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Authors: Candace Blevins

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I stood, looked up, and said, “Master, can we put Becca in the cage and let the others out? I’d like to speak with you privately before we make a final decision.”

The other two crawled out and kissed the Amakhosi’s feet, then mine.

One of the girls had a few marks from his belt, the other had none. He wasn’t a tyrant — he gave what he had to, and no more. I breathed a little easier, hoping beyond hope he’d do right by Amy when she arrived.

A look from the King told me I could command the two girls kneeling at his feet, so I said, “Rise, and tell me what you’ve learned from your experience.”


Chapter Six




Nathan let me go to Amy, alone, when she arrived.

Becca was still downstairs in the cage. She’d be going home with him for a trial run, and he intended to house her with his top lioness, and let the two of them work things out for a week or two before he stepped back in.

If she could fit into the pack, he’d help her find a job and fully integrate her. If she couldn’t, we’d meet again to discuss our options, see if we could find another. I’d kill her before I sold her into slavery, but I hoped it didn’t come to it.

Amy got out of the car, saw me, and came flying into my arms. She could usually work from home, but her company occasionally required she spend a week in their Memphis office. I’d missed her so fucking much, and I hugged her hard before pulling back and kissing her with everything I had, spreading her lips, pressing in with my tongue. Amy let me take control, let me own her, control her. She’d missed me, too, and she needed this as much as I did.

Nathan came out on the front porch and I felt her stiffen, though she didn’t end the kiss. She’d never do anything so dominant, with me. Not even when the King of the Lions stood on our front porch.

“It’s a long story, and I’ll tell you everything later, but for now, you need to know he’s earned not only my respect, but my trust.” I looked into her eyes, my finger under her chin so she wouldn’t look down. “I need you to give him your trust and respect, too, simply because he earned it from me, and you love and trust me. Can you do that, please?”

“Of course, Jess. I’m yours, and if you belong to him, then so do I.” She kissed my chin, snuggled into me again, and then walked to him, her eyes on his bare feet. She went to her knees at the bottom of the steps, the perfect picture of grace and submission, and said, “Your Majesty, I hope everything here’s to your liking. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make you more comfortable.”

Ten minutes later, the three of us were in bed, my mouth on my lover’s cunt, bringing her to orgasm as the King of the Lions fucked me doggy style, not lion style, and with no barbs tearing me to pieces. We eventually all came together, and then cuddled in a big pile on the bed. I’d been given permission to call the Amakhosi by his first name in private, and I didn’t know if that included our time with Amy, so I called him Sir, though she stuck with Master and Your Majesty.

I gave Amy the highlights of our dilemma with Becca, and she looked to Nathan a split second, and back to me. I was about to tell her she could feel free to speak her opinion when Nathan touched her chin so she looked at him, and told her, “Jessica and I will be running the pack together. I know how close the two of you are, and I look forward to spending more time with you. If you have an opinion or an idea, I know you’ll always be respectful when you give it as a suggestion, and I trust you’ll use good judgment of when to speak up and when to be quiet.”

I felt her relax as she said, “Thank you, your Majesty. Becca needs to feel good about herself, and needs to be responsible for something. I know lions like to do the impregnating thing sometimes, to assert ownership. It might work for her to go home with you long enough to get pregnant and give birth, and then come back here, if she still isn’t settling in there. With a child, I don’t think she’d try to gain control as she did before, Your Majesty.”

He kissed her forehead and said, “I’m not of a mind to bear a child by her, but I value your opinion, and I think you were brave to offer it.”


* * * *


When Amy and I said goodbye to the Amakhosi and Becca the next day, I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek before saying, “I forgive you, Becca. When our King first arrived, I wanted to throttle you for bringing our little pride to his attention, but we’re lucky to have such a wise and caring monarch. The pride here will no longer have to deal with one lion after another coming to town to try to take the reins. We’re going to be okay, here, and I hope you’ll come to terms with His Majesty, in due time.”

She nodded, her eyes sad, and I realized she’d start crying if she spoke, so she was choosing to stay silent.

I gave a small bow to Nathan and told him, “Thank you for everything, Your Majesty.”

“You have my numbers. Let me know if you have problems or need anything. I have access to a high speed chopper and can be here in under two hours.”

He hugged me, and then Amy, and gave a head nod to the rest of the pride, in a semicircle behind me. He’d spent time with everyone — fucked a few, talked to others, and then we’d all had a nice run through the forest.

I felt them all bow to him as a silent goodbye, and he gave me a final kiss on the forehead before he got into his vehicle and drove away.




The End


If you enjoyed Pride, you may enjoy other books in the Chattanooga Supernaturals series.



The Dragon King

by Candace Blevins









Sophia is the most adorable two year old I’ve ever seen. Fluffy blonde hair, rosy chubby cheeks, and a laugh that makes my heart soar.

I turned to her father, the Swan King, and chose my words carefully. “Raul, you’re sure this is the best course of action? I know you’re still grieving over Angelique’s death, but can you truly prepare Sophia for a life of leading your people if you keep her a prisoner in your home her entire life?”

I could only get away with asking this question because I’d helped raise and train Raul, helped prepare him to take the crown when he beat his brothers and won the throne.

