Preta's Realm (23 page)

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Authors: J Thorn

BOOK: Preta's Realm
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“Spin the bottle,” said Drew.

“Fuck, man. I’m gonna have to clean that up.”

Drew straightened his back and bared his teeth. He slid both hands into his pockets. “Better get rid of that stench, too. You know, the one of stale pussy and cheating whores.”

Brian stepped backwards until his heels hit the leg of the table. The collision knocked a salt shaker off the edge. It tumbled to the floor, spilling its contents in a comet tail of white next to the remains of the broken bottle.

“Have a seat on the couch,” Brian said. He turned his back on Drew and sat down. The second it took before he could face him again felt like an hour. “Say what you need to say. I’m tired of the games.”

Drew snickered and walked to the other side of the couch. He sat at the opposite end and swung his feet up to face Brian. Brian moved his eyes back to Drew’s face, hoping to play dumb as long as he could.

“You’re my best friend, Bri. I need someone to talk to.”

“Here I am.”

Drew sighed, tears streaming down his face. “I think Molly and me are done.”

“Why do you say that?”

“She’s fucking around on me. I came home from work, you know, before the incidents. Came home early and she was in bed. It was like mid-afternoon, and she was in bed.”

Brian looked at the clock on the wall. 1:30.

“A woman’s got every right to jack it, but something told me that wasn’t what was going on. Didn’t think she was diddling herself. Somebody else was there. In my house. I think he got out before I found them, and I think he was fucking my wife.”

“Did you confront her? Did you find the guy?”

Drew shook his head. “I went into the bathroom. Didn’t even want to deal with it. I’m sure I gave whoever was nailing her the chance to get the fuck out because she had a robe on when I came out, but it was pretty clear that she was in the act. You know that look they get, right? It’s that crazed, primal vibe when nothing short of a good hammering will satisfy.”

Brian nodded.

“She denied it. Made me feel like a lunatic, one of those husbands crazed by jealousy and paranoia that ends up killing his entire family.”

“That’s not going to happen, man. You’re a good guy. You love your family.”

“I do, Bri. I feel like my entire life is oozing away. It’s like having a slow leak of your sanity. You can see the water covering the floor, from one side to the next, but you can’t stop it. Hell, you can’t even redirect the flow. That water is going to go where it wants to go. That’s where my head is right now. It’s going where it wants to and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Brian wrung his hands together and wiped sweaty palms on his thighs. “You could just let it go.”

Drew stood. He grabbed the edge of the mattress and flipped it into the air. Dust and dirt filled the air as it came crashing down onto the frame. “Someone is fucking my wife,” he said, dragging each word out like a tethered stone.

Brian backed up to the kitchen window. He felt the cool glass on his back and wondered if he could survive the fall to the sidewalk below. “You’re right, man. You’re right. You need to get to the bottom of that. Maybe you should talk with Molly, clear shit up, you know?”

Brian watched Drew’s face contort in thought. The rage subsided as he considered the idea.

“Do you think she’d talk to me?” he asked Brian.

“Oh, yeah! She loves you. She loves the kids. There’s nothing more she’d want to do than get your lives back together.” Brian hoped Drew would hijack the idea as his own and continue to ignore the obvious complications of the situation, such as the warrant out for his arrest.

“Well, I can’t exactly get her to come here. I mean, that would be really awkward. My wife, showing up at your apartment to talk about the fact that she’s fucking someone behind my back.”

“That probably wouldn’t be a good idea,” replied Brian. He pacified Drew, walking on eggshells and hoping for one slim chance of escape.

“When’s the last time you saw her?”

The question made Brian fumble his words. He looked at the floor and then at the ceiling as if doing complicated mathematics in his head. “Bowling. Yeah, I think it was the bowling night last week, the fundraiser for the new community center.”

“Yes! You’re absolutely right,” said Drew.

Brian smiled, allowing a slim ray of hope to find its way into the conversation.

“What could she have left there that you picked up for her? She would have remembered her ball or shoes and she’s probably used her phone since then.”

“How about a ring? Not her wedding band as she’d never forget that, but maybe the gold heart band on her right hand.” Brian winced. He shuddered and knew he wanted the words back before they left his mouth. He had seen that ring on her finger, that hand wrapped around his cock as she shoved it into her mouth.

Drew’s face twisted. Brian could not tell if it was from pain or anger. He waited. Drew’s mouth formed a slow, burning grin. He looked at Brian with buzzing eyes.

“That’s it!” he screamed. Drew slapped Brian on the shoulder so hard it left a red mark. “She would have to take the rings off to bowl and she might forget that one as it isn’t her wedding band. It’s not the one that says she’ll be true ‘til death do us part,’ not the one that commits her to her husband forever, not the one that signifies her as a married woman. That’s brilliant, Brian. You are one sneaky motherfucker.”

Brian held his breath.

“Let me give you her number,” said Drew.

“Hold on. I got it,” replied Brian.

