Presidential Lottery (26 page)

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Authors: James A. Michener

BOOK: Presidential Lottery
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The Order of Business to be followed at the convening of the electors on Monday, December 16, 1968, at 12:00 o’clock noon in the Hall of the House of Representatives in Harrisburg will be as follows:

 1. Call to order by the Secretary of the Commonwealth

 2. Invocation

 3. Address by Secretary of the Commonwealth

 4. Appointment of temporary officers by the Secretary of the Commonwealth (Parliamentarian, Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms)

 5. Communications presented from Governor regarding
certified lists of persons elected at General Election which are tabled

 6. Resolution presented to have communications read

 7. Communications taken from table and read

 8. Roll call of electors

 9. Resolution presented requesting a Judge to administer oath of office to electors

10. Oath administered

11. Election of a President of the Electoral College (by resolution)

12. Address by President

13. Announcement of electors who did not answer when roll was called

14. Resolution to fill vacancies in electoral college (if any)

15. Resolution to notify Governor of action taken to fill vacancies (if any)

16. Communication from Governor acknowledging receipt of notification regarding filling of vacancies (if any)

17. Oath administered to electors elected by the college to fill vacancies (if any)

18. Election of a Vice President by resolution

19. Permanent officers appointed by resolution (Secretary, Parliamentarian, Chief Sergeant-at-Arms, Stenographic Reporter, Chief Page and Page

20. Resolution regarding procedures (the procedure usually follows the preceding college)

21. Resolution authorizing the President of the Electoral
College to appoint a committee to inform the Governor that the Electoral College is organized and to invite him to address the college

22. Introduction of distinguished guests (if any)

23. Committee to inform Governor reports and escorts Governor to the college

24. Address by Governor

25. Committee escorts Governor to his office

26. Resolution to proceed to ballot for President of the United States

27. Appointment of tellers (3) by the President of the Electoral College

28. Balloting for President of the United States One ballot for President of the United States is distributed by the tellers to each elector. Each elector writes the name of the person whom he or she votes for the Office of President of the United States on the ballot. As the secretary calls the name of the elector he or she comes forward and deposits his or her ballot in the ballot box, marked with the name of his or her choice for President of the United States.

29. Report of balloting by tellers to the President of the Electoral College

30. President of the Electoral College announces results of balloting for President of the United States

31. President of the Electoral College asks Vice President of the Electoral College to preside during balloting for Vice President of the United States

32. Address by Vice President of the Electoral College

33. Balloting for Vice President of the United States (same procedure as for President of the United States)

34. Report of balloting by tellers to the Vice President of the Electoral College

35. Vice President of the Electoral College announces the result of the balloting for Vice President of the United States

36. Signing of Certificate of Election of President and Vice President of the United States by the electors Six certificates of election are placed on a table in the front of the Hall of the House of Representatives. As the secretary calls the roll each elector comes to the front of the House and signs the six certificates. The disposition of these certificates are explained later.

37. Resolution for appointment of a committee to see that the list of Electors and certificates of votes cast for President and Vice President of the United States are enclosed in separate envelopes and that each is sealed, directed, certified and signed.

38. Resolution appointing one of the electors to take in charge one of the packages containing one list of the Electors originally elected, one certificate of the election filling vacancies in the Electoral College, if any, and one certificate of the votes cast for President and Vice President of the United States, directed to the President of the United States Senate in Washington, D. C., by delivering the same to the Postmaster at the
City of Harrisburg, and to have the same registered and mailed.

39. Resolution appointing one of the electors to take in charge one of the packages containing two lists of the Electors originally elected, two certificates of the election filling vacancies in the Electoral College, if any, and two certificates of the votes cast for President and Vice President of the United States, to be delivered to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, one of which shall be held subject to the order of the President of the United States Senate, the other to be preserved by the Secretary of the Commonwealth for one year and shall be a part of the public records of his office and shall be open to public inspection. The resolution also provides for the filing of the proceedings of the Electoral College with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

40. Resolution appointing one of the Electors to take in charge one package containing two lists of Electors originally elected, two certificates of election filling vacancies in the Electoral College, if any, and two certificates of the votes cast for President and Vice President of the United States, which shall be for-warded by registered mail, through the Postmaster of Harrisburg, to the Administrator of General Services of the United States on the day following the meeting of the Electoral College.

41. Resolution appointing one of the Electors to take in
charge one package containing one list of the electors originally selected, one certificate of the election filling vacancies in the electoral college, if any, and one certificate of the votes cast for the President and Vice President of the United States, and forward the same by registered mail through the Postmaster at Harrisburg, to the Chief Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

42. President of the Electoral College requests the persons appointed pursuant to the foregoing resolutions dealing with the disposition of the certificates to meet immediately after adjournment with the Secretary and Assistant Secretary for further instructions

43. Resolution appointing three Electors as a Committee on Accounts and Expenses

44. Resolution ordering the publication of the proceedings of the Electoral College. Said publication to be delivered to and distributed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth

45. Resolution thanking the officers of the College

46. Closing remarks by the President of the Electoral College

47. Resolution for adjournment

48. Benediction

49. Adjournment

If the certificate of electoral votes is not received by the President of the United States Senate or by the Administrator
of General Services by the fourth Wednesday in December after the meeting of the state’s electors, this falling on Christmas Day this year, the President of the United States Senate or, in his absence, the Administrator of General Services must ask the Secretary of the Commonwealth to send these documents. Upon receipt of such request, the Secretary of the Commonwealth must immediately transmit the documents to the President of the United States Senate in Washington.

When the President of the U. S. Senate or the Administrator of General Services makes his request to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, he (the President of the U. S. Senate or the Administrator of General Services) must also send a special messenger to the district judge, who has custody of one certificate of the votes. The district judge must forthwith give that certificate to the messenger.

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