Power (Mafia Ties: Brandon & Carly Book 2) (4 page)

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Authors: Fiona Davenport

Tags: #mafia romance

BOOK: Power (Mafia Ties: Brandon & Carly Book 2)
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“Enough!” I groaned. “I’ve already got your come sliding down my leg and you’re just making me wetter. I don’t even have time to clean up before they get here, dammit!”

His eyes flashed, burning with a gleam of male satisfaction before he dropped his gaze to my thighs. “Here, I’ll help you.”

I stood there, dazed when he ran his palm up my inner thighs to cup me. The heel of his hand rubbed against my clit as he dipped his finger inside and gathered more of our combined come to spread it over my bare skin. He smeared it in, like lotion scented with his essence. Marking me.

“Your idea of help and mine seem to differ a little,” I breathed out, widening my stance to give him better access.

“I thought you liked it when I get you dirty?” he asked, flashing me a smug grin.

My legs were still sticky as he slid my jeans up. I batted his hand away when he went to help me with the zipper, opting to do it myself instead. He’d missed what I was carrying in my front pocket when he’d pulled them down, but I didn’t want to risk him finding it now that the haze of lust had cleared. Not after I’d gone to the trouble of having Tommy pick it up and bring it into my office for me so Brandon wouldn’t see the package and get all nosy. I wanted to surprise him, along with everyone else, and make the most of the moment. I hadn’t decided exactly when I was going to show him, but I had no doubt that I’d know when the time was right.

“You have no idea how much of a fucking turn-on it is to know you’re going to have my come all over your pussy and thighs during this meeting.”

“Like this doesn’t already mark me as yours.” I waived my hand at him, enjoying the gleam of the emerald in the light.

“You’re so damn gorgeous, tattooing my name across your forehead wouldn’t be enough to warn off all the guys who would die to take my place.”

“You’re crazy,” I giggled.

“Crazy for you, maybe.”

My laughter dried up at the sound of male voices outside my door. Straightening my shirt, I took a deep breath and gave Brandon a quick hug. “You’re sure this is what you want? Because after this meeting, there’s no changing your mind. Not without putting both of us at risk. Or more danger than we’ll already be in.”

I snapped my mouth shut when I realized I was babbling, my cheeks heating with a tinge of self-consciousness at the indulgent humor in Brandon’s eyes. “Yeah, kitten. I’m sure.”

“Well then, I guess it’s time to get down to business.”

“Try not to be so damn cute while you’re doing it.”

I straightened my spine and let all the warmth seep from my face. “I’ll try, but we both know it might be impossible.”

His dark chuckle rang in my ears as I unlocked the door and let the guys in. Tommy walked in first, his green eyes quickly swept me from head to toe before he turned to glare at Brandon. “Possessive bastard,” he grumbled quietly. “Don’t you think it would have been wiser to wait until after this damn meeting?”

Brandon shrugged his shoulders, looking completely relaxed with his hip resting against the side of my desk. He didn’t respond, his attention turning to the three men who followed behind Tommy. Aiden and Ewan Walsh dropped onto the chairs in the corner of the room, long legs stretched in front of them as they eyed Brandon up and down. The brothers were sons of my da’s best friend, boys I’d known growing up. Ones who’d risen quickly because of their father’s connection to the family, but Tommy had assured me they’d been unhappy working for my da. They’d been two of the first to offer me their condolences at his funeral and had also been quick to share a shot with me at his wake.

I figured getting the Walsh brothers behind my plans wasn’t going to be too difficult. The fourth man to enter the room was a different story, though. Conor Murphy was older than my da and had been a loyal member of the O’Reilly organization since he was a teenager. He was old school, and I was going to hit him with changes he was bound to resist. Lots of them. But, he was well respected among the men and his support could be the difference between a smooth transition and a struggle for control that could result in a blood-bath.

Conor tilted his head at me and only moved far enough into my office to lean against the wall by the door, his gaze hard as he looked at Brandon. “Shut the door,” I instructed, not wanting anyone to overhear my plans. I nodded in acknowledgment when Conor did as he was asked. I rounded my desk, sat in the chair, and folded my hands in front of me. I glanced up at Brandon to find him smiling down at me and took strength in knowing he believed in me. It was enough for me to claim Conor’s attention and get down to business.

