Primal Impulse (Xtreme Edition) (9 page)

Read Primal Impulse (Xtreme Edition) Online

Authors: James Johnson

Tags: #romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: Primal Impulse (Xtreme Edition)
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“Oh, Steven…honey,” whispered Jena. “I want you so much. Thank you for coming back into my life.”

“Thank you, baby,” said Steven. He looked deep into her eyes.

“I never knew,” uttered Jena, “that it could be like this…this feeling.”

“I know, baby,” Steven said softly. “I’m going through the same emotions as you right now.”

A tear fell from Jena’s eye. “So many years we wasted without each other—years we can never get back.”

“That’s not the way to look at it,” said Steven. “Come on, baby. Look at the present. We are
. We are
. We are together.”

Both were silent for a long moment. Finally Steven spoke.

“Hey, let’s do this. Why don’t we have a slice of pizza and catch up on those missing years. We can tell each other what we’ve done the past two decades.”

“Yeah, okay,” Jena said with a soft laugh, “if I can keep my hands off of you long enough to eat. I am hungry though.”

“Good,” said Steven. “Me too. I haven’t had anything to eat since lunch—and the pizza smells great. I’ll open a bottle of this wine too if you don’t mind.”

Jena grabbed a couple of plates and glasses from the kitchen. She served up two slices as Steven poured the wine.

“The pizza’s still hot,” said Steven. “It looks fantastic. Veggie is my favorite.”

Jena held up her glass of wine. “Here’s to fate bringing us together. I’m still in a dream state. I can’t believe it. Here’s to us!”

They tapped their glasses together. Both took a long drink.

“Oh, that’s good,” said Jena. “It’s better than it normally tastes. That’s

Steven smiled. “Hey, you gotta remember I work for a major wine retailer. Wine…and beer…need to be treated with respect. This wine’s been handled gently, kept from light and extreme temperatures, and shown love and appreciation. Now it’s giving back to us.”

Jena’s eyes flashed a brilliant green. “Kinda like us humans, huh?”

“I would say that’s a good analogy,” answered Steven. He took a bite of the pizza.

“Oh Jena, you’re right. The pizza is excellent. James Café is my kind of place.”

“Okay,” said Jena. “Enough about pizza and wine. I’m curious about your life.”

“Just as I’m curious about yours,” echoed Steven.

“I asked first. Come on, mystery man. Tell me about the last twenty years.”

Steven hesitated. “Alright, you asked for it. What do you want first, the good or the bad or the ugly?”

Jena leaned back in her seat and placed one leg over his knee. Steven watched her do that thing with her hair, pulling it behind one ear. She looked so relaxed and happy…and so damn sexy.

“Oh, Steven, I haven’t changed a whole lot since we hung out. You know what I want. Give me the ugly first.”

“Okay,” said Steven. “Let me go back.”

Jena then saw “the look.” Steven got it when he slipped away into his own little world. There were the faraway eyes and the undecipherable half-smile. Yes, she remembered as if it were yesterday. A handful of times in the past she had witnessed it. She and Shelly never ceased to be amazed when Steven took off into himself.

Steven’s eyes spoke of mystery, adventure and sensuality. They exposed the raw underbelly of his nomadic nature. Behind that ambiguous stare lay the secrets of his soul. It was determination and lust for life. It was a burning intelligence that couldn’t be cornered. It was stubbornness and honesty and a mixed bag of human complexities. It was a quirky madness that few understood. It was the uniqueness that was Steven.

Steven had an insatiable curiosity, an innate drive to explore the unknown. He had always been that way, sort of living on the edge. There was an element of recklessness that was both exciting and dangerous. There was also a genuine, sweet innocence about him that was spellbinding. Most people didn’t begin to understand him.

More than anything else “the look” revealed his sensuous side. It exposed a longing to touch and be touched. All one had to do was look past the thin layer of shyness to see what resided underneath. Nothing gave him more pleasure than giving pleasure.

Steven wore his carnal desires such as to tease. He was a genuine romantic who, without realizing it, captivated women with his spellbinding manner. He just naturally tapped into the female psyche, capturing their hearts and freeing their most primitive desires. Steven was real and he was hot. And he
the taste of a woman.

Chapter 13

ena didn’t even pretend to understand the total Steven. All she knew was that he was irresistible to her. Over the course of 24 hours, or was it twenty years, she had fallen in love with him. She was absolutely consumed by this incredibly fascinating man. Nothing else mattered. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She wanted to share life’s ups and downs with the man she loved. She wanted to share herself with him, give herself to him in every capacity. She wanted to make love to her most sensuous man all day, every day.

Steven laid a hand upon her thigh. He gently stroked it as he began to speak.

“Jena, I guess about the craziest thing that’s ever happened to me was the Venezuelan incident. Are you sure you want to hear it?”

“Of course I do,” answered Jena. “Now you’ve got my curiosity aroused.”

Jena was getting turned on listening to him speak. She knew his stories would be exciting. Not to mention the fact that his hand had slipped a little higher up her thigh. She could feel that early tingling sensation that would soon overtake her.

“Well,” said Steven, “This goes back a few years. I was between marriages and going a little crazy. I’d been staying on this island off the coast of Venezuela for about a month. I don’t really even know why I was there. I just liked the dirt-cheap accommodations, the fresh fish, and yes, I did have a girlfriend there.”

“Lucky girl,” Jena said with a laugh. Her body tingled as Steven’s magic fingers caressed the inside of her thigh. It seemed to be an unconscious act for him.

Steven continued. “Anyway, there was a local islander whom I’d become friends with. He would occasionally take me fishing on his boat. Now this boat was small and old. I mean
old. Are you still with me, baby?”

