Pride Before the Fall (16 page)

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Authors: JoAnna Grace

BOOK: Pride Before the Fall
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"What do you want me to say? One of your Packmates expressed his opinion. He had the right, I guess."

Kasey blanched at the chill in her voice. "He didn't have the right to piss you off."

"People are going to piss me off, Kasey. It's part of life." Vivian tried to hide her bruised esteem under the bravado, but she knew damn well Kasey could see past it. It didn't matter. She had a fight on her hands and she didn't need him to step in the middle of it.

"Please don't let this upset you. We knew things would be challenging. And yes, your previous ventures will be brought up. But it doesn't mean that we can walk away." Kasey stood up and examined her already-healed wounds and marveled at the ease in which she covered her body with a new shirt. Vivian remained silent. "You're not going to talk to me about this are you?"

"No." Vivian smoothed out her blouse and looked him right in the eyes, poker face intact.

Kasey sighed. What else had he expected? This was no weak woman who would fall into his arms when someone hurt her feelings. No, his woman had claws. That didn't stop him from addressing her fears. "I'll respect that—this time." He took her chin in his hand and made her meet his eyes. "But let's get one thing straight right now. You. Belong. To. Me. And I will not release you. I care for you, Vivian, and nothing will change that or lessen the intensity of my feelings for you. You're a beautiful, talented woman and my perfect match. Do not
doubt it, you hear me?"

Vivian looked into his eyes and knew his words were a command from one powerful dominant to another. At first, her cat hissed at the thought of taking orders from anyone, but then both woman and beast realized this was one command she could live with. "Fine." Her chilled demeanor warmed as she smirked up at her mate. "But I get to rip out that bastard's throat the next time he says one word to me."

Kasey let out a long breath. Once relaxed, he scooped up Vivian and nuzzled her neck. "Damn, you're sexy when you get mad." He nipped at her neck, making her giggle. "He's all yours, kitty cat. Now let's go enjoy our party."


Vivian sat at one of the tables, sipping a beer and watching everyone have fun. Melissa, who had the patience of Job, had taken Kasey out on the dance floor to teach him how to dance. It was the most comical thing she had ever seen. Of all her mate's talents, dancing was not one of them.

"That's the most angelic woman on God's green earth." Ty leaned over and put his arm around the back of her chair.

"I think so." Vivian smiled at her brother-in-law. "But you and I are quite partial."

Ty smirked and nodded. Vivian thought he was the right person to ask a question that had been on her mind thanks to Alias. "Can I ask you something, Ty? As your sister-in-law?"

He nodded again, his black eyes leaving Melissa and focusing on her. Those eyes, hooded by his hat, never missed a beat. Ty was the leopard even in human form: lethal, quiet, and highly territorial.

"What do you think about Melissa performing with us? Do you have a problem with it?"

"Why would I?"

"Because she's your mate and, let's face it, we don't exactly ballroom dance on stage. The sexy costumes, the provocative movements, you don't think she's advertising herself?"

Ty took in deep breath, tilted his head in a feline way and then looked out at his mate. Vivian stayed quiet while one corner of his mouth flashed a smile. When he looked back to Vivian, his hand went to rest on the back of her neck. "I'm not big on any male lusting over my wife. But look at her, who wouldn't? She's conservatively dressed, trying to teach Kasey a line dance and I can still scent the arousal of a couple guys over there watching her. Mel loves to perform; she feels powerful because she can control the crowd. It's good for her self-esteem to be on stage."

"I didn't know she felt that way." Vivian smiled, how very

"She dances, sings some pretty songs, and men and women alike pay to witness her talents. At the end of the night, it's always me she wants, and always will be, God willing." He took a swig of the beer and set it down on the table with a slight laugh. "I don't deserve her. Never will."

Vivian leaned into his arm and put her head on his shoulder. "You two are perfect together. I can only hope that Kasey and I will eventually fit together the way you do."

"You will, V." He kissed the top of her head. "You're on your way." Ty leaned his head over so he was right in her ear. "If you really meant to ask about what you and Amilynn do, you're both better than that shit."

Vivian knew that for Ty to say something, he must have felt strongly. Ty never opened his mouth or offered up an unsolicited opinion unless he was convicted.

