Polio Wars (107 page)

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Authors: Naomi Rogers

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Henry Haverstock to Dear Sister Kenny, March 18 1950, Henry W. Haverstock, 1942–1951, MHS-K.

“Bill Lets Sister Kenny Come and Go at Will”
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
February 8 1950; Cohn “Sister Kenny … Back in the Battle Again;” “Sister Kenny Gets Privileges”
New York Times
February 12 1950. Kenny had organized a series of petitions asking the Secretary of State to give her such a visa months earlier, and gained the support of Minnesota Senator Democrat Hubert Humphrey and Congressman Republican Walter Judd; see “Humphrey Would Waive Visas for Sister Kenny”
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
June 10 1949; “Gives Sister Kenny Key to U.S. Forever”
New York Journal-American
September 28 1949; E. J. Huenkens et al. to Dear Sir [Secretary of State], May 10 1949, Minnesota-Hospitals, 1944–1961, Sister Kenny Institute, Judd Papers, MHS.

Cohn “Sister Kenny … Back in the Battle Again.”

Mildred Strunk “The Quarter's Polls”
Public Opinion Quarterly
(Summer 1950) 14: 380. Eleanor Roosevelt received 32%, Kenny 3%, Clare Booth Luce also 3%, and Helen Keller and Madame Chiang Kai-shek both 2%; George Gallup “Eleanor Roosevelt Is Voted The Most Admired Woman” [unnamed newspaper] January 25 1950, Misc. Collections, MHS-K.

Harris Shevelson [editor,
Pageant Magazine
] to Dear Sister Kenny, March 2 1950, General Correspondence-P, MHS-K; Mary Margaret McBride in [transcript] Radio Reports, Inc. “Sister Kenny Given Pageant Magazine Award,” General Correspondence-P, MHS-K.

See Alexander
, 181–182; Eleanor Roosevelt “My Day: March 13 1950”
, accessed 6/20/2013.

“The Lord Helps Those …”
(February 21 1949) 53: 96. The Kerr Glass Manufacturing Company was one of the top 3 manufacturers of canning jars in the 1940s.

Mrs. Alexander H. Kerr to Dear Sister Kenny, March 9 1950, Ruth Home, 1950, MHS-K; “Ruth Home Proposed as First Kenny Permanent Center for Polio in West”
Los Angeles Times
May 15 1950; Kenny “Ruth Home-Elizabeth Kenny Institute,” October 25 1950, Ruth Home 1950, MHS-K; Kenny “Report to the Board of the Directors of the Sister Elizabeth Kenny Foundation,” September 1 1950; [Cohn interview with] Ivar Anderson, May 19 1955, Cohn Papers, MHS-K; [Cohn another interview with] Harvey Billig, April 20 1955, Cohn Papers, MHS-K; “Kenny Hospital Drive Extended to June 17”
Los Angeles Times
June 4 1950.

“Hundreds See El Monte Polio Hospital Facility”
Los Angeles Times
May 21 1950; Kenny “Report to the Board of the Directors of the Sister Elizabeth Kenny Foundation,” September 1 1950; Kenny “Ruth Home-Elizabeth Kenny Institute,” October 25 1950; “Ruth Home Proposed as First Kenny Permanent Center for Polio in West.”

“Sister Kenny Attends Polio Hospital Opening”
Los Angeles Times
August 25 1950.

“Sister Kenny Given Cottage at El Monte”
Los Angeles Times
October 9 1950; Hedda Hopper “Looking at Hollywood: Kaye Sought for Lead in Life of Famed Clown”
Chicago Daily Tribune
October 9 1950.

[Cohn interview with] Robert Bingham, May 19 1955, Cohn Papers, MHS-K; on the “ladies” of El Monte who had “worked day and night painting, scrubbing, making curtains, and decorating the home, just as they thought Sister Kenny would like it,” see Hedda Hopper “Dickens' Clown Story Aimed at Danny Kaye”
Los Angeles Times
October 9 1950.

Kenny to Dear Sir [James W. Johnson], July 31 1950, General Correspondence-J, MHS-K; “Miss Kenny's Offer Declined by State”
New York Times
August 2 1950.

Kenny to Dear Doctor O'Hanlon, December 15 1950, Jersey City Medical Center, 1944–1950, MHS-K; Currier McEwen to Sister Elizabeth Kenny [telegram], May [1951], New York City, 1942–1951, MHS-K; Kenny to Dear Mr. Kline, October 19 1951, Marvin L. Kline, 1942–1959, MHS-K.

[Cohn interview with] Pete Gazzola, August 25 1953.