“I did my best to protect my wife from supernaturals, and a damned
hunter took her out. Sophia won’t leave the walls of the castle until she marries, and hopefully whoever wins her will follow my lead and also keep her behind protective walls. She won’t see the same fate as Angelique.” His voice was firm, didn’t waver, and let me know further conversation on the matter would be met with hostility.

Sophia is the first Swan Princess without at least one brother since before I was born, and by my best guess I’m around nine thousand years old. Give or take a thousand.

Swan Princesses are usually given to other royalty as a way to unite families and sometimes species, but they never have a hope of the throne. Their brothers are required to fight each other for power, the strongest and most cunning winning the crown.

Instead of finding another wife to give him sons, Raul is arranging for a contest between the other Swan royalty, with the strongest being allowed to care for her until she turns twenty five, and then marry her and eventually take the crown. Personally, I think Raul wants to step down and find a way to join his dead wife. The grief of her death still holds him.

I’ve trained the past seven Swan Kings, including Sophia’s father, Raul. I know him well, and I know he loves his daughter. However, he still feels such pain over his wife’s slaughter, and I worry about the decisions he’s making.

There is precedence amongst some other supernatural species for keeping Sophia in seclusion, finding a suitable King, and not giving her a choice in who she’ll marry. However, watching the toddler play and laugh and flirt, my heart hurts with the knowledge she’ll grow up with no control of her major life choices. Or, likely the minor ones, either.

She’s such a happy baby, so full of life and adventure. I hope her life turns out better than most fairy tales.


* * * *


Ten years later, my heart aches as the court Herald announces me into the Swan King’s mansion for Sophia’s final unchaperoned lesson. I’ve been coming to the mansion once a week for a four hour session since she was six, but this must stop once she becomes a teenager, which in Swan lore makes her a woman.

I’ll be allowed to come four times a year for an all-day review session, but will never again be alone with her. After today she’ll have a chaperone or minder with her anytime she’s with a man besides her father — or husband, once she’s married.

I’m going to miss my time with her. In my busy life, my half-days with the Swan Princess have been the sunshine of my week. Sophia is a special child — so smart, so willing to learn, and a joy to be around. My heart is happy when I’m with her, and we most often go to our spot near a manmade waterfall on their property so we can talk without worrying so much about being overheard. Someone from the house can see us, but our words are drowned out. Sometimes, though, my favorite part of the day is her smile when I arrive and she skips to me for a hug. Today will be the last time she’ll be allowed to hug me for no reason, just because she’s happy I’ve arrived. My heart hurts as I wrap my arms around her and tell her I’m happy to see her.

We walk to our spot, sit on our rock and I open a few books as I give her another to hold. The rushing waters may provide white noise to block our voices, but we still need to appear as if I’m teaching her.

“You know this is the last time we’ll be alone, right, Soph?”

Sophia looks down, takes a breath, and raises her gaze back to mine. “I know. I’ll miss my time with you.”

“And I’ll miss you, but you’re a Princess and one day you’ll be Queen, so this is the way it has to be. I’ll be back to review the important stuff, but there are some things I’ve taught you that I won’t be able to review with you out loud. I’ll try to write it in a notebook and let you read it, so you’ll remember, but there is some danger in that so I won’t do it every time.”

“Why take the risk? If I’ll never rule, never make a difference, why put yourself in danger?”

“Because I’m grooming you for power, Princess. No one knows for sure what the future holds, and to fully do my job I can’t just teach you the palatable parts of your history. I understand your father wishes to shield you and protect you, but I can see the strength in you.”

Sophia sighed. “I’ll still see you at social occasions? Not just the four times a year you’re allowed to come for review?”

“Yes, and I may or may not be allowed a dance with you. I will certainly not be able to take you outside for a conversation.”

She nodded, and I carefully said, “Sophia, if ever you find yourself in need of a protector, get a message to me. Your father and Cyrano will look after you, but if you find yourself without their protection I hope you’ll feel comfortable letting me keep you safe.”

Shaking her head, Sophia said, “Cyrano scares me. My latest governess tells me when I’m a woman I’ll appreciate him for his strength and resolve, and I must remain meek and quiet around him while I’m a child.”

I wanted to wring Cyrano’s neck for frightening her, as well as the governess’s for giving crap advice, but I had to walk a fine line. “I’m sorry he scares you, Princess. I would advise you to speak to your father about it, see if he can intercede on your behalf.”

“You always do that.”

I tilted my head and let my eyebrows rise, and Sophia explained. “When we’re just talking, I’m Soph or Sophia, but when you’re thinking politically, you call me Princess.”

“Yes, because this is the way an elder speaks to someone of royalty. I’m your teacher, I know more than you, but I must also show respect. It’s a balance, Sophia.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know what you are, and my father either doesn’t know or won’t tell me, but I’m positive you’re royalty, too. I’ve learned to tell the difference between someone with their own power who addresses me and my father as an equal while using all the right words, and someone with no power who addresses us with the same words but a completely different energy.”

I hoped my smile showed how pleased I was with her insight. “You make me proud, Sophia. I hope you’ll keep your suppositions to yourself, though.”

She nodded. “Of course, and I hope someday you’ll trust me enough to tell me what and who you really are.”

I needed to be sure she understood my offer, so I repeated it. “Do you understand what I’m saying, Soph? If you ever need help, a protector, a friend, an advisor…If you’re ever in trouble I hope you’ll find a way to get a message to me.”



Chapter One







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