Portals (26 page)

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Authors: Maer Wilson

BOOK: Portals
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“Okay, I’ll bite. So what is causing it?” I asked.

“That part we are more uncertain about, and there are several theories. My personal feeling is one shared by several of our masters. These experts also study magic and its causes. They have met with those who study the heavens of Earth to put together a rather revolutionary idea. Not everyone subscribes to this theory, but it feels right to me.

“We believe your entire solar system has entered an area that has made it more susceptible to portals. It is thought that the Earth is moving into a part of the galaxy where the laws of magic actually work. A place where it can magically connect with other worlds more easily. Earth is currently serving as a sort of crossroads, an intersection for the worlds we know,” He again paused to look around.

That word again - “crossroads.”

“As well as for worlds we do not know.” His deep voice didn’t betray one hint of the ominous tone I felt it should have had with that statement. Instead, what I felt from him was pity. And that scared the hell out of me.

Chapter 21

The room was so silent we could hear the ticking of the clock on the mantle over the fireplace. We watched Jones carefully to see if he was going to drop anymore bombs on us.

Thulu spoke first, calm as ever. “Yet that theory, you said, isn’t much accepted?”

Jones shook his head. “Well, no, but I think it is what we will discover to be true in the end. It fits all the facts. And those supporting other theories are not as familiar with Earth as I am. Nor have they been alive as long.”

Jones looked around at us. “This has been my home for a very long time. I have no wish to leave it. Nor do I think my own people are anxious to have me back on Phaete. I actually care about what happens to this world. You know this.” This last to me, Thulu and Reo. “Anything that is a potential threat concerns me. While some of the others want to look for what I feel are non-existent entities opening portals, I wish to explore the ways we can safeguard this world while it is susceptible to portals.”

“What exactly can we do, Jones?” I asked.

“I do not know. Not yet. However, I believe that we can do something. One of the questions some of the chroniclers who agree with me are exploring is the exact nature of these portals.”

The humans in the room exchanged glances, not following, but listening carefully. Lassiter was especially fascinated as he worked out Jones’s own nature. At least realizing the man was not human, after all.

Jones continued, “Your world is unique among our worlds. Indeed, it is unique in all of the known worlds. Yours is the only one where the laws of magic do not exist in their natural state. I do not know why this is so. Yours is a world of science and technology, where your people are extremely short-lived. You are also a very young race compared to the magic-users. The first question we need to answer is what kind of portals are these? Are they portals of magic or of science?”

“Why does that matter?” asked Reo.

“It’s possible that it will help us determine where and when they will occur. Monitor and close the portals that open onto worlds that present a danger to your people. As you know, the elves and others are completely capable of closing the portals. So, we know they respond to magic, but that does not necessarily mean that they
magic. Knowing their nature can help us determine if we need to use your science to predict them, much like your scientists attempt to predict earthquakes and weather patterns. Or if, instead, we should use our magical abilities.”

“Now wait a minute, Jones. We have magic. Those of us who can do things, like the three of us.” Thulu indicated me and Reo.

“I am not convinced of that, Thulu. I think what you, and others like you, can do is a natural outgrowth of your race’s evolution and is based on scientific principles. Let us look at your abilities, for instance. You can tap into the location for anything or anyone. There are only a very few in the magical realm who can do this. You appear to use the actual energy around you to make that contact, using your mind to control it. Non-human finders tap into magical energies. The same with your telepaths, empaths or whatever else versus ours.”

“Jones, that sounds like they just use the same thing,” I protested. “They both use energy.”

“No, La Fi. Make no mistake; magic is different from science. Of course, until very recently, there have been no formal studies other than the casual observations by me and others. I have noticed a distinct difference between the energies used by magical beings and the ones that humans use. Both ultimately can do the same thing; however, they use different power sources. I can sense the power sources and they are indeed nothing alike.”

“Okay, fine.” I said, a bit disgruntled to find I wasn’t magical. Not that I’d even thought about it being different from what the elves did. But I suppose it made sense that supes were not magical. We were supes. “But again, Jones, why does any of this matter?”

“It matters, my dear La Fi, because if it is science, we can look at the physical area this world is traveling through and determine how it is different from the area before. While the galaxy spins slowly and solar systems make their slow march around the galactic core, we should be able to see what is different from where Earth currently is versus where, say, Avalon is. If the power source is indeed different, as I suspect, then we can find what makes it different and attempt to chart when this phase will end. For that we would need our expert astronomers. Perhaps even some of our astrologers, who are quite different from those here on Earth.

“Conversely, if the spontaneous portals are a result of wild magic, then we have experts who can study what has prompted the change. More importantly, if this is indeed magic at work, does it herald an age of magic for humanity? Does it add in new parameters that will affect human evolution into more magical pathways?”

“So you think if it’s science, then there will be no evolutionary change, but if it’s magic then there will be?” Reo asked.

Jones shook his head. “Even if it is science, it could influence a change in humanity to some small degree. Life adapts, after all. But if magic is indeed being introduced to Earth, I believe it will act as a trigger to jumpstart an evolution of magical abilities never before seen in your species. So far, I am not seeing much difference from times past. Humans are using the same power sources they always have. That is why I am leaning toward the scientific explanation. This is all speculation, mind you, based on my studies of humans, as well as my study of magical races.”

“Why couldn’t it be both?” I asked. “Why couldn’t it be that we are traveling through a part of the galaxy that is magical? So our traveling is scientific, but where we are going is magical?”

