Pricksongs & Descants (35 page)

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Authors: Robert Coover

BOOK: Pricksongs & Descants
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. The dishes done, children to bed, her books read, she watches the news on television. Sleepy. The man

s voice is gentle, soothing. She dozes—awakes with a start: a babysitter? Did
announcer say something about a babysitter?

○ ○ ○

Just want to catch the weather,

the host says, switching on the TV. Most of the guests are leaving, but the Tuckers stay to watch
news. As it comes on, the announcer is saying something about a babysitter. The host switches channels.

They got a better weather man on four,

he explains.


says Mrs. Tucker.

There was something about a babysitter ...!

The host switches back.

Details have not yet been released by the police,

the announcer says.

Harry, maybe we

d better go ...

○ ○ ○

They stroll casually out of the drugstore, run into a buddy of theirs.

Hey! Did you hear about the babysitter?

the guy asks. Mark grunts, glances at Jack.

Got a smoke?

he asks the guy.

○ ○ ○

think I hear the baby screaming

Mrs. Tucker cries, running across the lawn from the drive.

○ ○ ○

She wakes, startled, to find Mr. Tucker hovering over her.

I must have dozed off!

she exclaims.

Did you hear the news about the babysitter?

Mrs. Tucker asks.

Part of it,

she says, rising.

Too bad, wasn

t it?

Mr. Tucker is watching the report of the ball scores and golf tournaments.
drive you home in just a minute, dear,

he says.

Why, how nice!

Mrs. Tucker exclaims from the kitchen.

The dishes are all done!

○ ○ ○

What can I say, Dolly?

the host says with a sigh, twisting the buttered strands of her ripped girdle between his fingers.

Your children are murdered, your husband gone, a corpse in your bath tub, and your house is wrecked. I

m sorry. But what can I say?

On the TV, the news is over, and they

re selling aspirin.


t know,

she says.


s see what

s on the late late movie.






In the middle of the stage: a plain table,

A man enters, dressed as a magician with black cape and black silk hat Doffs hat in wide sweep to audience, bows elegantly.


He displays inside of hat. It is empty. He thumps it It is clearly empty. Places hat on table, brim up. Extends both hands over hat, tugs back sleeves exposing wrists, snaps fingers. Reaches in, extracts a rab


Pitches rabbit into wings. Snaps fingers over hat again, reaches in, extracts a dove.


Pitches dove into wings. Snaps fingers over hat, reaches in, extracts another rabbit No applause. Stuffs rabbit hurriedly back in hat, snaps fingers, reaches in, extracts another hat, precisely like the one from which it came. ,


Places second hat alongside first one. Snaps fingers over new hat, withdraws a third hat, exactly like the first two.

Light applause.

Snaps fingers over third hat, withdraws a fourth hat, again identical. No applause. Does not snap fingers. Peers into fourth hat, extracts a fifth one. In fifth, he finds a sixth. Rabbit appears in third hat Magician extracts seventh hat from sixth. Third hat rabbit with draws a second rabbit from first hat. Magician withdraws eighth hat from seventh, ninth from eighth, as rabbits extract other rabbits from other hats. Rabbits and hats are everywhere Stage is one mad turmoil of hats and rabbits.

Laughter and applause.

Frantically, magician gathers up hats and stufEs diem into each other, bowing, smiling at audience, pitching rabbits three and four at a time into wings, smiling, bowing. It is a desperate struggle. At first, it is difficult to be sure he is stuffing hats and pitching rabbits faster than they are reappearing. Bows, stuffs, pitches, smiles, perspires.

Laughter mounts.

Slowly die confusion diminishes. Now there is one small pile of hats and rabbits. Now there are no rabbits. At last there are only two hats. Magician, perspiring from overexertion, gasping for breath, staggers to table with two hats.

ight applause, laughter.

Magician, mopping brow with silk handkerchief, stares in perplexity at two remaining hats. Pockets handkerchief. Peers into one hat, then into other. Attempts tentatively to stuff first into second, but in vain. Attempts to fit second into first, but also without success. Smiles weakly at audience. No applause. Drops first hat to floor, leaps on it until crushed. Wads crushed hat in fist, attempts once more to stuff it into second hat Still, it will not fit.

Light booing, impatient applause.

Trembling with anxiety, magician presses out first hat, places it brim up on table, crushes second hat on floor. Wads second hat, tries desperately to jam it into first hat. No, it will not fit. Turns irritably to pitch second hat into wings.

Loud booing.

Freezes. Pales. Returns to table with both hats, first in fair condition brim up, second still in a crumpled wad. Faces hats in defeat. Bows head as though to weep silently.

Hissing and booing.

Smile suddenly lights magician

s face. He smoothes out second hat and places it firmly on his head, leaving first hat bottomside-up on table. Crawls up on table and
disappears feet first into hat.

