Primal Passion (3 page)

Read Primal Passion Online

Authors: Mari Carr

Tags: #Suspense, #Contemporary, #erotic romance, #billionaire, #fbi, #Arranged marriage, #menage a trois, #graphic sex, #triad

BOOK: Primal Passion
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Price glanced at his watch and gave her a
rueful grin. “There really isn’t time.”

“I know.” She pushed a stray piece of hair
behind her ear. “How bad do I look?”

Rather than reply, he reached up and released
her hair, allowing it to fall over her shoulders. Then he handed
her something. “I’d suggest losing the pencils.”

She glanced down and laughed as he placed the
number twos in her palm. “God. They’re going to hate me.”

He frowned. “No. I don’t think it’s possible
for anyone to hate you.”

Deni bit her lower lip. Though his words were
perfectly kind—actually it was one of the nicest compliments she’d
ever received—she still couldn’t tell if he was sincere. He had a
killer poker face. His sweet words didn’t seem to match his stern
expression. Of course, it didn’t help that he was huge and
intimidating. She wasn’t particularly tall. She purchased most of
her clothing in the petite section. Price towered over her.

She turned to watch the people on the street,
smiling as a young boy tugged on his mother’s hand and pointed to
the limo. She glanced at the interior again, wondering what Price
did that allowed him to travel in such style. She was tempted to
ask for a glass of wine from the mini-bar. Though she didn’t
normally drink, she thought a couple belts of something alcoholic
could only help her present state.

When she combined his size with his scowl,
his dark, penetrating gaze, his deep voice and the fact she was
trying not to freak out about where they were headed, it occurred
to her this limo ride was wasted on her. She wasn’t appreciating
the luxury.

She started running her fingers through her
hair, trying to tame the mass of tangles as much as possible.

“There will be a mirror in the dressing room.
You’ll have a few minutes to fix yourself up. You remember that
you’re supposed to undress before donning the robe, right?”

Her mouth fell open. “What?”

Price sighed. “It is customary for the three
participants to be introduced and then shed their robes. It
symbolizes that you come to your partners with no secrets, nothing
to hide. Most keep their underwear on during the introduction, but
for the formal binding ceremony a month from now, you will be

Deni grasped her stomach and leaned forward.
The sudden alarm on Price’s face let her know she looked as bad as
she felt. He pressed his hand on the back of her neck, directing
her head toward her knees.

“Start breathing again. In through your nose,
out from your mouth.”

She followed his directions, focusing all her
energy on not getting sick. She knew what he said was true. She’d
read the fine print when she had signed her name on the dotted
line. Unfortunately, she had somehow managed to forget that part.
Or had she suppressed it?

She was an only child and a virgin with more
than a healthy dose of shyness. Her mind raced to recall if anyone
besides her mother had ever seen her naked. Her mother hadn’t even
seen her without clothes on since she’d hit puberty.


She closed her eyes tightly, trying to ignore
the fact the car had stopped.

Price repeated her name. She sat up slowly,
trying to find something to focus on. Her gaze landed on Price’s

“We’re here.”

She nodded once, unable to respond. Somewhere
along the line, her lips had gone numb.

Price ran his hands through her hair, pushing
it away from her face. Then, to her surprise, he began fixing it.
“You have very pretty hair.”

“Thank you.”

It was an inane conversation, but somehow
Price’s strength, his steady hands reassured her.

She could do this. She had to. There was no
backing out of the Trinity Masters. Members who did so met with
ruin, sometimes even death. She’d heard the stories of those who’d
broken the rules, ignored their vows. She’d never failed at
anything in her life. Hell, she’d never even gotten a B plus.

Deni felt like a fool for falling apart in
front of him. She had become a creature of habit, too ingrained in
her daily routine, her work. She had forgotten how to adapt.

“I’m okay now. I can do this.”

Price studied her face and then nodded. “Yes.
I think you can.”

The driver opened the door. Deni grabbed her
messenger bag and threw it over her shoulder, surprised when Price
got out of the vehicle as well.