Jena had closed her eyes. She was totally absorbed in his story, but she was also enjoying the progress of his thigh massage. She was sure he had now realized she was naked underneath her dress. She had spread her legs just enough for him to creep higher. He was now ever-so-gently brushing over her short pubic hairs with his thumb. He was making sure
to touch her body, only the hair. Such a tease!

“Yes,” answered Jena without opening her eyes. “I’m listening to every word.”

Jena spread a little wider. Steven could feel the heat flowing from her pussy. He placed the palm of his hand over her, still only grazing over her hairs. He heard her moan slightly.

“So we’re out there on this tiny dilapidated boat when a storm rolls in—a big one. Our boat fills with water. We’re shoveling it out as fast as we can, but it’s basically futile. For the first time in my life I was really scared. I thought I would die.”

“Oh, that’s terrible,” said Jena, her eyes still closed. She really was enjoying tales of his travels. Part of her wanted him to continue with the story, while another part wished he would plunge his fingers into her. She could cum right now. That’s the effect he had on her.

Steven was well aware of Jena’s aroused state. He decided to up it a level. He gently reached under one thigh and placed her leg on the table. He pulled her dress up above her hips. The pace of her breathing instantly increased.

Jena was now spread wide open for him. The late afternoon sun shined bright through the window. It beamed directly upon her gorgeous pussy, highlighting the centerpiece of this fantastically sexy girl. Her perfect little outer lips glistened with the moisture from within. He could see her beautiful clit throbbing with the need. Still he hadn’t touched her.

Stephen then gently placed a finger in Jena’s mouth. Her eyes remained closed. She moaned as she gently wrapped her tongue around his finger. Steven then removed it and teasingly circled her belly button with his wet finger, before moving downward, stopping just short of her clit. Then he removed his hand. Jena arched her midsection upwards. There would be no relief—not yet. Torturously he continued his story.

“After about an hour we’re literally a minute away from capsizing. Both of us are praying. At the very moment the boat rolls over we catch a glimpse of another boat, a big boat. They see us also. We have a chance of being rescued. Now we’re in the sea struggling to survive. We swim over beside the boat and they throw out a rope for us. We climb aboard the boat and we’re so happy. We’re alive! Then we realize there’s another problem.”

Jena was now squirming in her seat. She absolutely loved this whole sensual experience, but she wanted to cum so badly. All she needed was a touch. Just a touch on her clit and she could release some of her pent-up sexual energy. Steven felt for her, but he wasn’t ready to grant her a release yet. His sexy baby would have to wait a little longer.

“So the problem is this—the boat is packed with bales of marijuana. We soon found out there were eighteen tons of the stuff onboard. What are we supposed to do? Jumping off the boat and drowning wasn’t a good option.”

Now Steven was becoming intensely aroused. His little sensual game was getting to him too. The sight of Jena’s delicious pussy was making him crazy. It was so beautiful. The sunlight exposed it so perfectly. He could see it spontaneously quiver with every breath she took. His cock was stiff and hard. He was

Without forethought Steven very gently put his hands on each side of Jena’s pussy. Her body jerked in anticipation.

“Oh, God…oh God,” Jena moaned. Her eyes remained closed.

Steven had to be careful. He didn’t want her to cum yet. And now he was well aware how easily she could climax. Steven very slowly pried back the outer lips of her now soaked pussy. He spread her open as much as he could without her feeling uncomfortable. He wanted to
A tiny line of precious juice ran down her thigh. He wanted to lick it up, but that would send her over the edge.

Steven took in his most sensual view.
This is for me. This pussy’s for me! My hot, hot pussy!
He was starting to go animal. He could feel it.

Never had Steven been so turned-on visually. Jena’s pussy was indescribably beautiful. It was exquisite. It was a work of sensual art, nature’s perfection.

It really was incredible luck. The sunlight was the key. It was unbelievable—her just lying there with her eyes closed, all spread out and boiling over with desire.

All the little layers of her pussy were spread for him to appreciate—so pink and beautiful and inviting. Her pussy was so…so complex…like a fine wine. The two outer lips had a sexy little tinge of brownness to them. He wanted to take them between his lips and gently suck on them, first one, then the other—later.

The next ring was silky smooth and completely immersed in her juices. They were a treasure to behold, a priceless delicacy that was all his. Oh, they gleamed so…the sunlight reflecting off those soaking wet, gorgeous, sexy lips…all folded back ready to be taken. How he wanted to give them just the tiniest tease and lick them clean, savoring the precious liquid that coated them.

Then there were those heavenly inner layers—so hot, so natural, so clean. They too were completely saturated with her sweet honey, her luscious nectar. This was Jena’s gift to him, a gift from the angels. Once again, it was the sunlight, focusing its beam upon this cherished work of art, allowing him to see,
really see
, the sensual nerve center of this incredibly sexy girl that lay before him.

This incredible display of sexuality, open and free, was for him—him alone.
was the privileged one who could partake of the pleasures this super sensual woman provided.
was the one who would lick and suck and caress and make love to this very special, unbelievably beautiful pussy. The animal within stirred.

Steven’s cock was swollen with his own desire. He knew Jena needed it even more than him. Her breathing was at that hair-trigger point where she could cum any second. Damn, she was so erotic.

Steven pressed his palms down gently upon her outer lips. They were slick with her juice. He spread her out even wider. He was very careful not to touch her clit, the inside of her pussy, or any part of her that would send her over the edge. She was begging for a spark to set her free.

Steven leaned in closer. Heaven glistened before him. All those layers of luscious lips were marinating in her juices. He could feel the heat, the thick, sticky layer of moistness that hovered over it. It was like steam.

“I gotta take you in, baby,” he whispered softly.

“Ohhhhh,” moaned Jena. She was beyond turned on. She was in another world, one where she felt so good about herself, a world free of inhibitions. She was the Queen.

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