Poe (3 page)

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Authors: Brett Battles

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Through it all the gym had remained a constant.

The original owner had been an old fighter named Marty “Ace” Ackerman. Marty had never gotten close to a title fight, but had seen plenty of champions either on their way up or their spiral back down—much like the neighborhood, Alex had often thought—and had died at the ripe old age of eighty-six, right there in the gym.

He’d left the place to its longtime manager, Hans Emerick. Emerick himself was getting up there in age, but he still showed up every day, and was more than willing to train Alex whenever she asked.

“Speed bag,” he said the moment she walked in. “Fifteen minutes. Then crunches. Five hundred.”

His German accent was still thick after all these years in the States. He was a refugee of the Cold War, a promising East German weightlifter who’d escaped through one of the tunnels under the Berlin Wall, something he almost never talked about.

“Ancient history,” he’d say, if anyone brought it up.

Alex was the only exception. In her he seemed to see some sort of kindred spirit, and had given her a glimpse of what his life had once been and how terrified he was the night he snuck into the West.

“You have not known fear,” he told her, “until you’ve been alone in the dark and either freedom or death is only a few footsteps away.”

Alex had never argued the point.

Just hearing about it was frightening enough.

Changing into her workout clothes, she wrapped her hands in tape, and headed out to the bag. Within the first few seconds, she could feel her tension begin to drain away. This was exactly what she needed, something to get her blood moving again. Push out the toxins and soak in the fresh oxygen.

Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. The rhythm slow at first, then speeding up to her normal pace. Sweat beaded along her hairline and down her jaw as the knot in her stomach started to loosen.

This was good. Really good.

Emerick let her know when the fifteen minutes were up by clapping his hands twice and saying, “Crunches.”

She hit the bag one last time, then moved over to the floor and began torturing her abdomen. She had counted to two hundred twenty-one, grunting with each crunch, when the buzzer at the far end of the room went off.

Someone had entered the lobby.

Emerick, who had been sweeping the area around the boxing ring as Alex worked, leaned his broom against the ropes and went to see who it was.

Alex passed crunch number three sixteen when Emerick came back inside, accompanied by two other men. She assumed they were clients, and didn’t pay them any attention.

Three thirty-five. Three thirty-six. Three thirty-seven. Three thirty-eight.


Three thirty-nine.

She slowed slightly on three forty, and looked over.

“Someone here to see you,” Emerick said.

She shifted her gaze to the man standing next to him.

Jason McElroy.

Son of a bitch.

The suit was dark blue today and he was carrying a briefcase, but he wasn’t wearing a tie, maybe in deference to his surroundings. He took a few steps toward her, his buddy remaining back by the door to the lobby.

“Good morning, Ms. Poe.”

Ignoring him, Alex picked up her pace again.
Three forty-one. Three forty-two. Three forty-three.

She kept going, right through four hundred and all the way up to five, before she finally stopped. Lying back on the mat, she allowed herself to catch her breath, then hopped to her feet.

“Okay, what next?” she asked Emerick.

He thought for a moment. “Medicine ball.”

With a nod, she moved over to where they kept the heavy, oversized ball, picked it up, and acknowledged McElroy’s presence for the first time. “You catch.”

He blinked at her. “What?”

“I throw. You catch.”

“Uh, okay.”

As McElroy turned to set his briefcase down, Alex tossed the ball. Sensing the movement, he swung his arms around and up just in time to catch it before it slammed into his hip.

Alex motioned with her fingers. “Come on. Throw it back.”

McElroy tested the heft of the ball, and heaved it in her direction. In a single, continuous motion, Alex caught it and sent it back.

“I was hoping we might have that chat now,” he said.

She nodded at the ball. “Keep it going.”

As he threw it back, he said, “I realize you’ve been contacted by others from my organization in the past.”

Alex made another smooth catch and return. Catching it again, McElroy grunted under his breath. “I know that whatever it was they were asking of you, you turned it down.”

“The ball.”

