Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now (38 page)

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flash pictures, 71

flashbacks, 28, 29

flow: apocalypto and, 265; of information, 141–42, 145–49; overwinding and, 189, 192, 194; of time, 141–42, 145–49

Forrest Gump
(movie), 29–30

fox and hedgehog prototypes, 232–33, 235

Fox News, 49, 55–56

fractalnoia: “always-on” philosophy and, 211; apocalypto and, 245–46, 264; change and, 224, 235–37; chaos and, 202, 209, 219–30; choices and, 202, 215, 227; conversations and, 211; cybernetics and, 224–26, 227; definition/characteristics of, 201, 240–41; everything is everything concept and, 197, 199, 204, 205, 210, 212, 213, 228; feedback and, 205–19, 220, 221, 222, 224–25, 226–27, 236; game theory/gaming and, 220–21, 222–23, 224; impact of, 209–10; as manifestation of present shock, 7, 197–241; narrative collapse and, 212; patterns and, 197–205, 209, 216, 217–19, 229, 230–41; sharing and, 203–4; systems theory, 226–28.

See also specific topic

fractals: apocalypto and, 251–52; definition/characteristics of, 200–201, 241; function of, 200, 208–9; infinity of, 252; Prechter work on, 229–30; predictive power of, 229; similarity among, 228; as truth serum, 219

free will, 61, 62, 85, 227

Frum, David, 54

Full Spectrum Warrior (game), 65

Fureai Kippu network, 148

future: agenda for, 16–17; apocalypto and, 252; birth of notion of, 77; fear of, 246; millenium and, 17; narrative collapse and, 9–12, 16–17; present in, 17; present shock and, 252.

See also specific topic

“future shock,” 4, 9, 14–15

“The Game of Death” (TV show), 38

Game of Thrones
(TV show), 34

game theory, 220, 221, 222–23

games, 58–66, 67, 72, 84, 217–18.
See also specific game

Games for Change, 63–64

gaming a system, 220–21, 224

Gartner Company, 86

Gawker, 97, 98

General Motors, 213–14

General Semantics, 137

generational issues, 17–18, 137–40.

See also
youth/young people

Giambi, Jason, 41

Gilles, Mel, 246

Gillis, Gregg, 154

Girl Talk (Gillis project), 154

Gizmodo, 97

(TV show), 20

Gleick, James, 259

glitch dancing, 96

God, focus on single, 262

“God” games, 62

Goodman, David, 102, 104

Google: Calendar of, 70–71; digiphrenia and, 69, 70–71, 96, 110, 114; fractalnoia and, 218, 237, 239; Moritz as investor in, 236, 237; new “now” and, 2; overwinding and, 153, 155, 157–58

government: fractalnoia and, 219, 220; professional communication campaigns of, 51.

See also

GPS (global-positioning system), 84

Gray, Dave, 86–87

Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations (1851), 164–65

great ideas, 118

Greece, 183–84, 194

Green, Judson, 187, 188

Griffith, D. W., 154–55

Grigoriadis, Vanessa, 97–98

growth, 9–10, 258.
See also

“Grup” (aging yuppie hipster), 151–52

Guild Wars (game), 62

guilt, 121

Gygax, Gary, 60

Habermas, Jürgen, 51

“gist” of, 233

hard drives, 140, 140

Hayek, Friedrich, 226–27, 228

HBO, 34, 107, 210

healthcare, 64, 102–3, 173–74, 191

(TV show), 32, 34

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), 198, 201

Hillis, Danny, 134

Hilton, Paris, 39

hiring, 156, 217

history: calendars associated with, 81; personal, 85; present shock and, 252; as progression, 77

History Channel, 243, 245

Hitchcock, Alfred, 26

holidays, 78

Home Shopping Network, 94

Homebrew Computer Club, 203

HTML. 5, 128

Huffington Post,

human society, as cybernetic system, 225–26

humans: clock as metaphor for, 81, 82; computers as metaphor for, 82–83; as content, 259; evolution of, 254–60; limits of, 254–60; as machines, 95; needs of, 81; specialness of, 258; stages in development of, 76–87; and transcending humanity, 251–54; unpredictability of, 219–30

humor, 25.