Willis Russell “Among the New Words”
American Speech
(December 1953) 28: 296; “Berle Cancer ‘Telethon' May Produce $1,250,000”
Hartford Courant
April 11 1949. See also Frank Sturcken
Live Television: The Golden Age of 1946–1958 in New York
(Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 1990), 46–61; “Cerebral Palsy Program of National Society for Crippled Summarized”
American Journal of Public Health
(October 1949) 39: 1353; “Palsy Association to Raise $1,034,000”
New York Times
October 16 1949; Richard Carter
The Gentle Legions
(Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1961), 208.

“Kenny Fund Appeal Televised”
New York Times
December 26 1949; Marie McNair “Flaming Birthday Cake Surprises the Hostess At Alf Heiberg's Party”
Washington Post
September 25 1950. A 14-hour telecast “Celebrity Parade for Cerebral Palsy” with TV commentators from every network rotating as guest masters of ceremony was broadcast in December 1951, the same month as a similar program was broadcast from the Jersey City Armory to benefit the KF; both featured show business celebrities along with local and state politicians, physicians, and businessmen; Sidney Lohman “News and Notes of Television and Radio”
New York Times
December 2 1951.

[Cohn interview with] Mrs. Florence A. Rowe, August 26 1953, Cohn Papers, MHS-K. On the growing use of television by medical societies see “Television Broadcast”
New York State Journal of Medicine
(April 15 1950) 50: 1031; “Television Program in Color”
New York State Journal of Medicine
(April 1 1952) 52: 836.

“Television Highlights”
Washington Post
September 30 1950; D. Randall MacCarroll to Gentleman [National Broadcasting Co.], [n.d.], General Correspondence–M, MHS-K; “Sister Kenny”
Long Beach Independent
October 26 1949; Dorothy Doan to Dear Sister Kenny, July 19 1950, General Correspondence-C, MHS-K.

Kenny to Dear Mr. Sullivan, September 1 1949, General Correspondence—S, MHS-K. This was the second season of the show.

F. A. Rowe to Dear Miss Curtis, September 6 1949, Dorothy Curtis, MHS-K.

A Kenny fundraiser had featured an episode of Martha Rountree's show “Leave It to the Girls” that was televised “nationally”; McNair “Flaming Birthday Cake Surprises the Hostess At Alf Heiberg's Party”; see also She Made It: Martha Rountree, Paley Center for Media
, accessed June 12 2013.

Dorothy Ducas from KBA Memorandum Re: Kenny Broadcast, October 16 1950, Public Relations, MOD-K.

[Transcript] “Meet The Press—WNBT—Sunday, October 1 1950,” Public Relations, MOD-K.

Dorothy Ducas from KBA Memorandum Re: Kenny Broadcast, October 16 1950.

Roland Berg to Dear Frank [Carey], April 26 1951.

“Farm Bureau Group Names Conciliators: Women Act To Heal Polio Discord”
St Paul Pioneer Press
January 18 1949; Kenny “Concerning the Extension of My Work in the State of California” [1949].

Kenny to Dear Mr. Dayton, March 14 1950, James Henry, 1943–1951, MHS-K. She referred to the transference of $80,000 from Mrs. Oberhoffer from herself to the KF.

“Leaflets Puzzle Area”
New York Times
September 7 1950.

“California Speaks”
[Perris, California] Progress
November 3 1949.

[Transcript] Radio Reports, Inc. “Sister Kenny Given Pageant Magazine Award,” [1950], General Correspondence-P, MHS-K.

Mrs. Jean-Pierre Millon to Dear Sister Kenny, January 6 1949 [1950], Knickerbocker Ball, 1948–1950, MHS-K; “Resume [of Activities] October 13 1949,” [enclosed with] Milton Hood Ward to Dear Sister, October 13 1949, Knickerbocker Ball 1948–1950, MHS-K.

“New Clinic Opened For Polio Victims”
New York Times
November 17 1950; Kenny to the President And Members of the Board of Directors, December 15 1950; Kenny To The National Board of the Elizabeth Kenny Foundation Memorandum Re: The Situation in the State of New York [1950], Board of Directors, MHS-K; “Kenny Benefit Ball Tonight”
New York Times
December 2 1950; “Ball Helps Sister Kenny Fund”
New York Times
December 2 1950; “Tells of $250,000 Drive For Kenny Institute Here”
New York Times
August 14 1950.

Kenny to Dear Mr. Crosby, November 30 1950; Kenny to Dear Mr. Shur, [Bertram Shur, Mrs. Madden's attorney], April 27 1951, James Henry, 1943–1951, MHS-K.

Kenny to the President And Members of the Board of Directors, December 15 1950.

John Nyberg “Sister Kenny Bids Adieu to Minneapolis”
Minneapolis Star
[December 1950], Public Relations, MOD-K; Kenny to Gentlemen [Mayor and Aldermen, City of Minneapolis], December 15 1950, Minneapolis, 1943–1950, MHS-K; “Sister Kenny Returning Home”
New York Times
December 6 1950; Kenny to the President And Members of the Board of Directors, December 15 1950.