“Take a seat, Conor.” I waved to the open chair next to where Tommy was seated. When he dropped into it, I realized my childhood friend’s choice of locations wasn’t a coincidence. The positioning was ideal, the desk between me and Conor with Tommy directly next to him, Aiden and Ewan behind him, and Brandon in front of him and slightly to his right. If he made any moves, he’d find himself surrounded.

“There’s going to be some changes around here,” I started. “Some of which I’ve already discussed with Tommy.”

“I’m assumin’ one o’ these changes has ta’ do with why the DeLuca’s enforcer is in the room while we’re discussin’ O’Reilly business?” Conor asked.

“I know we’re in bed with the DeLucas now that you have an alliance with them, but this is taking it a little too far, don’t ya think?” Aiden piped in.

Tommy snickered at Aiden’s turn of phrase, earning himself a glare from me.

“With the way he’s standin’ there, it makes it seem like you want him to be your second-in-command or something crazy like that.”

Tommy’s laughter died at Ewan’s comment, and he returned my glare. “If anyone in this room is going to serve as your second, it should be me.”

“You have nothing to fear from me in that regard, McKinnon. I’m not here as Carly’s second.”

I knew I’d recognize the right moment, and this one was perfect. Rising to my feet, I dug in my pocket and pulled out the ring I’d had made for Brandon. It was amazing what you could accomplish in a short amount of time when you had access to lots of money. “As qualified as he is, Brandon can’t serve as my second because that would imply I don’t see him as my equal. Nothing could be further from the truth considering I’ll be his wife in two days’ time.”

“You’re really planning to marry a DeLuca?” Aiden asked.

Brandon straightened, crossing his arms over his chest and narrowing his eyes at Aiden. Unclenching my fist, I dropped the ring I had designed for him onto the desk. “You see this ring? I had it made from the bullet that killed my da.”

Everyone’s eyes were riveted on the brass bullet head with the words Winchester 45 Colt, surrounding an oval diamond in the center. “It’s going on the finger of the man
chosen as my husband. He’s not just a DeLuca, he’s the only man I know who would take a bullet for me, without any hesitation. I’d say that’s a huge improvement over the cocksucker my da tried to sell me off to.”

“That may cause problems with our traffickin’ business,” Conor pointed out.

“Not really, considering we aren’t in that business anymore.”

“I’m expected ta follow a woman, one who’s marryin’ a DeLuca,
we’re dumpin’ a line o’ business that made us a shitload o’ money. Are ya changing everything then?” Conor asked.

“Not quite everything,” I murmured. “But the drugs are going too. And, we’re not going to fight the DeLuca’s for the weapons business anymore. I’m letting Nic take charge of the whole territory.”

Conor didn’t look happy with my answer. “That leaves us with what exactly?”

I rounded the desk, stopping at Brandon’s side when his arm snaked around my waist. “Three of our men are in prison right now, Conor. Ian’s serving hard time on weapons charges. Eric and Colin won’t be out for three more years with the amount of drugs they were caught with. Getting out of those lines of business is a smart move. It keeps my men out of the line of fire with the police.”

“And the trafficking?”

“My own father tried to sell me to another man,” I replied. “And I killed him for it. Do you really think after I did that I was just going to sit idly by and let the same thing or worse happen to other women under my watch?” Conor started to speak, and I held my hand up to let him know I wasn’t done. “Human trafficking is wrong, plain and simple. Once you’ve crossed every line, you don’t even see them anymore. Then you end up willing to do crazy things, like selling off your own flesh and blood. I won’t have it happen again, and the only way to ensure it is to cut the trafficking business out like the cancer it is. Before it touches any other women or girls in our family. Like your granddaughter.”

“Is that a threat?” he growled.

“Never,” I promised. “It’s a reminder of who I’m trying to protect with the decisions I’ve made.”

His eyes narrowed, but I still saw a hint of interest in them. “I’m all for keeping Chloe safe, but how will I keep her healthy and happy if I don’t have enough money coming in? The pubs don’t bring in enough money to support us all.”

“One of the first things a good leader learns is to build on their strengths, and so we’re going to expand our pubs and bootlegging business. Also, we’ve already got a stake in smuggling of jewels and antiquities. We’ll just have to train more people and lucky for us”—I grinned widely—“I’m an excellent thief.”

