Predator (8 page)

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Authors: Vonna Harper

BOOK: Predator
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His every step was slow and steady as if telegraphing his intentions as he destroyed the distance between them. With each one, she became heat and energy. When no space remained between them, he took hold of her arms and turned her from him. Standing with her back to him and his fingers possessive on her flesh, she knew nothing on earth, except she couldn’t walk away from this man.

Sure fingers made quick work of the knots. The resultant renewed blood flow caused her hands to heat and burn. Not that it mattered. Turning back around, she let her useless top and bra slide to the ground. He was staring at her, intensity again darkening his eyes and infusing her body with another wave of desire. Despite her still-numb fingertips, she reached for his shirt buttons. He wasn’t wearing an undershirt, and in seconds she flattened her palms against his mountain-man chest. He was so damnably tall, so strong, so warm and alive!

And without her, so alone.

Don’t think that, don’t!

Not taking her gaze off his, she finished the unbuttoning, tugged his shirt out of the waistband, and pulled it off him so she could deposit it on top of her clothing. Her nails took care of his jeans’ snap; the zipper came next. By then, he’d fisted his hands in her hair.

“It’s my turn,” she told him. “You’ve had more than enough time to do whatever it was you believed you had to do to me. You succeeded. I want you to know that.”
How, I don’t know

Dropping to her knees before him, she clutched his waistband and pulled his jeans and briefs off his hips and down. There! In all its dark, hard glory, his cock!

Mouth dry again, she sank onto her haunches and stared at what she’d wanted to see and touch and feel inside her since the moment she’d known he existed. “Incredible,” she muttered, her mouth close to his belly so her breath could warm and dampen him there. “Beautiful.”

“You—I’ve never—”

“Never heard a woman say that about your cock?” Taking courage—or was it need—in hand, she brushed the sleek head with her lips. “It’s the truth.”

She’d kept her fingers on his clothing which made it easy for her to drag them all the way to his ankles where his hiking boots stopped them. The act rendered his legs as useless as hers had been, but that wasn’t why she’d stripped him. Bottom line, she
his body.

I’ve become an animal

Balancing herself by gripping his hips, she leaned to the side and forward, careful not to touch his cock. Given its size and position and most of all her quivering need, it wasn’t easy, but this was her journey, her exploration. Her insanity.

Damn, but was the skin around his scrotum soft! Much as she loved brushing her lips against that warm silk, doing so tested her self-control and made it all but impossible to keep her attention off the insistent messages her pussy was giving off. She used her damp tongue to paint his belly. When he sucked in a breath and increased his hold on her hair, she stuck her tongue into his navel, her face so close that his scent entered her through her pores. His cock pressed against her chin.

“Damn you, damn you,” he hissed. “Shouldn’t have freed you.”

“Don’t say that.” Her mouth now hovered over his cock, and she expelled her breath in harsh puffs.

His lack of a response bothered her, but she couldn’t concentrate on what he might be thinking when her inner fire resisted all her efforts to tamp it down. Giving up, she released a hip so she could slide her hands between her legs. Her thumb unerringly found the wet and ready hole. Not trusting herself to breach the opening, she contented herself with rubbing the side of her thumb between her cunt lips.

Her mouth, opening, reaching, encompassing his cock, closing down around as much of it as she could. Breathing through her nostrils, she rocked between awareness of her filled mouth and empty pussy.

“Damn you, damn you,” he chanted. His grip on her hair loosened, and she guessed he was trying to study her attempt at masturbation.

Power hadn’t shifted to her after all. Instead, it had shattered and melted, leaving her adrift and drowning. His cock filled her, warmed her, brought her so damn close to him that fear nibbled at the edges. Fighting that should have distracted her. Instead, she was sinking closer to him, opening herself up to him. Losing herself.

This man had done more than rob her of her clothing and freedom; he’d taken her to a place she’d never been before. And now that he had, she wanted nothing but to explore that place, that world. Him.

