Poseidon's Spear (Long War 3) (8 page)

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Authors: Christian Cameron

BOOK: Poseidon's Spear (Long War 3)
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We were only a few stades from the coast – indeed, as soon as the clouds blew past, I could see Aetna, the beach and trees to the south. I think I might have swum to

But it was not to be. A coaster – a small ship with one mast and a few oarsmen – came out of the storm, throwing a fine bow wave. She was well handled, cutting slantwise across the
wind, tacking back and forth in the straits.

A lookout must have spotted us. I was facing the other way and missed all this. Neoptolymos grunted once or twice, but I don’t think he was fully alive at that point, and both of us were

Perhaps I baked for fifteen minutes in the sun, and then I was shocked to hear a hail, and the coaster was a stade away. It was as if a sea monster had surfaced by my side.

The boat dropped its scrap of sail – the breeze was still stiff – and four oarsmen pulled towards me, almost into the eye of the wind, moving the little ship. I paddled weakly
towards them.

They pulled me aboard. They spoke Greek, in a way, more like trade lingo. I assumed they were Sikels, and I was right. The leader – trierarch seems too grand a term for a forty-five-foot
trading boat – ran his hands over my injuries, gave me a hard smile and nodded to another, younger man who had to be his younger brother. Then he turned to Neoptolymos.

After the sort of examination a man gives to a ram he’s buying in the agora, the two Sikels spoke to each other. The older man’s name was Hektor. Even here, among barbarians, the
poet’s work lived. That gave me a ray of hope.

The ray of hope lasted until we found ourselves assigned to oars. The shackles were more figurative than real, but it was clear that I was rowing for my food, at least. Since I could barely
speak with any of the men on board, I assumed I was a slave. Again. I was with two men with heavy, hooked noses and deep-set eyes, and two men who were as black as any men I’d ever seen, and

On a positive note, we were not forbidden to talk, and as soon as we’d rowed the ship around the headland, the work of an hour, the nearer African smiled at me. ‘Doola,’ he
said. I took it for his name.

‘Arimnestos,’ I said. I tapped my chest.

‘Ari?’ Doola asked.

Close enough.

I nodded.

The younger African tapped his chest. ‘Seckla!’ he said sharply.

‘Ari,’ I said again.

You get the picture.

The other two men were not Phoenicians, although they looked the part, nor were they Sikels or Hebrews or anything I knew. They didn’t speak much. But within a few hours, I knew that the
ruddy-haired man was Gaius and the dark-haired one was Daud, and that they didn’t really share a language, either. They just looked as if they did. In fact, I’ll save time and say that
Gaius was Etruscan and Daud was all Keltoi, from northern Gallia, and spoke a few words of Greek and a few more of Sikel and no other tongue but his own.

It is amazing how much information you can convey without many words. And it is perhaps a comment on my former servitude how happy I was on that boat. The food was good, mostly grilled fish. We
had wine every night. The Sikels treated us as – well, more as employees than slaves, and I never was entirely sure as to my status. We moved from small port to small port – really,
just a stone house and some wattle huts on a headland with a beach. We rowed past the Greek towns and their temples and familiar smells. We sailed past the Carthaginian towns and well out to sea,
and it occurred to me that my new hosts feared the Carthaginians far more than they feared the Greeks, the Italiotes or the Etruscans.

Mostly, we loaded dry fish and sold metal. Every town had a small forge and a bronze-smith, and our ingots of copper and tin were their life’s blood. I was shocked when I finally
understood the price of tin. It was absurdly high, and I thought of my time as a smith on Crete – about as far from the tin mines of northern Illyria as a man can be, and still be in the
world – and wondered. What had happened? Tin hadn’t ever been that high.

You cannot make bronze without tin. And the tin has to be high quality. You don’t need to add much tin to the copper to make bronze – a little more than one to twenty. But without
tin, all you have is soft copper, whether you are making cook pots or helmets.

So an increase in the price of tin – affected everyone.

Neoptolymos was the only man to whom I could really talk. As I recovered a little, so did he, and I went back to work on his Greek. He was sullen, and it was only then that I began to understand
the depth of his betrayal. The man I had heard mentioned on the beach – Epidavros – was his uncle. Neoptolymos didn’t need me to tell him who had sold him to the Carthaginians. He
already knew. He chewed on his desire for revenge every minute. Illyrians are good haters, and in this case, I think his need for revenge kept him alive.