Chapter 6

hen the meeting ended, Carly and I left for home. We were meeting up with Nic and Anna for a pre-wedding night out.

Once we were in the car and on the road, I brought up Carly’s little fib. “Kitten, we both know you didn’t go digging the bullet out of your father’s forehead. Where did it really come from?”

Carly snickered, but when I glanced over at her, she blushed. I wasn’t sure what to make of her reaction.

“Um, when I went to look at rings for you, I came across these rings. It just so happened, you had your guys repairing the wall from where the—um”—she blushed a deeper shade of red—“the bullet I shot you with had lodged.”

I started laughing and was extremely grateful to be pulling up to our house, so I could park the car and give in to the uproarious amusement bursting from me.

Once I’d caught my breath and wiped the tears from my eyes, I glanced at Carly to see her practically pouting in her seat as she watched me. I grabbed her cheeks and brought her face to mine for a hard kiss, before whispering against her mouth, “So damn cute.”

“If you don’t like it, we can—”

I kissed her again to shut her up. “I love it, kitten.”

She beamed at me, and I gave her one more peck before exiting the car and going around to open her door.


looked around the restaurant and lifted my chin in greeting when I spotted Anna and Nic already seated at a table near the back corner. It would afford more privacy, but also ensure our outing with the head of the DeLucas would be made public.

Nic stood as we approached and shook my hand before pulling Carly in for a hug. I scowled at him and kept a hold of her hand, turning it into a brotherly, one-armed embrace. The stronzo grinned and sat back down next to his woman.

“Ciao, Anna.” I kissed her cheek, then took a seat on the opposite side of the table. I grinned at Nic’s disgruntled expression as he tucked his wife under his arm.

Carly walked to Anna and took her hand. “I’m sorry you got dragged into planning the wedding.”

Anna beamed at her and got to her feet, giving Carly a hug. “Trust me, I understand. I married a DeLuca, I know how they can make you crazy. At least, now we have each other to commiserate with.”

Nic growled and swatted her ass before hooking an arm around Anna’s waist and hauling her back into her seat, then placing a hand over her stomach, as though reminding me she was knocked up and practically marking his territory. I smirked at him until Carly replied, “Yes, those cavemen are like bad pennies, they just keep turning up.”

I scoffed. She loved it when I went all caveman on her and we both knew it.  She dropped into her seat next to me and I put my hand on the back of her neck, guiding her head over so her ear met my lips. “That wasn’t very nice, kitty cat. Are you looking to be punished?”

She shivered and I smiled arrogantly, kissed the shell of her ear, and sat back, leaving my arm slung around her chair.

“How is my goddaughter?” I inquired. Nic’s little girl Sophia was the light of my life until Carly waltzed her way into my heart. Sophia had been sick, in and out of the hospital since she was very young. Recently though, the doctors were confident that she was permanently on the mend.

“Excited to be a big sister and very adamant that we give
a baby girl,” Nic laughed, warmth and affection coloring his tone as he spoke about his daughter.

Anna rolled her eyes. “Yes, the fluffy, white cat we gave her only distracted her from the pregnancy for so long.”

“I can’t believe I forgot you were expecting,” Carly interjected with a smile. “Congratulations! I hope we haven’t been working you too hard!” Maybe it was my imagination, but I was pretty sure there was a strong hint of longing in her voice. Speaking of my caveman, he was anxious to satisfy that longing. I felt the same pull, the desire to see my woman round with our baby. I didn’t even know if she was pregnant yet and I was already fiercely protective of the two most precious people in my life. 

A young, good-looking (if you like that preppy, boy band look), male waiter arrived at the table, bringing water and bread, then took our orders. His eyes danced appreciatively over Anna and Carly as he asked, “Is there anything else I can get for you?” A low growl of warning rumbled in my throat and I practically bared my teeth at the little shit. His eyes widened before he turned and scurried away.

I felt a pinch on my thigh and looked down at Carly to see her glaring at me. I shrugged, smiled, and kissed the tip of her nose. Glancing across the table, I saw much the same situation and I couldn’t help snickering, earning myself another pinch and a scowl from Carly.

“Retract your claws, kitten,” I whispered with a swift kiss to her soft lips.

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