Careful! Don’t lose yourself

The taste and texture of him coated her tongue and the inside of her cheeks to kill the warning. His head touched the back of her throat, and although she’d never been comfortable with her oral sex skills, she easily freed her mind from past performances. Her mouth and tongue and throat were her gifts to his cock. She gave them freely, proudly, her tongue swirling around his width and length. The act was both foreign and familiar, a tantalizing experience that distracted her from self-pleasure. Bold in ways that made a lie of her earlier bondage, she sucked and licked until a groan rolled up from deep inside him.

Perhaps he wanted her to back off until he’d regained self-control, but how could she after what he’d put her through? She let him slowly slide out of her warm cave, but instead of waiting for him to make the next move, she took his cock in her hand.

“What are you—”

“Whatever pleases me,” she shot back. “My turn, damn it.”

“The hell it—”

“Be quiet. You want me to gag you?”

His laugh carried equal amounts of amusement and sexual tension, but at least he stopped protesting. The hot, hard weight in her palm was a gift, proof of his trust in her. Yes, she understood how fragile that trust was, but it was precious nevertheless.

Don’t lose yourself, don’t!

Rocked by a wave of emotion she refused to examine, she lowered herself even more, tilted her head to the side, and sucked in his balls. The contrast between them and his cock was both monumental and nonexistent. His cock, designed for penetration, was hard, while what now filled her mouth put her in mind of wet, loose silk. His future lay within the hidden balls, his unborn children waiting for life.

Was that why she felt so shaken? Not because her actions were so intimate, but because she now cradled his immortality?

Too much! Too damn much!

Chapter Eight

He was growling, the sound one she’d never heard from a human throat. A cougar could create the deep rumble which led her to a simple conclusion. Stark was becoming, or was already, a predator.

Was Cougar Spirit responsible?

If she mated with Stark, would she join him in his mission?

Hands on her thighs and her mouth now empty, she looked up at the man who’d already changed her world and would alter it even more if she didn’t flee. With his legs splayed wide and his fingers around his cock as if sheltering it, he returned her gaze. Because he was in shadow, she couldn’t make out the nuances of what rode in his eyes, but her electrified body easily and freely absorbed the messages.

The next move was up to her.

Her pulse thundering in her temple, she leaned back. Maybe the mountain gods approved because when she repositioned herself so her legs were stretched out in front of her, soft grasses protected her rump and palms. She trusted the same mountain gods to supply her back and shoulders with the same support when the time came.

“You want this?” he asked.

“Not just want.”

“I’m talking about more than us having sex.”

“I know.” Hopefully, he didn’t need more right now because her lips had become numb. In contrast, her body vibrated.

“Do you understand?” Long, strong fingers caressed his swollen-as-hell cock. “Everything?”

“I can’t comprehend it all. I don’t know how I’m going to react to what you and Cougar Spirit want from me. Right now, the only thing I need in life is you inside me.”

He was just standing there, waiting for what? Unnerved, she fought the impulse to caress her aching hole. Although digging her nails into the ground kept them off her, she’d become a mass of nerve endings, a fire desperate for the wind that would send her sexual flames reaching for the sky. She needed, damn it! Needed that incredible cock of his buried so deep in her that it might remain there forever.

Nothing else mattered.

A long, deep breath aimed at tamping down the flames turned into a howl. Knowing she was responsible for the sound shocked her; at the same time, she accepted it as proof of her descent into the world Stark and Cougar Spirit shared.

No longer contained by her human form, she’d match Cougar Spirit stride for stride. Maybe she’d grow claws and fangs. And what about Stark? Would he run and fight and maybe kill beside her and the cougar?

Looking up, up at that now harsh and hard naked body gave her the answer. Yes, because he and Cougar Spirit had already become one.

Get out! Run!

I can’t. Not now

Not taking his eyes off her, Stark leaned down and untied his boots. Then he kicked them off and stepped out of his jeans and briefs.
This is what I am
, his stance said.
What I have to offer

Supporting her upper body on her left elbow and forearm, she curled in so she could easily reach what she had to offer him. Unashamed, she parted her folds and exposed her pussy to him. He nodded, then sank to his knees. Still displaying herself, she offered no resistance when he spread her legs and slid into the space he’d created.

