Read Predator's Kiss Online

Authors: Rosanna Leo

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #General, #Contemporary

Predator's Kiss (17 page)

BOOK: Predator's Kiss
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Lia was surprised at how good it felt. After a while, she stopped and smiled at him. “You’re right. That did feel like therapy.”

He drew her in for a hug, glove and all. His breathing was almost as uneven as hers, but as he embraced her, she listened as their heartbeats slowed down, finding a matching rhythm.

A rhythm fused together and underscored by impatient need.

Before her raging libido got her into more trouble, she extricated herself from his hug and sat back down on the bench. She watched as he carefully unwrapped her hand. “Boy, talent runs in your family.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Me? Nah. I just know how to hit stuff. Soren’s the real talent. He plays, he teaches music to underprivileged kids when he has spare time and, thanks to all his travels, he knows three or four languages.”

“You don’t know any different languages?” she asked, teasing.

The corner of his mouth twitched in a roguish grin. “No, but I can say ‘fuck’ in seventeen.”

Hearing the coarse word fall from his lips, Lia’s heart began to pound again. Oh, sweet Jesus, she wanted this man. Would let him take her right here on the bench if he wanted, both of them already glistening with sweat.

She tried desperately to change the topic, to steer it away from her need to have him screw her senseless. However, her lust would not be ignored. Not now that she’d had a taste of him. Not after feeling him slip inside her with such hunger and power. How was she supposed to forget about that? How was she supposed to pretend it hadn’t happened?

Her lungs tightened as she drowned in yearning. “Ryland,” she implored in a broken, famished voice she barely recognized.

Staring at her, he finished untying her glove and bandages. He tossed the equipment into a corner. He brought his face toward hers and she realized she was panting; she wanted his kiss so much. He angled his face. Their noses touched. Her lips parted, ready.

His tongue slid inside her mouth, finding a home there. As he kissed her, he scrambled to throw off his clothing. First his shirt went flying and then his pants. Lia didn’t see where they landed and didn’t care. She just wanted him joined to her in every way. Once he was gloriously naked once again, he knelt before the bench press, between her knees. He reached for the hem of her shirt and tore it. Shocked and tickled, Lia stared as the fabric ripped away from her body. He pulled the pieces off her and grinned. “You can borrow one of my shirts. I just need you naked.”

She didn’t argue. What did she care about a T-shirt when she could be pressing her flesh against his?

Ryland yanked off her shoes and socks, and then worked at her jeans and eased them down her legs. Once she was nude, he sat her back on the bench press and leaned into her, capturing one of her nipples in his mouth. Sucking and sucking, making her spine dissolve into useless jelly, teasing her until she was ready to fall to the floor.

Just when she thought she might, Ryland again claimed her mouth, kissing her as if he’d never kissed her before. As if neither of them had ever quite learned how to kiss before meeting the other. His kiss was a savage, sensual caress. Primal and otherworldly.

As he overwhelmed her with his clever lips and tongue, Ryland explored her body. Branding her with his passion. Tweaking her breasts. Dragging his fingernails lightly across her nipples. Digging his fingers into her flesh. He was demanding. Ruthless.

If she’d had any socks on, he would have already knocked them off.

He plundered her. Always careful around her wound, but taking control of her every last muscle and fiber. Completely masculine, and absolutely unafraid to be so.

And Lia wouldn’t have had it any other way.

She wanted him to put his stamp on her. She wanted him to show his need. Every time he held back a little, for fear of hurting her, she spurred him onward. Wanting more. Wanting so much more. And he seemed to understand because his embraces became more fervent as he nipped and bit at her skin.

Ryland slid down her body and she relished in the feel of his hard muscles gliding along the length of her. As he situated himself between her legs, she ran her hands over his strong shoulders, loving the feel of each undulating muscle.

Ryland toyed with her moist sex. Teasing her entrance with his tongue until she moaned in a loud, unfamiliar voice. Just as she thought she might lose her mind, Ryland eased her from the bench and pulled her to the floor with him. He lay back and urged her to climb atop him, her pussy over his face. As she slid over him, her face at his crotch, she closed her mouth over his thick cock. He tasted so good, with just a hint of sweat and a whole lot of effortless masculinity. She swallowed him up, never so hungry, and he made a meal of her pussy.

