered how he'd fumbled with the hook and eye closure at the back. Images filled her mind of all the times they'd made love.

He'd told her he hadn't been with anyone since he and his wife had split up. At first she hadn't been sure she could believe him, but as the night wore on, she knew he'd told the truth. He'd been so tender and sensitive to her needs, but also very
to be with her. And he'd certainly had the recovery time of a man who hadn't—

She broke off the thought when she realized she was blushing. But it was impossible not to remember how he'd reached for her in the night, how he'd drawn her close, touching and stroking her until she was ready, until her body had welcomed him as he'd entered her and made her climax again and again.

The sound of water stopped suddenly. Dana sprang into action, first collecting her clothes, then starting to pull them on. But she was still minus her shirt when Trevor stepped out of the bathroom.

They'd been intimate many times the previous night, and for most of them the lights had been on. So she should be familiar with his body. Or at least immune. But the sight of him, naked except for the white towel wrapped around his waist, made her knees go weak. Broad shoulders; the pattern of hair on his chest; long, powerful arms and legs; tanned skin. How was she supposed to resist this?

"You're awake," he said as he walked toward her. "Gee, and I was hoping to climb in bed and cuddle some more."

He pulled her close and hugged her. She told herself to resist, that this was all a mistake, but he was too tempting. He smelled of soap and himself. She could no more turn away than she could stop breathing. But she had to be strong. If she didn't, she was going to get her heart broken again. This time there was a lot more on the line and she would find it harder to recover.

With that in mind, she stepped back. A lock of damp hair fell across his forehead. Dana had to physically turn her back on him to keep from smoothing it in place. This was going to be more difficult than she'd first thought.

She pulled on her shirt and fastened the buttons. Only when she was completely covered did she turn around to face him.

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