“Can’t we just talk first?”

She stared at him for a second, then looked at Emerick. “Next?”

Before Emerick could reply, the man who’d been standing by the door said, “I’ll toss with you.”

Alex had ignored him earlier, assuming he was simply there to make McElroy look more important. But as he walked toward them, she realized he was more than that.

She knew him.

At one time, she had known him well.

Shane Cooper

“How you doing, Alex?”

She shot a look at McElroy. “Are you kidding me? Is bringing him along supposed to give you an edge? Is that what you think?”

“I tried to tell him it wouldn’t work,” Cooper said as he picked up the ball. “But you know suits. They never listen.”

He threw it at Alex with more force than McElroy had even come close to achieving. She caught it and returned it equally hard. They continued the back and forth, neither holding the ball for more than a few seconds before sending it off again.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Cooper said.

“What question was that?”

“How you’re doing?”

“I’m fine.”

“Me, too.”

“I didn’t ask.”

He smiled. “I know.” He tossed the ball back to her. “You’re looking pretty good. Maybe a little angrier than before.”

“My mood depends on the company.”


They silently tossed for a couple of minutes.

Cooper finally said, “It
good to see you.”

This time when she caught the ball, she dropped it to the ground and looked at Emerick. “Next.”

“I have an idea,” Cooper said.

As she started to scowl, he glanced at the boxing ring then back at her. “How about it?”

She stared at him, then shrugged as a short, disdainful laugh escaped her lips. “Your funeral.”

While Alex was more than willing to get into the ring with only gloves on, Emerick insisted they both wear headgear and mouth guards. He also loaned Cooper some shorts, shoes, and a T-shirt.

“This is a waste of time,” McElroy said as Alex and Cooper climbed into the ring.

“No one said you needed to stay,” Cooper told him.

Alex stifled a smile. She couldn’t help liking the fact that Cooper had talked back to McElroy. His willingness to speak his mind even in front of superiors was one of the traits she’d always appreciated. It was good to see he hadn’t lost that.

“Four rounds. One minute each,” Emerick said.

“Two minutes,” Alex told him.

Emerick frowned. “Ninety seconds. Remember, liebchen, this is my gym.”

Alex pounded her gloved fists together and nodded. Ninety seconds it was.

They went through the ritual of a quick glove tap in the center of the ring, then separated. Once they were ready, Emerick rang the bell.

Typically, the first several seconds would be spent circling and jabbing, testing each other’s defenses. But Alex wasn’t in the mood for that. She moved to the middle, making it look like she was going to do the expected, then as soon as Cooper was in range, she let loose a surprise left hook.

He saw it at the last second, and pivoted his right arm to block it, but he was too late. Her blow landed solidly against the head pad that lay across his cheek.

As he staggered sideways, she knew she should move in for the kill, but she held back, not wanting to end it so quickly.

He laughed. “So that’s how you want it, huh?” He raised his gloves again. “All right. Let’s go.”

Through the rest of the first round and all of the second, neither was able to land anything more than glancing blows.

In the third, however, Cooper snuck in a shot to her ribs that nearly knocked the air out of her. But Alex refused to show any weakness, and came at him with a flurry of punches that forced him back against the ropes. If the bell hadn’t rung, she was sure she would have had him.

Both fighters were breathing deeply as the final round started. Clothes drenched in sweat, they met in the middle again, their fists held at the ready.

Jabs one way, and the other, all harmlessly knocked away.

As Alex searched for an opening that would allow her to make solid contact, she could sense the seconds ticking off the clock. She didn’t want the fight to end this way, not dancing around like this.

She feinted a punch to his stomach, then pulled back, ready to swing at his head, but he’d anticipated the move and left no clear shot. She tried it again, and had the same results.

On her third attempt, she didn’t fake a stomach punch, but instead jabbed straight at Cooper’s face with her right, and swung another left hook at the side of his head.