Jones looked at me for a long moment. “That is possible. To be honest, we had only discussed an either/or situation. We had not thought of the possibility of a melding of the two.” He gave a rueful smile. “Sometimes, I think we have lived too long. As they say, ‘out of the mouths of babes.’ I shall pass on your idea.” He gave me another long look, hands together and fingers steepled. “You have had an uncanny knack for bringing up interesting theories lately, La Fi. Perhaps we should look a bit more closely at your innate abilities.”

“No!” I protested immediately. “No studying me!” I stared at Jones, as I held up an admonishing finger. “Not happening.” My tone was grim, and my voice was very firm and deliberate.

“We do not have laboratories where we lock our subjects up, La Fi,” Jones replied mildly. “Even Sloane could probably discover some things, but let us set that aside for now, shall we?”

“Oh, yes, let’s set it aside. In fact, let’s forget it completely, shall we?” Sarcasm dripped from my tongue as I frowned at Jones, who only laughed and looked away. I changed the subject.

“I have some questions for you, Jones. Why did the portal between your world and Neva close when you went through, and is anyone going to open it back up?”

Jones shook his head. “To answer your last question first, no, the portal has not re-opened, nor is anyone on our side attempting to open it. I doubt that the Light Ones are trying from their side, either. They have enough to contend with as they continue to stabilize their society. Belus said that things have calmed down considerably and they are in the process of getting back on track. The spell worked well.” He smiled at me. “As to why it closed when I went through, we are not certain. It is thought that the portal, which has existed as long as I have been alive, was to be used by Light Ones only. At least that is what we thought since our attempts to close it failed. We have been unable to trace the portal’s origins.”

“What about the daemon rebellion? Was Satorah’s mother part of the plot?” asked Thulu.

“No, her mother was taken along against her will. Satorah held her prisoner, but she was freed soon after Satorah’s death.”

“I felt sorry for her,” I said.

“Well, I have a question myself,” said Lassiter. “How does this all tie together? I mean the mutated daemons and portals openings and magic?”

“Those are the big questions, are they not?” Jones answered. “Are the mutated daemons orchestrating portal openings? Or simply taking advantage of them? Either way, they are extremely dangerous and very powerful. If they are simply taking advantage, as I believe, then we can monitor and guard against them. If they are orchestrating, then we have no way to predict their opening a portal and must take extra special care to find a way to guard your people from them.

“Okay, Jones, we need to talk about these other worlds you mentioned a while ago. You said ‘worlds,’ plural. That sounds like you think there are other dangerous worlds out there besides this one that could get connected to us.” I looked at him steadily.

“The possibility exists, of course. The magical races do not know every world. How could we? The fact that this other world, which we have had no contact with for thousands of years, has connected to Earth is cause for concern. It is a prime example that perhaps we may see connections to other new worlds. It would be natural to see portals to the known magical worlds that have been previously connected to you. However, it is also possible that we will see brand new connections to almost any world. That is, assuming my theory is correct. I would rather be wrong. I would prefer that our mutated brethren turn out to be the cause behind these portals, but I am not optimistic in that hope.”

“Why, Jones? Why do you think it’s random?”

“Because the portals that have been opened are to other worlds. None of the ones that we have seen so far have been to the banished world, although we know one must have opened to allow them through. The banished would have no reason to open portals to these other worlds. Far less reason than what we attributed to Gabriel. And their behavior so far speaks of intelligence and cunning. Whatever they have become, at least some of them are intelligent. Of that we can be sure. There wasn’t a lot of reasoning going on when they were banished, so perhaps they have evolved out of their madness.

“There were some of our people who were not mutated who went with them into banishment. Altruistic types and those who cared too much to let loved ones go. I did not have much hope that they would survive, but it is possible that some of them did.” He paused, obviously preoccupied with the idea of the banished, since he seemed to be gnawing on it, like a bone.

“Anyway, that is what I think. That it is random. That your world is going to be increasingly connected to other worlds. I have talked with Aurelia and Belus and the leaders of the other magical worlds about this. We are all in agreement that the leaders of your world need to be notified. Your people need to be educated and taught to never go through a portal. There is no way to know if the world it connects to is safe. There are many dead worlds out there. I myself have been to lifeless worlds and for a human to attempt to go there would mean immediate death. We may not have many facts to convince your leaders, but we must be prepared as your system passes through this area, assuming that is what is happening. The more I think on this, the more I believe this is what is going on.”

Lassiter spoke up. “How long do you think this will last?”

Jones was silent for several moments. “There is no way to know. I do not know how long this has been going on. At least one year, perhaps as many as one hundred or even two hundred years. There is no way to tell. Not until we identify whatever markers there are to tell us what is causing the portals to open.

“However, that is a topic for others to deal with. My job and yours, if you will assist me, is to identify and stop the banished ones from spreading out on Earth. It has been decided that I should make contact with them. I have also sent a message to my brother, in hopes that some of our chroniclers and masters will also come and lend assistance. The elves, of course, will be looking for others.” He took a long drink of his water.

“I do not think that it is an accident that they are here in San Francisco. I do not believe that it was an accident that they attacked Sloane and Reo or kidnapped another human with supernatural abilities. I believe they are attempting to find out as much as they can about me. I am sure they would very much like to meet up with me, but on their terms.”

“So, they’re after you, Jones?” I asked. “And why, pray tell, is that?” I knew I wasn’t going to like the answer because Jones took his sweet time. We waited, no one saying anything, everyone watching him.

“Because it was my idea to banish them. I am the one who created the portal to their world. I also made sure that world had no portal access to any other worlds. And once they were all through, I am the one who sealed it behind them.”

Lovely. Just lovely.

“I would imagine that they would like to repay me for that.”

“Oh, hell, Jones, whatever gave you that idea?” I asked, sarcastically.

He only smiled ruefully in reply.

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