“Sister Kenny Embarks For Native Australia”
Sunday Sun
December 17 1950, Public Relations, MOD-K; “Sister Kenny Departs”
New York Times
December 17 1950; Kenny to Dear Mr. Crosby, November 30 1950; Kenny to the President And Members of the Board of Directors, December 15 1950; John Nyberg “Sister Kenny Bids Adieu to Minneapolis”
Minneapolis Star
[December 1950], Public Relations, MOD-K.

[Transcript] “Conversation Between Sister Kenny and Mr. Marvin Kline, November 29 1950,” Marvin L. Kline, 1942–1959, MHS-K.

Kenny to Dear Mr. Crosby, November 30 1950; Kenny to Dear Doctor Stevens, December 29 1950; Kenny to Dear Mr. Dayton, January 31 1950.

Kenny to Dear Mrs. Horton, April 28 1951, Henry Papers, MHS; “Sister Kenny in Australia”
New York Times
February 2 1951.

Kenny to Dear Mrs. Horton, April 28 1951; “Sister Kenny Sees Polio Patients”
Toowoomba Chronicle
March 17 1951; Kenny to Dear Mona and Belle, November 12 1951, James Henry, 1943–1951, MHS-K; “Sister Kenny At Home in Australia”
Minneapolis Sunday Tribune
August 26 1951.

Kenny to Dear Mr. Haverstock, May 17 1951, Henry W. Haverstock, MHS-K.

Kenny to Dear Mr. Haverstock, April 6 1951.

Kenny to Dear Mrs. Madden, January 1 1951, New York City, 1942–1951, MHS-K.

Kenny “Why I Left America”
Woman's Home Companion
(March 1951), 78: 38–39, 77–78, 80.

Kenny “Why I Left America,” 38.

“Sister Kenny”
[Sydney] People Magazine
June 20 1951, 3.

“Sister Kenny,” 3–4, 7.

Pearl Baldock (Mrs. R. G. Baldock) to Dear Mrs. Sterne, June 2 1949, General Correspondence-B, MHS-K.

“Establishment of Sister Kenny Clinics Long Overdue”
Warwick Daily News
July 13 1951, Wilson Collection; [Minutes] Public Meeting Held in the City Hall Theatre on Monday November 24 1952, at 8 p.m., Kenny Collection, Box 2, Fryer Library.

Sayre [1951] in Julie McDonald
Ruth Buxton Sayre: First Lady of the Farm
(Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1980), 118. Sayre was on a trip to 17 countries in 13 weeks, including New Zealand and Australia; McDonald
Ruth Buxton Sayre
, 115–118.

Kenny to Dear Mr. Shur, April 27 1951; Kenny to Dear Mrs. Madden, July 13 1951, James Henry, 1943–1951, MHS-K; Kenny to Dear Friend [Laruelle], May 30 1951, Dr. Leon Laruelle, 1945–1951, MHS-K.

Ruth Buxton Sayre

“Sister Kenny Sees Polio Patients”
Toowoomba Chronicle
March 17 1951; “Request to Minister on Sister Kenny Concept”
Toowoomba Chronicle
June 13 1951.

“Minutes of Meeting Held Toowoomba: Conference Called by Sister Elizabeth Kenny at Request of Interested Groups and Individuals Throughout Australia and Elsewhere,” August 4 1951, Kenny Collection, Box 2, Fryer Library. Sterne became the formal secretary of the new KF International Australia Branch; “Establishment of Sister Kenny Clinics Long Overdue”; “[Minutes] Public Meeting Held in the City Hall Theatre on Monday November 24 1952.”

“Minutes of Meeting Held Toowoomba,” August 4 1951. The group raised 200 pounds, which, they agreed, following Kenny's lead, would not be used to pay the salaries of any “paid officials.”

“Minutes of Public Meeting Called By “International Organisation [sic] For Combating Poliomyelitis”: Held October 24, 1951,” Kenny Collection, Box 2, Fryer Library.

“Sister Kenny,” 3; “Sister Kenny in Australia”
New York Times
February 2 1951.

Kenny to Dear Mr. Haverstock, April 6 1951.

J. J. Nye to Dear Sister Kenny, November 3 1951, Kenny Collection, Box 16, Fryer Library; Mrs. R. G. [Pearl] Baldock to Dear Dr. Pye, May 21 1951, Kenny Collection, Box 16, Fryer Library.

Kenny, letter to editor, “Sister Kenny Still Working, She Writes From Australia”
Minneapolis Sunday Tribune
April 8 1951.

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