Right before her blow landed, he shot a fist up at her now unprotected torso. She hit him a split second before he hit her. Cooper’s blow sent Alex backpedaling several feet, while hers knocked him to the mat.

She winced in pain, her ribs undoubtedly bruised, and looked over at Cooper.

“Get up.”

He slowly pushed himself up. “That felt good, didn’t it?”

“Oh, yeah,” she said, ignoring the pain radiating from her ribs.

“You still pack a pretty good punch. I was worried maybe you’d dropped off a bit.”


“This is the part where you compliment my skills.”

A smirk. “I know.”

“Still Alex, I see.” He took a breath. “Again? Or are we done?”

“If you’re worn out, we can be done.”

“Oh, I’m not worn out at all.”

But as they raised their gloves, the bell rang.

“You’re done,” Emerick said. “Both of you.”

Cooper held the ropes open so Alex could climb out first. She contemplated letting herself out on another side, but decided to accept the offer. Cooper wasn’t a bad guy. There were just some things that were hard to forget.

With Emerick’s help, she removed her gloves and pulled off her headgear as McElroy stepped toward her. “So, can we talk now?”

“Don’t need to,” she said. “Whatever you’re asking, my answer’s no.”

“Ms. Poe, I have some information I’m pretty sure you’ll want to hear.”

“And I’m pretty sure I don’t. But thanks for bringing Cooper by. Haven’t had a workout like that in a while.”

She started for the women’s locker room.

“It’s about your father.”

She stopped, and slowly turned back. “Don’t you dare screw with me, asshole, or I will put you in the ground.”

“We have news about him.”


McElroy smiled. “We know where he is.”

Chapter Four

Bay City Coffee and Treats was one of the recent additions to the neighborhood. It was half a block down the street from the gym in a building that, until recently, had been abandoned for years. Now, the upper floors had been turned into lofts, while a flower shop and a candle store rounded out the businesses on the ground level.

Once they took a table outside, Cooper went in to order their coffee, leaving McElroy and Alex alone.

She said, “All right, you’ve got me here. Where is he?”

McElroy glanced at the front door. “Maybe we should wait until—”

is he?”

A slight hesitation, then, “Yalta.”


“Yes,” McElroy said with a nod. “At least he was a week ago.”

“A week ago.”


“So he’s not there now.”

McElroy hesitated again. “We can’t confirm that.”

“So you lied to me when you told me you knew where he was.” She got to her feet. “I should have figured as much.”

McElroy jumped up.

“Not lied,” he said quickly. He was trying for a smile but it came off more like a desperate grimace. “Stretched the truth a bit. But we know where he
been. And recently, at that.”

Alex was tempted to walk away right then, but the truth was, even if it had been a week since her father was last seen, that was more information than she’d had in over a decade.

She remained standing. “What was he doing there?”

“Meeting with someone.”


McElroy scoffed. “No, of course not. We don’t meet with…” The words died on his lips as he seemed to realize what he was about to say.

“With who?”

“It’s not important.”

“I think it is. You were going to say traitors, weren’t you?”

He remained silent, confirming what she thought.

She studied him a moment then sat back down. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I assume it’s something you’d like to know,” he said, sinking into his chair.

“Don’t even pretend this is a gesture of goodwill. What do you want from me?”

A bell tinkled as the shop door opened and Cooper exited holding three cups of coffee. He placed two on the table and kept one for himself as he sat in the empty seat.

When the others didn’t pick up their drinks, he glanced between them. “I take it you’ve been talking about Raven?”

Alex’s brow furrowed. “Raven?”

“Stonewell’s code name for your father.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, that’s cute.”

Cooper shrugged. “I tried to get them to call you Corvus Mellori, but nobody would bite.”

“Corvus what?”

“Little Raven.”

She eyed him dully. “I think I may puke.”

He gestured to her coffee. “So drink up. It’ll do you good.”

During this exchange, McElroy leaned down, opened his briefcase, and pulled out a white, nine-by-twelve envelope. From inside he slid out a photo and set it on the table in front of Alex.

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