See also
situation comedies

Hung, William, 37

hunter-gatherer society, 76–77

Hurricane Katrina, 51

Hurst, Mark, 144

Hussein, Saddam, 46

I Ching,

I Dream of Jeannie
(TV show), 14

identity, digiphrenia and, 122

iHeart, 107

(movie), 201

Industrial Revolution, 87, 161–63, 164–65

information: apocalypto and, 2, 259, 263; bombardment of, 72; collection of, 158–59; control of, 223; digiphrenia and, 72, 75, 86, 116; filter failure and, 116–17; flow of, 141–42, 145–49; fractalnoia and, 199, 223; marketing and, 6, 85, 128, 158, 240; new “now” and, 3, 5, 6; overload of, 2, 116; privacy, 158; stored, 5, 142–49; time as, 86

innovation, 187, 188, 205, 217–19, 231–32

instant gratification, 94


Institute for Creative Technologies, USC, 65–66

intelligence, 125


Internet: as always-on, 73–74; culture of, 96–97, 99; decontextualized, 27; development of, 224; digiphrenia and, 67, 93, 124, 125; discontinuity of age of, 29; ethics and, 70; fractalnoia and, 199, 224; games and, 64; location of computers and, 179–80; narrative collapse and, 16, 27, 29, 47, 48, 50–51, 56, 64; as never sleeping, 69; Occupy Movement and, 56; overwinding and, 179–80; public confidence about news on, 51; real-time news and, 47, 48; reporting and opining and the, 50–51

interruptions, 74, 123

intuition/instinct, 5, 219–20, 222, 233, 234–35

financial markets

Iraq War, 232

Ito, Joichi, 191–92

James, LeBron, 41

Japan, 148, 191, 198, 225

Jarvis, Jeff, 52

Jay-Z, 154

jet lag, 89–90

Jezebel, 97

jobs/employees, 156, 170, 187–88, 217–18

Jobs, Steve, 108, 203

Johnson, Lyndon B., 45

Johnson, Steve, 118, 203

Jordan, Michael, 41

journalism, 50–52, 56, 66.
See also

JPMorgan Chase, 174

time, 112–20, 236, 259

Kaprow, Allan, 60

Keen, Andrew, 52

Kelly, Kevin, 256–57

Kennedy, John F., 29

Kirn, Walter, 234

kleptomania, 166

Korzybski, Alfred, 103, 137–38, 139

Kurzweil, Ray, 254–56

Kutcher, Ashton, 119

Langley, John, 35

Law of Accelerating Returns, Kurzweil’s, 255–56

Law of Diminishing Returns, 255

Law and Order
(TV show), 20, 32

Le Guin, Ursula K., 13

leading, digiphrenia and, 93–109

Lennon, John, 29

Leno, Jay, 55

Lethem, Jonathan, 34

leverage: digiphrenia and, 71–72; fractalnoia and, 206, 229; overwinding and, 135, 136, 137, 139, 163, 165, 175, 176, 177, 178, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190; storytelling and, 20

Licklider, J.C.R., 4

LifeWaves, 107

Lilla, Mark, 53

Lincoln, Abraham, 82

Linnaeus, Carolus, 90

Lippman, Walter, 45

local economic transfer systems (LETS), 149

long now, overwinding and, 140–49, 193, 194

(TV show), 32, 34, 39, 199

Luntz, Frank, 47

machines: digiphrenia and, 93, 95, 98–99; event-based, 98–99; fractalnoia and, 224, 225, 230, 231; humans as, 95; needs of, 81; new “now” and, 4–5; off-loading of time intensive tasks to, 93.

See also

MacLeish, Archibald, 223–24

Macy’s, 160

MAD (mutually assured destruction), 221

Mafia Wars (game), 63

Major League Baseball, 41, 89

makeup, overwinding and, 149–59

management: role of, 187; scientific, 81

Mandlebrot, Benoit, 201, 229

manhood, 39

March, James G., 125

marketing/market research, 6, 85, 128, 158, 240

mashup, 149–59

mass production, 161–62, 165

Mayer-Schonberger, Viktor, 157

McCain, John, 41

McDonald, Mark, 86

McKenna, Dennis, 251–52

McKenna, Terence, 251–53

McLuhan, Marshall, 115, 202, 214–15, 219

Mead, Margaret, 225

media: apocalypto and, 248; change and, 265; consumers and, 166, 167; digiphrenia and, 7; fractalnoia and, 202, 203–4, 205, 210–11, 214–15, 223; global, 214–15; overwinding and, 166, 167; zombie movement and, 248.

See also

Media Virus
(Rushkoff), 203

drugs; healthcare

“meet me” room (New York City), 180

(movie), 31–32

memory: apocalypto and, 250, 255, 259–60; in computers, 140
; digiphrenia and, 82, 105, 122–23, 127; and digital memory as never forgetting, 155–57; fractalnoia and, 222, 238–39, 240; Michalski’s work on, 238–39; new “now” and, 4–5; overwinding and, 136, 140, 142, 155–57, 181–89; time binding and, 140.