The most delicious food chain she could ever imagine.

As she tasted the first drop of Ryland’s essence, as her own juices began to flow, she extricated herself from him. She wiggled away just a few inches, lay on her back, and spread her legs once again for him.

“Now,” she whispered.

With a devilish grin, Ryland pulled her on top of him instead. She followed his lead, happier than a hungry puppy with a fresh, juicy bone. He made her straddle his lap. On a labored breath, she eased herself onto his ramrod cock and let out a cry. He felt even better than before. How was it possible? His every touch inflamed her, made her doubt that any other man could make her feel the same. God, this man had destroyed any recollection she had of other men and she’d never been so delirious about losing her memory. She rode him and he met her, thrust for thrust, seeming to dive deeper with each luscious wiggle.

“Lia,” he moaned, huffing, as his fingernails scratched her bottom.

Ryland’s thrusts filled her, stretched her, until she was ready to speak in tongues. And each of those tongues was shouting his name, declaring that she needed this man with her forever. That she could never give him up.

For the very first time, she felt like a princess, in the midst of her own fairy tale. And like a princess at a ball, he danced with her, their bodies moving in the most exquisite of choreographies. A sensual dance comprised of caresses and murmured endearments, one whose moves she would never forget.

As an orgasm of titanic proportions coursed through her, making each inch of her body quake, Lia had to stop herself from shedding tears of joy and amazement. This wasn’t just sex, after all. She knew it, as well as she knew each dust bunny in her writing den at home.

This was different, special. As much as it scared her to ponder it, Lia felt mated to Ryland. He was already a part of her. Her home was with him, as surely as the winds whispered through the trees in the woods outside.

And wherever life would take her, she wanted him to be there. She knew that now. She could never forsake him, and had a pretty good feeling he would never turn away from her. It was physically impossible. The thought of leaving him was pure torture. It was the most horrible pain she could envision for herself.

She was his. Neither of them had spoken it out loud, but it sang in her heart, louder and more poignantly than any music.

He came at the same time, and his eyes grew wild at the sight of her ecstasy. There was something else in his eyes at that moment: pure awe. He clutched at her, pulling her down on top of him. As she rested her head on Ryland’s shoulder, the same time his cheek sagged against her head, his essence filled her. Marking her as his own forever. Mingling with her spirit and her soul.

For a fleeting moment, Lia realized they hadn’t used a condom. Their passion had been too relentless and demanding. But she didn’t care. She wanted him inside her, wished she could take him in every possible way and keep him there. It felt right.

Lia smiled.

For the first time in her life, she felt at home.

That sensation was shattered when they heard a pounding on the door. The officer outside the gym was knocking to get their attention. They looked at each other, and a protective glint twinkled in Ryland’s eyes, making them shine.

“Stay here,” he said as he tossed her his own shirt to wear. He threw on his jeans and walked shirtless to the door. He opened it just a crack, to protect Lia’s modesty, and spoke with the cop. As she dressed in his shirt and her jeans, she listened for snatches of their conversation. She didn’t hear much, just Ryland’s one-word answers.

After a couple of minutes, he walked back to her. His face was tight and he was clenching his teeth. “Well, Lia,” he said. “It seems I’m finally going to have the pleasure of meeting your admirer. A human named Scott Haggerty just checked in at reception, asking about you. And I can’t wait to talk to him.”

Chapter 13

Ryland said a little prayer of thanks that it was still basically nighttime, and the lodge was quiet. As they walked through the corridors, everything was quiet. He was eager to get to reception, where Scott Haggerty was apparently still engaged with the night desk clerk. He had to remember not to yank on Lia’s arm as he pulled her along with him.

Man, he’d never wanted a piece of someone so badly in his life.

Calm down. Maybe the situation’s not as bad as you think
. Hell, maybe it was just some other Scott and the whole thing was a bizarre coincidence.

And maybe Haggerty was just there to sell them some fucking Girl Scout cookies.

Just before they rounded the corner into the reception area, Lia tugged on his arm. He turned to her. She had tears in her eyes.