“You don’t have to walk me in. I know where
I’m going.” Then she smiled. “I won’t run. Promise.”

“I’ve been directed to escort you all the
way. That’s what I’m going to do.”

“Suit yourself.” Deni shrugged and headed to
the elevator. Neither she nor Price spoke as they rode to the top
level. Deni tried to focus all her energy on preparing for what was
coming. Inside the rare-books room, she walked directly to the
triangle cut into the plaster on the back wall. She ran her finger
along the inscription, “Mitimur in Vetitum.”

“We strive for the forbidden.” She remembered
how exciting that had seemed to her in the beginning. She’d been
the model child and student all her life. The idea that she might
partake in something illicit had spoken to her more than she cared
to admit.

She pushed on the triangle and a hidden door
slid open. Price followed her into the small closet-like space.
She’d never been in the tiny room with another person. It was a
tight fit.

Price pointed to the rows of boxes on the
wall. “The message said you were to open box forty-one.”

She nodded and pushed on the number. Reaching
in, she withdrew a note and a key.

You’ll find your robe in room B. Right-hand

Wait until you hear the bell.

Grand Master

She started for the secret elevator, turning
back when Price opened a box as well.

“What did you get?”

He narrowed his eyes at her nosiness. “None
of your business.” He placed an envelope in the pocket of his
jacket and gestured for her to keep moving.

The second elevator wasn’t open to the
general public. In fact, she’d venture to guess there were very few
library employees who even knew of its existence.

When the doors opened, she stepped out. She’d
walked along these hallways many times in the past, but she’d never
traveled down the right corridor. The left led to the group
dressing rooms, fancy spa-like accommodations where members could
put on their robes before ceremonies.

She turned down the unfamiliar hallway and
stopped outside room B. “I guess this is me.”

“Good luck, Denise.”

She gave him an appreciative smile. In his
own gruff way, he had helped her today, kept her somewhat calm,
gotten her here in one piece. “Thanks for the ride, Price.”

He nodded once and then walked away.

Deni took a deep breath and entered the
dressing room.

My future starts today.



Chapter Two


Price walked away from Denise feeling equal
parts relieved to be rid of her and worried that he should go back
to make sure she was okay. He now understood the Grand Master’s
insistence that she be escorted to the ceremony. The woman was
unlike any Trinity Master he’d ever met.

Their society was one of intelligent,
self-assured, powerful people. Though obviously brilliant, given
her fast track through the educational system, Denise didn’t fit
any of the other molds. She was unorganized, nervous and
inexperienced. His head was still reeling over her virginity
confession. Her partners would have their hands full with her.
Fortunately for him, his association with Denise Parker was

Price reached into his pocket and pulled out
his so-called reward. He grinned. After the afternoon he’d just
endured, the Grand Master better have sprung for passes to scuba
dive in protected waters.

Reaching inside, he discovered a letter. One
very similar to the message he’d just delivered to…

No. Fuck, no.

Price crumpled up the sheet of paper and
shook his head. This was a joke. It had to be.

Glancing down the corridor, he waited. For
what? For someone to jump out and yell gotcha?

The hallway was eerily quiet. He opened his
fist and looked at the note once more.

You’ll find your robe in room A. Right-hand

Wait until you hear the bell.

Grand Master

That was it? He’d offered nearly a decade of
friendship to the Grand Master only to receive this summons. No
warning. No consideration of what Price might want from his
prospective partners. Jesus. He sure as hell didn’t want Denise

The tiny woman was a mess.

Price looked at his watch. He had five
minutes until the bell would ring. Five minutes until his life went
off-track. The Grand Master had timed it this way on purpose. He’d
known Price would attempt to find a way out of this partnership if
given the time. Now…

He walked slowly toward room A, recalling his
conversation with the Grand Master this morning. Price had pledged
his loyalty to the Trinity Masters and to their leader.