"You hogging the alpha?" Conall flopped down in a chair on the other side of V.

Ty grinned and slipped his arm from around her neck to hold her hand. It was little things like that, the physical touch that kept Vivian grounded. She would always have her Pride, no matter what. She looped her free hand around Conall's elbow.

"What happened to your new friend?" Vivian asked, wiggling her brows.

"Who? The chick who
to be into cars so she could get in my good graces?" He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Yeah, no thanks. I've got wrenches with more brains." Ty nearly spit out his beer and had to wipe his mouth. Vivian just laughed.

"Ami's having fun." Conall nodded to her. Her two admirers had barely left her side all day and surprisingly, Ami was all smiles and laughter. No doubt she loved the attention and teasing the two boys and the crowd around her.

"She's got friends." Ty smirked at his sister.

"I don't like the way that Ezekiel dude looks at her. He's got something on his brain." Conall sounded like he too had something on the brain.

"I think we should be watching that guy with the blue eyes and big smile," Vivian said, glancing over at the blond who had just asked Ami to dance when the band slowed the tempo down a bit. It was Martin. Vivian was getting tired of seeing his face around her sister.

"Shit," Conall mumbled. "Look at that dude, he's like one of those guys on the front of a romance novel."

"Jealous much?" Ty teased.

"Ami and I just scratch an itch."

"Ami's brother." Ty pointed to his chest. "Right here."

Conall laughed. "Sorry."

Ty shook his head to erase the images as Vivian laughed at their exchange. "You two are both hopeless. I'm going to go rescue my man from my sister." Vivian kissed both their cheeks and walked over to take Kasey in her arms to dance.

Kasey was smiling and laughing. It did her heart good. She buried her face in his neck and took a deep breath of his scent. He held her close, letting his presence be the strength she needed.

Everything ok, kitty cat?
he asked.

When you hold me, everything is just fine.

Then I will make sure to keep you in my arms as much as possible.
The affection in his voice warmed her to the core.

* * * * *

Motherfucker, he did not have the self-control to watch Amilynn dance with Martin. That prick had his hands right above her ass and was too damn close for comfort. And up here on the stage, he was stuck with a front row seat at the show. Ezekiel had been asked to fill in on bass guitar when his buddy Brandon had gotten sick. Stupid, lactose-intolerant pinhead.

God help him, she'd taken off her jacket again. He couldn't think about that pink lace underneath it or he would come undone right there on stage. This song could not be over soon enough. Luckily the next one on the set list was fast.

He turned his attention to Todd as he counted off the beat. It didn't help. Ami and her sisters showed off some of their skills to the fast rhythm. As the band played, there was no ignoring the women. Scratch that. There was no ignoring Amilynn dancing. Those tight leopard print pants were driving him insane. Her fine ass was moving around, and it was going to send his wolf into an all out panic if he didn't get a grip quick.

Ezekiel had to give them credit. They were talented. The three women were having a good time on the dance floor, mingling with the Pack. The black-haired one, Melinda or something, was dancing with another one of the submissive males. There was something so mature and demur about her, an old soul. He'd thought her to be like his mom: quiet, shy, a polite and conservative submissive. Not when she danced. If she hadn't been mated to Tyrone, she would have had to fight the wolves off her with a stick. That woman was all feline temptation when she moved. It reminded him that they were only a few years older than him, all of them still young and up to speed with what's cool.

Vivian was pretty hot; he had to give credit to his Uncle's wolf. Hell of a mate he picked. But why in the hell did she have to have a hot Pride mate?

He played his bass, unable to remain unaffected by the beat. Even more, he couldn't remain unaffected by Ami. The way she moved, so titillating and sensual. He also noticed she seemed to be favoring her movements towards Martin. It made him freaking crazy. The other unmated male was watching Amilynn with eyes full of intentions. It made the wolf inside snarl. No way in hell was that guy going to get into Ami's pants. He would kill him first. Then he would mark Amilynn as his so that no other assholes tried to touch her.