“Ryland, don’t,” she begged. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. You shouldn’t be involved.”

Her tears sliced through his heart. He pulled her to him and hugged her hard. After a deep breath, he looked at her. “Like it or not, I’m involved. And if it’s who we think it is, I’m not letting him anywhere near you.” He pointed down another hallway and nodded at the officer still lingering a few feet behind them. “Take Lia back to my room. Use that hallway.”

“No,” she cried, standing her ground. “I’m not letting you do this alone.”

“Lia,” he warned, feeling a severe urge to growl at her.

“No, Ryland. It’s because of me he’s here, and I need to know what’s happening.” She stood up straight, and even though she was about five foot nothing, she managed to look about six feet tall. As regal as a queen.

As much as he wanted to throw her over his shoulder and slap her bottom for arguing with him, he also wanted to keep her close. As much as he trusted the guard to get her back to the room, he didn’t trust anyone with Lia’s welfare as much as himself. He’d let her stay so he could keep an eye on her, and make sure this Scott didn’t get any funny ideas.

And then maybe he’d spank her sweet ass later anyway for challenging him. The bear inside was huffing its approval of that particular idea.

The thought teased a smile out of him. He relented. “Fine. But you stay far back. Understand?”

She wiped at her tears and narrowed her eyes at him, a little peeved. “Are you ordering me around?”

He leaned in and kissed the side of her mouth, licking at the delicious corner. “In this, you bet I am. And I won’t be defied.”

She stared at him, her face screwed up with lust and quiet fury. “What makes you think you can talk to me like that?”

He lowered his voice to whisper level. “Because for some strange reason, your safety has become my number-one priority. Tied with your pleasure.”

God bless the poor little thing. Her jaw went slack.

Grinning, Ryland entered reception with the flummoxed Lia and her police escort well behind him. He heard Scott Haggerty’s insistent voice before he saw him. The man’s clear tone of entitlement rubbed him in a very wrong way. He paused for a moment to look at him. It wasn’t the same man he’d seen loitering before in reception, which bothered him because he still didn’t know who the other man was. Stalker Scott was a tall, hefty man, big enough that Ryland felt even sicker at the thought of him pursuing petite Lia.

“You don’t understand,” Scott uttered at the desk clerk. “I’m
Lia Goodblood. She’ll want to see me. We’re a couple.”

Ryland stormed toward him. “Is that right?”

Scott turned, and for the first time, Ryland noticed the stalker wasn’t the only man in the lobby. Harry Little, the paparazzo who’d snapped Lia’s and Soren’s photo at the fish fry, was right behind him. Little was brandishing a video camera, filming the whole proceedings, grinning like an idiot.

“How the hell did
get back here?” Ryland demanded of Little.

“I rented a boat on the mainland,” Little replied, shrugging. “I’m nothing if not enterprising.”

Scott noticed Lia then and his eyes widened. He made a move toward her. “Lia! These people are trying to keep me from you.” He looked her up and down in adoration. “You look so beautiful, darling.”

Lia made no response. She simply stared at him, terrified and pale.

The officer called for backup as Ryland moved in front of the shell-shocked Lia.

Ryland addressed Scott. “She’s not your darling. She’s not your anything.”

Scott’s gaze pivoted toward Ryland as if noticing him for the first time. Only as Scott stared at him, his eyes so unseeing and his brows knit in a confused frown, did Ryland realize just how crazy the man was. He’d have to tread carefully.

“Get away from my lover,” Scott threatened.

“I’m not yours,” Lia mumbled behind Ryland.

Scott smiled at her as if she were simple. “Of course, you are, darling. We’ve spent so much time together. You wrote your book for me. You love me.”

“She doesn’t even know you, buddy,” Ryland said.

Amused by the proceedings, Little moved closer and shoved the camera toward him, and Ryland pushed it away.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Scott countered, his temper suddenly flaring high. “She’s mine and always will be. I just have to make her see.” He addressed Little, keeping his eyes glued on Lia. “Are you getting all of this? How this … this person is keeping me away from my girlfriend?”

“Oh, yeah, Chief. You bet. It’s a downright injustice,” Little replied with another insipid grin, positioning his camera near Ryland’s face.

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