They were speaking without words, asking and answering unspoken questions.

And Cougar Spirit had returned.

She didn’t have to look at the beast to know his attention was locked on the two humans. Maybe she should send him a message letting him know she was no mindless female in heat he could mold however he wanted. Just because there was a connection of sorts between them didn’t mean she’d surrendered her will and future. She had a life, damn it, a world she’d spent years creating. Why would she turn her back on that to protect this damnable mountain?

A touch, Stark’s fingers running up her inner thighs, wrenched her thoughts from the predator. When Stark’s fingers continued their march, she leaned back again, but she’d watch as long as he explored her cunt. And when he was done…

There was no searching, no teasing or toying, just a simple and complex contact between fingertip and clit. Hissing, she rocked her pelvis toward him. He withdrew, then touched again. Once more her breath whistled; this time she tilted her pelvis upward, a bold and unashamed bitch offering herself.

For endless seconds, he stroked her hard and quaking nub. Then his finger was gone, and it took every bit of self-control not to sink her teeth into him. She was trying to straighten when he flattened his hands over her breasts and pushed. At the last moment, he looped an arm behind her back and guided her to the ground. When her spine rested on the grasses and the smell of growth and dirt was strong in her nostrils, he slid his hand out from under her.

She studied the powerful form over her. He consumed her. That’s what it came down to, being consumed. And yet, there was no fear in her, no sense of being overpowered. Surrendering to a message and force without words, she raked his shoulders. He responded by growling, the sound rumbling over and in her. Leaning low, he nipped at her shoulders, the bite hard enough to abrade her skin. Sighing, she hooked an arm around his neck and guided his head so his face was between her breasts.

He licked and nibbled the hollow before doing the same to each breast. Inhuman sounds escaped her gaping mouth; she thought she heard Cougar Spirit growl.

Somehow Stark was between her wide-spread legs, his cock pressing against her opening. Her feral sounds became hungry whimpers as she lifted her pelvis to welcome him.

There. In. Hard and strong. United.

Knowing she was trapped as she’d never been, she scooted down and further sealed the union. He did more than fill her, more than consume her. She’d become part of him, not separate human beings united by sex, but fused body and mind.

The time of resisting, of running, of demanding freedom, was over. For now. There was only his cock pressing against her inner tissues and a fullness that resonated throughout her. Blinking him into clarity, she bent her knees so her heels rested on the base of his ass. Her hands gripped his buttocks.

“Finally. Oh God, finally.” She wasn’t sure which of them had spoken.

He’d lifted his upper body and was supporting it by locking his right elbow, his hand inches from her neck. His gaze was intense, his body hard and trembling. He put her in mind of an impending storm, a whip and whirl of wind and energy. Electricity hummed around her, reminding her of the seconds before a lightning strike when the air gathers itself for the explosion. Giving herself up to the storm, she became a reckless mortal by embracing the strength and relentless power. How many times had she huddled under a sheltering tree with rain pounding all around, or stared out at a purple-black sky splintered by lightning strikes, humbled by nature’s might?

Nature. Animal. She’d become both those things.

“We’re one,” she said with her heart beating like a frenzied drum.

“It has begun.” With that, he drove into her, powering himself deep and wide.

It has begun
. Did he mean there’d never be an end and that today’s fucking would unite them for life? Sudden fear that she’d never again be a separate person blunted her body’s response to the spearing cock. She didn’t realize she’d scratched his buttocks until he brought his face within an inch of hers.

“Don’t.” That’s all he said, don’t. And with the command, the fear slipped away to be replaced by that sense of oneness. She was his. And he’d become hers. For now.

There. His body pulling away and then powering forward, harsh and wild. There was nothing restrained or civilized about his thrusts. He came at her again and again until she was dizzy with his strength, her pussy a million fragments of sensation.

She was nothing under him, a frail female being fucked by an alpha male, a vessel, a receptacle.

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