Drew looked at him. His eyes squinted into narrow slits and his teeth appeared under spread lips. “It’s in your phone?” he asked Brian

“No. I meant I have it on the fridge here with the rest of my business contacts.” Brian slid the phone back into his pocket before Drew could see it in his hand.

“Excellent,” said Drew. “Give her a call and ask her to meet you somewhere so you can return her ring, the one she left at the lanes the other night.”

“Where?” Brian asked.

“Somewhere private. I don’t want assholes eavesdropping on our conversation. Our marital infidelities are our problem, not theirs. Right?”

“Yeah,” said Brian. “Absolutely.”

“Tell her to meet you in the park.”

“Why would I do that, Drew? Why wouldn’t I just drop it off at your house?”

Drew thought. “This whole shit with me and the police.”

“And during this I’m insisting that she needs to meet me for her ring? This is sounding really implausible.”

Drew walked towards Brian and put his face inches from Brian’s nose. Brian caught a strong whiff of bleach and gasoline. He felt fear rising in his throat.

“Get her to the motherfucking park, Brian,” Drew said, pushing the phone into Brian’s ear. “Even if you have to use the lure of your cock to get her there.”








Chapter 13

Brian let the water run while he made the call. He could not believe his luck. The pre-paid cell phone he used for scoring blow happened to be in the pocket of his jeans that hung on the back of the door. He held the power button down with shaky hands. The screen came to life with a full signal but only one line of power.

“911, what is your emergency?”

Brian paused. For some strange reason he had not anticipated the out, had not thought this far ahead. “I’m a hostage,” he said, loud enough to be heard by the dispatcher but quiet enough to be masked by the water pouring from the sink.

“What is your location?” the dispatcher asked.

“Well, I’m about to leave. The guy holding me doesn’t know I have a phone. We’re going to meet his wife at the park and I think he plans on killing her.”

A click on the line, then a pause before the dispatcher replied. “Who is the man?” she asked.

“Drew Green. His face is all over the news. You guys are looking at him for the Crooked Tail River murders.”

“Which park are you going to?”

“I think the one on 7
Street. It’s near his house.”

There was no reply on the other end. Brian looked down at the dark screen. He shook the phone and pushed the power button again, but the battery was completely drained. Brian opened the medicine cabinet and shoved the phone behind a tall canister of shaving cream. He splashed water on his face and ran it through his hair before getting dressed. Brian did the mental calculations and realized he had another minute or two before Drew suspected something. He fumbled through the drawers of the vanity, cursing under his breath at the fact that he was out of razors and could find nothing else remotely close to a weapon. Towards the back he spotted a nail file leftover from a one-night stand that had dumped her purse on the bathroom floor. Brian reached down and picked it up, shaking his head back and forth before shoving it inside the band of his sock.


“Ready?” Brian asked. He stood in the doorway of the bathroom in a black T-shirt and blue jeans. The frayed cuffs trailed his heel and his knees poked through the thin denim. Brian slicked his hair back and Drew could smell the conditioner.

“It’s not a date, fucknut,” said Drew.

“I know, man. I just got dressed. That’s all.” Brian glanced at Drew’s waist, a bulge protruding from underneath his T-shirt.

“I didn’t realize you had to pack when coming to my place.”

Drew reached down and felt the cold object against his skin. His face twisted in a puzzled way before shrugging.

“Me neither. At least now we both know where we stand.”

“Yeah? Where’s that, Drew? Where do we stand?”

“You’re going to get Molly to the park so I can talk to her and straighten this shit out. And if you even try tipping her off to the fact that I’m with you, I’ll shoot you both in the fucking head.”

The words fell out with a natural cadence and calmness that made Brian shiver.

“I’m your friend. You don’t need that gun to make me help you.”

“If I don’t need it then it won’t do any harm tucked in my waistband, right?”

Brian shrugged, convinced he did not want to escalate the situation to the point where firearms were involved.
The police will spot the crazy fuck long before he gets near Molly,
he thought. “No. No harm, bud,” he replied.

Drew followed Brian out of the apartment and down the stairwell, towards the ground floor. They came through a glass door adjacent to the lobby, which dumped them into an alley running between the apartment building and a parking garage. Brian waved at Drew and began walking through the alley towards the end of the block.

“My Jeep is down here. We’ll take that.”

Drew followed behind Brian, remaining within an arm’s reach of his friend. When they got to the curb, Brian unlocked one door and then hit the power lock button to release the other.

“Shotgun,” said Drew.

Brian started the Jeep and made a tight circle so that they came back around to the street. He put his blinker on and turned left into traffic.

“Stay calm,” said Drew. “Keep with the flow of traffic.”

Brian nodded.

“How long do we have?” Drew asked.

“You heard, right?”

“Would I have asked if I knew the fucking answer to that question?” responded Drew. He bared his teeth and slid a hand between the waistband of his underwear and skin. He glanced into the side view mirror and saw the gray, withered frame of Gaki in the backseat. The creature stared at him, unmoving.

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