Amilynn turned towards him and their eyes met. Sexy freaking cat didn't miss a beat as she locked her gaze on him. Her hips rolled and she shoved one hand in her hair, the hand skimming down her neck and over her breast. The smug look she gave him made it clear she knew exactly what her body was doing to him.

She is messing with your head, nephew mine.
Kasey's voice in his head snapped him out of what would have been a dangerous frame of mind.
Pick a pretty girl, focus on her and don't let Ami know she's getting to you.
There was laughter in his voice.
That little minx is playing you and she knows it.

She's about to find herself at the mercy of my wolf in a minute.

Kasey's all knowing laughter rumbled in his head and the two men met gazes. He nodded and shrugged.
She's playing games, Z. Let her know she has an opponent.

Ezekiel nodded and didn't look at Ami again for the rest of the song. It was hard as hell, but he kept his focus on someone else. A cute brunette was standing by the edge of their makeshift stage and she kept eyeing him as she moved to the music. He knew her—Julie or Janie, something like that. She wasn't near the woman Amilynn was and the term 'lacking in rhythm' was putting it mildly. But she was a distraction in a tight mini skirt. He didn't go for brunettes really, but she would do.

* * * * *

When the music ended and Vivian looked over at Kasey his eyes were alight with pride—and lust. Such a male—shake your ass and they get all riled up.

You bet, baby. You can shake your ass at me any day of the week.
Kasey laughed in her head.
By the way, you really need to control Ami. Ezekiel is about to combust.

There might have been laughter in his voice, but the threat was real. Males who claim their mates and get rejected can turn volatile quick. Vivian tried to be polite to all the people wanting to praise her while keeping an eye on her Pride.

People find you approachable. They're bonding.

Yes, I'm sure Alias would love me infecting all the local girls with my temptress ways.

Not funny.
The look on his face let her know she had stirred up his anger again. She would have to watch her smartass comments.

"Hey, Vivian?" the bandleader asked. He was a cute guy with blond hair that hung over his eyes. "You ladies sing, right?"

Now they were talking Vivian's language.

sings, we just hum." Amilynn laughed.

"What do you gentleman have in your repertoire?" Vivian went to talk to Todd, the unofficial leader of the band. Turns out the guys knew a lot of songs that the sisters could sing to.

Then Amilynn and Melissa bailed saying that Vivian could do a solo.

"I want to dance with Ty to this song. You know how much I love it," Melissa said, patting her back.

"Yeah, V. This song is really a guy-girl duet." Amilynn gave her a wink.

Todd was more than happy to volunteer. He had a good voice, Vivian had to admit. Vivian crooned the slow, romantic love song, her eyes locked on Kasey. He sat there with a sexy grin on his face like they were the only two people in the world.

Vivian was happy that Amilynn danced with Conall instead of Martin. So was Ezekiel. Melissa and Ty were cheek to cheek and she was singing in his ear. The teenagers had coupled off and even some of the older adults who had just been spectators before were now dancing to the melody.

She nearly forgot what she was doing when a girl about thirteen came up to Kasey and asked him to dance. She pushed her hair behind her ears shyly. He touched the girl's face then brought her on to the dance floor. His capacity for tenderness amazed her. Here he was, the alpha of a mixed-breed Pack, a successful businessman who managed a number of enterprises. He kept the peace politically, led with a firm hand, and was respectfully feared by the members of his community. Yet he stood on a dance floor with a young girl, dancing and smiling like she held his heart in the palm of his hand.

Her voice quivered as she held the last note of the song. After thanking Todd for his beautiful harmony, she stepped off the stage and took Kasey into her arms.

Take me to bed,
she telepathed to him.
I need to be in your arms.

"Yes ma'am." Kasey gave her a grin that knocked the wind right out of her chest.

"Let me tell the others. I think they had planned on going home."

"They can stay, you know. They can sleep in their own rooms. Might as well."

The Pride seemed glad that Kasey extended the offer. It was a thirty-minute drive back into town to their apartment. Conall and Amilynn were not anywhere near ready to sleep. Melissa and Tyrone seemed ready for some alone time. They all agreed to meet up at about nine the next morning so that they could go to the apartment together and get their things. They had the next day off, but then it was back to performances Thursday through Sunday nights.

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