See also
MyLifeBits; RAM; TheBrain

Méro, László, 221–22

Michalski, Jerry, 237–39, 240

microchips, 88, 93, 122–23, 263

microphone screech analogy, 208, 210

Microsoft Corporation, 156, 239; MyLifeBits project at, 239–41

Milgram, Stanley, 37

millenium, 3, 10–11, 17

“Mind” (Bateson cybernetic system), 225–26

MMORPGs (multiplayer online role-playing games), 62–63

Mob Wives
(TV show), 39, 149

money/currency: apocalypto and, 258; behavioral finance and, 174–75; cashless societies and, 183–84; centrally-issued, 171, 173; debt and, 5, 173–80; interest-bearing, 3, 171–73, 174, 175–76, 177; kinds of, 145–49; new “now” and, 3, 5; overwinding and, 145–49, 170–80, 183, 184–85, 194; time as, 135, 170–80

Moore, Gordon E., 9

Moore’s Law, 9

morality, 37–38, 250, 259, 260.
See also
ethics; values

Moritz, Michael, 236–37

mortgages, 5, 168, 174, 175, 176, 177–78, 229, 247

movies: apocalypto and, 247, 248–50; chronobiology and, 88; copies of, 71; digiphrenia and, 84, 101; fractalnoia and, 209; narrative collapse and, 28–32, 58, 67; zombie, 247, 248–50

Moyers, Bill, 13

MTV, 23, 35–36, 143, 154

multitasking, 3–4, 122–26

Museum of Modern Art (New York City), 154–55

music: illegally downloading, 192–93; time/sound and, 114

MyLifeBits (Microsoft project), 239–41

Mystery Science Theater 3000
(MST3K) (TV show), 24–25, 201

myths: apocalypto and, 263; brand, 210, 212; digiphrenia and, 76, 78, 111; fractalnoia and, 210, 212–13; narrative collapse and, 13, 16, 39, 64; new “now” and, 4; overwinding and, 164–65, 167, 190

narrative collapse: apocalypto and, 245; change and, 9–10, 14–16; culture and, 12, 13, 30; digiphrenia and, 73; fractalnoia and, 212; games and, 58–66, 67; initial reactions to, 66; as manifestation of present shock, 7, 9–67; millenium and, 10–11; movies and, 28–32, 58, 67; new “now” and, 2, 4, 6; 1965 events and, 14; 1990s and, 9–10, 38–39; now-ist pop culture and, 23–34; Occupy Movement and, 18, 55–58; real-time news and, 43–50; and responses to living in a world without narrative, 39–43; sports and, 39–43; television and, 20–28, 31, 32, 33–34, 35–50, 58, 66, 67; terrorism and, 10–11, 17–18, 48; traditional storytelling and, 18–34.

See also
specific topic

Nash, John, 221

Nass, Clifford, 123

National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), 89–90, 223

National Football League, 41

Nazi Germany, Milgram’s research about obedience in, 37

New Aesthetic, 96

news: continuous cycle of, 54; fractalnoia and, 201–2, 216; narrative collapse and, 43–50, 66; overwinding and, 141–42, 143; public confidence in reporting about, 51; real-time, 43–50; stored, 143.

See also
blogs; Internet; newspapers; television

newspapers, 44

Nisbett, Richard, 234–35

nonverbal communication, 126, 150

now: acting, 159–69; long, 140–49, 193, 194; new, 1–8; as nonexistent, 6; and now-ist popular culture, 23–34.

See also

Obama, Barack, 18, 56, 198

obsessive short, 140

Occupy Movement, 18, 55–58, 64, 161, 216, 264

Olympic Sports Medicine Committee, U.S., 102

Alpha-Omega framework

Ong, Walter, 77

Opera Solutions, 158

opinions, 50–51

Ottoman Empire, 172–73

overwinding: acting now and, 159–69; algorithms and, 178–79, 180, 181, 182, 183; “always-on” philosophy and, 102, 186; apocalypto and, 245, 261; change and, 141, 167; consumers and, 159–69; definition/characteristics of, 1–2, 135–36, 140, 151, 153, 157, 159; kinds of time and, 140–49; long now and, 140–49, 193, 194; makeup and, 149–59; as manifestation of present shock, 7, 131–95; mashup and, 149–59; memory and, 140, 155–57, 181–89; money and, 145–49, 170–80; obsessive short and, 140; ownership and, 168–69; spring-loading and, 136–37, 176, 182, 184, 186, 187, 189, 190–92; storage and, 136, 142, 143, 145–49, 171, 184, 186, 188, 189, 190, 194; temporal diversity and, 133–34, 139; time binding and, 137–40, 194; time as money and, 170–80; timescales and, 7, 131–37, 140–49, 190; winding up and, 189–95.

See also specific topic

ownership, 168–69, 204

pacing: collaborative, 100–101; digiphrenia and, 74, 93–109; importance of, 8; multiple timescales and, 135; overwinding and, 135, 141, 170

paranoia, 204, 218, 222, 240–41, 250, 261

patterns: apocalypto and, 251, 263, 264; fractalnoia and, 7, 197–205, 209, 216, 217–19, 229, 230–41; generating of, 217–19; as nonexistent, 201, 202; recognition of, 7, 219, 230–41, 264

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