This rule was absolute. Members were placed
in threesomes and the commitment to that triad was unbreakable.
Permanent. Even so, Price struggled to understand what benefit to
society could sprout from a marriage between him and the tiny
scientist. Their lives, their skill sets were as different as mud
and chocolate. This didn’t make sense.

He sighed. The Grand Master had commanded him
to be here, and Price had no choice but to obey. To leave would be
tantamount to signing his own death warrant. He swallowed his pride
as he stood outside the dressing room. Glancing down the hall, he
only had a moment to think, “who’s behind door C?” before he
entered and began to undress.

The bell rang just as Price pulled up the
hood of his black robe. He walked into the ceremony room,
resentment growing with every step. The walls of the room were cast
in shadows, the lighting focused on the bronze medallion of the
Trinity Masters’ symbol set into the floor. Three chairs surrounded
the circle.

Price watched Denise emerge somewhat timidly
from her dressing room, dressed in a long white robe. Then a third
person, a man, given the black robe, appeared.

Price’s anger returned full-force. He’d been
partnered with Denise and another man. He clenched his fists,
fighting the instinct to find where the Grand Master stood in the
shadows and beat the shit out of the man. He’d expected the
introduction ceremony to be one of the best days of his life.

Now, he felt like a man facing his execution,
waiting for the hoods to drop and the noose to tighten around his

They each took their seats as the Grand
Master appeared. Though Price’s face was hidden beneath the hood,
he kept his eyes on his leader, willing his so-called friend to
understand what he thought of this betrayal.

The Grand Master raised his hands.

Denise and the other man replied with a
reverent, “Grand Master,” but Price remained silent.

“When you joined the Trinity Masters, you
made a vow. You pledged your lives to our cause and our traditions.
The time has come for you to meet your partners, your lovers, your
spouses. When I call your name, stand and remove your robe.”

Price looked toward Denise, understanding
exactly how much she dreaded this part. How would she feel when she
realized he was one of the men with her? He had sensed she was just
a bit afraid of him, and he’d done precious little to alleviate
that fear.

“Denise Parker.” The Grand Master went
straight for the jugular, forcing Denise to go first. Price was
tempted to rise and throw off his robe first, in hopes of making it
easier for her. To do so was to invite disaster. The Grand Master
didn’t forgive slights, no matter how small.

Denise stood and pulled down her hood. There
was a sharp inhalation from the other man, so Price turned his
attention to the one unknown in the room. From his reaction, Price
couldn’t tell if the man was horrified or captivated by Denise.
While she wasn’t what Price would call a raving beauty, Denise was
definitely pretty. She appeared to have found a brush and some
makeup in the dressing room, as her long blonde hair now lay soft
against her shoulders, the tangles tamed. She’d also outlined her
eyes, drawing his attention to them for the first time. They were
the brightest blue he’d ever seen. Maybe he’d been wrong. Without
her safety goggles and the pencils in her hair, his tiny scientist
was beautiful.


God. Had he already begun to accept she
belonged to him?

Denise’s hands shook uncontrollably as she
tackled the hooks on her robe. Price was about to help her when the
Grand Master reached out. He grasped her hand and gave it a slight
squeeze. Price heard him whisper, “It’s okay,” before releasing her
once more to finish her task. Once the robe was unfastened, Denise
stiffened her shoulders and pulled the material away.

Fuck him.

The lab coat and baggy T-shirt had hidden far
too much. His first order of business would be to buy his new wife
clothing that accentuated her sexy figure. Even in her plain cotton
panties and bra, she was breathtaking. He’d always considered
himself a leg man, but Denise’s hourglass shape, her large breasts
and wide hips had him reconsidering that position. A man could lose
himself forever in her luscious curves.

Before his lustful thoughts could take root,
the Grand Master spoke again.

“Price Bennett.”

He heard Denise whisper, “No,” as he rose. He
threw off his hood and robe, his anger returning as he glared at
the Grand Master. If he’d understood what his true role today was,
he would have tried to make a better impression, ease Denise into
the situation. As it was, the Grand Master had put him at a
distinct disadvantage.

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