Mind you, I thought of Dagon constantly. I hated him: I wanted to torture him to death, and I knew, in my heart, that I was afraid of him. This had not happened to me before, and the sensation
was like the ache of a tooth. I had to probe it with my tongue.

A week passed, and another. We were not shackled or roped at night. I began to prowl the encampment when the boat was beached, testing the boundaries. We were well along the west coast of Sicily
– I have no notion greater than that – in a town that had several stone houses with tile roofs, and I had been a rower for perhaps three weeks when I walked boldly down the beach away
from the encampment and into the streets of the town. I made it to their very small agora just before dark, and there was the younger brother, sitting on a blanket, with various ingots of Cyprian
copper and a few knucklebones of tin – clearly not Illyrian tin, let me add, because that comes in plainer ingots.

Hektor’s brother rose from his blanket, walked over to me and put a hand on my arm. But there wasn’t any threat.

I shrugged. ‘I want to see the town,’ I said in Greek.

He shrugged and let go my arm.

I walked about. In truth, they were subsistence farmers with no temple and very little to see – a pair of stone statues that were really just phallic pillars. A bronze brooch was the
town’s chief adornment for a woman, and only one man wore a sword, and it was more like a dagger.

In the days of my lordship, I’d have walked past them all like a king. As a semi-slave rower, I found the town fascinating. Or rather, a welcome break.

In a very few minutes, I was back in the small agora, and Hektor’s brother met me, led me to the blanket and offered me a cup of wine. So I sat with him. Drank his wine. And, with a smile,
got up and walked back down to the boat. I still didn’t know his name, because his brother never used it.

It may seem odd to you, thugater, but I was not unhappy. My body was healing, and no one was unfriendly. Doola and I were becoming comrades. I learned some of his words – I still remember
means ‘I want’. He learned more of mine. Enough words that when I came back from my wander – he had been sleeping – he rose, threw a
over his nudity and sat with me.

‘Was it good?’ he asked. Let me just say that there were grunts, gestures and incomprehensible words interspersed with our very small shared vocabulary. I’ll leave that

‘Not bad,’ I said, and shrugged. ‘Hektor’s brother gave me wine.’

‘He’s not bad,’ Doola agreed.

We sat in companionable silence until Hektor himself joined us. He lay down. He was a very big man – a head taller than me – and handsome. He had a small amphora and a
cup, and he poured a libation. Doola and I both raised our hands in the universal sign of prayer to the gods, and he grinned. He said some words. Then he drank from the cup and
passed it. After a while a small boy, I think Hektor’s son, came and brought small fish fried in olive oil. Neoptolymos joined us and ate the fish with the closest thing to a smile I’d
seen from him. We ate them, got greasy, drank the wine. One by one the other rowers came, and then the rest of Hektor’s deck crew – all relatives, I guess.

I still think they had made a profit. It was a good little party.

So the next morning, when the boat rowed away, I was at my bench. I was happy enough.

That’s the best evening I remember. I can’t say exactly how long I rowed for the Sikels. At least a month, and perhaps longer. But sometime after that, on a clear
day, we saw a trireme hull up to the north, and the Sikels spoke in agitated tones, and we turned south and ran downwind. The two brothers argued, and I will assume that the younger was in favour
of maintaining our course to the west and appearing unfazed, while the older was in favor of running immediately and gaining sea room.

We ran south across a darkening sea, and as the wind grew less and less, we went to the oars and pulled. Hektor began to cheat the helm more and more west of south.

But the black trireme was on us.

I rowed looking over my shoulder. I’d been the hunter a hundred times. I’d snapped up coasters just like this one – sometimes three and four at a time. I knew in an hour that
the trireme had us.

So did Hektor.

He gathered his family in the stern. I couldn’t hear them, or understand them. But they didn’t shout, and they took weapons. They had a look about them that I know too well. They
weren’t planning to resist because they believed they could win. They were resisting so they would die with honour.

The youngest boy smiled and kissed his father and uncles and brothers and then jumped into the sea just before the trireme came alongside, and drowned. Just like that.