Surprised a

Moments later, magician

s feet poke up out of hat on table, then legs, then torso. Last part to emerge is magician

s head, which, when lifted from table, brings first hat with it Magician doffs first hat to audience, shows it is empty. Second hat has disappeared. Bows deeply.

Enthusiastic and prolonged applause, cheers.

Magician returns hat to head, thumps it, steps behind table. Without removing hat, reaches up, snaps fingers, extracts rabbit from top of hat


Pitches rabbit into wings. Snaps fingers, withdraws dove from top of

Sprinkling of applause.

Pitches dove into wings. Snaps fingers, extracts l
ovely assistant from top of hat.

Astonished but enthusiastic applause and whistles.

Lovely assistant wears high feathery green hat, tight green halter, little green shorts, black net stockings, high green heels. Smiles coyly at whistles and applause, scampers boundly offstage.

Whistling and shouting, applause.

Magician attempts to remove hat, but it appears to be stuck. Twists and wri
thes in struggle with stuck hat.

Mild laughter.

Struggle continues. Contortions. Grimaces.


Finally, magician requests two volunteers from audience. Two large brawny men enter stage from audience, smiling awkwardly.

Light applause and laughter.

One large man grasps hat, other clutches magician

s legs. They pull cautiously. The hat does not come off. They pull harder. Still, it is stuck. They tug now with great effort, their heavy faces reddening, their thick neck muscles taut and throbbing. Magician

s neck stretches, snaps in two: POP! Large men tumble apart, rolling to opposite sides of stage, one with body, other with hat containing magician

s severed head.

Screams of terror.

Two large men stand, stare aghast at handiwork, clutch mouths.

Shrieks and screams.

Decapitated body stands.

Shrieks and screams.

Zipper in front of decapitated body opens, magician emerges. He is as before, wearing same black cape and same black silk hat. Pitches deflated decapitated body into wings. Pitches hat and head into wings. Two large men sigh with immense relief, shake heads as though completely baffled, smile fa
intly, return to audience. Magi
cian dof
at and bows.

Wild applause, shouts, cheers.

Lovely assistant, still in green costume, enters, carrying glass of water.

Applause and whistling.

Lovely assistant acknowledges whistling with coy smile, sets glass of water on table, stands dutifully by. Magician hands her his hat,
orders her by gesture to eat it.

Whistling continues.

Lovely assistant smiles,
bites into hat, chews slowly.

Laughter and much whistling.

She washes down each bite of hat with water from glass she has brought in. Hat at last is entirely consumed, except for narrow silk band left on table. Sighs, pats slender exposed tummy.

Laughter and applause, excited whistling.

Magician invites young country boy in audience to come to stage. Young country boy steps forward shyly, stumbling clumsily over own big feet
Appears confused and utterly abashed.

Loud laughter and catcalls.

Young country boy stands with one foot on top of other, staring down redfaced at his hands, twisting nervously in front of him.

Laughter and catcalls increase.

Lovely assistant sidles up
boy, embraces him in motherly fashion. Boy ducks head away, steps first on one fo
ot, then on other, wrings hands.

More laughter and catcalls, whistles.

Lovely assistant winks broadly at audience, kisses young country boy on cheek. Boy jumps as though scalded, trips over own feet, and falls to floor.

Thundering laughter.

Lovely assistant helps boy to his feet, lifting him under armpits. Boy, ticklish, struggles and giggles helplessly.

Laughter (as before).

Magician raps table with knuckles. Lo
vely assistant releases hysteri
cal country boy, returns smiling to table. Boy resumes awkward stance, wipes his runny nose with back of his hand, sniffles.

Mild laughter and applause.

Magician hands lovely assistant narrow silk band of hat she has eaten. She stuffs band into her mouth, chews thoughtfully, swallows with some difficulty, shudders. She drinks from glass. Laughter and shouting have fallen away to expectant hush. Magician grasps nape of lovely assistant

s neck, forces her head with its feathered hat down between her stockinged knees. He releases grip and her head springs back to upright position. Magician repeats action slowly. Then repeats action rapidly four or five times. Looks inquiringly at lovely assistant. Her face is flushed from exertion. She meditates, then shakes head: no. Magician again forces her head to her knees, releases grip, allowing head, to snap back to upright position. Re peats this two or three times. Looks inquiringly at lovely assistant. She smiles and nods.-Magician drags abashed young country boy over behind lovely assistant and invites him to reach into lovely assistant

s tight green shorts. Young country boy is flustered beyond belief.

Loud laughter and whistling resumes.

Young country boy, in desperation, tries to escape. Magician captures him and drags him once more behind lovely assistant

Laughter etc. (as before).

Magician grasps country boy

s arm and thrusts it forcibly into lovely assistant

s shorts. Young country boy wets pants.

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