Hektor was a giant, a fine figure of a man, but he was no fighter, and the marines from the black hull knew their business. He inflicted no wounds. They spitted him on a spear. He screamed a few
times, until one of the marines hit him with the hilt of his
the way a fisherman whacks a fish to kill it. Hektor died.

The other Sikels fought, but they didn’t fight well. Two were wounded. But Hektor’s brother and the rest were taken.

They looted the boat, and then they took us aboard. In less time than it takes to tell it, I was a slave rower. Again. On a Carthaginian military trireme.

I know you think I should have risen from my bench with Doola and perhaps Seckla and killed all the marines. But my body was far from healed – healed for fighting, I mean – and I had
neither weapon nor armour, and they had everything. I considered fighting. I wondered, almost idly, if I had learned cowardice at last. Doola and I certainly exchanged a look, in the last few
moments before the marines came aboard. Neoptolymos grunted once, in real agitation. He wanted to fight, but he looked for my lead.

Well, I’d led once before, and failed.

If Hektor had armed us—

I’d be dead. So there. Poseidon frowned, and smiled too. I went to a bench, and I had Doola and Seckla at arm’s length, and Hektor’s brother below me, Neoptolymos a dozen
benches ahead of us.

The trireme was called the
Sea Sister
in Phoenician. I didn’t know a man aboard, but in an hour I knew that the trierarch was a capable man with an expert set of officers. Nor
were the rowers slaves. This was a military ship, run for a profit by means of piracy. We preyed on the Sikels and the Etruscans, too, as well as the Greeks of Magna Greca. In my first week aboard
we took six ships – none much larger than the coaster on which I’d served. Ours was the only one that resisted, and for several weeks they treated us with care, keeping us at
arm’s length when we were fed. Wine was rare, and meant we were in for a fight. But at the end of the fifth week, we pulled into Laroussa, a Carthaginian port on Sicily, and the rowers were
marched down the wharf from the ship to a barracks – and paid.

I almost expired from shock. I had assumed I was a slave. The
Sea Sister
was run in Phoenician, of course, and I spoke a little and understood more; and most of the officers spoke
enough Greek to be understood. None had bothered to suggest to me that I was
a slave. But in the barracks, I was shown a bed and handed a little less than sixty drachmas.

Doola and I had managed to expand our shared vocabulary, although, to be honest, we spoke neither Greek nor Numidian, but our own language. Now that we were in barracks, though, I found that
there were a dozen more Greeks in our crew and they knew the town and the drill.

‘We’re not slaves,’ said an Athenian guttersnipe named Aristocles. ‘But we have very limited rights. You can go to the whorehouses or the agora or the wine shops. You
cannot leave town. You cannot refuse to row.’ He shrugged. ‘It is like being a slave with some privileges.’ He grinned, showing me all ten of his teeth. ‘You look like a
gent,’ he said. ‘Want to share a ride?’

He meant share a
at the brothel, and I didn’t really fancy that, but I bought a pitcher of wine and fruit juice on ice – extravagant aristocrat that I was – and
a dozen of us drank it in a taverna that smelled like old octopus. Then we ate a huge meal.

The whores came around when the serious drinking started. They didn’t want sex – the ideal customer paid and passed out. But I hadn’t even talked to a woman in months, and my
body felt better – the soreness in my side and my shoulders was a little less every morning, and the wounds from Dagon’s spear were healed. I wanted one of them. So I talked, chatted,

For my pains, I ended up riding one of the older women – she seemed quite old to me – a near-hag of thirty. She had beautiful hair and some teeth and a deep tan and a ready laugh,
and she was the only one of the porne who had much of a smile. We drank wine afterwards, and she sat with me, a hand on my arm, for the rest of the evening, and we had another ride after dark. Of
course I paid. Porne don’t ride for free, and men who say so lie. But she liked me well enough, and I her. Her name was Lin, or enough. She was a Sikel.

I went from mourning Euphoria to riding an old prostitute. Yes. I was alive.

We were on shore a little less than a week. The
Sea Sister
was provisioned for sea again, and an officer came and fetched us. We each got a few coins for signing on – not that we
had any choice – and in an hour the shore was a dream and Lin’s body was a mirage, and I was rowing.

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